The Isolated Blurt BDSM Thread

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I'd just like to take this opportunity to give a big "fuck you" shoutout to cancer.

Because I know it reads these boards and all.
Needed: Good old fashioned village stoning.

Or getting stoned.

My aim is nothing to be proud of.
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned.

ETA: I just realized that I really do miss getting stoned.

Come light up with me and IA. I bet we would have a fuckava good time. Also, puncrazy.


My aim is nothing to be proud of.

Practice! Help me tie down the fucker and we'll beat his skull in with a big rock, then piss kerosene into his cranial fluid and light it.

Quoted for truth.


I hate the fucker. I wish I could get him to take human form for a half hour. I would put a beating on him worthy of UFC.

Oooo...Ooooo....Mr. Kott-air! Count me in, too!
(and never would I put you on iggy ~ vent away!)

Good. We need you. FUCK. YOU. Cancer. Now eat brainrocks.

word. wish it would take a flying leap.




I like the unanimity here. Cancer is getting zero support. Hear that, cancer??? Fucking ZERO!! People HATE you. You are despised.

I would try valiantly to prove how everyone else is wrong, but I have to agree...I kinda hate me too.

This is bullshit. I like you. I usually have good taste, too.
Maybe cancer just needs a hug...

i don't know though, that just sounds like a tarbaby waiting to happen, and lord knows I've had enough of those in my life.

Cancer will just have to go find it's hug somewhere else.

like in hell? Maybe a big ol' bear hug from Aldolf?
Maybe cancer just needs a hug...

i don't know though, that just sounds like a tarbaby waiting to happen, and lord knows I've had enough of those in my life.

Cancer will just have to go find it's hug somewhere else.

Oh pleeeeeease don't throw me in that chemo patch, B'rer Cancer!
Sometimes the up and down sides of decisions weigh so similarly that an 8 ball seems as good a method as any. But I can't seem to find mine, so maybe I should sit down for a very serious session of eeny meany miney mo with tigers and toes and just let go of deciding.
***Men: This is a women's issues post. You have been warned.****

Ugh, cramps. The last two weeks, I've felt like someone's been stabbing in the goddamned ovary with an ice pick. I actually started yesterday evening, and I only slept about 6 hours last night because I hurt so freaking bad.

So I gave up and took a Lorcet about 30 minutes ago, which is something I rarely do because opioids make me a little manic. I'd give my right arm for a couple of Percocets instead, but beggars can't be choosers. I will instead be grateful that the pain will be numbed a little, and I'll ride the hypomanic high in order to get my work done today. Luckily, the brain weirdness will wear off when the pill does.

In the meantime...WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes the up and down sides of decisions weigh so similarly that an 8 ball seems as good a method as any. But I can't seem to find mine, so maybe I should sit down for a very serious session of eeny meany miney mo with tigers and toes and just let go of deciding.

I found mine and rolled it a few times for you:

Concentrate and ask again.
Outlook good.
You may rely on it.
Signs point to yes.
***Men: This is a women's issues post. You have been warned.****

Ugh, cramps. The last two weeks, I've felt like someone's been stabbing in the goddamned ovary with an ice pick. I actually started yesterday evening, and I only slept about 6 hours last night because I hurt so freaking bad.

So I gave up and took a Lorcet about 30 minutes ago, which is something I rarely do because opioids make me a little manic. I'd give my right arm for a couple of Percocets instead, but beggars can't be choosers. I will instead be grateful that the pain will be numbed a little, and I'll ride the hypomanic high in order to get my work done today. Luckily, the brain weirdness will wear off when the pill does.

In the meantime...WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know it's interesting. It seems like everyone has a very strong preference for oxycodone (opioid in percocet) or hydrocodone (opioid in vicodin/loracet). Personally, percocet makes me feel a little dazy and out of it, whereas i get NO mental effects from vicodin (beyond being in a bit better mood from not hurting!!)
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