The Isolated Blurt Thread XXXVII: You're Welcome, Fuckers

So I guess my barber is starting to get anxiety when he drives because of his age. So I have that to look forward too i guess as I age.
Knowing that, is it an option to drive to them for a cut - at least in good weather where you could sit outside?
Thanks for the recco.
It's normal to have 44 different teas in my cabinet, right?
I resemble that remark. :LOL: Of course all of mine are almost all herbal. Still - boxes and bags all over the cabinets. Plus strainers and empty tea bags for loose tea and pots and mugs and cups. Wow - very seen.

What's next on today's agenda?
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uncovered the potatoes and carrots from the hay i covered them with yesterday for a frost warning. The carrots had just begun to show, bad timing! So had the first sunflower baby leaves, so i didn't want to lose them to frost. Glad we collected up as much hay last summer as we did!

anyway, they all survived, and i left the hay in the potato beds with just the plants showing, then managed to get through covering half of that with soil from the digging out, earthing up the plants as i went. Back's been bad since easter and is almost better so decided to stop when it started getting noisy in its complaining. Do the rest tomorrow, then i'll get to potting on all the corn into bigger pots from Monday when it'll be all rainy.

We've had so much heavy rain this spring that it's caused a fair bit of erosion: the tops of big boulders poking out that weren't last year and a litter of small ones all over... means picking them up into a wheelbarrow before we mow or they'll become missiles :eek:
There is absolutely nothing redeeming or noteworthy about Steely Dan. They have contributed absolutely nothing to music. If their whole discography were wiped from existence nothing would be lost.
No I mean he is getting it from traffic. He finds it wierd and annoying.
I was worried thinking that driving was causing so much anxiety that it was impacting his livelihood.
I'm in the "traffic is annoying" club. Full member!
There is absolutely nothing redeeming or noteworthy about Steely Dan. They have contributed absolutely nothing to music. If their whole discography were wiped from existence nothing would be lost.
Go ahead, say what you're really thinking.
I drive into work at 6:20a to 6:30a and have no traffic issues. I've been stupid and waited an hour and the traffic to the local middle school is insane. Plus, those visitors to my neighborhood think traffic laws don't pertain to them. It's easiest just to avoid that time of day.
I drive into work at 6:20a to 6:30a and have no traffic issues. I've been stupid and waited an hour and the traffic to the local middle school is insane. Plus, those visitors to my neighborhood think traffic laws don't pertain to them. It's easiest just to avoid that time of day.
I leave at 6:42 and I'm at work, flopped in my chair and tying my boots by 6:50. I had a job that went to work at 8am. I prefer the 8 start time, but we have 2 middle schools and a high school at my light to get to work. It's hell! Summers are nice though.
Holey Moley
The carpoolee has offered to drive today!
Sweet - and now pressed for time.
Ciao, bellas...
There's fog on the horizon to the west and north. Clear sky above. Might be a good day for a trip on the closest National Scenic Byway.
my cat has been on an asshole rampage ever since i took the paper towels away from him. he’s been knocking everything off the counters and shelves. he got into the linen closet and knocked the towels out. he sat on the mail and started eating it. i’m also pretty sure he stole my glasses.
my cat has been on an asshole rampage ever since i took the paper towels away from him. he’s been knocking everything off the counters and shelves. he got into the linen closet and knocked the towels out. he sat on the mail and started eating it. i’m also pretty sure he stole my glasses.
I giggled for 20 seconds reading this...
my cat has been on an asshole rampage ever since i took the paper towels away from him. he’s been knocking everything off the counters and shelves. he got into the linen closet and knocked the towels out. he sat on the mail and started eating it. i’m also pretty sure he stole my glasses.
sounds like he's bored since you took away his prime 'toy' interest

you're gonna have to find something else to replace it. did your mog like grabbing on and shredding them with its hind legs? ritual disembowelment :D you can make a sausage shape grab toy he can do the same with, add in a little catnip maybe? either that or introduce other 'prey' toys they might enjoy. The paper towels obviously had something about the shape, size and payoff in shredability that catered to the cat's need to kill.
so i did get the rest of the spuds earthed up, and repotted the majority of the corn. H got some mowing done and now we've rain for most the week but that's okay... saves me watering what's out there, fills up my watering buckets for the potted stuff, and the carrots should get away well so long as the rain's gentle enough not to smoosh the tender fronds.