Literotica Guru
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The game (open)
It was a somber day in the kingdom
Lord Gregor the fearsome ruler of the Small Island or North Marsh was dead, found by his wife when she awoke that morning. The relatively small house was in mourning sad that their beloved lord had died, he was the first lord of North Marsh the lord who took all the barbaric tribes on the island and united them under one rule and brought them into Westeros. Before they had all been simple tribes fighting for land and killing each other in order to survive the harsh some times yearlong winters that plagued the island so close to the wall.
Then Lord Gregor rose to power and he was smart and kind where others had been dumb and violent, due to his careful and meticulous planning he was able to unite the seven warring tribes and brought peace to the entire island. Under his rule winters became easier and a civil undertone that hadn’t ever been seen in the court before surfaced. The people of North Marsh flourished and life became easier for all.
And now he was dead
“So who gets the coveted stone throne?”
Alex sighed and kept his head down grabbing his ale and draining it before gesturing for another, his clothes were uncomfortable itchy and not like the soft wool he was accustomed to. He hated the damn “noble” clothes he had been stuffed in almost as much as he hated the damn funeral. He had been forced to sit there while the high priestess had drone on and on talking about a man every one knew well except him. Sure he had heard the stories of Lord Gregor but to him that’s just what they were stories, tales told around burning fires in order to pass the time. The man was a mystery to him some one buried in legend in story and not the father figure he wanted him to be.
They had talked once since he learned the truth a mere few hours before he had passed. During that time they had both been awkward not realizing what they both wanted to say to the other, his “father” seemed to be trying to instill some thing in him…. Some sense of duty towards the throne. He didn’t want the damn throne though he wanted to go back home to his mother on the farm the same mother his “father” had abandoned all those years ago. Alex was ashamed to say that he had screamed at his father spoken harsh words to him on their first and final meeting and stormed out angrily.
He had died that morning
Alex got up paying for the ale and going to the door, ready to face the harsh winters outside. He had to get back to the castle the Lords first child his step-sister was due back in court any second. She was born from the Lords first marriage and most people said that it was she the Lord truly loved and that his second marriage and the current Lady of the house had been only for political reasons. Alex didn’t fall pray to such rumors but he could tell that the Lady hated her with a passion, if he had to guess it would be because she was a constant reminder of the fact that the Lord didn’t love her. It was the same reason she hated him after all, he was a bastard and every time she had to see him he was reminded that the Lord had sought comfort in another women’s arms. If the Lady had any say he would have been gone a long time ago some where he couldn’t be seen or heard any more.
But his father wanted him to stay for reasons he would never know
He reached the court just in time nodding at the guards and ignoring the two expensive carriages resting on the snowy ground outside. The princess had arrived it would seem and so had the Lords third cousin and some one who had a decent claim to the throne and the title of house lord. Alex knew little about the both of them but what he had heard was troubling, the Lords cousin was a evil man violent and quick tempered one of the few who had opposed every one banning together when Lord Gregor had proposed it all those years ago. From what he knew every one at capitol city was against him getting the throne but he had a major following in the settlement because of his tireless fight against the ice monsters and his command of the royal army.
He walked in and put his cloak up muttering curses under his breath as the handsome royal clothes made him itch again, he scratched his rough black stubble and ignored the servants trying to attend to him. He pulled his long black hair back and using a leather string to tie it so that it wouldn’t bother him. He walked towards the princess’s room ready to say hello and be done with it, politics weren’t his strong suite and even though his “father” had said some thing about him ruling he didn’t have the knowledge to do so. He would rather let some one else rule and then let them leave him alone; he could go back to his farm and help his mother with the harvest and life would be simple again.
He reached the princesses door and knocked waiting for her to answer and idly pondering the question the men at the bar had asked.
“Who gets the stone throne now?”
“Bah” He said shinning his battle-ax and looking at the edge inspecting it for any flaws or nicks, he ignored the men cowering across from him and grabbed the huge ax lifting it easily as he towered over them.
“Dear Lord Gregor is dead” Marcus stated looking at each of them in turn before swinging the ax experimentally “I have attended his funeral and said my peace with the man now we must focus on who will lead next”
“Lord Marcus” one of the men said getting up and shaking slightly as he regarded the fearsome man “what we our trying to tell you is that-“
“I know what you are trying to tell me!” Marcus snapped winging the ax and embedding it into the wooden table “You are telling me that the Lady wants to rule the Lady who is not of royal blood and who has never seen battle before”
“But she is the Lady” One of the other men said climbing to his feet “she has just as much claim as the Lords third cousin” he said as the other backed away form him in fear.
“You dare” Marcus growled drawing himself up to his full height and towering over the man “you dare speak like that to me Lord Marcus the general who defends your home against the ice creatures!”
“You are the general” The man said refusing to back down even though his legs were quaking “what can you provide us in politics when you are more suited for the battle grounds” he asked folding his arms.
“Bah!” Marcus growled slamming his fist against the table “I will rule this throne you mark my words” he said looking at each of them before grabbing his ax off of the table “now leave me this is my quarters!” he growled watching them all scamper before turning to the “servant” girl he had brought with him.
“What say you Andrea” He growled coming over to her and grabbing her from behind running his large brutish hands across her slim frame “you wish for me to be king don’t you?” he asked reaching inside her dress and cupping one of her tits.
He stepped out of the shadows of the bookcase and turned sliding it back into place, his secret tunnels were unknown to most of the servants in the castle but he had spent years learning all the secrets the castle hid. It was hard to think that it had only been built 25 years ago in celebration of Lord Gregor’s treaty that had united the warring tribes. Ian still remembered the day he had first stepped inside of the castle bright eyed and with bags full of books as he followed his best friend Gregor into their new home. He remembered marveling at the opulence of it, the sheer richness of every last stone.
Then the jealousy had risen
He and Lord Gregor were best friends and they TOGETHER had secured a place in Westeros and a secure land for every one, yet every one soon forgot about Ian preferring to turn Lord Gregor into a god and not a man. If you believed the way people talked you would have though Lord Gregor was one of the gods himself bursting out of the clouds and waving away all their problems with a simple flick of his hand.
So Ian had seethed for a few years before deciding to get back at his “best” friend, sure he acted like nothing was wrong but inside he plotted and planned and when the time had come he had put his plan into action. The Lady was beautiful but she could never replace the true love in Gregor heart. Ian had watched as she had become more and more unhappy and when he thought she was unhappy enough he had moved in charming her and gaining access to her bed and her heart. Now with his dear best friend gone he would rule marry the Lady and take the island as his own.
He would be lord as he should be
He stepped into her room and sat down pulling out her favorite flowers and laying them on the bed, she would be in soon angry at the arrival of the princess and still seething form the bastard her husband had brought to the castle, and he would make every thing better wash away her anger and lay in her bed and he would propose marriage to her.
And his plan would be complete
It was a somber day in the kingdom
Lord Gregor the fearsome ruler of the Small Island or North Marsh was dead, found by his wife when she awoke that morning. The relatively small house was in mourning sad that their beloved lord had died, he was the first lord of North Marsh the lord who took all the barbaric tribes on the island and united them under one rule and brought them into Westeros. Before they had all been simple tribes fighting for land and killing each other in order to survive the harsh some times yearlong winters that plagued the island so close to the wall.
Then Lord Gregor rose to power and he was smart and kind where others had been dumb and violent, due to his careful and meticulous planning he was able to unite the seven warring tribes and brought peace to the entire island. Under his rule winters became easier and a civil undertone that hadn’t ever been seen in the court before surfaced. The people of North Marsh flourished and life became easier for all.
And now he was dead
“So who gets the coveted stone throne?”
Alex sighed and kept his head down grabbing his ale and draining it before gesturing for another, his clothes were uncomfortable itchy and not like the soft wool he was accustomed to. He hated the damn “noble” clothes he had been stuffed in almost as much as he hated the damn funeral. He had been forced to sit there while the high priestess had drone on and on talking about a man every one knew well except him. Sure he had heard the stories of Lord Gregor but to him that’s just what they were stories, tales told around burning fires in order to pass the time. The man was a mystery to him some one buried in legend in story and not the father figure he wanted him to be.
They had talked once since he learned the truth a mere few hours before he had passed. During that time they had both been awkward not realizing what they both wanted to say to the other, his “father” seemed to be trying to instill some thing in him…. Some sense of duty towards the throne. He didn’t want the damn throne though he wanted to go back home to his mother on the farm the same mother his “father” had abandoned all those years ago. Alex was ashamed to say that he had screamed at his father spoken harsh words to him on their first and final meeting and stormed out angrily.
He had died that morning
Alex got up paying for the ale and going to the door, ready to face the harsh winters outside. He had to get back to the castle the Lords first child his step-sister was due back in court any second. She was born from the Lords first marriage and most people said that it was she the Lord truly loved and that his second marriage and the current Lady of the house had been only for political reasons. Alex didn’t fall pray to such rumors but he could tell that the Lady hated her with a passion, if he had to guess it would be because she was a constant reminder of the fact that the Lord didn’t love her. It was the same reason she hated him after all, he was a bastard and every time she had to see him he was reminded that the Lord had sought comfort in another women’s arms. If the Lady had any say he would have been gone a long time ago some where he couldn’t be seen or heard any more.
But his father wanted him to stay for reasons he would never know
He reached the court just in time nodding at the guards and ignoring the two expensive carriages resting on the snowy ground outside. The princess had arrived it would seem and so had the Lords third cousin and some one who had a decent claim to the throne and the title of house lord. Alex knew little about the both of them but what he had heard was troubling, the Lords cousin was a evil man violent and quick tempered one of the few who had opposed every one banning together when Lord Gregor had proposed it all those years ago. From what he knew every one at capitol city was against him getting the throne but he had a major following in the settlement because of his tireless fight against the ice monsters and his command of the royal army.
He walked in and put his cloak up muttering curses under his breath as the handsome royal clothes made him itch again, he scratched his rough black stubble and ignored the servants trying to attend to him. He pulled his long black hair back and using a leather string to tie it so that it wouldn’t bother him. He walked towards the princess’s room ready to say hello and be done with it, politics weren’t his strong suite and even though his “father” had said some thing about him ruling he didn’t have the knowledge to do so. He would rather let some one else rule and then let them leave him alone; he could go back to his farm and help his mother with the harvest and life would be simple again.
He reached the princesses door and knocked waiting for her to answer and idly pondering the question the men at the bar had asked.
“Who gets the stone throne now?”
“Bah” He said shinning his battle-ax and looking at the edge inspecting it for any flaws or nicks, he ignored the men cowering across from him and grabbed the huge ax lifting it easily as he towered over them.
“Dear Lord Gregor is dead” Marcus stated looking at each of them in turn before swinging the ax experimentally “I have attended his funeral and said my peace with the man now we must focus on who will lead next”
“Lord Marcus” one of the men said getting up and shaking slightly as he regarded the fearsome man “what we our trying to tell you is that-“
“I know what you are trying to tell me!” Marcus snapped winging the ax and embedding it into the wooden table “You are telling me that the Lady wants to rule the Lady who is not of royal blood and who has never seen battle before”
“But she is the Lady” One of the other men said climbing to his feet “she has just as much claim as the Lords third cousin” he said as the other backed away form him in fear.
“You dare” Marcus growled drawing himself up to his full height and towering over the man “you dare speak like that to me Lord Marcus the general who defends your home against the ice creatures!”
“You are the general” The man said refusing to back down even though his legs were quaking “what can you provide us in politics when you are more suited for the battle grounds” he asked folding his arms.
“Bah!” Marcus growled slamming his fist against the table “I will rule this throne you mark my words” he said looking at each of them before grabbing his ax off of the table “now leave me this is my quarters!” he growled watching them all scamper before turning to the “servant” girl he had brought with him.
“What say you Andrea” He growled coming over to her and grabbing her from behind running his large brutish hands across her slim frame “you wish for me to be king don’t you?” he asked reaching inside her dress and cupping one of her tits.
He stepped out of the shadows of the bookcase and turned sliding it back into place, his secret tunnels were unknown to most of the servants in the castle but he had spent years learning all the secrets the castle hid. It was hard to think that it had only been built 25 years ago in celebration of Lord Gregor’s treaty that had united the warring tribes. Ian still remembered the day he had first stepped inside of the castle bright eyed and with bags full of books as he followed his best friend Gregor into their new home. He remembered marveling at the opulence of it, the sheer richness of every last stone.
Then the jealousy had risen
He and Lord Gregor were best friends and they TOGETHER had secured a place in Westeros and a secure land for every one, yet every one soon forgot about Ian preferring to turn Lord Gregor into a god and not a man. If you believed the way people talked you would have though Lord Gregor was one of the gods himself bursting out of the clouds and waving away all their problems with a simple flick of his hand.
So Ian had seethed for a few years before deciding to get back at his “best” friend, sure he acted like nothing was wrong but inside he plotted and planned and when the time had come he had put his plan into action. The Lady was beautiful but she could never replace the true love in Gregor heart. Ian had watched as she had become more and more unhappy and when he thought she was unhappy enough he had moved in charming her and gaining access to her bed and her heart. Now with his dear best friend gone he would rule marry the Lady and take the island as his own.
He would be lord as he should be
He stepped into her room and sat down pulling out her favorite flowers and laying them on the bed, she would be in soon angry at the arrival of the princess and still seething form the bastard her husband had brought to the castle, and he would make every thing better wash away her anger and lay in her bed and he would propose marriage to her.
And his plan would be complete
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