The Fling


Weaver of Dreams
May 21, 2001
A request for someone interested in a brief thread, the literary equivalent of a quickie.

The bar was a dump and located in the worst part of town. It's guady neon sign blinked and sputtered 'alamino at the starlit sky. The place never seemed to close regardless of the state's laws. Only the roughest sort frequented The Palomino. The most reputable of the place's clientele worked in the nearby factories. The rest drifted in from parts unknown.

It was exactly the sort of place Melinda had been looking for. She had been sitting in the bar's parking lot for thirty minutes, watching the customers enter. Her icy blue eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the men and laughed softly to herself. Probably not one among them had an IQ above 50. Perfect. This confident businesswoman had an agenda. Neatly inked in her dayplanner as a matter of fact.

Her eyes flicked to the rearview mirror. Her make-up was impeccable. She had worn her long blonde hair in a French twist that evening and not a hair was out of place. Melinda smiled at her reflection and opened the door of her car. The Mercedes' door closed with barely a whisper. Melinda smoothed her hands over her dress, feeling the softness of the silk and the softer curves beneath. She had dressed carefully that evening. All part of the plan. The dress was new. A black silk that clung to her body.

Her heels clicked softly on the broken asphalt as she crossed the parking lot. Melinda wasn't tall, only five feet six, but she had long legs and the three-inch stiletto heels made them look longer.

The smell of smoke smacked her across the face as she opened the door. Melinda fought the urge to cough and sat down at the first empty table she spotted. A greasy looking waitress sidled up to her table almost immediately and asked for her order.

"A vodka martini with two olives."

As the server slithered off to the bar, Melinda let her eyes sweep over the bar. A shadowy smile curved her lips.
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When the blond walked in, Hank's arm stopped raising his glass in mid drink. She was an unusual sight for this bar, definately high class. Usually it was just working stiffs, or just plain stiffs, but this was a sight to behold.

He watched her sit down, crossing her long legs as she sat at the table. The black silk dress rode up her thigh, dangerously close to her ass. It was easy to imagine sliding his hands up those thighs and over her ass. Only the rest of her body moving under the clinging dress was enough to tear his eyes away. The silk was clinging to her breasts, revealing curves any man would love to handle.

She was a looker, why she was slumming down here was anyones guess. Hank laughed to himself, perhaps she's somebody's parole officer. She could cuff him anyday.

her eyes followed her waitress over to the bar and as she passed by Hank, he caught the blond's eye and raised his glass in a small toast. "Put that lady's drink on my tab," he told the barender, "My compliments."
She didn't look up when the waitress came back with her drink, but when the women's gravelly voice informed her the drink had been paid for, Melinda shifted her aquamarine gaze to the woman's unfortuate face.

"By whom?"

The waitress nodded her head toward a man seated a few tables away.

"Thank you."

Melinda turned her attention away from the retreating woman and focused on her admirer.

Her admirer!

Melinda scoffed quietly. She noticed his roughened hands first. Without warning, a picture of those hands running over her body inserted itself into her mind and she almost lost her nerve. Better not to think about what was to come until she had had a drink first.

Smiling softly, Melinda raised her glass slightly in his direction and took a sip. The quality of the vodka amost made her choke. She tried to keep herself from making a face, but failed miserably. Get a grip on yourself, girl. It's showtime!

Melinda took a deep breath and stood up gracefully. Her hips moved with a subtle sway as she walked over to the man's table.

"Is this seat taken?"

When the lady grimaced, Hank assumed he had struck out, but then the young lady walked over to his table, her hips swaying invitingly under the black silk. Perhaps it was the liquor instead of his offering that put the distasteful look on her face. It was a beautiful face, framed in blond curls. Her green eyes looked troubled, anger at his forwardness, fear? He prepared himself fpr a refusal.

Is this seat taken?

"Not at all," he stammered, jumping to his feet, "please, be my guest." He extended his hand, "Hank's the name, pleased to meet you" Not exactly the smoothest of lines, he thought, but Hank had learned that when he was outclassed, straightforward honesty and courtesy worked best. It was how he had risen to foreman and why he probably would stay that way. To go higher, a man had to kiss ass, and that Hank wouldn't do.

He'd kiss this one's ass, though, he thought to himself, looking her up and down, he'd kiss every inch of her if he could.

She took his hand and shook it, tiny in his big paw, soft against his callouses. Unconsciously he rubbed his thumb over the top of hers, looking into her green eyes, trying to read her. It was her class that awed him, not her beauty. He had known beautiful women before. Not bad looking himself, in a rugged kind of way, his brown hair and hazel eyes had drawn the attention of a few.This one was special, though and he could not figure out what she was doing in this part of town.

"Thank you for joining me," he said, " I'd rather not drink alone."
She stared for a moment at their joined hands before carefully extracting her own.

"I know the feeling," she said as she sat down.

When Melinda crossed her legs the skirt of her dress rode up mid-thigh, nearly exposing the lacy tops of her black silk stockings. She fought the urge to pull the hem of her dress down.

"Hank, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Elizabeth."

Melinda's voice only faltered slightly with the unfamiliar name. She glanced at Hank to see if he had noticed. Melinda ran her tongue slowly over her bottom lip, something she did unconsciously when she was nervous. This would be so much easier if he was as stupid as he was big. Something in his eyes told her this might not be the case. And it would certainly help if the mere touch of her hand didn't strike her dumb. She could still feel the warmth of his skin. Melinda took another sip of her drink. This time she completed the task without making a face. Funny how bad alcohol began to taste better the longer you drank it.

Melinda noticed Hank's appraisal of her nearly visible stocking tops. She cleared her throat and waited until his hazel eyes were on her face.

"And what is it that you do, Hank?"

As she waited for an answer, her fingers played with a chain that hung around her neck.

In the event you may be interested in more than one male character. If not I'll just read along and enjoy... from the shadows.


Bruce, and yeah his knuckles bear the scars from all of the jokes he's heard and snide comments, sits quietly two tables away watching "her" and what's happening between Hank, a regular, and the class woman who just came into this dive.

I was a semi regular, as I was out of town a lot working, but this broad was waaaay to high class to be here unless she was slumming and looking for some working man cock or perhaps something more, something deeper and more intense or, as "they" say in her circles, dirty and nasty.

A wave brings me another bourbon and ginger as I sit quietly watching. When I light my smoke the flare then flame of the lighter reveals my craggy face (think a younger Jack Palance), the scar on my cheek and my eyes. Eyes dark enough that they look black. Eyes watching the two of you, if either notices. Then the lighter closes and I'm in the shadows again.
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And what is it that you do, Hank

"Me? I work over at Mcpherson Printing. I run the bindery over there. You know those annoying little ads that fall out of your bills when you open them?" he laughed, "I'm responsible for that. I supervise a crew. It's ok, it's loud and dirty."

He tried to keep his attention on her green eyes, but her pink tongue darted out from time to time to wet her lips. It was hard not to imagine what she could do with it. She played witha chain around her neck, her slim fingers sliding back and forth across it, drawing his eyes to her chest. Her scent was distracting as well, even in the heavy atmosphere of smoke and alcohol.

Hank could feel a tightening in his jeans, his heart was beating faster. Did he stand a chance with this woman? It didn't seem likely, she must be here to meet someone, a client possibly.

"And you," he continued, " I haven't seen you here before, what brings you down to this section of town?" Down, it obviously was, for this uptown woman with legs that wouldn't stop.
Melinda had expected the question and had an answer prepared.

“I am a corporate lawyer and had a meeting at one of the factories nearby. It ran late and I need a drink after a grueling day.”

Melinda fell silent as she slowly uncrossed and recrossed her legs. Even with the background noise of music and conversation, the unmistakable sound of silk rubbing against silk was audible. Melinda took advantage of Hank’s distraction to study his face. He had the rugged good looks of a Ralph Lauren model gone to seed and he had clearly worked hard all his life. Melinda tried to imagine how it would feel to spend your life making something so useless. Probably akin to building a marriage that went up in smoke.

The industrial noise that passed for music drifted into something slower and softer. The Palomino had a postage stamp dance floor that was already filling up and Melinda seized the opportunity. She let her chain fall from her fingers and the pendant nestled itself into the shadowy cleft of her breasts.

“Would you care to dance?”

The sound of leg moving on leg, silk sliding on silk, drove a shiver up Hank's spine. For a moment, he actually felt her legs wrapped around him.

When she dropped the chain from her fingers,he watched the pendant fall between her breasts. The upper curves of her breasts were tanned, probably from laying out around her suburban pool. Hank could not help but wonder if she were tanned all over, if the soft blond curls around her neck were matched below.

Would you care to dance? His eyes jerked around to the dance floor. A few couples swayed together. "Sure," he answered, " as long as they play slow music." He tried to laugh his nervousness off. "I'm not too good at the fast stuff"

Hank stood up and offered her his hand, leading her to the small dance floor. He knew all eyes in the bar were on them, or more precisely on her. The bar was full of vultures ready to swoop down on a lovely woman. Some of the poor bastards didn't even know they were outclassed. So far the rich lady had been nice, so perhaps a drink and a dance might lead to something else. It would be nice to talk for a while. Hank would take some ribbing when she finally left, he might as well make the best of it while she was here.

Hank positioned them awkwardly, he thought self consciously, his left hand on the small of her back, his right hand holding hers against his chest. It was the way Janis had tried to teach him when he reluctantly allowed her to to drag him to the dance floor. And all this lady had to do was ask.

The wail of a mournful sax filled the smoky room.

Their bodies swayed together to the soft music. He was painfully aware of her breasts pressed against his chest, her thighs brushing his. He was afraid she might notice how excited he was, but his excitement outran his fears. His face barely touched her hair, filling him with her scent as he took a deep breath to steady himself. It had been too long since he held a woman of quality in his arms.

You always seem outnumbered, you dare not make a stand
Melinda fought the urge to panic. The last time she had danced this close to a man had been her wedding, but that wasn’t what troubled her. No, it was the fact that she was actually enjoying this. God help her if that happened. Everything was going so well. Hank was the perfect type and he was obviously attracted to her. Melinda could feel his erection as he held her close. The knowledge excited her, made her feel powerful. She hadn’t felt powerful in a long, long time.

Remembering her goal, Melinda wantonly began to tease him. Swaying her hips, she brushed against his groin. She heard him moan deep within his chest and Melinda smiled inwardly.
As the song ebbed towards its conclusion, Melinda pressed the length of her body into his. She tilted her head so she could whisper in his ear.

“I rather enjoyed that.”

And she had. The closeness seemed to affect her almost as much as it did Hank. The scent of him filled her mind and a unfamiliar tension took hold of her body. Despite herself, she swayed a little on those high, high heels and was grateful for those strong arms around her. At that moment, Melinda didn’t precisely trust her knees.

“Perhaps we had better sit down.”
I rather enjoyed that Her warm breath on his ear did nothing to break the spell she was weaving on him. Hank could feel every inch of her body as she pressed it against him, especially her thigh against his tight jeans. She seemed to sway a bit. Heels were probably not the best dancewear, and as she swayed her breast brushed against his arm.

Perhaps we had better sit down He guided her to their table, his hand semingly glued to the small of her back. The touch of her was intoxicating. "Thank you," he said, "I haven't danced in a while, not that I ever did much." A nervous laugh escaped his mouth. Hank waved at the bartender, ordering another round of drinks. "I hope I wasn't too awkward."

Still standing after she sat down, he could partailly see down her dress. Her breasts moved gently as she breathed. He sat down quickly, hoping she hadn't noticed his excitement through his jeans. "I'm glad you came in," he said, "You've made my day. Most of my days are the same. a few beers after work, maybe some pool, then home to supper and TV. Not very exciting, I guess, compared to your world" No excitement at all, if the truth be known, he thought, But a man makes choices and pays the price

As Irene set down the two new drinks smilingly said, "The man in the corner paid for them. Said to tell you that you looked good dancing and as if you were enjoying yourselves."

A cigarette lighter flares as he lights another then he melts into the shadows again when it goes out.

OCC: Just a reason to notice the character. Let it pass if that's your wishes.
Good story and writing. I'm enjoying 'watching from my shadows'. *s
Things were rapidly coming to a head. Melinda began to wonder when she should lay her cards on the table. Her musings were interrupted by the waitress bringing them a round of drinks. Melinda swiveled in her seat to survey their benefactor. Eyes the color of midnight regarded her from a shadowy corner. It would seem she was attracting more than her share of attention. His gaze caused a little shiver to run down her spine.
Hank coughed a little and Melinda turned back around to face him.

"Someone you know?"

Melinda had a wicked little thought. One undereducated working-class stiff was good. Two would absolutely kill Jack. Melinda didn't have any idea how she would accomplish that however. Seducing Hank was proving difficult enough. Her own body was rebelling against her. It wasn't something she could afford to dwell on at the moment. She slipped one of her black pumps off and ran her stocking clad toes up his leg.

"If it is, you can invite him over."

Someone you know? His attention turned to the bar and saw Bruce nod just about the same time as her toes ran up his leg. Hank took a deep breath and smiled. If she kept going she'd find out just how excited he was. He hoped she did.

If it is, you can invite him over

Hank looked into her green eyes and smiled. If she could up the ante, so could he. Leaning forward and reaching under the table, he took her foot in his hand. Sliding up under her ankle to her calf, he guided her toes to his bulge. "His name is Bruce, and he's been known to spice up an evening" hank saw her eyes widen, and her tongue licked her lower lip again, but she didn't protest as he moved her toes up and down his package.

Standing up so she could see what she had been feeling, Hank waved Bruce over to the table. When Bruce arrived, Hank moved over beside Melinda and sat down. "Bruce, this is Elizabeth, thanks for the drink." Now we'll see if the lady is real or just playing a bluff As Bruce mad his hellos and sat down with his drink, Hank dropped his hand under the table to rest on Melinda's thigh. She stiffened but before she could stop him, he slid his hand up under her dress to the top of her stocking. "Melinda's come down from uptown tonight, looking for some excitement" Feeling the lace there, he moved farther across her tender skin till his fingers brushed her panties.
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I see Hank's wave as my eyes haven't left them. Rising with my drink and cigarette pack in hand I cross and join them at their table and signal for another round of drinks.

"Hank, good to see you. Been out of town again and just returned tonight."

Turning to the woman, "Elizabeth is it. I've a feeling another name would fit you better than 'Elizabeth', but it that's the one you choose to you so be it.
"Excitement is it? Well "Elizabeth" just how much excitment do you think you can handle tonight? Think you can take a mind blowing amount?"

Back to Hank again, "What do you think Hank? Think that "Elizabeth" can take enough 'excitement' to truly blow her mind so it's never quite the same again and she has to cummmm back and visit often?"

The drinks arrive, I find out my tab's total and pay it plus a generous tip in case we don't stay around much longer. Drinks will be paid for as they arrive from now on.
"Elizabeth's come down from uptown tonight, looking for some excitement"

Inwardly, Melinda flinched at Hank's touch but kept her seductive smile intact even as his fingers slipped even further up her thigh. She was rapidly going to lose control if she allowed him to continue. Melinda was not about to let that happen until they were in front of a camera. Even as her gaze shifted to Bruce, her hand slipped beneath the table and caught Hank’s hand just before his fingers entered her panties.

"Excitement is it? Well "Elizabeth" just how much excitement do you think you can handle tonight? Think you can take a mind blowing amount?"

Melinda had been pleased when she first got a closer look at Bruce. He was even more disreputable than he had appeared from a distance, marking him as perfect for her little scheme. But then he began to speak and a shiver ran down her spine. It was something about the way he said “Elizabeth”, like he knew more than he possibly could. And his eyes. Melinda found it difficult to meet his gaze. His eyes were like something out of a nightmare she couldn’t bring herself to remember. Despite her disquiet, she was resolved. She didn’t have much to live for beyond revenge.

When she spoke, her measure tones did not reveal her inner turmoil.

“I have had a horrendous day. No, a horrendous week. I’d liked to forget a lot of things and let loose for once. Would either of you gentlemen like to make this a more private party?”

There she had said it. The Rubicon had been crossed. Melinda tried to breath as she waited for either of them to answer.

would either of you gentleen like to make this a more private party?

"I know I would," Hank responded. Elizabeth had place her hand on his but had not removed it. He moved his fingers against her panties, feeling the heat inside. "Do you have anyplace in particular in mind?," he spoke, leaning so close his lips brushed her ear as they formed the words.

Hank could see that she was trying to remain in control, but the sight of her nipples hardening under her tight silk dress and the heat flowing out against his fingers told him otherwise. Control was an illusion, anyway, he had surrendered to his own powerlessness years ago. Hank hoped he would be there when Elizabeth lost control, or better said, surrendered to the passions boiling inside her.

His own passion caused a throbbing in his loins as the heat under his fingertips registered in his brain. "Perhaps," he said, "We can make your horrendous week end in a night to remember."

Black, bottomless eyes looked deeply into "Elizabeth's" eyes. Eyes barely restraining her mounting lust as my deep, almost mesmerizing voice, says softly, quietly, "The River Styx is broad and smooth. The boatman has been paid his fee. Shall we board the ferry and begin our journey together and revel in the debauchery to come?"

Glancing at Hank with a slow smile, "Why just a night? It's Friday. No work until Monday. So why not the entire weekend so we can know all there is to learn about "Elizabeth" and ourselves. So she can find the hidden depths within her she doesn't yet realize exist or won't admit to if she does."

"We could go to my loft. It's close by and has every single thing we'd need or want," looking back into "Elizabeth's" eyes again, "even several strategically placed video cameras all hooked to monitors and taping machines so, if you want to see, we can watch as we enjoy each other and I'll give duplicates when the weekend is over to any who want have them of course. Why I even have an assortment of masks and hoods to conceal identities if you wish to use one of them. After all we'll know who's behind each mask and that's all the counts isn't it?"

Draining my glass and standing, "Shall we go... to my place now."
Melinda felt the blood drain from her face. She had the strangest feeling Bruce could read her mind. She thought of the Rubicon, Caesar's river of no return, and Bruce mentioned the River Styx. She mentally shook herself. He was offering exactly what she needed after all. It was almost as if someone had answered her prayers.

She had no intention of letting this little adventure last beyond tomorrow, but she wouldn't tell them that. Melinda stood as well. Unconsiously, she stood a little closer to Hank as if she found a nearness to Bruce threatening.

"It would seem you have read my mind, Bruce. I suppose we all have different vehicles. Why don't Hank and I follow you to your loft."

She slipped her arm around Hank shoulders and looked down into his hazel eyes.

I sit and listen, note your less than subtle movement closer to Hank and understand its cause. When you're finished speaking an enigmatic smile appears on lips that had seemed narrow and hard when we'd first met, but now look full and sensual.

"Certainly. Your wish is my command "Elizabeth" ," and in a quieter voice, "for now."

Continuing, "Shall we go then. My lofts two blocks away so I walked here.
"You both may leave your vehicles here. No one will disturb them I assure you."

Looking into "Elizabeth's" eyes again, "Not even your German chariot will be bothered in any way. It will be as safe in the parking lot as it would be in your own garage."

Turning, I start toward the door leaving the choice of joining me or not up to you both.

As I approach the door a tall statuesque woman with reddish blonde hair walks over to me and lays a hand on my arm then begins to speak while walking along side of me.

As you follow, if you do, and get closer the near beseeching look is clear in her eyes. You don't hear what she's been saying, but can hear my part of reply, "Not tonight and not yet. You're need isn't great enough yet. I'll call when it's your time to come to me. We'll both know when.
"Now goodnight. Friends and I are going where you wish to be. Consider that and all that will transpire. It will feed your cravings."

She nods quietly and withdraws her hand. Turning she glances at you both, but looks at "Elizabeth" with a look of mixed emotions. Jealousy, lust, envy and perhaps pity all in the space of moments before she continues her turn and walks to were she'd been sitting with her companions.
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Looking up into Elizabeth's eyes, Hank saw resignation, fear and desire. There was something besides lust that drove this decision. Her arm around his shoulders placed her breast delightfully close to his face and he slid his arm around her waist as she stood there, giving her left breast a quick kiss through the silk before standing up.

Leaning into her her, he whispered, "We'll take your car. I live near here as well, but you're options will be easier to make if your car is close to his loft. Bruce likes to control things, but don't worry, I handle harder men than him every day. Don't be afraid, you're always free to go" Taking her hand, hank led her outside and, as Bruce walked up the street, they got into her car.

Easing into the leather seat of the Mercedes, Hank watched as Elizabeth's dress once again rode high up her thigh, revealing the lacy top to her black stockings. Motioning directions with his right hand, Hand lay his left on her thigh, stroking slowly and softly up and down the soft skin between the lace and her panties. he was drawn inexorably to this sensual, troubled woman. Troubled and trouble, but then so had been most of his life. Like a rose in the rubble, she was too beautiful not to pick.

Pulling up at Bruce's loft, they had a few moments to wait before he caught up to him. Hank withdrew his hand from Elizabeth's thigh and took her face in both his strong hands. He could fel her soft cheeks under his callouses and her hair on the back of his hands as he looked into her emerald eyes, searching for the hidden truth within. "I want you. You're so beautiful, too beautiful to resist, but tell me when it's time to go, and I'll get you out of this. Until then, some fires burn short and hot, set me on fire" He leaned forward and kissed her hard, his lips hungrily, greedily devouring hers.
Since the divorce, so many strong emotions simmered under Melinda’s cool demeanor – hurt, rage, a lust for revenge. Hank’s kiss threatened to set that passion free. She wanted to give herself over to it, almost forgetting everything the moment their lips met.

Melinda opened her lips to the onslaught of Hank’s tongue, turning in her seat to give herself more completely. Her tongue slid against Hank’s and they both moaned into the kiss. Melinda arched her back, wanting to press her body against his but the awkwardness of the car made it impossible.

A hot breath caressed the back of her neck and Melinda jumped, pulling away from Hank as if she had been scalded.

“What’s wrong?” Hank asked, his rapid breathing matching her own.

Melinda almost didn’t want to turn around. When she did, she looked through her window and saw Bruce watching her thru the glass. His dark eyes were mere slits, his face partially hidden by shadow. Must have been my imagination.

“He’s here. We will continue what we started inside.”

She leaned over and gave Hank a playful little nip on the earlobe. Bruce stepped back and Melinda got out of her car.

“My God, is that where you live?”

She looked up at the blackened gothic hulk before her. The building looked like one of the worst examples of urban blight, an industrial ruin left to rot. Yet, Melinda did notice that all the windows on the two top floors were intact. Hank got out of the car and she clicked on the alarm. Despite whatever Bruce had told her, she didn’t trust this neighborhood for a second.

I watched them through the back window of the overprice Mercedes as they kissed and smiled quietly to myself. 'Such a touching scene, I thought to myself. 'It will be interesting to see if it's repeated at the end of our time together.'

Reaching the car I just stood at "Elizabeth's" door silently and concentrated briefly as my eyes narrowed to predatory slits. I smiled at her reaction and remained silent and waiting. The one working street light at the corner leaving me mostly in the shadows, a place I felt most comfortable and at home. Unlike most who seek light I generally prefer the night and the shadows.

At "Elizabeth's", "“My God, is that where you live?” I smiled saying quietly, "Yes indeed. Interesting isn't it? Don't let appearances deceive you though. As with many things the exterior doesn't always refelect what's inside... does it "Elizabeth"."

Taking her arm, I escort her/us to the door and open it, as it's unlocked no key is needed.

Inside the vetibule is dirty and dusty but there's a light in an elevator at the end of a short hall and we all head for it.

"I occupy the top two floors. It gives me the space I want and the privacy since the building's mine and, other than me, is unoccupied. The vagrants and squatters have learned that there are other places that they find more comfortable than in my building.
"I do value my privacy.
"Also the top two floors are the highest in the block so no one can see in through the windows if the lights are turned on."

Once in the elevator I press the next to the top button, as the top button has been removed and there's just an empty circle there now.

The doors slide closed silently and the ride up, to what, begins.
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Hank walked awkwardly to the elevator, his erection pressing tight against his jeans. He watched Elizabeth and Bruse walk ahead of him, his attention on her swaying hips and the silk dress stretched tight across her delightful ass.

The memory of her tongue entwined with his lingered. This woman looked good, smelled good and tasted good.

As Bruce pushed the button and the elevator began to rise, Hank stood behind them and the urge to touch her ass became irresistable. She was clinging to Bruce's arm, her soft breast pressed against him, when his fingertips brushed the curves of her ass from the small of her back down over her round cheeks. Around and under he stroked, tracing a path around to the curves touching her thigh, lingring in the crease of her torso and leg. How exciting it must be for her, to have the attentions of two men. He had had two women once, it had been Janis's idea, and one of the most memorable of his life.

Hank let go and stepped back as the old elevator jerked to a halt. Pleasure awaited.
Melinda stood directly in front of Hank and she felt her hands caressing her from behind. She leaned back slightly, feeling the warmth of his hand through the thin fabric of her dress. The heat seemed to rise within the drafty industrial elevator and Melinda sighed softly. She was disappointed when Hank stopped caressing her. She was beginning to like the touch of his hands.

Her eyes shifted to Bruce. Something he had said unnerved Melinda. Didn’t he mention that he owned this building. Melinda hadn’t expected to find someone who was wealthy at the Palomino. That’s why she had chosen it after all. Bruce was proving to be full of surprises. What was the reason behind his needling comments though. Was it because she had not shown him the attention she had Hank. Frankly she found him a little scary, but there was something about him that excited her as well. He was the flame you played with as a child. And she did need him after all. Bruce had slid into her plans so neatly. Hank and she would be in some disreputable motel if it weren’t for Bruce.

Leaning closer to Bruce, she whispered in his ear,

“I haven’t thanked you properly for bringing us here.”

She ran her a pointed tongue along the outer rim of his ear.

“Thank you.”

The elevator stopped and Melinda waited for Bruce's next move.