The Isolated Blurt Thread XXX: Well Endowed Cock Sleeves

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Tonight, I realized that I need to come to terms with the fact that Leo is probably gone. It's all my fault. I was supposed to protect him and it's my fault, the fire was all my fault.

People say, "oh it's only a cat." I wish I could feel that way but he is so special to me. I loved that cat with every fiber of my heart and he loved me.

How do I be ok with losing him when it is my fault?
Pink, I am so sorry. I know that feeling well.
But I also had a cat come home after weeks. It's hard to keep up hope.
But if your cat doesn't make it back home, please know it's not your fault.
Tonight I learned my mother is more proficient with the Twitter than I am (and has more followers). Retirement has done strange things.....
Pink, I am so sorry. I know that feeling well.
But I also had a cat come home after weeks. It's hard to keep up hope.
But if your cat doesn't make it back home, please know it's not your fault.

Thanks, Rainy, so much. I wish I could truly feel that way. Right now, the guilt is overwhelming. I ran in the house to try to save the kitties, I did.

I'm sorry everyone. I keep posting about Leo, I'm just hurting.
Pink, my heart breaks for you. It was an accident, whether it was your cause or something else, it's an accident. Try to stop beating yourself up. I hope that he comes back home to you, but if not you tried your best and that is what you can do. :rose:
Thanks, Rainy, so much. I wish I could truly feel that way. Right now, the guilt is overwhelming. I ran in the house to try to save the kitties, I did.

I'm sorry everyone. I keep posting about Leo, I'm just hurting.

Don't apologize! You're hurting - if posting helps then do it. My heart breaks for you. I keep hoping that with time Leo reappears. :rose:
Pink, my heart breaks for you. It was an accident, whether it was your cause or something else, it's an accident. Try to stop beating yourself up. I hope that he comes back home to you, but if not you tried your best and that is what you can do. :rose:

Don't apologize! You're hurting - if posting helps then do it. My heart breaks for you. I keep hoping that with time Leo reappears. :rose:

Thank you both so much.

I don't know if I posted that Lily survived the fire. She never left the house, we found her the next day.

She came out hopping and playing, my daughter and I couldn't believe she lived through the smoke.

Leo was seen running from the house by my neighbor. I had left the front door open so they could get out. I never thought he'd leave the yard.

The whole situation is just fucked.

Thanks again, everyone for your kind words.
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