The great hamster chase


Literotica Guru
Mar 10, 2003
My son's hamster turned up missing a couple days ago. He was just playing and it bit his foot, so apparently it's he's standing guard over the back of the couch waiting to see him again so he can grab him.

*Rolls eyes*

Why did I let him get that dumb thing?
hamsters are evil. buy a cat and it'll take care of that demon for you.
maybe you saw gillybean's thread the other night about how she went out and bought a hamster?

it made ME want to buy one..., I didn't WANT one. I got one because he told my parents he wanted one, so they bought him the home, etc. for the darn thing. Then I was sorta stuck...I either got to be the bad guy or buy the damn hamster.
Hamsters are OK.

A bit close to the ground for riding though.
I prefer guinea pigs (or cavies, to give them their other name)...

IIRC, they don't bite anywhere near as hard as hamsters - and they're more a semi-outdoor pet (like rabbits, without the burrowing).

It's an idle thought from me, tho - don't have any pets (can't afford them :()
Next time get a rat. They're bigger and easier to find. Not that you're likely to need that advantage. Rats are also smart enough to recognize a sweet setup when they see it and stay put.
If you want to catch the little bastard....

Take a towel and dip it in apple juice.

Get a small bucket and put a piece of apple in it.

Drape the towel over the bucket so it hangs insided and the towel also rests on the floor.

Put the end of the towel near the hamster.

It should climb up the towel and into the bucket.

Personally, I think rats are much better pets, but there is a bias against them. They dont bite, don't usually run away, and actually will come when you call them.
You guys are so smart. :)

Now my son has the cushions off the couch and he is inside because he can see the hamster on the floor through the cracks. *rolls eyes*

I'm just gonna watch and see how it plays out, lol.
ROFL, about three days.

It came walking out from beneath the couch just now and I scooped it up and put it in the cage.
These are the things you film so that when your kids are older and think they're cool you can play it for them. :D
brunhilda said:
ROFL, about three days.

It came walking out from beneath the couch just now and I scooped it up and put it in the cage.

Oh man, you just "scooped it up"?? Yikes! Not me, no way, no how, unh uh! *squirms*

RosevilleCAguy said:

Personally, I think rats are much better pets, but there is a bias against them. They dont bite, don't usually run away, and actually will come when you call them.

Fond memories of your longboat companions?

Not one for rodentia as pets...
but rats are clean and smart
One word of caution in handling, though
Some people get irritations from the tail

Happy the errrant hamster has been corralled
Re: I prefer guinea pigs (or cavies, to give them their other name)...

Xstatic said:
IIRC, they don't bite anywhere near as hard as hamsters - and they're more a semi-outdoor pet (like rabbits, without the burrowing).

It's an idle thought from me, tho - don't have any pets (can't afford them :()

guinea pigs...mmmmm

a delacacy in most south american countries...

Referd to as cuy - pronounced Cu -ya
I remember the time when my son, left the top opne, and the damn thing crawled down an unused drain pipe in the wall. After cuting several holes and the pipe in several places we found her.

Did I mention the swearing that occurred during the "rescue"?
i got a guinea pig a week and a half ago. My 4 year old son has made this thing terrified. my husband built such a big takes up a quarter of the living room! We named it (*though i think it's a her)Ham because the first time we saww them he said "look little hams!" well this is a squeaky and hyper little thing. it's adorable. Well good luck with the hamster!

ROFL, ours is named Hamtaro, like the (I think) Japanimation cartoon on Cartoon Network.

*rolls eyes*