The Intern....*Open/In need of a controlling boss*

May 16, 2002
An Open Thread...just jump in :)

Jessalah Guitterez
5'7, 145 lbs, P. Rican and White, small B cup breasts, but a nice, rounded ass. Fourth year of college, and she's just started interning at the advertising agency she plans to work for after graduation. She loves her job, and is always willing to please.....but just how willing?


I looked at myself in the mirror, assessing my outfit for the first day of my internship. The burgundy colored pantsuit I was wearing flattered my caramel-coated complexion and outlined my assets without being considered trampy. I straightened the creamy silk camisole and then nervously twisted my hair into a low knot on my neck. Grabbing my new briefcase, I called to my mother that I was leaving.

"Have a good first day!" she called out, coming from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

"I'll try, mami." I said, going over to kiss her flour dusted cheek.

My mom was a good woman, and if it wasn't for her, I'd never had made it this far. I climbed into my 10 year old Honda and headed toward the first day of the rest of my life.


Looking for a boss, male or female ;), who wants a little more control than I'm willing to give first. If interested, either jump in or PM me.
Sean O'Malley Swoopinghawk:

My name is Sean Swoopinghawk and my initials are S.O.S and yes I've heard every S.O.S. joke there is and probabably every American Indian joke too.

The scars on my knuckles attest to how funny I found some of them as does a slightly bent nose.

I was born on an Apache reservation in Arizona 37 years ago. Mom was Scots/Irish and Dad was a full blooded Apache. Granddad was a tribal shaman and when the folks were killed at the Wounded Knee debacle he raised me.

I was exposed to a lot of the cultural mysticism and I don't disbelive a bit of it. I saw to much of it work, although Granddad had me trained as a warrior rather than a shaman, hence my penchant for physical fitness and the resulting 5'll" wiry muscular frame under my coppery tanned skin. Physique wise I kind of look like Patrick Swazey did in the movie Roadhouse,but a hell of a lot darker skinned. The black hair was from Dad also but my startling blue eyes came from Mom.

I left the reservation for a hitch in the military and he died while I was in the Middle East. I've never returned to the reservation, since his funeral. I'd miss the old man too much and the memories would hurt, but every year on my folks birthdays and his, flowers are placed on their graves for me.

I graduated cum laude from college after the service and was one of the hot newcomers on the rise in the ad business. Now I'm a partner in one of the most influential and prestigious ad agencies in the country.

"Slyvia, has Miss Guitterez come in yet? Wasn't she to be here by 8:45 this morning."

"Yes she was," Sylvia, my secretary says on the phone, "but it's only 8:50 and I'm sure she'll be here any moment. She was very anxious for the only intern's position Mr. S."

"Well let me know as soon as she arrives Sly."

"Of course I will sir."
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Damned traffic! I thought to myself, as I finally pulled into the parking lot of the firm where I was to be interning. I grabbed my briefcase and ran as quickly as I could in my high heeled sandals toward the front door of the tall, glass building.

I slid to a stop in front of the elevator and repeatedly punched the up button until finally the car stopped in front of me. I nervously jabbed number 5 and gritted my teeth as the elevator lurched upward. The doors opened onto a plushly carpeted reception area that I'd only visited once before. This time I was here as an employee.

I smiled and tugged at my jacket as I approached Sylvia, whom I remembered from my early trip here.

"Miss Guitterez," she said, smiling. "We've been expecting you." In a quieter tone she said, "Mr. S. doesn't really like it when we're late. Just be more careful next time."

I swallowed and nodded. I'd never met Mr.S before, but I'd definitely heard stories. He was supposedly very dogged and determined not to fail. And perfection was the only way to survive. On my first day, I was 15 mins late. What a dumb ass I am!

Sylvia patted my arm and called back over the intercom, "Mr S, Miss Guitterez just arrived. Shall I send her back?"

"Yes." came his guttural reply. I closed my eyes and headed in the direction Sylvia pointed me in. As I opened his office door, my heart pounded and my mouth dried up. What kind of disciplinary action was I in for already?
Sean Swoopinghawk:

I pointedly ignore you when you enter and close the door behind you. I continue to ignore you as you stand nervously in front of my desk and don't acknowledge you until I've finished what I'm entering into my PC.

Then I turn and look at you. My eyes seen totally devoid of humor and as cold as glacier ice as they move up and down your body and look into your eyes.

"You're late. I don't care what happened the fact remains that you're late.
"Do you think a multimillion dollar client will sit cooling their heels waiting for you if you're late?"

When you open your mouth to speak I wave you to silence.

"You're attire is very fashionably Power Suitish and I know it wasn't inexpensive to buy, but don't wear it again.
"You're a woman and a rather attractive one. Dress that way and, if you want my advice, use it to your advantage.
"Clevage and a nice ass make one hell of a distraction when dealing with male clients. If it's a female do up one more button and pull on a jacket that goes with the skirt hugging your ass, but not overly tightly. Unless you bend over of course then it should be like a second skin."

Again I wave you to silence.

"I know. I know. Sexist. Sexual Harassment and all of the Women's Studies bullshit from college and the women't libbers.
"Well it's how I am. That's my advice to you. Take it or leave it.
"File any suit you want. I'll have it quashed in a day and you'll never do ad work again, unless it's with some small newpaper.
"Very clear Miss Guitterez?
"If so take off the damned suit coat, pull a chair around here and let me show you what you're to do today.
"The only way to learn is to jump in and from your grades in college, yes I've seen them all, you should do okay."

I stand there an gape at him as he barks out his list of *orders*. What? He wants me to dress like a tramp? He's gotta be fucking kidding me, I think. Finally, when his tirade is over, I slowly move closer to his desk. I place my briefcase in the chair and then ease my deep red jacket off of my shoulders, leaving me standing in a pair of ass hugging slacks and a cream colored camisole that is made of a very sheer silk. The hem barely reaches the waistline of my pants, and I know he can see the outline of my burgundy lace bra underneath the shirt. I'd only worn it because it was my lucky bra, and I thought it'd remain hidden from anyone's gaze. Apparently not. His cold glance flickered over my body, and I felt a surge of disappointment when his face registered no reaction. What the hell? I didn't want this arrogan asshole to like me, or my body. I straightened my back and moved the other chair from in front of his desk around so that it was situated next to his.

I sat in the hard, straight backed chair and crossed my legs. My camisole slipped up my torso, baring a good 3 inches of my creamy stomach. I tugged at it but when I saw he was glaring again, I ceased fumbling with my shirt and focused on what he was saying.
Sean Swoopinghawk:

Once you've settled in the work begins.

For three and a half hours it's nonstop and nothing at all like college. You picked up more tips in those three and a half hours, ones to use in the real world, that you did in a year of classes.

I had to answer several phone calls and had you bring me a Coke during one from the mini refridge built into the wet bar in my office and pointed at a door when you asked about a bathroom break while I was talking on another call. The door led to a complete bathroom, shower big enough for two or three and all.

During the flurry of constant and intense work you find me looking at you, your chest, legs and ass several times, but no comment is ever made.

Now it's 12:30.

"Well I'm going to stop calling you Miss Guitterez. I think you'll do when you learn enough to from now on your Jess and I'm Mr. S. at work. Away from the office Sean will do just fine Jess," and for the first time you see me smile at you. Really smile, twinkleing blue eyes, startling white teeth and all.

"How about lunch and when it's over we'll get back to it again. I have a file for you and will leave you to do what needs doing, after I've sketched out what I expect, while I go see a client.
"Shall we go?"

"Now Jess. Really. The suit coat again? Just leave it," I say as we head for the door.

"Sly, we're at lunch. Back in an hour or so. If the Old Man calls tell him I'm out eating with a good looking young woman and I said he was just jealouse," I chuckle, "and that I'll call him back when I get back again."

We head to the elevator and as it goes down from the 15th floor, "Well Jess tell me about you now. I know all about school and have seen you work. Now tell me what makes you tick. What do you find funny? What do you finde sad? What turns you on and turns you off?
"If you're going to be my intern I want to know all about you."

I look at you in the elevator, kind of amazed by the change thats overtaken you. I don't know quite what you want to hear, so I start by telling you the very basics, things you probably already know.

Apparently you do, because you glare at me and say, "No kidding? I know all that...what else? If you're going to work in advertising, Jess, you've got to be a little bit more creative."

I feel my temper flare, and I snap, "Fine, I guess it's to be your way. Funny-I find stand up comedy and arrogant men funny. Sad-I find dying pets and your lame attempt to mock me sad. Turn offs-I find dirty hands, ugly teeth, and your totally insensitive personality a big turn off. Turn ons, sex in the rain, daisies for no reason, and older arrogant men turn me on." I feel myself flush as I realize what trouble I've probably just started for myself. But I don't realize exactly the *type* of trouble I've stirred up....especially with that last remark.
Sean Sparrowhawk:

When you've finished I burst out laughing and give you a very tight hug as I keep laughing. So tight your breasts are flattened against my chest and you can feel, wellll you know.

Then I hold your shoulders and look down into your eyes still chuckling.

"George Carlin's my hero. I agree about the pets and I may jerk your chain for a reaction or to test you, but I won't mock you. Hands can be washed, I agree about teeth and I'm not insensitive just work hard, but I play just as hard when it's over. I agree about sex outdoors, rain or no rain. I'll remember the daisies and arrogant men don't turn me on at all."

I finally relax around you. This day has been so stressful on me, and I hadn't even realized it until you burst out laughing. It caused me to laugh to, and we were still chuckling as we left the building and headed for the restaraunt.
Sean Sparrowhawk:

We have a two drink hour and a half lunch at a good restaurant and I learn no boyfriend the last one turned into a 'creep' and you dumped him because you began to feel like his Mommie.

You learn I'm married no children and she's away in Europe for several months taking an art class in Paris and that our marriage is rather open so long as neither embarrasses the other by being indiscrete. I also tell you alot of what's in the character bio.

When you try to beg off the drinks, I tell you if you don't want to have to memorize AA's 12 Step Program verbatium you'd better get used to having one or two cause the clients will probably have five or six and will look askance if you don't 'join them' and some are in AA or were or have friends who are so if you're going to use that as an out you'd better know the program backwards and forwards.

"Well a final toast I say as I lift my glass, "To women who are turned on by daisies, may they never wear a Power Suit again," and I chuckle as I *clink* your glass.

I didn't want to look like a fool by telling my new boss that I'd never drank a drop of liquor before, so now here I was, feeling a bit too tipsy to even consider what was going to happen if I tried to walk this way. When you slide my chair out from the table, I stand shakily, my hands clutching my purse. I take a timid step forward, and when I don't fall, I gain confidence and begin walking a bit faster. Unfortunately, my confidence came too soon, and I stumble over my own high heels and fall forward, my body crashing into yours.

Your hands grab my bare upper arms, and steady me. I laugh, unable to control it. You only smile at me and this time you guide me from the restaraunt back to your car.

We're silent the whole way back to the office, and I feel my buzz wearing off. Finally, we're settled back in the office, and I'm gazing at the file in front of me, almost unable to focus.

I hear you telling me how important this file is. It's the biggest account we have right now, and it can NOT be screwed up. I nod to show I understand, and suddenly jump from my chair and rush toward the bathroom.

After voiding the contents of my stomach, I come back to your desk, my head down in shame. "I'm sorry." I whisper, unable to meet your gaze.
Sean Sparrowhawk:

When I catch you, your breasts flatten against me again and your crotch presses against the hard lump looking as your tits and hard nipples, caused by the ac probably, during lunch have caused.

You're not even aware I've held you a bit longer than needed just to savior the feel of your body against me. That's when I make up my mind to have you, all of you. I'll make you mine and you'll do anything I want regardless of what it is. This hot, young body will be alll mine.

"That's okay. A couple of weeks of lunch and you hang in there like a trooper Jess."

On the way back to the office office I note that your nipples keep 'tenting' your chemise and smile. Not the air conditioning after all. I wonder just how wet your pussy is right now.

At work it's all business. When you head for my bathroom I do watch and enjoy how what appears to be a very fuckable World Class ass looks as it moves under your skirt when you run in your heels and the muscles bunch and relax as it sways side to side and jiggles just a bit it's so tight.

When you return again I soothe you and again reassure you that all will be fine. I give you the outline of what I want done on the file by 5PM when it's quitting time and tell you I'll see you at 8:45 sharp in the morning.

Then I leave for my client meeting.

When Mr. S. leaves, I know that he's gone for the day. I consider my options, and decide that I'm way too ill to continue here this afternoon. I pack the file in my briefcase, and go home determined to nap and then tackle this account. Sylvia has gone with him, so I have no way of getting caught.

I go home and in my hurry to get inside, I leave the expensive attache' case in my old Civic. I strip out of my suit and into some comfy pajamas, then settle in for a 2 hour nap.

When I awake at 5, I feel refreshed and invigorated. I throw on my robe and go out to retrieve the briefcase I'd forgotten earlier. However, when I reach my car, I'm able to notice that my passenger door is hanging open just an inch. I didn't leave it open, so I move slowly toward the car until I can see inside. My jaw drops and I stand there speechless as I realize that my attache', and the file, are both gone.

The next morning....

I wake up extra early and take care in dressing. My short black skirt falls just under my ass and my white button up blouse is stretchy and tight around my small yet pert breasts. I unbutton the top 3 buttons and brush my hair so that it is straight around my shoulders. I know telling Mr S about the file is going to be hell, so maybe the way I'm dressed will soften the punishment somewhat.

I nervously enter the office at 8:30. Miss Sylvia smiles at me and says, "Good job, Jess. You're gonna impress him yet." I just smile and motion toward the office. "Go ahead in," she replies. "He's been waiting for you."

I enter the office and stop when I see that he is sitting on the edge of his desk, a file in his hand, shirt sleeves rolled up his muscular forearms, revealing the dark almost hairless skin.

"Morning Mr. S." I stammer, coming in and shutting the door behind me.
Sean Sparrowhawk:

"Hello Jess. Much better attire, but the skirt could be a bit longer for work, but socially it's just fine," say with an appreciative look and smile.

"Jess, where did you put the Kramer file last night? I looked for it this morning and can't find it anywhere."

I tug on my skirt self consciously and press my back against the door, my hand resting on the knob.

"Well, Mr. S, I came in early to talk to you about that. You don't happen to have an, an...extra copy of that file do you?"

When you shake your head no, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, gathering my courage.

Finally I just blurt out, "Mr. S, I'm really sorry, but I took the file home with me to do a little extra work on it and someone I don't know who stole my briefcase which the file was in and I am really sorry I didn't mean for it to happen I just wanted....." My words taper off as I see you rise off the desk and stand there staring at me with the strangest expression on you face.

I cringe back against the door, my ass flattening against it, and I close my eyes, waiting for the bomb to drop....
Sean Sparrowhawk:

As I reach for the phone, "Jess lock the door. Now. Then come over here and stand in front of me."

Into the phone, "Sly. No calls and I'm not to be disturned unless the building catches fire, the Old Man calls or Mr. Kramer calls about his new ad programs. Okay."

"Thanks Sly."

Very quiet voice and an expressionless face as I walk around and sit behind my desk again, "Come around here Jess.
"Do you recall the agreement you signed when you were hired as an intern here?"

"You do good. Did you read it all?"

"No? Well that's ashame.
"You see Jess in it, it clearly states nothing relating to the firm, it's business or it's clients is to be taken from the office without the written consent of a partner. Doing so will result in immediate termination and disseminating the information about your termination and why you were terminated industry wide so all will know you're untrustworthy."

As I open a drawer you begin to speak and I wave you to be silent just as I did yesterday.

"I don't want any argument Jess. I just want you to kneel beside me and watch the big flat screen for a few moments."

When you hesitantly do as I've asked I trigger the romote from my drawer. We watch as you get up and leave soon after I have and we watch as you put the file in your briefcase before you do.

I turn it off again. Then slowly spin my chair around so your now kneeling between my legs and I'm looking down at you.

"Jess, the fact that you told me the truth is the only reason you're still in this office and in fact still in this building.
"It's earned you a chance.
"A chance with a very steep price as a penalty for what you did, for me keeping quiet about i, and for me working my ass off to redo that file.
"Are you interested Jess? Do you want that chance regardless of the cost to you or do you just wish to get up and walk out the door forgetting your career?"

I tremble before you, my eyes filling with tears. I don't want this job anymore, but I can't let my mami down. She'd be so heartbroken. And four years of college that I'd struggled to pay for would be down the tubes as well. I swallow my pride and finally lift my head up to meet your gaze.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep my job, Mr. S. Anything at all."

I bow my head down again, humbly, and wait for your demands.
Sean Swoopinghawk:

"Very well Jess. I'll hold you to that. To the very letter of what you've just said. Stay right there Jess."

I turn to my desk and type into my laptop for several mintues then plug it in and print out what I've typed and read it over. Then I turn to you and hand it to you on a clipboard and hold out a pen.

"Read it and sign it Jess or leave. It's your choice to make. It's your career that hangs in the balance."

The paper reads:

"I, Jessalah Guitterez, an adult female, on this 23rd day of January 2003, do freely and willingly agree to become the personal slave of Mr. Sean O. Swoopinghawk.

I will do anything and everything he commands, asks, requests or instructs me to do to the best of my ability. Should I fail to do so, should I displease Mr. Swoopinghawk, should I disobey Mr. Swoopinghawk, regardless of his instructions and my personal feelings about them, I freely and willingly give Mr. Swoopinghawk the right to punish me in any way he sees fit so long as there is no permanent injury or disfigurment involved as a result of any punishments he deems appropriate.

From the above date forward Mr. Swoopinghawk's words will be the laws by which I live and I freely and voluntarily sign this agreement in exchange for valuable considerations agreed to by myself and Mr. Swoopinghawk."

"If you take the pen and sign it Jess you become my personal slut and my sex slave until I tell you otherwise.
"What'll it be Jessslut? Sign or get up and walk out?"

I look in those cold blue eyes and realize that I'm lost. There's no way out of this....I've reached the point of no return. If I want to keep my pride, I have to lose my job. If I want to keep my job, well, the only option is in that piece of paper in Mr. S' hand. I swallow, going over and over again how I let this get to this point. I close my eyes and lift my head another notch...I might have to be his slave, but my pride WILL stay intact.

"Fine, Mr. S." I reach for the pen and hurriedly scribble my name across the contract. After my deal with the devil is solidified, my fingers go numb and the pen drops from my hand to the floor. I begin crying again, but silently. He will NEVER hear my sobs. That I promise myself.
Sean Swoopinghawk:

"Pick it up, close it and hand give it to me slave. Hold it between your lips and give it to me like a bitch would. That's what you've just become my little slutty slave bitch and you'll always be in heat because I'll fuck you enough to make sure you are."

I watch as your trembling hand picks up the Mont Blanc pen, closes it and puts it between your lips.

I smile as your head raises and you move your lips to place the pen in my palm.

My fingers brush away your tears as I softly say, "It may sound worse than it is slave, unless your lesbian that is. Then it'll probably be hell for you Jessslut.
"Are you lesbian or bisexual Jess?"

"As you answer me, and if you are bi tell me about your last experience with a woman or threesome, stand up and strip for me.
"Leave on the stockings and heels though unless it's pantyhose and if it is off it comes too then put the heels back on again. The heels make your legs and ass look spectacular.
"Once your naked for me my slutty slave "display" to me all I now own and may use as I wish. Display it to me, offer it to me and tell me what you like done to each area you display and offer."

I sit back and watch you as I reach back and set the pen on the desk.

I can't believe this! Here I am, on my knees, behaving like a dog for this man. After I listen to his demands, I stand on shaky legs, and back away from him.

"I'm not lesbian or bi, and I'm a virgin." I say, slowly unbuttoning my blouse with trembling hands. I see the shock in his eyes, and I smile a bit at this. He didn't know. One point for me. I finish with the buttons and let the shirt slide down my arms slowly, revealing my demure white lace bra, my small but firm breasts high on my chest, not a hint of sag. The shirt drops to the floor and I reach for the zipper on the back of my short skirt. I tug it down slowly, and the only sound in the room is the zzzzzzz of the metal coming undone. I let go of the fabric and the skirt joins the shirt on the floor. I now stand in front of you, dressed only in my bra and a matching white thong, a pair of sheer nude colored thigh highs with a wide band of lace around my shaking thighs, and my black 3 inch pumps.

I look at you for direction and you nod. I grit my teeth and reach up to undo the front clasp on my bra. It opens and I slip it off, revealing my size B breasts to you. My nipples are a darker shade of caramel, and are erect, jutting out from my body. I slide my thumbs under my thongs waistband and, with a burst of inspiration, I turn my back to you. I begin easing my panties down, bending over as I go, so that my tight but very round ass is revealed to you in all its glory. I stop when my hands are at my feet, my body bent completely at the waist. I stay in this position and step out of the panties, leaving them in the pile with the rest of my clothing. Standing up again, I turn back to you, only in my stockings and heels. You can see that I'm completely shaved, like a little girl, and my hands start to cross in front of my nakedness, but you shake your head. I drop my hands to my side and clench my fists while you peruse my body.

"Is that what you wanted?" I ask breathlessly, amazed that I'm a little turned on by my strip show.
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Sean Swoopinghawk:

"Part of it Jessslut. I suggest you listen attentively when I speak, unless of course you enjoy being spanked that is.
"Now that my slave is properly naked, finish what I told you to do. Display each part of you for me. Make it a sexy display my slut and as you do it, offer it to me and tell me what you want me to do to and with each part you show off and offer to me, your new Owner... slave."

If she notices, the hard length of my cock is pressing up and out against the leg of my trousers from my Ownership of you, your stripping and looking at your sexy as hell naked body annnd seeing the bit of cunt juice gathering at the bottom of your pussy slit.

I clench my fists tighter and in a moment of rebellion I ask, "How am I supposed to tell you what to do with me if I've never had sex before? I have never seen anything remotely sexual, nor have I thought about it. So now what, Master?" I inflect the last word with a bit of harsh sarcasm, and then look at you, defiance glowing in my almost black eyes.
Sean Swoopinghawk:

There not a nanosecond of hesitation as you deliver you're little tirade.

I lean forward and grip a wrist. You're arm is jerked pulling you forward and being you down as I swivel my chair. My free hand presses down on your back forcing you over one of my legs as the other hooks around yours and traps them both.

The hand on your neck moves to grip the back of your neck and forces your head down so that you're now folded over my leg. Naked tits press to my thigh, ass is high in the air with the skin stretched very tautly. Your knees are locked against my thigh by my other leg forcing you to keep your legs straight.

"You will never speak to me in that tone again slave. Let this be your first lesson.
"My office is completely sound proof so scream and cry out all you like slave."

And a slow and methodical spanking begins. *SMACK!* *SMACK!*
My hand lands on your ass cheeks making them bounce and jiggle in reaction after each spank is delivered. Each leaves a red hand print behind and it continues until allll of both ass cheeks have been fully covered in overlapping handprints, with special attention to the undersides where cheeks meet ass. Now and then your shaved pussy lips feel a part of a spank and I note the growing wettness gathering there.
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I'm taken off guard when you jerk me over your lap. My cries futile as I hear you explain that the room has been soundproofed. As you begin spanking my ass, I cry out in both embarrassment and pain. I refuse, however, to let you hear me, so I pull my arm up to my mouth and bite down hard.

As the number of your smacks increase, I begin to lose all feeling in my rotund ass. Finally, the spanking stops, and I am able to stop biting my own forearm. I sniffle only once and then, when you release me, I slide off of your lap into a heap on the floor at your feet. The main reason for my embarrassment however, is not the punishment I just received, but rather, my reaction to it.

My pussy is throbbing and its soaked with moisture. Having never been even fondled before, the reaction is a new one to me. I slide one hand down to cup my womanhood and moan as my fingers slide into my wet slit. I look up at you to see if you've noticed my response to the spanking.