The Freshman


Really Experienced
Oct 28, 2001
OOC: Ric Bowen. 20 years old. 6'3", 215. Black hair, grey eyes. Well built.


When I first saw her enter the frat party I thought she was trouble. She looked too young to be here, like some high school girl who had heard the music wandered in off the street.

She seemed familiar, though. It took me a moment to place her. But then I did. It was the girl from my Art Appreciation class.

Art Appreciation was one of those easy 'A' classes populated mostly by dumb jocks and freshmen.

I was the dumb jock. That made her the freshman.

It was easy to see why I didn't recognize her at first. In class she was always so quiet and conservative. She wore those owlish horn-rimmed glasses and always wore her hair pinned back. She dressed like a matronly secretary at IBM.

Tonight the glasses were gone and her hair flowed freely down her shoulders. She wore ashort little dress that clung to her curves and revealed many interesting possibilities.

She stood frozen in the doorway, trying to make up her mind whether to stay or go. She looked uncomfortable. Her friends had probably dragged her out of the library and forced her to go to a party. She had gathered up her courage. Now she wasn't sure.

I grabbed two beers from the ice chest and walked over to her. I wanted her to stay.
Frat Party

OOC: Ric Cooper. 20 years old. 6'3", 215. Black hair, grey eyes. Well built.


When I first saw her enter the frat party I thought she was trouble. She looked too young to be here, like some high school girl who had heard the music wandered in off the street.

She seemed familiar, though. It took me a moment to place her. But then I did. It was the girl from my Art Appreciation class.

Art Appreciation was one of those easy 'A' classes populated mostly by dumb jocks and freshmen.

I was the dumb jock. That made her the freshman.

OOC: Trying Again.


It was easy to see why I didn't recognize her at first. In class she was always so quiet and conservative. She wore those owlish horn-rimmed glasses and always wore her hair pinned back. She dressed like a matronly secretary at IBM.

Tonight the glasses were gone and her hair flowed freely down her shoulders. She wore a short little dress that clung to her curves and revealed many interesting possibilities.

She stood frozen in the doorway, trying to make up her mind whether to stay or go. She looked uncomfortable. Her friends had probably dragged her out of the library and forced her to go to a party. She had gathered up her courage. Now she wasn't sure.

I grabbed two beers from the ice chest and walked over to her. I wanted her to stay.
Alex Stood in the doorway to the party house and sighed. What was she doing here? Why had she decided to come? SHe looked for Sandra and Jenny how had invited her to the party. She didn't see them and was about to turn when she saw him moving closer to her.

He was ric or mick..or something. He was in her art appreciation class and a Jock to boot. He was probably going to another room and she turned to step out onto the front porch when he stopped her ,"wait..why don't you stay and have some fun?"

She turned an slid her dark green eyes over his face and then looked at the party and sighed,"Doesn't like my type of crowd really. Sandra and Jenny invited me...I don't really fit in."

"You'll never know unless you try," I said, handing her a beer. She took it gingerly like I'd offered her a hand grenade. She took a sip and her face wrinkled. From that I could tell she wasn't much of a drinker.

"I'm Ric," I said by way of introduction. She nodded and offered her name.

"Well, Alex," I said, holding out my hand. "Would you care to dance?"

She looked up at Ric as he handed her a beer and smiled slightly as she took the cold can. Popping the top she took a sip and wrinkled her nose, she really wasn't much of a drinker. He seemd inviting and nice she she smiled again and took another sip of her beer as they began to talk.

"Well, Alex," ............. "Would you care to dance?"

Alex took his hand and smiled as he led her back into the loud house. Placing her drink on a nearby empty space he brought her in closer amongst the crush and they began to dance. She was stgill nervous about being there and her moves were slightly stilted, she really didn't belong there at all.

I placed my hand on the small of her back and led her through the mob of drunken revelers. After a bit of bobbing and weaving I found a small empty spot near the center of the room. I put my arms around Alex's waist, and she put her arms around my neck. As she was a bit shorter than me, she had to stand on her tippy-toes to reach. To accomplish this she had to lean into me. I didn't mind the contact. The way she pressed against me I could tell that her body was firm and lush. I was immediately stiff. I looked down and smiled at her. I wondered if she could tell the effect she was having on me....