Literotica Guru
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The Interpretation of Dreams - Closed for Bevatoria
OOC: Closed.
"What do you mean you haven't got the data?"
Sarah stood in a plush boardroom, her hands resting on top of the richly veneered table in front of her. The man she was talking to was wearing the sharpest suit she had ever seen. Anyone looking into the room through the large windows would have guessed - no, they would have known - that this man was successful. Intelligent, witty and someone you definitely wanted to be around.
Sarah looked at him and wanted to hang him with his tie.
One job. He had one job to do and he hadn't been able to do it and now their deadline was fast approaching. Shooting daggers across the room the urge to let go and tell him exactly what she thought of him built and built within her. Clenched knuckles turning white, she bite her tongue and stayed silent.
Come on Sarah. Losing your cool won't help. You'll lose everyone else's respect.
Moving her eyes around the room, she could see the other members of her team looking at the pair of them face off against one another. Her; hands on hips, ice in her pale blue eyes and blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Him; sharp, slick and wearing a smirk that made it clear to all that he had a high opinion of himself and a low one of Sarah.
Come on Sarah, you can work this out.
"Lisa, how long do we have?" Her eyes didn't leave his and she released a little of the pressure on her knuckles. The small Asian women sat on her right stopped typing on her laptop keyboard and checked her watch.
“About half an hour, Miss.”
Half an hour. Half an hour. What the hell am I going to do?
Curling the corners of his mouth, the man opposite her widened his grin as if he could sense what she was thinking, as if he was in her head. There was no way she could let all of the anger inside of her out. That would let everyone know that he had needled her, gotten under her skin and made it squirm with disgust and revulsion.
What can I do?
It hit her like a bolt of lightening from the sky. Humiliate him and he would only stand his place. Charm him and she would lose the respect of the others around her. But...
“Lisa, I want you to get hold of Dave from I.T. and Juliet from H.R. Get them together and make sure that they work as much of the data into an easy to understand visualisation,” The pretty young woman looked up at her and nodded along to what she was saying. “We don’t need it all, just as much as possible.”
You know how I’m going to deal with you, you fucker? I’m going to pretend you don’t exist. I’m going to do your job a thousand times better than you and then the boss will hear from one of these guys how unprofessional you are. I'll be there to watch as you grovel for your job in front of the him before stepping in and saving your ass.
“Tom,” Sarah turned to another suited guy on her right, “Get the presentation slides ready so we can just drop the files from I.T. straight in when we get them. Everybody else get on with the jobs you were given and if you don’t know what job you were allocated, get out of the room.”
Several heads nodded and there were one or two ‘Yes, Ma’am’s’ as people started going about the tasks that she had given them beforehand. No one left the room.
Turning to look at the source of her problems, Sarah was shocked that no one was standing on the opposite side of the boardroom table. Nobody was there smirking and trying to stare her down.
“Lisa, where did-”
She hadn’t noticed the sound of Lisa’s keyboard stopping but as she turned to look at her co-worker she took an involuntary step back against her chair. There was no one there. Anywhere.
She stood in the boardroom alone.
A low rumble shock her back to her sense as she stumbled to stay on her feet. Chairs rattled and slide around the floor as the whole room shock with violent tremors. Collapsing walls revealed an empty void beyond them, a world filled with nothingness and the sound of a deep bell ringing echoed through the darkness.
"What the hel-"
This is a dream. None of this is real
The small, insignificant thought floated through her mind until it finally caught and Sarah wo-...
Sarah woke with a start.
The ringing of her alarm clock filled the small room and a bright morning sun shone in through the thin curtains pulled across the windows. Rolling over, Sarah reached out an arm and blindly swatted at the button which stopped the small hammer from striking the bells. Ignoring the small black box that lay on top of her bedside table, she sat up and stretched, a long yawn escaping her mouth.
A small blipping sound from her mobile phone told her she had an email waiting to be read.
Dear SarHutch23489,
Congratulations on successfully completing level 4.3 of your Learning to Lead module. Details of your performance can be found within you profile pages on our web portal.
Level 4.4 is now ready for you to download to your DreamBox system.
Good luck,
The Team at
Smiling, she put down her phone and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, securing it with a thin tie she kept around her wrist, and glanced over at the small box that lay on the table. One of her girlfriends had suggested she tried a DreamBox when she had mentioned that she wanted to sign up for a leadership skills course the university were running. A way of learning new skills whilst you sleep she had said and she wasn't wrong. Sarah could download a whole host of different training courses and gain experience inside her dreams.
Well...not my dreams, not exactly. The programmed sdtraining dream.
Ponytail secured, she climbed out of bed and carried on her stretching on the floor before unfurling her yoga mat. For the next forty-five minutes Sarah moved gracefully from position to position naming them in her mind as she focused on her breathing.
Runner's lunge into Vinyasa Block into Downward Dog into Flying Crow.
Every morning the same routine followed by a shower where she let the warm water cascade over her body washing away the sweat she had just worked up. Every morning an annoyed knock on the bathroom door telling her she had spent far longer under the water lost in her thoughts and one of her housemates wanted to pee.
An hour later, dressed in a top, skirt, and jacket, Sarah was stepping out of her front door and joining a small group of friends on their way to their morning lecture.
OOC: Closed.
"What do you mean you haven't got the data?"
Sarah stood in a plush boardroom, her hands resting on top of the richly veneered table in front of her. The man she was talking to was wearing the sharpest suit she had ever seen. Anyone looking into the room through the large windows would have guessed - no, they would have known - that this man was successful. Intelligent, witty and someone you definitely wanted to be around.
Sarah looked at him and wanted to hang him with his tie.
One job. He had one job to do and he hadn't been able to do it and now their deadline was fast approaching. Shooting daggers across the room the urge to let go and tell him exactly what she thought of him built and built within her. Clenched knuckles turning white, she bite her tongue and stayed silent.
Come on Sarah. Losing your cool won't help. You'll lose everyone else's respect.
Moving her eyes around the room, she could see the other members of her team looking at the pair of them face off against one another. Her; hands on hips, ice in her pale blue eyes and blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Him; sharp, slick and wearing a smirk that made it clear to all that he had a high opinion of himself and a low one of Sarah.
Come on Sarah, you can work this out.
"Lisa, how long do we have?" Her eyes didn't leave his and she released a little of the pressure on her knuckles. The small Asian women sat on her right stopped typing on her laptop keyboard and checked her watch.
“About half an hour, Miss.”
Half an hour. Half an hour. What the hell am I going to do?
Curling the corners of his mouth, the man opposite her widened his grin as if he could sense what she was thinking, as if he was in her head. There was no way she could let all of the anger inside of her out. That would let everyone know that he had needled her, gotten under her skin and made it squirm with disgust and revulsion.
What can I do?
It hit her like a bolt of lightening from the sky. Humiliate him and he would only stand his place. Charm him and she would lose the respect of the others around her. But...
“Lisa, I want you to get hold of Dave from I.T. and Juliet from H.R. Get them together and make sure that they work as much of the data into an easy to understand visualisation,” The pretty young woman looked up at her and nodded along to what she was saying. “We don’t need it all, just as much as possible.”
You know how I’m going to deal with you, you fucker? I’m going to pretend you don’t exist. I’m going to do your job a thousand times better than you and then the boss will hear from one of these guys how unprofessional you are. I'll be there to watch as you grovel for your job in front of the him before stepping in and saving your ass.
“Tom,” Sarah turned to another suited guy on her right, “Get the presentation slides ready so we can just drop the files from I.T. straight in when we get them. Everybody else get on with the jobs you were given and if you don’t know what job you were allocated, get out of the room.”
Several heads nodded and there were one or two ‘Yes, Ma’am’s’ as people started going about the tasks that she had given them beforehand. No one left the room.
Turning to look at the source of her problems, Sarah was shocked that no one was standing on the opposite side of the boardroom table. Nobody was there smirking and trying to stare her down.
“Lisa, where did-”
She hadn’t noticed the sound of Lisa’s keyboard stopping but as she turned to look at her co-worker she took an involuntary step back against her chair. There was no one there. Anywhere.
She stood in the boardroom alone.
A low rumble shock her back to her sense as she stumbled to stay on her feet. Chairs rattled and slide around the floor as the whole room shock with violent tremors. Collapsing walls revealed an empty void beyond them, a world filled with nothingness and the sound of a deep bell ringing echoed through the darkness.
"What the hel-"
This is a dream. None of this is real
The small, insignificant thought floated through her mind until it finally caught and Sarah wo-...
Sarah woke with a start.
The ringing of her alarm clock filled the small room and a bright morning sun shone in through the thin curtains pulled across the windows. Rolling over, Sarah reached out an arm and blindly swatted at the button which stopped the small hammer from striking the bells. Ignoring the small black box that lay on top of her bedside table, she sat up and stretched, a long yawn escaping her mouth.
A small blipping sound from her mobile phone told her she had an email waiting to be read.
Dear SarHutch23489,
Congratulations on successfully completing level 4.3 of your Learning to Lead module. Details of your performance can be found within you profile pages on our web portal.
Level 4.4 is now ready for you to download to your DreamBox system.
Good luck,
The Team at
Smiling, she put down her phone and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, securing it with a thin tie she kept around her wrist, and glanced over at the small box that lay on the table. One of her girlfriends had suggested she tried a DreamBox when she had mentioned that she wanted to sign up for a leadership skills course the university were running. A way of learning new skills whilst you sleep she had said and she wasn't wrong. Sarah could download a whole host of different training courses and gain experience inside her dreams.
Well...not my dreams, not exactly. The programmed sdtraining dream.
Ponytail secured, she climbed out of bed and carried on her stretching on the floor before unfurling her yoga mat. For the next forty-five minutes Sarah moved gracefully from position to position naming them in her mind as she focused on her breathing.
Runner's lunge into Vinyasa Block into Downward Dog into Flying Crow.
Every morning the same routine followed by a shower where she let the warm water cascade over her body washing away the sweat she had just worked up. Every morning an annoyed knock on the bathroom door telling her she had spent far longer under the water lost in her thoughts and one of her housemates wanted to pee.
An hour later, dressed in a top, skirt, and jacket, Sarah was stepping out of her front door and joining a small group of friends on their way to their morning lecture.
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