The Iraqi Military

Propaganda is so much fun, don't you think?

I love the way people latch on to that shit like little terriers.

20,000 bags were on tap for GW1, only 1500 used....They'll probably have the remaining 18,500 from last time kickin' around just in case.

Better odds than at The Somme!
I remember a joke floating around after Desert Storm:

"For Sale - Cheap - Iraqi Rifle - Never fired, only dropped once!"
Well many may surrender, but you must take Iraq's potential for resistance seriously and plan accordingly. Luckily I think many in the military that do are winning the day and have contingency plans in place for the possibility of a big struggle in case many do decide to fight.

Some estimates have Iraq's armed forces as large as 700,000 troops, but in the media the numbers seem to shrink each day (they seem to be the ones downplaying the threat).
Yesterday I said goodbye to a friend of mine (a teacher who is also in the guard) because his unit was called up - artillery - so he will certainly see action.

He spent last week updating his will, finishing estate planning, going through his medical records - called hell week by many military folk.

Of course the situation is of concern - and we are all worried about our friends and family and country - but I think you greatly overestimate their chances.
Chances? I didn’t give them any chances nor describe any theoretical scenarios here in this thread. You are trying to read between the lines and put words in my mouth. I am merely saying one must not underestimate the enemy either and you must have contingency plans in place for a tough fight.