The Giants got ripped!


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Apr 18, 2001
Sure the Giants blew a big lead but they still should have won it!

NFL admits ref blew call in Giants-49ers playoff game

January 6, 2003

NEW YORK (Ticker) - A day after squandering a 24-point lead in a devastating 39-38 playoff loss, the New York Giants received what is essentially a useless apology from the NFL.

Mike Pereira, the NFL's director of officiating, informed the Giants and San Francisco 49ers on Monday that a defensive pass interference penalty should have been called on the final play of Sunday's game, which would have allowed the Giants to attempt a potential winning field goal.

"It does us no good. It doesn't do us a damn bit of good," Giants coach Jim Fassel said Monday after learning of the league's statement which blamed referee Ron Winter's officiating crew for not making the pass interference call.

After blowing a 38-14 second-half lead, the Giants still had a chance to win the game when Matt Bryant lined up for a 41-yard field goal with six seconds left in the fourth quarter. However, the snap by veteran Trey Junkin was low and wide and holder Matt Allen couldn't handle the ball. Allen then ran to his right and lofted a desperation pass downfield to guard Rich Seubert, who was pushed by Niners defensive end Chike Okeafor as the ball was in the air.

No pass interference was called on the play and Giants guard Tam Hopkins was flagged for illegally running downfield on the pass attempt. If interference had been called, then the game could not have ended due to offsetting penalties and the Giants could have attempted the field goal

"It was pass interference. It was clearly pass interference," Fassel said. "How they missed that, I do not know. It is very disappointing."

Pereira admitted that Fassel was right since Seubert had reported to the officiating crew prior to the game as an eligible receiver on field goal attempts and was clearly pushed by Okeafor.

"Them (the league) confirming it is, 'O.K. at least you are honest,'" Fassel said. "But it is not going to change anything. My stomach is already in knots. I don't need to tighten them up even more."
As I recall, two flags were thrown at the end of the game. One was for (defensive) Pass Interference, the other being Ineligible Receiver downfield. The penalties offset, so the ruling called for a replay of the third down. However, the time used in executing the play still remains off, so there is no time left on the clock. Game over.

Yeah, they blew the call, and if he was an eligible receiver, it should have been 1st and Goal at the one with 0:00 on the clock, but with one play to run (a game cannot end on a defensive penalty).

But in the wonderful realm of what-ifs, one can make a wide range of claims. What if, say, the Giants kept their cool after they intercepted the 2-point conversion and Terrell Owens applied the late hit? The Giants would receive a bonus 15 yards to work from the kickoff. All other things being equal, this would be a more realistic field-goal attempt (Candlestick never have forgiving winds, and the NYG kicker sucks ... sorry, but it's true).

What if the NYG played defense?

What if Schocky catches the ball in the endzone? NYG ended up going with the field goal, a difference of four points.

It's the little things that matter, and any one of millions would have kept the favor to the NYG. But they fell apart (both teams did, actually, but SF clearly had the momentum), and lost.

Life goes on little buddy. Take solace that the 'niners will be physically raped when they take on Tampa Bay this week.
flawed_ethics said:
As I recall, two flags were thrown at the end of the game. One was for (defensive) Pass Interference, the other being Ineligible Receiver downfield. The penalties offset, so the ruling called for a replay of the third down. However, the time used in executing the play still remains off, so there is no time left on the clock. Game over.

Try reading the article

1. No flag was throw for defensive pass interference
2. The game cannot end on offsetting penalties.
fair is fair and if the refs did their job right the Giant would have had a kick from the 5 yard line...unfortuantaly this doesn't mean a lot with their pathetic kicking game

the guy was checked in as a receiver, they announced it on the PA. The NOLY penalty was Pass interference.

SF played awesome and everyone thinks its such a big deal to score 3 TD's in a half, certainly not for SF

the giants put themselves in a postition to win and we will never know what should have been...

I am psyched for next year

p.s. i SWORE they called offestting penalties at the end of the game including the pass interference...
Emerald_eyed said:
Every game of every season hs a bad call. Every single game.
that makes me feel so much better...

this was a stupid call that just MAYBE they should have talked it over for 30 SECONDS to figure out they goofed.

and wouldn't it have been funny if the defender didnt yank him down by his neck and he caught the ball for a TD?
JerseyBoy said:
p.s. i SWORE they called offestting penalties at the end of the game including the pass interference...

Mike & Mike In The Morning (ESPNRadio morning show) discussed that point.

As they eplained it:

When the flag was thrown, Chris Colinsworth predicted that it would be a pass interference call.

When the Referee announced the inelgible reciever downfield, Chris assumed it was offsetting penalties.

Chris Collinsworth and the rest of the anouncing team never cleared up their misunderstanding for the viewers, leaving the impression that the game ended with offsetting penalties instead of the single penalty that was actually called.
Bottom line:

The refs - just like the Giants themselves - choked hard!

Yes the refs blew what I thought was an obvious call, but it should have never got to that situation. The refs didn't blow a huge lead in the 4th, or attack Owens to cost the team yards, or fuck up the long snap.

But considering the poor calls in some of the games this past weekend I'm a little nervous thinking about what may happen inthe coming weeks when the games get even bigger.
Get over yourself. Neither the 49ers nor the Giants really deserved to be in the playoffs anyhow--and I'm a Niners fan.

RomanHans said:
Get over yourself. Neither the 49ers nor the Giants really deserved to be in the playoffs anyhow--and I'm a Niners fan.


Lets see here.. they qualified for the playoffs.. San Fran won it's division.. The Giants had just as good a record at 10-6..

How do they not deserve to be in the playoffs? Who would you think deserved to be in the playoffs?

The Saints? C'mon they had three chances and couldn't even beat the freekin Panthers.

The Rams? The Redskins? The Vikings? You tell me who in the NFC that didn't make the playoffs "deserved" to be there ahead of the Giants and 49ers.