The Ignore Function

I think that sometimes one comes to the conclusion that it is wasted time to try to convince someone of something. You try and try, but it is clear that you're heading into a brick wall. So, by putting that person on ignore, you put them out of sight. I come here generally to have fun, so I don't want to get worked up by seeing some idiot's posts. You know?

For the record, I only have one person on ignore (you know who that is, 4L).
4laterer said:
I wouldnt ever put anyone on ignore

even those I hate with a passion, those I want obituaries written about, those whose mothers I would spit on

I wouldnt ignore

how can you show them theyre wrong if you ignore what they write?

isnt it akin to sticking yourfingers in your ears and going 'la la la le la la Im not listening to you'


*sticks fingers in ears*

la la la le la la I'm not listening to you
4laterer said:
I wouldnt ever put anyone on ignore

even those I hate with a passion, those I want obituaries written about, those whose mothers I would spit on

I wouldnt ignore

how can you show them theyre wrong if you ignore what they write?

isnt it akin to sticking yourfingers in your ears and going 'la la la le la la Im not listening to you'


Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense.
The things that some people say are just not worth listening to. It's that simple. Probably you listened for a while, but after a lot of listening, you realized it was all worthless. Also, after a while, you realize you're not dealing with a reasonable person. When someone keeps calling you an asshole, are you going to keep saying, "No, I'm not!" until you're blue in the face? There is no content to the attack, so there is nothing to prove or disprove. There's no intelligence behind it, so there's nothing to discuss or argue. Or if you bother to address the moron and 'prove' them wrong, they just call you a fag. It's a pointless waste of time. OF COURSE you ignore them. It's like walking away from someone that keeps poking you. What are you going to do, try to talk them out of it ad infinitum? Kill them? You just walk away.
I'll take a debate if it's about something worth discussing. But I DO ignore trolls who have nothing to say, and whose only purpose for posting is to annoy other people.
Those are energy vampires.
Unregistered said:

isn't she any good at blow jobs

I'd heard she was
She should be. i paid a lot for her to learn the skill at one of those glory holes in a redlight district.