The Infamous Pill


Sep 1, 2002
why is it when someone says the pill, everyone immediately knows they mean birth control. I just find that funny. MsTerious and I were talking about the side effects of the pill, it gives me headaches. this is just a thread to talk about the pill and whatnot, haha.
I'm curious to see how many other (things) are like that. If someone says 'the pill' we all know it's the birth control pill. What other examples can you come up with?
Well all I can say about it is I am glad to be off it ... I prefer to have my natural cycle and natural mood swings rather than chemically altered ones! :D (I don't drink or take any kind of stimulant either) Also I have heard of so many side effects and possible problems coming from taking the pill long term. But it's your choice, of course. I hope the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for you! I can only speak from my own experience.

I just went off of "the pill" after being on it for 15 years (damn, am i that old?) I have developed high blood pressure that I'm on medication for. When I went off of the pill, my blood pressure went down. I definately does some funky stuff to you.
Paradigm Change

The Pill.

Because its availibility changed everything for women. You were now in charge, didn't have to rely on the man for birth control. Able to choose to have sex, premarital, marital without children, extra-marital. The right to (safely) choose.

I think the sexual revolution (at least the 20th century version of it,) starts with "the pill" and that leads to the 60's and NOW and ERA.

Think of the power of the pill. So revolutionary that the generic word(s) defines the specific item. There are many more instances of brand names that have entered the general vocabulary, (e.g., fridge, kleenex,) but far fewer instances of of this.

The only other one that I can think of, is "the bomb" but I'm sure I'm having a senior moment and you all with come up with many more.........