The ghost of Stalin lives on


Literotica Guru
Mar 23, 2019

"President Vladimir V. Putin on Wednesday referred to pro-Western Russians as “scum and traitors” who needed to be removed from society, describing the war in Ukraine as part of an existential clash with the United States and setting the stage for an ever fiercer crackdown at home and even more aggression abroad.

Comparing the West to Nazi Germany, the Russian leader laced his speech with derision for the “political beau monde” in Europe and the United States, and for the “slave-like” Russians who supported it. It was a far more hard-line message than one delivered earlier in the day by Mr. Putin’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, who said that Russia saw “a certain hope that a compromise can be reached” with Ukraine to end the war.

The clash in tone indicated that even as Mr. Putin was directing his officials to explore a negotiated end to a war in which Russia faced far heavier resistance than the Kremlin had anticipated, he was prepared to keep raising the stakes in his conflict with the West."

Putin prepares to purge his own people, sound familiar!
Putin is a delusional ass. This is why dictatorships formed under false pretenses suck

"President Vladimir V. Putin on Wednesday referred to pro-Western Russians as “scum and traitors” who needed to be removed from society, describing the war in Ukraine as part of an existential clash with the United States and setting the stage for an ever fiercer crackdown at home and even more aggression abroad.

Comparing the West to Nazi Germany, the Russian leader laced his speech with derision for the “political beau monde” in Europe and the United States, and for the “slave-like” Russians who supported it. It was a far more hard-line message than one delivered earlier in the day by Mr. Putin’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, who said that Russia saw “a certain hope that a compromise can be reached” with Ukraine to end the war.

The clash in tone indicated that even as Mr. Putin was directing his officials to explore a negotiated end to a war in which Russia faced far heavier resistance than the Kremlin had anticipated, he was prepared to keep raising the stakes in his conflict with the West."

Putin prepares to purge his own people, sound familiar!
Yep and is it time for the I told you so's?

Many on the left have been warming you all of this very thing for the longest time and thru all of 45'S love affair with Putin.

This is what authoritarian fascist do....we won't have it, not in the US, Europe or anywhere.

Those who support Putin will find they have no allies here in the US.
Sounds like our Democrats and media commies referring to eliminating Trump supporters. Putin must have a lot of influence on our Democrats.
Sounds like our Democrats and media commies referring to eliminating Trump supporters. Putin must have a lot of influence on our Democrats.
Did someone skip your record or you just enjoy using this bullshit alot?

Oh right...Democrats aren't Americans to you.....which seems a little bit reflective of your statement
It is absolutely hysterical that you traitors try to spin it this way. We have it in print/video correctly.


Just like y'all want us to believe it wasn't 45 and his followers that led to and participated in the Jan. 6th insurrection....good thing the rest of us normal folks have overwhelming coverage by media sources of all sorts and all over the world to show what low character individuals you all are.
It is absolutely hysterical that you traitors try to spin it this way.


Just like y'all want us to believe it wasn't 45 and his followers that led to and participated in the Jan. 6th insurrection....good thing the rest of us normal folks have overwhelming coverage by media sources of all sorts and all over the world to show what low character individuals you all are.
J6, an FBI orchestrated outing.
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He's all in on the FBI driven narrative..****.

Too bad it's bullshit
And it is destined to have them lose and lose big in the future....lies are based on nothing...enough folks have come around at this point.

Rightturdbobo....get yourself prepared to lose big.

"President Vladimir V. Putin on Wednesday referred to pro-Western Russians as “scum and traitors” who needed to be removed from society, describing the war in Ukraine as part of an existential clash with the United States and setting the stage for an ever fiercer crackdown at home and even more aggression abroad.

Comparing the West to Nazi Germany, the Russian leader laced his speech with derision for the “political beau monde” in Europe and the United States, and for the “slave-like” Russians who supported it. It was a far more hard-line message than one delivered earlier in the day by Mr. Putin’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, who said that Russia saw “a certain hope that a compromise can be reached” with Ukraine to end the war.

The clash in tone indicated that even as Mr. Putin was directing his officials to explore a negotiated end to a war in which Russia faced far heavier resistance than the Kremlin had anticipated, he was prepared to keep raising the stakes in his conflict with the West."

Putin prepares to purge his own people, sound familiar!
The ghost of Neville Chamberlain lives as well.
No, it was an attempted insurrection, fueled by right wing lies and pushed by Trump and his people to overturn an election.

But thanks for playing.
Kind of reminiscent of Putin saying that he's only going into Ukraine to purge it of Nazi's. Or Russia using the FSB to arrest protesters speaking out against the war in Ukraine.

But you go ahead and believe that Trump and Putin were planning this all along and only decided to not do it until the next guy was elected to cover it all up so neither of them would get the benefit of all that planning and shit.
You're the one on drugs, if you're still looking at 1/6 and seeing anything but Trump behind it.
Trump wasn't behind it. That is another Democrat misinformation campaign designed to interfere with the next Presidential election.
Trump wasn't behind it. That is another Democrat misinformation campaign designed to interfere with the next Presidential election.
You know perfectly well there were no FBI provocateurs in the mob. Trump summoned his followers to DC and whipped them into a frenzy. Trump alone. Nobody else. The whole world saw and heard it.
You know perfectly well there were no FBI provocateurs in the mob. Trump summoned his followers to DC and whipped them into a frenzy. Trump alone. Nobody else. The whole world saw and heard it.
You don't know that and have no way of proving you do. Everything we told you in the past has come true, you should learn how to listen to your betters. You'd be much better off.
You don't know that and have no way of proving you do. Everything we told you in the past has come true, you should learn how to listen to your betters. You'd be much better off.
That Oathkeeper you keep bringing up as an FBI provocateur? That has not come true.
Kind of reminiscent of Putin saying that he's only going into Ukraine to purge it of Nazi's. Or Russia using the FSB to arrest protesters speaking out against the war in Ukraine.

But you go ahead and believe that Trump and Putin were planning this all along and only decided to not do it until the next guy was elected to cover it all up so neither of them would get the benefit of all that planning and shit.
Actually, the
Kind of reminiscent of Putin saying that he's only going into Ukraine to purge it of Nazi's. Or Russia using the FSB to arrest protesters speaking out against the war in Ukraine.

But you go ahead and believe that Trump and Putin were planning this all along and only decided to not do it until the next guy was elected to cover it all up so neither of them would get the benefit of all that planning and shit.
Actually, there are a lot of similarities between the Trump's lying and Putin's lying as neither are based on reality, facts or evidence.

And I don't think that Putin and Trump planned anything together. Trump was too stupid to realize he was a useful idiot for Putin.

He weakened NATO which is what Putin wanted him to do.