The Flat Stomach Appreciation Thread


Really Experienced
Oct 30, 2020
A thread dedicated to the beauty of people with toned or flat stomachs. I love the look of a flat stomach. Such a sight is getting rare and rarer.


Not rare for young people but is difficult as you get older. It also depends on your diet and physical activity level.
Not rare for young people but is difficult as you get older. It also depends on your diet and physical activity level.
That's what people think. I think I disagree with that for the most part. It should still be possible up until one's 40s. It's the terrible western diet that people are peer pressured into. What country are you from? A lot of fat youngsters in my place. You see some young girls (like below) that are in shape walking around drinking their sodas... such a shame to think that in a year or two those beautiful flat bellies will be hanging out, and they won't even know why!


I'm 34 and I'm in the exact same shape as I was when I was 19. I expect this the stay the same over the next decade. I've had a healthy and consistent diet, as well as a consistent but minimal exercise routine. On some social occasion where there's only junk food available, I just don't eat.
My 16yo son who eats everything is sight doesn't have an ounce of fat around his waist and has a size 28 at most pants?!?!

When I was younger I remember watching all those movies where the bad guys were looking for the fountain of youth and now I know why haaaa?!?!

Granted there is a lot of teenagers who are also obese and aren't in good shape like my son who is very active in both basketball and track. He also eats well.
My wife and I are very careful about our diets. And we are in the gym 5 times a week. She does personal training for a number of people.
I’ve had an advantage due to her influence.
From what I’ve seen diet is so huge a factor. I can’t remember the last time I had a sofa pop.
My wife and I are very careful about our diets. And we are in the gym 5 times a week. She does personal training for a number of people.
I’ve had an advantage due to her influence.
From what I’ve seen diet is so huge a factor. I can’t remember the last time I had a sofa pop.
85% of keeping your weight under control is what you put or what you don't put in your mouth. Want to lose weight then you need to do is out less in your mouth or what they call a caloric deficit. Easier said than done I know especially as we are and the metabolism slows down.

That last donut on the kitchen counter would be about 300 plus calories or 3 miles / 55 minutes of walking for me so it definitely isn't worth me consuming it. Nope no way.
The part that often protrudes could be called the belly, gut, famine calorie storage facility, etc. The stomach is one organ at the top of the belly.
Don't generalize or judge. It's really easy to judge.
Isn't just about every single TV show and movie and publication an appreciation or celebration of flat stomachs?