The growing world-wide problem of Gang...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Mainly Gangnaming...


Eamonn Kilbride, 46, had been doing the energetic horse-riding style moves to Korean pop sensation Psy's hit song with his co-workers - but seconds later suddenly dropped to the floor.

The tragedy occurred at an office party for the Thwaites brewery, in Blackburn, Lancashire, where Kilbride worked as an IT manager.

His wife Julie was with him, celebrating her birthday, at the Whitehall Country Club in Darwen, Lancashire, when he began to complain of chest pains. She desperately tried to revive him with CPR.
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Will we ever learn? Old people should not adopt new Gang habits or signs...
If the shoe fits . . . .

I'll answer . . . most likely.


I seem to have lost a contact lens. Help me find it?
I'm going to need a really bright flashlight and long tent pole if I'm going to look for it...

;) ;)
If only she had stayed in the teepee . . .

where she belongs . . .

Googling Hemi CNC-ported heads . . .

like I asked her to.

Hmmm, maybe . . . .

In other news, there is a clash of the tiny titans in Oakland on Sunday.
Good lord, I told her to use a drop cloth when painting her ceiling mural!

(I wonder if those started out as buds...)
My teepee doesn't have murals.

I guess I'm low-rent.

Maybe it's all the Mopar wedges collecting dust in the corner.

I wonder if she knows how to dust:

Oh dear, not Maizeholio!!!

Now I have to go out for stimulus.

You people have failed me, so I shall get resentful.