The Future Dark (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
The Future Dark

Lance smiled as he finished a final flurry of sacred hand motions, and the midnight vapor that had filled the pentagram swirled into a great vortex, the swept itself into the bottle at the pinnacle of the star, the dark liquid within seaming to glow with a fury, swirling and twisting and roiling beautifully

Only 89 years ago a group of kids who had discovered some dusty old book down in the bayou had torn the veil, and magic had been reborn to the world. Not magic in the classic Merlin sense, but magic in the voodoo and witch ways. Ancient gods reconnected, spirits of the nether realm beckoned and commanded. And paid, oh the price that they asked

Lance glanced over at the corpse in the chair. The one that was in an inverted pentagram, the kne bridged to this one. This summoning had cost a life, and Lance was more then comfortable with finding some guy down on his luck, broke and homeless, give him one last good day or two, then they were removed from the streets and he was the profiteer of powerful blood magic. Magic that made a pretty penny

Lance ran his hands through his long golden hair, used his vial of salts to carefully undo the pentagram before sweeping it clean. And then he picked up the roiling vial, put it in his pocket and left

He strode out onto the rainy streets, his long leather jacket hung from his wide powerful shoulders. He was a tall broad man, with old coming blood in him. And with his new potion he had a book to get

He hopped onto the sky rail zipping over vast neon cities traveling hundred o miles to the far south from newest York. The town that stood in the old bones of New York

The first years after the Rending of the veil had been violent and bloody as mankind had wrestled the demons and bound them back in their realm, and only brave soils like himself dared deal with then. But those with knowledge had the power. And he had the knowledge, and he always sought more knowledge

And so he son found himself zipping through the air ona cybotaxi, no matter how hard they had tried to automate cars, there was no substitute for human intuition, and so cyber technology soon had people with rotting bodies accepting the peculiar half life for the chance to live longer

Soon he was waking amongst massive crypts and headstones twice as tall as he
He found the open crypt, and stepping in, found the red worn casket, slid his fingers along the ornate stonework, finding a button in the center of a rose, and with a soft click, the stones beside him dropped away, making a set of stairs that lead him to ma'dam Jaleel

He smiled as he descended
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