The honor of being broke


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
It is an honor to be broke, or stretched beyond meager means available to those who work. Or put otherwise, it seems to me that the liberal dreamers say the middle class, payers of taxes and receivers of no benifits are privalaged and honored by this our mighty state in society.

How is it. that one who works for 4-7 years accruing for themselves sufficient credit to have a degree, along with a healthy debt. Who get jobs above menial labor. should have this privalage?

How is it that a highschool drop out should be paid money brought by my expense, through taxation of my hard earned money?

How is it that someone could be eligable for fixed price housing, and government subsidation of homes and I not?

How is it that the "poor" who make considerably less than I do have a higher credit rating, and more spendable income than I?

Ill tell you why.

because of bleeding hearts who continue this day, calling from their ivory towers that the rich should pay the poor. for the honor of being privalaged beyond them.

I pay taxes, yet am not allowed to benifit from that which I pay for. because I make too much money.

Its a shame when someone who purchases lucre at the cost of personal pain, sacrifice and dedication should not be able to afford the luxuries someone who works 8 hours a day with a paid lunch and complains at their meager wages, never thinking further than themselves, if that. who have no education and refuse to be educated. who cry and cry that we the ones who work 15 hours a day, we who are privalaged to pay but not recieve.

You wonder why the "privalaged" despise you? think on this then.
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Spelling buddy sez:


Sociologist buddy sez:

You should really do some more research before running off at the mouth.
Aquila said:
It is an honor to be broke, or stretched beyond meager means available to those who work. Or put otherwise, it seems to me that the liberal dreamers say the middle class, payers of taxes and receivers of no benifits are privalaged and honored by this our mighty state in society.

How is it. that one who works for 4-7 years accruing for themselves sufficient credit to have a degree, along with a healthy debt. Who get jobs above menial labor. should have this privalage?

How is it that a highschool drop out should be paid money brought by my expense, through taxation of my hard earned money?

How is it that someone could be eligable for fixed price housing, and government subsidation of homes and I not?

How is it that the "poor" who make considerably less than I do have a higher credit rating, and more spendable income than I?

Ill tell you why.

because of bleeding hearts who continue this day, calling from their ivory towers that the rich should pay the poor. for the honor of being privalaged beyond them.

I pay taxes, yet am not allowed to benifit from that which I pay for. because I make too much money.

Its a shame when someone who purchases lucre at the cost of personal pain, sacrifice and dedication should not be able to afford the luxuries someone who works 8 hours a day with a paid lunch and complains at their meager wages, never thinking further than themselves, if that. who have no education and refuse to be educated. who cry and cry that we the ones who work 15 hours a day, we who are privalaged to pay but not recieve.

You wonder why the "privalaged" despise you? think on this then.

Sounds like booze jabber to me...
KillerMuffin said:
Spelling buddy sez:

You should really do some more research before running off at the mouth.


Okay would you care to inform me where Im wrong?

I looked into buying a home.
Im inelligable for a great deal of help because I make too much. also there are many apartment complexes that get government subsidies that I can't rent in because I make too much money. so my rent is way higher in a noncontrolled place.

I pay for my groceries, I dont use food stamps.
I dont get the stipend to pay for electric.
Im inelligable for many education loans because I make too much

Should I go on?
Aquila said:

Okay would you care to inform me where Im wrong?

I looked into buying a home.
Im inelligable for a great deal of help because I make too much. also there are many apartment complexes that get government subsidies that I can't rent in because I make too much money. so my rent is way higher in a noncontrolled place.

I pay for my groceries, I dont use food stamps.
I dont get the stipend to pay for electric.
Im inelligable for many education loans because I make too much

Should I go on?

Does your spelling deteriorate when you're upset or something?

Is that like a Webster correlation I'm not aware of?

Education loan...hmm...what type of school are you going to might I ask?

If you're as broke as you say it's not a private school and the taxes we all pay will go to support that education...
I once asked someone how they could afford to party every weekend, when they made a measly 8 dollars an hour.

his response.

My rents only 350 bucks, I don't have any bills but cable.

how was he able to do this?

he got a one bedroom apartment in a complex where the governtment pays for part of the rent, and he is charged based on his income. utilities are included.

You had to make under 30k a year to live there though. and it was a very nice complex to boot.
Shaq said:
Does your spelling deteriorate when you're upset or something?

Is that like a Webster correlation I'm not aware of?

Education loan...hmm...what type of school are you going to might I ask?

If you're as broke as you say it's not a private school and the taxes we all pay will go to support that education...

My spelling deterioates when I have a hole in my hand the size of a penny that makes it somewhat discomforatable to type, so I don't go back and forth to over my spelling all that much.

Im not going to school at the moment, Id like to go back some day, buty my job schedule makes that difficult as well as it being to costly for me to pay for.
Aquila said:
Im not going to school at the moment, Id like to go back some day, buty my job schedule makes that difficult as well as it being to costly for me to pay for.

Whine, whine, whine... bitch, bitch, bitch.

Either take responsiblity for who you are and what you want to do or shut the fuck up already.

If subsidized housing, food stamps and government cheese are your goals in life then quit whatever fucking job you have now and trot on down to the local McDonald's and flip some fucking burgers.

Otherwise shut up.
Lasher said:
Whine, whine, whine... bitch, bitch, bitch.

Either take responsiblity for who you are and what you want to do or shut the fuck up already.

If subsidized housing, food stamps and government cheese are your goals in life then quit whatever fucking job you have now and trot on down to the local McDonald's and flip some fucking burgers.

Otherwise shut up.

I think you missed my point.

And as to taking responsibility what have I done but that? I work do I not, in my chosen profession. I work long hours, and I work hard.

It dissapoints me that people see me as privalaged or monied and demand I pay them some stipend of my check because I have the audacity to make more than them. It disgusts me that a large portion of the money taken from my taxes goes to programs I can't take advantage of.
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Lasher said:
Whine, whine, whine... bitch, bitch, bitch.

Either take responsiblity for who you are and what you want to do or shut the fuck up already.

If subsidized housing, food stamps and government cheese are your goals in life then quit whatever fucking job you have now and trot on down to the local McDonald's and flip some fucking burgers.

Otherwise shut up.

*hands lasher cookie*
My point is this.

I find it disgusting that those who don't have wish to take by legislated theft, that which someone ELSE has worked for.
Aquila said:
Let me guess, your third cousin removed is a wellfare baby?

Not the point at all. I started with nothing in this world and everything I have I've earned thru my own hard work. The only people who annoy me more than career welfare recipients are people who whine because they make too much money to enjoy the same.

Those who whine like that are cry-babies. Rather simplistic, but sometimes it's important to talk down to your audience at a level they can understand.
Aquila said:
My point is this.

I find it disgusting that those who don't have wish to take by legislated theft, that which someone ELSE has worked for.

I got that point.

Bta I was actually *listening* to what you were saying and not jumping to any assumptions you were whining.
Aquila said:

Okay would you care to inform me where Im wrong?

I looked into buying a home.
Im inelligable for a great deal of help because I make too much. also there are many apartment complexes that get government subsidies that I can't rent in because I make too much money. so my rent is way higher in a noncontrolled place.

I pay for my groceries, I dont use food stamps.
I dont get the stipend to pay for electric.
Im inelligable for many education loans because I make too much

Should I go on?

No, you should learn to budget your money.

Poverty is a problem that you blame the poor for.

Let's turn this around. Make you defensive. Should you be blamed for being fat? Treated like a leper because you're burdening our health care system with something that's your own fault? Should you be treated with disgust and derision by everyone because you can't lose weight?

Or should you look at reality a little more closely. That weight is one of those issues that's not black and white and all pretty to look at. That people who have weight problems can't just drop the weight and become skinny, happy people right off the bat. That there is a lot going on psychologically that makes it impossible to just up and lose weight. You want understanding and people to accept you even though you're big.

Poverty is exactly the same. People don't set out to be poor and they are usually born that way. They aren't taught to be anything else but poor and most of them don't know they can be anything but.

Take a look at the education system. Illinois tried to pass a law that would distribute education funds equally to all schools throughout the state. Richer areas would get less and poorer areas would get a much needed boost. It was shot down by the rich people who don't want equality. How are these poor kids supposed to learn skills or that they're worthwhile when the only people who matter are the ones with the money?

Poverty comes with a set of psychological factors that people don't just up and overcome. Most of them work more than you do and work harder at their jobs. They do filthy work, backbreaking work, and they get paid minimum wage, no benefits, and health care for them or their children. They can get no where because they don't have the skills or the means to get the skills. You sit in judgment because you want to buy a house. Take a walk down to the homeless shelter one of these days and look at the people who sleep on the street. You have a roof over your head and you have a warm place to go and you have all the food you can eat. There are people who will die because they have no place to live. They'll freeze to death. Some of them are children. And you bitch because you don't like the rent in your nice warm home with your nice warm amenities and your fridge full of food.

Call it bleeding hearts all you want. Some of the poorest people on the planet live in this country. They're starving to death in Appalachia and yet you weigh how much? How is this justice? Poor people don't get to see a doctor unless they're dying and they're frequently kicked out. You get to see one when you're sick. How is this justice?

You're a very selfish person, aquila. You can't think beyond your own nose and your own wants to what other people might need. Poverty is a serious problem and you and people just like you enable it to continue. There is no fairness in our system. The poor suffer and the rest of us pay for it. Maybe you should try growing some compassion instead of greed.
Lasher said:
Not the point at all. I started with nothing in this world and everything I have I've earned thru my own hard work. The only people who annoy me more than career welfare recipients are people who whine because they make too much money to enjoy the same.

Those who whine like that are cry-babies. Rather simplistic, but sometimes it's important to talk down to your audience at a level they can understand.

I see,
You're absolutley right, 100% all hail to you the great master of his destiny and the giver of my shamefull insult.

or do you wish to simply degrade into wanton flaming back and forth at the validity of each others genetic viability to future generations of humanity?

and now unto the non-sarcastic part.
How is it that you can show, that you do not agree with something less you voice your opinion? how do you equate that with whining?
Aquila said:
How is it that you can show, that you do not agree with something less you voice your opinion? how do you equate that with whining?

I learned the difference in college, ENG 111 - Intro to Comp. Although I had a decent knowledge of the difference from 9th grade composition.

Maybe that should be your first class when you start riding the gravy train.
KillerMuffin said:
No, you should learn to budget your money.
I can budget my money just fine, thus I have spendable income.

Poverty is a problem that you blame the poor for.

Let's turn this around. Make you defensive. Should you be blamed for being fat? Treated like a leper because you're burdening our health care system with something that's your own fault? Should you be treated with disgust and derision by everyone because you can't lose weight?

My weight is one hundred percent my fault, take or leave me as I am. I am at the moment working towards removing it. and I have no problems paying for more expensive clothes, and more expensive plane seats, as my weight IS my fault. and until such time as I fully resolve the problem, I am prepared to pay for my actions. [/B]

Or should you look at reality a little more closely. That weight is one of those issues that's not black and white and all pretty to look at. That people who have weight problems can't just drop the weight and become skinny, happy people right off the bat. That there is a lot going on psychologically that makes it impossible to just up and lose weight. You want understanding and people to accept you even though you're big.

Weight is black and white, you are fat because you can not push yourself from the table, or do not have the time or will to exercise. People want pity more than understanding Ill wager. The only "Understanding" I want is that of being kind enough to say excuse me as you jog by at a much faster pace than I am currently capable of producing.

Poverty is exactly the same. People don't set out to be poor and they are usually born that way. They aren't taught to be anything else but poor and most of them don't know they can be anything but.

Take a look at the education system. Illinois tried to pass a law that would distribute education funds equally to all schools throughout the state. Richer areas would get less and poorer areas would get a much needed boost. It was shot down by the rich people who don't want equality. How are these poor kids supposed to learn skills or that they're worthwhile when the only people who matter are the ones with the money?[/B]
I am not fully informed on that law, however it cost less to run or maintain building in certain areas. should a school with 300 students receive the same funds as one with 2000?, I should say not. However if you mean that equal distribution of funds means every child is given the same books, the same desk, the teachers are paid the same salaries, no matter the placement. then I could argue for that law.

Poverty comes with a set of psychological factors that people don't just up and overcome. Most of them work more than you do and work harder at their jobs. They do filthy work, backbreaking work, and they get paid minimum wage, no benefits, and health care for them or their children. They can get no where because they don't have the skills or the means to get the skills. You sit in judgment because you want to buy a house. Take a walk down to the homeless shelter one of these days and look at the people who sleep on the street. You have a roof over your head and you have a warm place to go and you have all the food you can eat. There are people who will die because they have no place to live. They'll freeze to death. Some of them are children. And you bitch because you don't like the rent in your nice warm home with your nice warm amenities and your fridge full of food.
And to those that work, I would offer what I could, to those who leech I would offer nothing. it is an imperfect world I grant you, that we can't know who is truly trying, and who is not. however I feel that people who want to suceed, will in the long run.

Call it bleeding hearts all you want. Some of the poorest people on the planet live in this country. They're starving to death in Appalachia and yet you weigh how much? How is this justice? Poor people don't get to see a doctor unless they're dying and they're frequently kicked out. You get to see one when you're sick. How is this justice?

You're a very selfish person, aquila. You can't think beyond your own nose and your own wants to what other people might need. Poverty is a serious problem and you and people just like you enable it to continue. There is no fairness in our system. The poor suffer and the rest of us pay for it. Maybe you should try growing some compassion instead of greed.

My compassion, as I stated earlier is held in reserve to those that work hard to overcome their station in life. not those who sponge because how dare someone succeed.
Lasher said:
I learned the difference in college, ENG 111 - Intro to Comp. Although I had a decent knowledge of the difference from 9th grade composition.

Maybe that should be your first class when you start riding the gravy train.

My english composition does suck horribly. I passed my comp classes by the skin of my teeth.

and perhaps you would share the difference?
Here is how I think.

try and stay with me here.

You are solely responsable for your lot in life, you are beholden to no other human save by choice of your own.

heres my SHOULDS section
Any person should be able to recieve the same benefits as anyone else IF that person placed within the system that gives the benefits, a part or the whole of assets to provide such benefits to the group.
Aquila said:
Here is how I think.

try and stay with me here.

You are solely responsable for your lot in life, you are beholden to no other human save by choice of your own.

heres my SHOULDS section
Any person should be able to recieve the same benefits as anyone else IF that person placed within the system that gives the benefits, a part or the whole of assets to provide such benefits to the group.
Exactly, but it never works that way.