The huge back hair thing - and Dillinger.

Uber Sparky

Literotica Guru
Jul 9, 2002
Very few women - like it.

Men makes jokes about it.

Dillinger has it...

massive amounts of thick, coarse - dark - back hair.

So, what is one to do?

Me? I'm English/Irish/Northern Europe - fair skinned/fair haired - light of sparten whispy hair...

My back is naturally bald.

Is it true - hair guys 'hunch' - in their senior years? Hell, maybe their knuckles start to paw the sidewalk too.
Show meeee.....waxa back.

Ya know Dill?

You could shave some of it - all of it - and send it out to the ladies - so they can 'have a piece of you' - you know - to sniff or something.

You could charge them postage and $9.95.
Re: Ya know Dill?

Uber Sparky said:
You could shave some of it - all of it - and send it out to the ladies - so they can 'have a piece of you' - you know - to sniff or something.

You could charge them postage and $9.95.

Eww!! I know I think Dilly is sexy and all, but I don't think I could sleep with a little baggy of his back hair under my pillow. :D
aly* said:

I always wanted a Mr. miyagi of my very own.

He is pretty cuddly. I was more into Elisabeth Shue's knee-highs...and the bad boy, Johnny. He was hard core, yo.

Normal mode:

Back-hair removal mode:
Re: Re: Ya know Dill?

StrawberryPez said:
Eww!! I know I think Dilly is sexy and all, but I don't think I could sleep with a little baggy of his back hair under my pillow. :D

Why not? It'll add extra softness.
WaxNWane said:
He is pretty cuddly. I was more into Elisabeth Shue's knee-highs...and the bad boy, Johnny. He was hard core, yo.

Normal mode:

Back-hair removal mode:

I have AVs turned off at the moment - I'm at work. I don't even know what I look like right now... *lol*
Re: Re: Re: Ya know Dill?

guilty pleasure said:
Why not? It'll add extra softness.

I'd rather have Dilly in my bed providing something extra. Though I doubt it will be softness. ;)
Umm, Johnny was a pussy. All the Cobra kai were, lol. Elizabeth got me hot though.
Well, we can't see yer back of course...

But by the way yer underarm hair is hangin'...

It's easy to speculate that yer back is carpeted.

Can we all say 'shag?'
StrawberryPez said:
I'd rather have Dilly in my bed providing something extra. Though I doubt it will be softness. ;)

This is my favorite part of this thread.
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aly* said:
Umm, Johnny was a pussy. All the Cobra kai were, lol. Elizabeth got me hot though.

Johnny was harsh, but he had the softer side that showed when he handed the trophy to Daniel.

"You're all right, LaRusso."

See. It's clearer now, right? Rugged, brooding, pain-does-not-exist-in-this-dojo...but sensitive and in touch with his poetic side...and the 30-year-old teenager who just kicked his ass.

But the real pussy was the Cobra kai hench-boy - "Get him a body bag, Johnny! Yeeeaaahhhh!!!"

He deserved death.

Oh, and this is scary:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ya know Dill?

StrawberryPez said:
I'd rather have Dilly in my bed providing something extra. Though I doubt it will be softness. ;)

Granted...but he's work so that little baggie's a reminder of hard times to come. :)
Dill? You have such an ego....

a hairy ego...

but none the less for it.

Lot's of famous egos had massive amounts of body hair...

Atila the Hun, Napoleon, and ummmmmm...

Mel Gibson.
Dillinger said:
I have AVs turned off at the moment - I'm at work. I don't even know what I look like right now... *lol*
You know what you need at work Dill? Me on your desk. :D
this is a good highjack, right?

WaxNWane said:
Johnny was harsh, but he had the softer side that showed when he handed the trophy to Daniel.

"You're all right, LaRusso."

See. It's clearer now, right? Rugged, brooding, pain-does-not-exist-in-this-dojo...but sensitive and in touch with his poetic side...and the 30-year-old teenager who just kicked his ass.

But the real pussy was the Cobra kai hench-boy - "Get him a body bag, Johnny! Yeeeaaahhhh!!!"

He deserved death.

Oh, and this is scary:

HAHAHAHAha !! LmaoRofl!!*&^

You win. You win.
He was totally tearing up there too. Poetic maaay be a stretch, but ok. But why everybody gotta dis Danielson for? And that picture-- I'm not even going to go there.