The Isolated Blurt Thread XLIII : Pointless Pining for Vagina of Brie

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That's because you're an asshole who alligns himself with sexist assholes.

Not too hard to figure that one out Einstein

that's not why i don't listen to him. i mean, he is an asshole, but he's also painfully stupid. i mean, it's possible it's an act, but, well, mother night, yo.
I gave the dog a bone. But he's had pre-meds, and keeps falling asleep mid-chew.
that's not why i don't listen to him. i mean, he is an asshole, but he's also painfully stupid. i mean, it's possible it's an act, but, well, mother night, yo.

Really now mr pointless opinion? And we're just supposed to believe your one liners on it?
that's not why i don't listen to him. i mean, he is an asshole, but he's also painfully stupid. i mean, it's possible it's an act, but, well, mother night, yo.

I can't disagree.

But I don't think it's an act. I think it's genuinely him.
Why are you getting zapped? :eek:
To atone for a life of sin.

Can you bring a metronome?
The goal is that I'll leave with one.

It's cardioversion, a heart reset / jumpstart. I'll hopefully have a regular pulse again soon, and strength. Deep afib has me almost too exhausted to function.

More zaps are upcoming. Soon the retinologist will zap my remaining eye with a sizzling laser. (Traditional label: WARNING - Do Not Look Into Laser With Remaining Eye.) It's weird; I can see to drive, but barely to walk or keyboard.

Then, when they catch up with me, it's the electric chair. I'll pretend it's a vibra-lounge. ZAP!
To atone for a life of sin.

The goal is that I'll leave with one.

It's cardioversion, a heart reset / jumpstart. I'll hopefully have a regular pulse again soon, and strength. Deep afib has me almost too exhausted to function.

More zaps are upcoming. Soon the retinologist will zap my remaining eye with a sizzling laser. (Traditional label: WARNING - Do Not Look Into Laser With Remaining Eye.) It's weird; I can see to drive, but barely to walk or keyboard.

Then, when they catch up with me, it's the electric chair. I'll pretend it's a vibra-lounge. ZAP!

I wish you and your heart good luck. :heart::heart:
'She says one time he made her sit with him for three hours watching shark week. Another time he had her spank him with a Forbes magazine.'

The anonymous consultant told Mother Jones that Daniels told him the magazine she used had Trump on the cover.

Trump was featured on the cover of a Fall 2006 issue of Forbes, pictured with two of his children, Donald Jr. and Ivanka.


'We had really good banter. He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,' Daniels rold the tabloid in a story that In Touch released this week, on the heels of other news reports about the president and the adult entertainer.

Eew. :(
Garbage in, garbage out. Where is my promised, lovely, soothing thaw-out ? I suppose that I should be grateful for above freezing.
The basic bitches are meant to waste your time and drain you. It's a new year. Swat the gnat and move on, never get stuck in the mire.
The basic bitches are meant to waste your time and drain you. It's a new year. Swat the gnat and move on, never get stuck in the mire.

Note to self: Get with Zumi to see what qualifies as a “basic bitch” and avoid being one.
Fuck yes! Looks like I could be done with California as soon as February 1st or 5th.
Agreed. They seem to be stuck in the past.

In this era of whatever happiness-sapping fuckery we're living in, I've been re-focusing on how I use my quality time. It really helps, cutting out the go-nowhere daily brick walls that are presented as options of engagement, but are just clutter in fact.

Note to self: Get with Zumi to see what qualifies as a “basic bitch” and avoid being one.

You know 'em when you smell 'em. They tend to be mega cornball. ;)

You know he's going to stop reading at this point ... Note to self: Get with Zumi

haha.. kidding.

heh heh. That wouldn't be a bad way to go out, though. :D
I've been re-focusing on how I use my quality time.

you know, the maintenance guys here are all pretty decent, but there's one dude who i just can never figure out when he's done talking. it's fucking maddening. he's nice and he seems to do a good job, but it's just really hard talking to him. i had to disconnect from the conversation three times and then start walking away before he finally fucked off.

and still i feel bad, but he's really not a bad guy (as far as i can tell), but, man... what the fuck?
oh, great. the fan of killing children for living in the wrong neighborhood is back. yay.
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