The HUGE list of stuff that bugs me.


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
Being in a pissy mood that makes me wanna post threads like this.

When they forget to take the security tag off your clothing when you buy it and it doesn't set the alarm off (oh yeah, great security! :rolleyes: ).


Grocery stores that aren't 24/7.

Men who view women as convenient holes.

People who play dumb.

Being told, "well, come on into work on Thursday and we'll let you know if we're laying you off or not. And have a happy New Year!"

Rude People.

People who say, "I'm free at such-and-such time. We'll get together!" then don't call, yet spend the evening whining to others about how bored they were.

Eating crow.

People without a thought in their heads, who just regurgitate what others have said.

Trying to set the transparancy on this damned pic I've been working on for two freakin' weeks and not getting it to come out properly no matter what I do. *grrrrr*

Pathetic PM's from strangers who wanna talk dirty to me and can't take "NO" for an answer.

My soon-to-be-excoworker who brought his fucking X-box into work thus making the bosses think our WHOLE group was expendable, and not just his sorry, lame, late-every-fucking-day ass.

The expression "nice guys finish last" cuz if you believe that, you probably aren't a nice guy to begin with.

Everyone in line ahead of me at a traffic light or in line at a grocery store. They all suck and should get out of my way. *grumbles*

People who are nasty. They know they're mean. We know they're mean. Then they try to excuse it with, "Jeez, can't you take a joke?" No, no I can't. And you're a moron. If you're going to be a nasty fuckwad, 'fess to it and take responsibility for what you say.

Friends who suddenly act like you're invisible when a guy comes around.

Fearing that on occassion I do that, although I don't recall doing it. But what if I did? That would suck ass.

Shopping with my mother.

Shopping at all.

Did I mention stupid people yet? Cuz they really bug the hell outta me.

When you're on the phone at work and someone asks "so where am I calling?" You respond, "we're in Austin, Texas, sir." And they start putting on some fake spaghetti-western version of a Texas accent. Sir? Have you not been talking to me for 10 minutes? Did you notice that I don't talk like that? Oh, and fuck off, sir. You're not funny at all.

Having no sense of humor at all.

Looking at this list and knowing I'm gonna die young from the self-induced stress. lol

Knowing I'll think of more things as soon as I hit "submit"
Whoa your list is way longer than mine. :D
I hope 2003 brings you a shorter list and
a good year. :)

Things that really bug me:

People who don't use a car seat for their precious children.
Hateful people who are cruel to people or animals.
People who ask for advice then get all pissy 'cos they didn't really want your advice just lots of sympathy.
People who follow so close that I can't see them in my rear view mirror/ speed (like really speed)/ overtake me when I am doing the speed limit/drink and drive.
Knowing I am not being listened too.
People who almost never have anything nice to say or contribute.
Someone using my deodorant or toothbrush.
debbiexxx said:
Whoa your list is way longer than mine. :D
I hope 2003 brings you a shorter list and
a good year. :)

Things that really bug me:

People who don't use a car seat for their precious children.
Hateful people who are cruel to people or animals.
People who ask for advice then get all pissy 'cos they didn't really want your advice just lots of sympathy.
People who follow so close that I can't see them in my rear view mirror/ speed (like really speed)/ overtake me when I am doing the speed limit/drink and drive.
Knowing I am not being listened too.
People who almost never have anything nice to say or contribute.
Someone using my deodorant or toothbrush.

thanks Debbie! *hug* Add your list to mine, too.

And you're right FOF, but there seems to be so MANY of them!
Nora said:

My soon-to-be-excoworker who brought his fucking X-box into work thus making the bosses think our WHOLE group was expendable, and not just his sorry, lame, late-every-fucking-day ass.

Hey duuuude. I was only playing during break time.
My biggest thing that bugs me is dejavu. Gives me the heebeejeebees. *shivers*

My biggest thing that bugs me is dejavu. Gives me the heebeejeebees. *shivers*
Lazarus1280 said:
Wow that is quite a list.

Ohhhhh and Laz? Another thing that's been bugging me. Did you ever get the sound problem you were having with AVI's fixed?

har har, StPeteyPodPerson.

har har to you too, Emoodie.
Eumenides said:
My biggest thing that bugs me is dejavu. Gives me the heebeejeebees. *shivers*

My biggest thing that bugs me is dejavu. Gives me the heebeejeebees. *shivers*
Is there an echo in here?
Knock knock
Nora said:
Ohhhhh and Laz? Another thing that's been bugging me. Did you ever get the sound problem you were having with AVI's fixed?

har har, StPeteyPodPerson.

har har to you too, Emoodie.

Nope, I tried the files on my roommates computer and they still didn't work. I think it was just a bad set of files. Or some weird incription that is hard to figure out.
Lazarus1280 said:
Nope, I tried the files on my roommates computer and they still didn't work. I think it was just a bad set of files. Or some weird incription that is hard to figure out.

Grrrrrr. That bugs me.

I'm just glad to see i didn't make the list...

Change 'X Box' to 'portable DVD player', and my list uis almost identical to yours. plus, i have to fight off Republicans, the Religious Right, and evil galactic picnic, trust me.
Can't forget to mention lying, dishonesty, cheating, and not being straight-forward about things. Those are seriously the things that piss me off the most. Rar!..

Zaudika said:
Can't forget to mention lying, dishonesty, cheating, and not being straight-forward about things. Those are seriously the things that piss me off the most. Rar!..


AMEN, sistah! Sing it loud and proud!!

John? For the next um...20 hours (possibly) I work for a company that does business with both farmers and the government. There's just not much more right-wing republican than you can get. But I love it (in spite of the conservatism) and I'd prefer to stay there.
Nora said:
AMEN, sistah! Sing it loud and proud!!

John? For the next um...20 hours (possibly) I work for a company that does business with both farmers and the government. There's just not much more right-wing republican than you can get. But I love it (in spite of the conservatism) and I'd prefer to stay there.

I'll give your company a free pass, for being smart enough to hire you, ok?
Crows don't have a whole lot of meat on ' probably shouldn't be eatin' them anyway.

How 'bout a nice Cornish Game Hen instead?
that sounds much better to me, Minks.

John? They didn't hire me. I'm a temp. One who may not be employed after tomorrow.
Nora said:
Eating crow.

Please explain this ... Nora do you literally mean eating a crow or is it slang for something else?

I know it sound silly that I am confused about this, but I never heard that expression before. Plus the only crows we have here are in the zoo.

Adds to the list ...

Idiot customers that come out of the wood work at the Holiday Season ... or when there is a major event / release happening at my work places.
You know what bugs me — flies. They buzz around my head, land, and when I slap at them I always miss.
Then I had the surgery. A fly lands on the desk 20 inches away — zap, a flick of the tongue — and he's mine.
Pretty tasty, too.
Re: Re: The HUGE list of stuff that bugs me.

Arc da Rat said:
Please explain this ... Nora do you literally mean eating a crow or is it slang for something else?

It's slang for admitting that you were wrong about something and apologizing for it.

And I agree totally about idiot customers!!

Ham? With a tongue like that, I might just have to get to know you better.
Re: Re: The HUGE list of stuff that bugs me.

Arc da Rat said:
Plus the only crows we have here are in the zoo.

That's just a *Wow!* thing to me that I had to comment on. They're all over the place here... I kinda like 'em. :D
Accept when they're dive bombing my cat. :rolleyes: