The Falling Starlet (reserved)


It's all in ur head
Sep 18, 2022
Axel Cadell, stood relaxed in a stool at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel bar in downtown Hollywood, sipping on a club soda and glancing about the room at the groups of other people all clustered in their proverbial groups talking quietly among themselves. There was a feeling of jittery nervousness that could felt throughout the room. He knew that each of these clusters of people were all there for the same reason as him. They were answering a call for a new security team to put on retainer for an up and coming starlet. The name of this woman had been intentionally withheld from the ads for obvious security reasons.

"So Axel what do you think so far?" A woman said who stood next to him, leaning on the bar and drinking a small glass of wine. He turned and looked at one of his own team named Jeanette Wilson. She had been one of his first hires that he had made as he had been assembling his team. She was a whiz when it came to computer security, multitiered network defense and network risk assessment and management. She wore a pinstripe suit and skirt that went down to just below her knees. Her hair was back in a bun and she carried a laptop case on her shoulder like a purse which held her system.

Axel glanced around the room slowly and said, "Well, this is the second round of interviews. Looks like we made it through, along with Sergeant Private Security, Lock PS, and Centurion. They have Napalm already in the back being interviewed." He turned towards Jeanette and spoke softly to her saying, "You have hacked into each of their systems right?"

She smiled and said, "Cakewalk all three times."

"Good. We are a shoe in. So relax. Drink your drink and relax." He said.

Feeling a bit more reassured, she sipped on her wine and checked her watch. Their team would be called any minute.

A man walked into the room, looking every bit of a battle hardened warrior wearing a grey suit and tie, light brown beard and military cut hair. Axel raised a hand and said, "Joel, over here."

Joel spotted Axel and quickly crossed the room to meet up with his boss. He said, "I am sorry boss. There was an accident on the interstate that backed traffic up some." Joel Lesnar was a former Navy SEAL, military instructor, weapons instructor, and in charge of his security team rotations. Joel was his second in command in his company Axel Security Services.

Axel himself, was a retired Major from Special Operations after 20 years of service. He and Joel often sparred together, honing each other's fighting techniques and ragging on each other about which elite forces were the best. Joel was possibly once of Axel's best friends on this planet. They trusted each other with their lives. He checked his watch saying, "We should be going in at any minute. Glad your here buddy."

Joel leaned in and said, "Any idea who the diva is who is hiring the team?"

Axel looked at Jeanette who looked a bit frustrated and shook her head. Axel did as well. He said, "Not yet."

Joel shook his head slightly and said, "Alright."

The three of them completed the recruitment team.

Just as Joel was about to pick up a beer for himself, a young black woman in a business suit stepped into the hallway as another team as the members of Napalm Security Services walked past her towards the lobby looking a bit admonished. Axel smiled. Napalm was a stupid name for a security service. She looked down at her clipboard and said, "Will the representatives of Axel Security follow me please?"

Axel looked at his two partners and said, "Well, here we go..." He grabbed his case and the three walked up to her and back to the conference room for their second round of interviews.
Ruby Sommers sat quietly in a corner of the room watching the proceedings. She'd been told not to speak or interrupt in any way, just let the professionals do their job. Yes, they'd listen to her opinion but realistically she knew that the decision would be made without her input. She wasn't stupid.

Her Manager and agent, Mrs. Johnson, who was in charge of this little recruitment and interview thing, had insisted that Ruby wear a blonde wig and sunglasses as if that would make her unrecognisable. It hadn't worked the other week when she had been trying to dodge the paparazzi and go for a coffee around the corner from her apartment.

New found fame was difficult to handle.

She was only at the start of her acting career, one film, one success, a starlet, a discovery, the darling girl every network and magazine wanted to interview. She'd even had an offer to do a cover photo shoot for a well-known women's monthly. She was the archetypal innocent-petite-brunette-young-girl-next-door-unlikely-heroine-and-newfound-star. Thankfully, she had Mrs. Johnson to take care of everything including endorsements, and almost mother her. Or was it smother her?

She didn't know.

What she did know was that she didn't like being told what to do all the time. She wanted to make her own decisions, tell other people what to do, be her own person, her own boss. Be bossy. Isn't that what bratty starlets were supposed to do?

So she sulked in her corner while the grownups decided to add yet another burden to her already complicated life. A security team. She hadn't liked any of them so far, but then she wouldn't get to pick. It was all so unfair. She just knew she'd hate whoever they picked. Just another set of people who'd spoil her fun, cramp her style, trample her independence, and all the other cliches she could think of.

It was all so unfair.
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Axel walked into the room with his team and found himself in a rather open conference room with a large oval table surrounded by wheeled chairs, a white board on one wall, neutral paint on the wall, and a few strategically chosen black and white photos of inspirational images and phrases on them. In other words, a typical conference room. At the table, a team of 4 people sat calmly looking through some paperwork. There had been two men and two women. Axel recognized one of the men almost immediately and smirked.

He also noticed one young woman in a fake wig and sunglasses curled up in a chair looking pouty and sullen and figured it to be the starlet in disguise. Given the recent success of a particular movie that involved a particular young starlet that fit her description minus the wig of course, suspected this to be Ruby Sommers herself. The problem was he had seen her movie and the best he could have said about it despite all the critics raving about her performance and all the awards she was being nominated for because of the movie, the best review he could give her on her performance had been ... meh. It had been okay but not really seen what the fuss had been about. Truth was, he suspected that had Hollywood's number one producer and director of the picture Gregory Bay not been attached to the project, he suspected her movie might had slipped into the annals of history unnoticed. It had been the director that had gotten her the fame she had found, not her own talents. But then again, who was he to judge.

As they approached, the four at the table all stood up and the lady in the middle said, "Hello there! My name is Heather Brotherton, I represent the Talent Manager of the young lady who is retaining security services." She shook his hand, "This is my associate Kiana Scott" She had pointed to the black woman who had led them in. He also knew this woman was personal assistant of Miss Sommers which validated his theory. He shook her hand as well.

She pointed to the man he knew well and said, "Brett! Long time no see old friend!" They shook hands as though they had been friends a long time.

Heather said, "You two know each other?"

Axel said, "We served together. Saved each other's can more than a few times out there on assignment."

She glanced to Brett and eyed him saying, "Yes, he didn't mention that. Well, he represents our firm's security liaison who is review applicants with us. And this gentleman," She said pointing to the last man and said, "Is Caleb Gentry. He is our Human Resources liaison as well."

Axel smiled and shook his head too and noticed the woman again in the corner and had this odd feeling she was looking intensely at him for some reason. He ignored it for a time, introduced his own team and the seven adults sat down and began going through the interview. Jeanette walked through the cybersecurity protocols for home security as well as online presence. Joel talked about the team he had hired on, provided the sleeves of each agent to the recruiting team to review as well. Axel himself sat back and answered questions as needed like a leader should, comfortable and calm.

After about 45 minutes, they completed the interview and all began to stand up... preparing to be dismissed out so the next team could come in to be interviewed. Heather made one glance over to Ruby to see if she wanted to add anything or say anything before they moved on. All seven sets of eyes turned to her...
It was all so very boring. Ruby could have been doing something useful like buying clothes and shoes and some of the gorgeous new bags she'd seen online, out with her friends doing coffee shops and making the most of the sudden fortune that had filled her recently pathetic bank account to more than overflowing. Mrs. Johnson had got yet another interfering person to help her manage her money, as if a young woman like her needed help. She was quite capable of spending all on her own! She dreaded to think how much all these people were costing or who was going to pay them. Was it the studio? Or her own recently formed company that she didn't understand and certainly wasn't in charge of. And what about the follow-up film that Mr. Bay said he wanted to make? Would he keep Ruby in the star role? What if he didn't? Would she suddenly be penniless? It was all very confusing and so unfair.

With a sudden shock, Ruby realised that everyone was looking at her. What had she missed? Had she been asked a question? What had it been? She had no idea what she was supposed to do, she'd been miles away in her own little world trying to deal bravely with her strange new existence and behave like the mature, responsible young woman that she knew herself to be. It was all so unfair!

Thank goodness she was wearing sunglasses; the grownups would never know that she hadn't been paying the slightest bit of attention. She was suddenly reminded of a character from Dickens, from Great Expectations. Mr. Wemmick. If in doubt, nod and smile. It had worked with his dad, the aged P.

Ruby put a serious expression on her face, just like Mr. Bay had teased out of her when he wanted her character to be taken seriously as the young but resourceful heroine of their film. His film. In character now, Ruby looked serious, nodded, and gave the hint of a smile, the smile that critics had raved over, that apparently melted so many hearts.

She hoped that response would do.

She also wondered what she'd missed. She had a nagging feeling that the meeting she had just blanked out was somehow important, that the people were going to be significant.

And the look the main guy had given her! It was like he saw through her disguise right to her very soul, like he had x-ray vision or a superpower. It made her shiver. She hoped he didn't get the job; he scared her. But she knew he was the one. He simply had it.

Oh, she so hoped he didn't get the job. She'd find out who he was, look him up, check out his picture, read up on him, find out everything she could; maybe print his photo, too. She so hoped he didn't get the job. She shivered again, a funny feeling running through her whole body. She hoped, she so hoped he didn't get the job.
Slowly, the four turned and looked back at Axel and said, "Well, thank you all for your time. We will be reaching a decision hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow."

Axel let his gaze stay on the starlet a moment before sliding back to the meeting and smiling warmly and offering his hand. Soon, his team was dismissed and the next team brought in for their interview.

~~~ Later that night ~~~

"Sir, we need to talk...." a young red headed woman of the age of 22 by the name of Adele Porter said as she looked up at Axel from his front door step. Adele was 5'1" tall, wearing thin green sundress and heels. She also wore a silver eternity collar on her neck which glistened and made her skin glow.

Axel glanced out towards the car sitting on the street by his home in the quiet little suburb he lived in. A young man in his mid 20's set there in the driver's seat looking a bit nervous stared over at the two of them. Axel and said, "Who is he?"

"The reason we need to talk sir." She said calmly as she glanced back to the young man and waved reassuringly.

"Come in." He stepped aside and waited as she stepped into the house and closed and locked the door behind him. She walked a knowing walk to the recliner which sat in the corner of the main living room. She reached up to the strap holding her dress on and began to undo it.

Axel said, "You may leave it on. I think I know what this is about." He walked to the chair and sat down, looking up at her with expectation.

Her face flushed slightly and then she lowered down to her knees in what the lifestyle would refer to as the Nadu slave position. Knees shoulder width apart, hands on her knees palm up, back straight, chest out, head forward and eyes down. It was clear she was very familiar with this pose though usually without clothing on. Axel waited a moment till she was in the correct pose and said, "Slave, you may now address your Master."

"Master. I... have fallen in love." She said hesitantly.

"I can see that." He said with a grin. He peeked out the window to the car and saw the guy looking nervous glancing at the door. He said, "What is his name?"

"Michael. He is amazing Master. I love him so much. I want to spend my life with him." She said eyes down but unable to hide a small glow as she spoke.

"You wish for me to release you from the collar then?" Axel asked calmly.

"If... it pleases you Master. I wish your blessing." She said and glanced up at him.

Axel smiled at her, leaned down and knuckled her chin to make her look up at him and said, "You look positively radiant. I am so happy for you!" He reached to a small box tucked away in the end table drawer and pulled out a hex wrench and said, "I grant your release baby... and you have my blessing!" He took the wrench to the collar, locating the small hex head bolt that held it all together and began to work it loose.

After a moment, the collar popped open and he removed it from her neck, then closed it and tightened the bolt back into the collar. He handed it to her with the wrench and said, "Will he be your new Master now?"

"I don't know sir." She said, "He is still kind of learning all about it."

"Well if he needs to learn about it, have him come see me. I will teach him whatever I can for you. You deserve happiness." Axel said calmly and stood up, offering a hand to her to help her to her feet.

As soon as she was on her feet, she flung herself into his big arms and said, "Thank you sir! Thank you for everything! I will never ever forget you."

Axel smiled and kissed her forehead and said, "Neither will I. Come on... before he has a heart attack." He led her to the front door and kissed her hand once more and watched as she headed back to her car. She waved once more and then they took off.

He turned and headed back into his house when his phone began to ring. He locked the door behind him and opened the phone. It was from Jeanette. He said, "Yes?"

"We got it! We got the gig! I just got the phone call boss! We are not the elite security team for Ruby Sommers!" She said with barely contained enthusiasm!

He looked at empty road once more through the peep hole. He was going to miss his little pain slut. He said, "That is great! When do we start?"

"Tomorrow morning 0800. I will send you the address and key code to get into her gates." She said.

Axel smiled to himself once more and said, "I will see you in the morning then. Sleep well." He hung up his phone and headed to bed.
Ruby's phone dragged her from sleep at the crazy early hour of 7 am, according to the blurry figures on the screen.

Mrs. Johnson. Ugh!

"Uh?" Ruby answered on the fourth ring.

"Good morning, Ruby dear, I hope you're wide awake and already dressed because today is going to be a busy day. We've appointed a security team for you, clearly necessary after that unfortunate coffee shop run-in you had with the press last week, and you need to move apartments. Your's is just too small and in the wrong place. So we're finding an alternative and you move today. The security team will choose and I'll deal with the paperwork. They should be with you within the hour and already have the keys and security codes. They'll probably just let themselves in so don't be shocked and try, Ruby darling, to behave well and not throw a tantrum. They're there to help you. I think they already have a short list of suitable places that will accommodate a security office and at least one duty bodyguard, but they'll explain everything. But they are in charge of your security and will make the necessary decisions to keep you safe from harassment.

"Your film has been a huge success and there's a lot of interest in you, and without worrying you, I might tell you that some of that interest is, well, let's not worry as I said. So, um, expect your visitors pretty soon. No need for disguises now, just be yourself, your lovely happy pretty charming self not the grumpy one, and cooperate with them. can you do that, Ruby sweetie?"

"Uh!" Ruby ended the call and flumped back onto her pillow, face screwed into a mega-grump, fists clenched, heels banging into her bed in a rapid drumbeat.

"Arrrgh!" she shouted. "Bother! Fffffffffoxes!" She could have used a rude word but still found it difficult to say them even when it was just her by herself. Certainly not in front of others. It was one of the reasons she won the part in the film. She didn't have to do much acting to come across as the pure, clean-living, wholesome girl next door. Playing the heroic saviour had required acting. Thank goodness such a brilliant Director had taken up the project, though why he had was still a mystery to her. Maybe because he knew he could make it sell? Make it a franchise? The teen novels the story had come from were not best sellers although popular, but somehow Mr.Bay had turned the first one into a sexy yet innocent adventure thriller romp and drawn from the inexperienced and unknown Ruby Sommers a performance she never knew she could pull off. Apparently, according to one critic, she was the smouldering sex kitten both alluring and innocently unobtainable at the same time. Yeah, right.

"Bother!" She sat up with a start, panicking. She needed a shower and to get dressed and they could be there any minute. "Shoot!" Crumbs, that was close to swearing. She giggled and launched herself out of bed like her action-heroine film character, shucked off her pyjamas and locked herself in her bathroom, brushing her teeth under the shower and washing her hair all at the same time. When she'd wrapped her hair in a towel and was drying herself she realised she hadn't brought any clothes in with her. Oh, bother! Hopefully, the new team hadn't arrived yet. One towel on her head and the other shrouding her body from armpits almost to her knees, she tentatively opened the bathroom door and peeked out.

All Clear. Phew! She walked barefoot back towards her bedroom.
~~~~ 0700 hours ~~~~

The next morning, Axel met with Jeanette at the location she had given him. As he stepped inside a conference room on the ground floor of a gorgeous luxury condo. Jeanette and Joel, as well as about a half dozen of his security team (4 men and 2 women) stood inside the room Axel said, "What is going on here? I thought we are meeting Ruby today?"

She smiled and set up her laptop on the table and said, "You will in a little bit. Today is going to be an interesting day boss. We are helping her relocate to a new apartment. Her agent has made a series of recommendations which I looked over this morning around 3AM..."

Axel yawned and said, "Don't you ever sleep?"

"Plenty of time for that later. We got to make a good impression! So like I said, I went through the security details for each of the selections and narrowed it down to the apartment across the way and one over on Rockefeller. Of the two, I think this one would work the best." She pulled up the laptop and booted it up.

Axel noticed she seemed jittery as she worked and talked and he said, "How many cups of coffee have you had this morning?"

Jeanette blushed slightly and pointed towards a mostly empty coffee pot sitting on a breakfast nook against the wall. Axel glanced at the men and they all seemed to say the same thing with their eyes. Too much. Axel smiled and said, "I see. Might want to switch to decaf for the rest of the day."

"Sure sure." She said dismissively and spun the laptop to him and said, "The available apartment is on the 8 floor, facing the ocean. We have been given the okay to take over this conference room for a meeting point for our security detail. I will have my team set up the apartment security systems to channel through to here if she chooses this one."

"Okay. And the other?" Axel said looking down at the map and the stars pointing to each location.

"It is a lot like this one, facing the ocean per request, but their cyber networks are less developed." She said as she linked her laptop to the main screen in the room.

"Okay. Well, Day 1 ladies and gents. So for starters, I am going to take Rebecca and Sam with me to go pick her up and escort her about. Joel will set up the rotations for you. Two on site at all times. Before you break away, once we lock in what place she chooses, you will need to help her set up the security for the place. We intend on being as un-intrusive as humanly possible and still provide coverage 24/7. Alright, let's move."

~~~~ 0800 hours ~~~~

Axel plugged the code into Ruby's apartment. He stepped inside with his team and said, "Miss Sommers? We have arrived on site for you. Are you here?"

The three of them listened a moment. The sound of a shower was going in the back. There was another knock on the door and Axel turned to check it out. A dark skinned thin woman and Ruby's personal assistant, Kiana Scott, stood at the door. Axel opened the door and both ladies looked up to him. Kiana said, "You are right on time. Good. Excuse me, I have work to do. Oh, this is the Realtor Angie Copeland."

Axel stepped back and let the two ladies inside the apartment. Kiana and Angie took up a position at the dining table to pull up the two apartments that had been selected for Ruby to check out today. Axel walked along the apartment, giving the room a glance through. He heard the water turn off in the back room. He heard the squeak of a bathroom door open as he looked into the room.

Ruby was walking out of the bathroom with a towel on her head and a towel held around her body. She peeked about and looked to head to the closet when Axel said, "Miss Sommers?"

What happened next was horrifying and hysterical at the same time! Ruby spun around and saw Axel standing just outside her room looking at her. He watched her scream out in shock with her hands moving forward in a defensive move as if to protect herself. In doing so, her towel fell to the floor, showing her beautiful naked body before him! It took her about 3 seconds to realize the towel was gone and he watched her eyes widen in shock again, her hands covered her breasts and pelvis! She spun and raced back to the bathroom slamming the door behind her as she ran!

Kiana raced down the hallway to Axel and said, "What did you do?!?!"

"Nothing, I just announced myself to her. Didn't realize she would be..." He pointed to the towel on the floor. The rest of Axel's team raced down the hall afraid something might happen as Kiana put the pieces of the puzzle together and grabbed the towel and raced to the door saying, "Miss Sommers! It's Kiana! I am soo sorry! I thought you knew the team was coming?!? You three... go back to the living room!" She yelled at Axel and he complied leading his team back to the front room.

As he walked though, the snapshot in his mind of Ruby's nakedness burned through his mind. She was absolutely stunning!!!
"Go away!" Ruby screamed, utterly embarrassed, mortified, shocked, scared, horrified, upset. Extremely upset.

Kiana was talking on the other side of the door, trying to get he to come out. Ruby ignored her. She didn't have to do as she was told by her PA. And her phone was in the bedroom so Mrs. Johnson wouldn't be able to tell her off and complain that she was overreacting. It was all so unfair. These people were all supposed to be working for her, so why did she feel like she was still at school and they were all the teachers? She wanted to be in control, to give them orders, not hide naked in her bathroom afraid to come out.

She cowered near the floor in the corner of the room, squatting down on her haunches and physically blocking the door from being opened even though she'd locked it. One arm was still wrapped protectively across her breasts, the other clamped firmly between her thighs, the dark hairs of her trimmed bush soft against her palm.

She was crying. Not aloud. Just silent heaves of her shoulders and chest, and tears trickling down her cheeks. She'd never been so humiliated in her whole life. And of course it had to him that saw her naked. The man from yesterday. The man who saw right through her. Well now he'd seen all of her, inside and out. She was so embarrassed.

And her humiliation was upsetting her tummy. She didn't exactly need the toilet, but her insides were churning, and her hand between her legs was almost stopping her from weeing. Almost, only because she didn't exactly need a wee. It was different to that. But the hand felt good there, comforting. And the more she thought about who exactly had scared the towel right off her body, the more comforting the hand was. If she pressed a little harder it became more comforting still.

That horrid man! She wanted him fired. She wanted to watch his face as they told him he was fired; see how he liked that! Liked? He hadn't even liked seeing her naked! How insulting! The very least he could have done was, what? She didn't know. She was confused. But the hand pressing into her body between her legs was her one comfort in this. She discovered that if, instead of just pressing harder, she alternated pressing hard then soft over and over, it was even more comforting still. She kept up a steady rhythm while ignoring Kiana's droning on, trying to persuade her to come out.

"I'm NOT coming out! Ever!" she shouted through the door.

She wasn't coming out. She wasn't coming. Oh my! Was this what it was? Was this coming? Ruby was now frantically pressing into herself over and over, faster, urgently, picturing that horrid man staring at her boobs, picturing him taking in that she had a bush unlike the current fashion, picturing him staring at her, wanting him to nod in approval. Oh my, her insides were about to wee except they weren't. Oh! OH!

Ruby gripped herself as tight as she could as little shudders ran through her, shaking her body, moistening her palm, making her gasp.

Of all the humiliating climaxes that might have capped her being exposed, this could only have been worse if that horrid man had been there to watch. Thank goodness he wouldn't know. He was never going to see her naked again, or watch her comfort herself. Not ever. And anyway, she would fire him. Any day. When it suited her. When he wasn't expecting it. See how he liked being caught unawares.

Breathing more calmly now, Ruby was going to stay in the bathroom until that horrid man came to apologise, came to get her out, came to tell her she looked nice. No, that wasn't right! Oh, she was confused.

But she already felt a lot better. When was he going to come for her?
Kiana held the phone to her ear frantically saying, "She won't come out of her bathroom now! Mrs. Johnson, what do you want me to do?"

Axel, Rebecca and Sam both stood off a bit to one side with the Realtor who kept checking her watch and looking anxious. Every time Kiana headed to the back, it seemed Ruby would end up in some kind of screaming fit. Angie waited for Kiana to return after the 4th trip to the back and said, "Miss. We have a schedule we need to meet. If we wait here much longer, then we are going to miss out on everything. Is there anything we can do?"

Axel finally stepped towards Kiana and said, "Let me go back there again."

"You going back there the first time is what caused the problem." Kiana said shaking her head.

Axel said, "And that is why I am going to fix it." He studied Kiana whose eyes locked on him.

She seemed to study him intently, not sure what she felt but slowly nodded saying, "Okay."

Axel glanced back at his two associates and said, "Rebecca, come with me. It might help to have a woman in there with me."

She nodded and the two of them headed to the back. He found her bath towel sitting on the dresser next to the bathroom door, folded up nice and neat, though damp still. He knocked with his knuckle on the door and said, "Miss Sommers, it's me, Axel."

There was silence from the other end. He thought he had heard her scurrying about a bit in the bathroom as he walked into the bedroom, but now silence and stillness. He picked up the towel and said, "Miss Sommers, I want to apologize for startling you. It was not my intent to scare you or put you in that situation. Please, I have your towel here. Crack the door open a few inches and I will give it to you. One of my guards, Rebecca is here too at the entrance of the bedroom. I can have her give it to you if you prefer."

There was silence for a long moment and he was about to knock on the door again, when there was the sound of a door unlocking and a knob turning. He saw the door open about 4 inches and her hand reach out. He handed the towel through the door to her and barely got his hand clear before she slammed the door shut.

He said, "Your assistant has your clothes laid out for you on the bed. We have a full day planned and catered exclusively for you, but we got a schedule to keep. Please come on out and get dressed for me." He was polite but firm.

"NO! I am not going anywhere!" He heard from the bathroom or something close to it. It caused a touch if impatience and anger to grow in him.

Axel glanced to Rebecca who only rolled her eyes. A temperamental entitled young adult once again. Axel felt like that too. He finally said, "Miss. Sommers, that is your choice. I can tell everyone you are not in the mood to go look for a better place to live. However, that excuse is rather a thin veil of lies. All those people in the other room will think you are just throwing a little temper tantrum but won't say anything about it to you because they are going to kiss your ass. I don't kiss anyone's ass. You are acting like a little girl throwing a tantrum because you got a little embarassed. I also think you are more upset about how you reacted rather than the reaction itself. If I wanted to guard a little girl throwing a tantrum, I would have found some other client. That is not what I wanted, because I do NOT believe that is who you are, you are a successful young woman. A woman who can make her own decisions and is brave and fearless. Now, come on out now and start acting like that fearless woman in charge of her life."

There was more silence. For several more minutes, they all stood there waiting. Finally, the lock to the bathroom unlocked and the door slid open. His eyes locked on hers as she stepped out holding that towel around her like she would die if she lost it. He smiled down at her and nodded. He said, "Thank you. We will leave you alone for a little bit to get dressed."

He and Rebecca left to go back out to the hall way and he could feel Ruby's eyes on his back as if they were lasers. As he took her bedroom doorknob in hand, he turned back to look at her approvingly and said, "See you in a few minutes."

He closed the door and headed back to the front of the apartment and told Kiana she was out and getting dressed. Kiana immediately raced down the hall to the bedroom door to nervously wait on her starlet to reemerge...
Axel. His name was Axel. The horrid man had a name. Axel. Axel the awful? Hmm, that might work. Ruby dressed quickly and carelessly, ignoring the power clothes set out by Kiana who was wittering away through the closed bedroom door and instead going for safe things she could hide in, baggy jeans, and loose cream sweater, and black ankle boots, sunglasses, a beanie hat. Not stylish, but hiding her nakedness. She still felt exposed, naked. That horrid man had seen her naked. Axel the awful. She shuddered, and tried to forget how she'd comforted herself in the bathroom.

She didn't want to look into his eyes, knowing that every time she did she would be reminded of him seeing her naked, nude, tits and bush. Ugh! She shuddered again.

Stepping out of her bedroom she put a hand on Keira's arm as if to apologise for being such a bitch, and headed to join everyone in the main room. Her mind was awhirl with the little speech Axel the awful had made, all that guff about being a fearless young woman, about throwing a little girl tantrum, his dad-like behaviour. She didn't need a daddy. She needed people who would do what she said. She was the starlet, she was in charge. On the other hand, she could also delegate. Isn't that what people in charge did? She'd let them choose the new apartment, didn't care what place they found for her, she just wanted to be left alone, with Axel the awful. No, NOT with Axel the awful. Positively not. She was going to fire him. Just as soon as she was ready. She didn't want a daddy. Certainly not Axel the awful. No way. And he was never, repeat never, to see her naked again, see her come out of the shower, see her wrapped in just a wet towel, her body almost on display. Never. He'd had his chance. He didn't like her. She didn't want him to like her. Not Axel the awful.

Oh, she was so confused.

She let her security team do what they were supposed to do, hardly listened as the realtor and Keira and Axel the awful discussed the merits of each apartment and which they were visiting first. If they asked her opinion she mostly just grunted something. She was still processing what had happened with Axel the awful and the bathroom. She couldn't work it all out. She wasn't traumatised, just confused. Very confused. She couldn't understand how her mind and her instincts seemed to be pulling in different directions. She was out of her depth and there was no one she could talk to. Except maybe Axel the awful, but no way would she talk to him. And anyway, he'd be fired in no time. Just as soon as she was ready.

The morning passed in a bit of a blur, but by the end of it, she seemed to have a new place to live. Axel the awful had approved. It mattered.
Axel didn't really expect anything less than how things went today. Ruby had shifted from temper tantrum girl to pretending to be an adult to sulking teenager. She hung very close Kiana through both apartment tours and anytime the realtor asked any questions, Ruby spoke only through Kiana who would then relay her wishes to the realtor. 'Entitled little cunt' Axel thought about 50 times that day as the tours went on.

The one surprising part of the day however was when they made it back to the apartment that Axel had actually preferred. There was a set of security offices on the ground floor which could also be rented out for the purpose of providing private celebrity security teams a place to work out of. What surprised him the most was when Kiana, after listening to Ruby's whispers, had stated that Axel should make the call. It had visibly surprised him because he was sure after today he was going to be fired to walking in on her naked.

He had looked to Jeanette who had joined them and he said, "I believe this place will work just fine. Do you?"

Jeanette smiled and said, "Yes sir. The private security office will allow us to maintain security exceptionally while nod giving the impression of being loomed over. This is my recommendation." She glanced to Ruby and smiled. She had loved her film and thought her acting had been brilliant.

Axel turned and said, "This is our recommendation. Miss Sommers." He locked his eyes on hers that were hidden by those blasted black sunglasses that wrapped around her head. She seemed to hesitate and finally give a nod.

The realtor smiled and said, "Well then, I guess that is that. Let's head back to the office and get the paperwork finalized. It is open and ready to move in today."

Axel kept his eyes on Ruby a moment and nodded. He then turned back to Jeanette and said, "Begin preparing the apartment for us. Install the cameras inside and out, window alarms. Joel, set up a schedule for us. From this point on, a guard will remain posted at front door at all times. No one goes in unless they are authorized. I will be escorting Miss Sommers. Jeanette, go ahead and get the movers lined up so we can start moving her things over."

As he finished his commands, he turned back and saw Kiana listening to Ruby and both seemed to be looking at him. He decided that until the time came in which he was actually fired from his job, he could continue as if he was employed. Axel, Kiana, Angie, and Ruby left once again and headed to the realtors where he stood off to the side watching the area while Angie filed all the paperwork.

After about 2 hours, Kiana and Ruby walked out. Kiana looked elated while Ruby looked pouty still. Did nothing make this girl happy? Was he wrong about her being a pouty child?! Kiana looked to Axel and said, "The producers called us a few minutes ago. They are wanting a quick meeting with Ruby about her next picture. We need to go now though."

"All part of the service." Axel said with a nod of his head. His face remained neutral. Their trip to the realtor's office had not gone unnoticed though. Two different reporters, photographers and cameramen ambushed them as they made it to the door to the parking lot. Axel went to business though as the reporters tried to throw question after question towards the starlet for their local gossip magazines!

To his mildest surprise, he felt Ruby press into his back as he parted through the small crowd. He kept pushing the people aside as Kiana tried to deliver some prepared responses regarding the newest film which she was to star in. He got Ruby to the car safely and opened the door and got her inside. Her sunglasses had been knocked off in the questioning though causing them to hit the ground a few feet away. Her eyes locked on his a moment and it seemed like for the first time that day, she appeared to look mildly grateful.

The reporters kept trying to ask questions through the window as he closed the door for her. Kiana quickly got in the back as well and Axel stepped back to the sunglasses and picked them up. He tapped the window for Ruby and she lowered it enough for him to give them back to her. He then got in the driver's seat and they headed to the producers offices.
Ruby relaxed a little in the car, as if it were for the first time that day. The first time she relaxed, not the first car ride. Although she'd been tense, she was pretty sure she'd managed to behave like a sophisticated adult all through the long process of finding an apartment that Axel the Awful approved of. She needed to know that he approved even though she was going to fire him any time now.

Which was a pity. Kind of. Oh, she hated him, knew that he was a horrid man, that he'd seen her naked and not liked her, but for sure he was on his way out, fired, sacked, got rid of. Yet she kind of wanted to confide in him, ask him to help her understand what was going on. But she couldn't, because he was the problem. And he wasn't her daddy. And in any case, he was going to be fired any day now. Even though he'd handled everything including the reporters. But that was his job, wasn't it? That was why he was here? Until she fired him.

He probably got the wrong idea when she snuggled as close as she could behind him while they pushed through the reporters, probably thought she wanted the safety and security of being close to him, protected by his body, comforted by his manliness, his air of competent experience, his authority, just wishing for his strong arms around her shoulders guiding her, pushing her in the direction he wanted. No, the direction she needed to go, but the direction he approved of. No, the direction she decided. Oh, it was all so confusing, but now that she had her sunglasses back thanks to Axel the Awesome, correction, Axel the Awful, she could look at him and no one would know.

She turned her head slightly away from his face but turned her eyes to stare at him, scrutinising his face, certain he wouldn't know she was staring, certain Kiana wouldn't know either. Obviously, she hated him, and yet that brief eye contact when he returned her sunglasses. He'd cut right through her, quickening her heartbeat, tumbling her insides. Must be because she hated him. She was definitely going to fire him, any week now.

And yet. And yet, he was such a good driver, with lovely hands, so strong and sure, so capable. What would they be like holding her shoulders as he protectively escorted her safely through trouble? She needed to know before she fired him. It shouldn't take long. Maybe within a month, then she could fire him because she'd know. Yes, that was a good plan. She needn't fire him until that had happened, until the time was right.

But right now she had to concentrate on the meeting ahead of them. Her chance to charm her way into holding on to the Title Character for film two of the Diamond series, to continue to play Kit Diamond, teenage action heroine, all sexy innocence and skill and heart-melting cuteness. Almost like Axel the Awesome ... but a less-worldly young female version.
It had been nearly 2 days before the final move could be completed. There had been a few hiccups that the realtor had had to wrinkle out but all in all, Axel's team had had everything set up, cameras were up and operational and the guard was on post.

Axel himself had taken off a day to tend to some personal issues and rest. He tended to work a minimum of 12 - 18 hours a shift every day. He was more than just a guard. He was the boss and manager. He had payroll to do and approving schedules and making the paperwork process through. So when he had gotten the word that Miss Conners was going to handed her key in an hour at the apartment, he had headed on over to meet her there.

He stood by the door, next to a young man named Jack Brass. Our team called him Jax because of how much he looked like that guy from Son of Anarchy Jax Teller. He waited in his standard business suit, white shirt and black tie, and shiny black shoes as Ruby, Angie, Kiana, and Mrs Johnson walked out of the elevator. Axel held a large clear vase of flowers as she approached him.

As they reached the door, Kiana smiled saying, "What is this Axel?"

His eyes looked down to Ruby and said, "Every housewarming gift. This is from all of use at Axel Security to you." I reached out with the flowers and offered them to Ruby.

For some reason, she didn't want to move though. She just looked at him through her sunglasses. Mrs Johnson smiled and said, "Why thank you Axel! They are lovely! Aren't they lovely?" She said taking the vase. Ruby said nothing. Axel was only a little annoyed at that. That had not been a cheap vase of flowers.

He pulled out four card keys to her home and said, "These are the only four of the five access cards to your apartment. The fifth one is for the security room downstairs. Now before you go in, I want to explain a couple of things to you." He began to pass them out to Ruby, then Kiana, and Mrs Johnson and said, "Our security services include invisible protection. This means we have no physical stations inside the apartment. All our work stations are in the security office downstairs. We have a number of cameras set up in this condo. This is yours too Miss Sommers."

He handed her small remote with a series of buttons on them. He said, "This is your personal remote to the security within your home. At any time you wish, all you have to do is press this button here while aiming it at a camera and it will turn the camera off for a limited time. You can control the time to ensure your privacy. This red button here is your panic button. You hold this button for 3 seconds and you will have one of my men, either the door guard here in 60 seconds and someone from observation within 3 minutes. It is also voice enabled so you can call on any of us here to assist you in security matters."

He taok a small white box from Jax and opened it. Inside are 25 security cards and he handed Kiana and Mrs Johnson one of the cards. He said, "These cards will be grant the holder free access to the house. For protocol, anyone that comes through must use the card to get into the condo and be on our list. To be added to the list, they simply come down to our observation and fill out the paperwork."

Axel knew he was losing Ruby to boredom but hoped Kiana and Mrs. Johnson understood and would explain it to her later. He then said, "Let me take you on a quick tour to show you the 14 cameras throughout your condo."

The tour had been quick as Axel did only what he said he would do. He would not intrude on her privacy unless she required it. He said, "If you have any questions, use the remote or call me. You all have my number. Now my team and I are going to remove ourselves from your condo so you can enjoy your new place. If you will excuse me..."

As he headed out of the condo he looked to Axel saying, "I am taking the first overnight at observation if you need me." He heard the door close softly behind him with the three ladies inside.

He took the box of blank cards and headed down to observation and then replaced Jeanette who had been on shift for the last 12 hours. He said, "Anything good?"

"No sir. I got to get out of here though. My bed is calling me." She said as she yawned and gathered her stuff up to leave.

After she was gone, Axel ran through his checks and then took his seat at the camera station and began to watch and observe as Ruby, Kiana, and Mrs. Johnson interacted.
As soon as the door closed Ruby let out a long breath."Phew!" she said, almost collapsing into the nearest chair.

She'd forgotten how tense being near Axel the Awful made her, and slumping in the seat she removed her sunglasses.

"Whatever is the matter?" fussed Kiana, stooping over her starlet.

"If Axel makes you uncomfortable," Mrs. Johnson interjected, then hesitated before continuing, "If that unfortunate incident with the towel is the problem?" She managed to turn the beginning of a question into a sort of statement.

"Oh, it's not, well, yes, but, it's just, oh bother!" Ruby stood up and pulled herself together, muttering about firing that horrid man before the year was out, and changed the subject. "Let's take another look at these cameras."

She led them to the first one she remembered, the one in her sitting room, and aimed the remote, hoping Axel the Awful was watching. She didn't know if his overnight watch had started or if he was coming back later. But even if he wasn't there now, he'd probably watch the footage of what he missed. Wouldn't he? Would he want to see her?

He'd been kind of angry with her over the flowers. They were beautiful, gorgeous, like his eyes. No! Not like his eyes! But they were nice. She'd wanted to take them. In her head, she'd received them graciously, sunglasses off, said an eloquent thank you, batted her eyelashes, and given a hint of her best get-my-own-way smile and he'd touched her hand and it had been, oh! But in reality the closeness of him, his presence after even only a day, had made it difficult to breathe and turned her limbs into heavy weights that she had to drag around. She'd been sort of frozen in place and had probably been a bit rude. Ungrateful. Unappreciative.

But then he'd been ungrateful and unappreciative when she'd been naked. So fair's fair. Maybe he didn't want to see her. She stuck out her tongue and clicked the camera off. Its light went out. Ha! She clicked it back on, smiling triumphantly at having control over Axel the Awful at last. He was where she wanted him, under her thumb, at the touch of a button. She could summon him, dismiss him, blind him, tease him, let him see her if she wanted to reward his good behaviour, make him hers, her man, her Axel.

No, what she meant obviously was make him her employee. Not her man. A shudder of mixed feelings ran through her. This confusion was getting out of control.

"I need to take a shower and get some rest, if you don't mind. I'm still a bit tired after the meeting with the Studio the other day?"

"Oh, you did brilliantly," replied Mrs. Johnson, "you got the balance just right between calm professional and utterly charming, dazzling, fizzing with power, and your ideas for the second film were sensible and what they needed to hear. If it's going to be as successful as the first Diamond movie, they need to remember what the younger audience wants to see. I expect to hear from them very soon with the offer of a new contract, and I'm trying to get them to increase your fee and percentage, but that might take some haggling. The excellent box office success so far puts us in a strong position. The studio is making a fortune out of this. I was just a bit surprised that you wanted Axel in the room. Normally a security guard would wait outside?"

Mrs. Johnson left the questioning note hanging in the air while she and Kiana got ready to leave. Ruby reckoned her agent probably thought that it was all about showing off to the security guard, wanting to impress him. Obviously not. Who cared about his opinion, his approval?

"Now, we have the reception tonight at 8," said Kiana, "so I'll be here at 7 to help you get ready. Axel will have the car sorted and the Studio have sent me the dress and shoes they want you to wear. I'll bring them with the hairdresser and makeup girl. And I have a whole bundle of other invitations that I'll leave with Axel downstairs in his Security Office so he can vet them before we make any final decisions on which ones to accept. See you at seven. And um, don't forget to turn off your bedroom camera?"

With that, the two ladies left her in peace and the privacy of her new home. It suddenly felt empty. Lonely. Too big for one little girl. She went through to her bedroom and sat on the huge springy bed, bouncing up and down gently for a few moments, then clicked off the camera after again sticking her tongue out rudely at Axel the Awful. She knew she was just trying to get a reaction from him.

He didn't like her. Her shoulders slumped. Well, that was okay because she didn't like him either.

Glancing at the camera and noting with satisfaction that its light was off, Ruby quickly undressed down to her bra and panties and headed to the bathroom. With the door closed and locked, she stripped completely and dumped her underwear in the laundry hamper so thoughtfully provided. She took her time under the hot spray, luxuriating in the multi-jet all-over spray, taking her time, washing her hair, soaping her body in the spacious cubicle that left room for her to step out of the water and back in. It was like a toy and she had fun playing woth the controls and finding out what they could do.

Eventually, she'd had enough for the time being and stepped out, wrapping herself carefully in a big white fluffy towel from armpits to knees, wrapping another smaller version around her hair. The bathroom so was expensive that the mirror wasn't fogged. How was that even possible? She grinned at her reflection and unlocked the door, holding tight to her towel. All clear. In her bedroom, she found clean underwear in the obvious place and deliberately dropping the towel this time, dried off her body and slipped into the fresh undies. A soft white sleeping bra and matching loose boyshorts before sliding into the comfy bed.

She was about to close her eyes and take the well-earned rest that she deserved when she noticed the blink of the room camera.

SHOOT! How long had that been on? She let her panic subside, calming her breathing, consoling herself with the thought that any professional would have turned off the monitor or at least not looked. If the camera had seen anything.

Her deeper worry was, what if she'd done it deliberately, subconsciously, knowing Axel the Awful might be watching? Was that possible? What might it say about her? How far would she go to get a reaction from him? How far would she go to make him like her? But she didn't want him to like her, did she?

Did she?
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Axel smiled to himself as she stuck her tongue out at the camera before turning off the camera in her bedroom. A small smirk grew on his face as the screen into her bedroom went dark. He remembered once when he was in high school years ago, he had two friends who had been girls named Linda and Janet. Both of the girls had apparently had secret crushes on him. Janet would flirt by batting her eyes at him, laughing at his jokes and conveniently show up at his ball games wearing jersey's with his number on it. Linda, on the other hand, would punch him, hit him, elbow him, insult him, and call him names. Back then, he had not realized that was her way to flirt with him and so he hooked up with Janet. Turned out, he had chosen the wrong woman but by the time he had realized it, Linda was going out with some other guy.

How Ruby was behaving reminded him so much of Linda from his old days. They had met up about 15 years later by chance and had talked for a while. She had married that other guy, had a few kids, and even owned her own bakery. Janet, on the other hand, dated him for a few months and moved on from guy to guy. She ended up as a junkie on the streets after school. He had chosen poorly.

Axel pulled out a tablet from his case and powered it up as he studied things. He opened up an App which held a particular piece of software on it that required a PIN to log into it. Once he had done, he opened up the restricted recordings from the system. What he had told Ruby was only partially true. It didn't shut it down exactly. It turned off the red light and looked to power down. It also shut down the recording screen here as well. However, the camera did record onto the restricted files which were stored on this tablet.

He pulled up the feed on the tablet and watched her as she walked into the bathroom in just her bra and panties. He didn't like the kind of underwear she seemed to have an abundance of. A nice thong and lacy bra to access her ass and tits would do her a world of good. The bathroom door closed and the shower turned on. He had not put any cameras in her two bathrooms for obvious reasons.

He powered down the tablet. He really didn't want to pry too much into her life, though that moment in the other place where he had seen her in her entirety. Something about that made him quite interested. He had instantly accessed her body as if she wasn't his client, but as a slave on her knees. He never liked a lot of bush between the legs so that would be something he would require of her if she had been his. He never liked a lot of makeup and cosmetics on his slaves in the past. He truly believed that women in their naked unaltered forms are literally the most beautiful of all God's creations. He never liked much alteration of the female body in his eyes. Ruby's body was young and nubile and looked eager to be used.

The camera flickered on once again and it showed to his surprise, Ruby standing naked once more at the foot of her bed. She had dropped her towel and was getting ready to get in her panties. He took a moment and actually enjoyed the view. The camera did turn back on after 1 hour and apparently, she didn't realize it. He quickly turned the camera off out of respect to her privacy.

An hour later it did come back on though and she was deep asleep in her bed. Checking the time, he knew there was a lot of work to do for tonight's events and began to get the car lined up and what not.

About an hour into it, he got a text from Jeanette. This surprised him as he thought she was asleep. Did that woman never sleep? The text had a link on it which he took. It led him to a website that was all about Ruby Sommers. It was a site that tracked her movements... like an obsessive fan. They even had her new apartment on the site. This was troublesome to him. Sites like this are neon signs to those that are obsessive. It didn't directly state anything against her, but it gave people a means to track. He texted back, "Can you shut it down?"

About 10 minutes later, she said, "I have 3 times. It replicates on a new IP every time I try." So it is a dangerous site that wouldn't go away. This bothered Axel. He texted back, "Keep your eyes peeled online... but get your ass to sleep now!"

She responded back with a smiley face and he closed his phone. He looked up at the sleepy starlet a moment. She seemed to be talking in her sleep as she tossed and turned. HE turned on the speakers a little bit louder for him and heard her said, "Axel... awful..." Well, now he knew how she felt about him.

He turned off the sound and went back to work. The stylist showed up with the shoes and dress that Jax had quietly taken in and set on the couch for her. Around 5, the team that would go and pretty up Ruby showed up and Axel held them in the hallway for now. He checked Ruby's bedroom and saw her still deep asleep.

Axel turned on the microphone and said, "Miss Sommers. It's Axel. Your team has arrived to prepare you for tonight. You need to wake up Miss Sommers. Wake up please." He saw her start to move around and so he shut off the speaker and waited.
"Wake up please."

Oh, shoot! Ruby was dragged out of her sleep by the remote voice of her tormentor from her dreams. It had to be Axel the Awful. She sat up in bed a little dazed and confused. She'd been in a deep sleep and was still a bit confused. Rubbing her eyes to try and sort reality from the remnants of a dream that was fading faster than she could recapture it, she threw off her covers and sat for a moment. Finally, recalling that Kiana would be along pretty soon to restart everything, Ruby got up to use the bathroom and then sat in her sleeping bra and panties at her new dressing table and looked at herself in the vanity mirror, taking a quick before photo on her phone to compare with after the professionals had finished with her.

She thought she looked awful. A fine match for Axel, then. The thought popped into her head from nowhere. She tried to shake it back out.

It felt like only moments later that she was surrounded by Kiana and a makeup expert and hairdresser and they were all fussing over her and with her as if she were some dress-up doll of theirs. Kiana had brought the dress and shoes and bag that the Studio wanted, and pretty soon she was stripped to just panties with the three other women as they checked the fit of the dress.

"What bra am I wearing with this?" she asked, to be answered with an awkward silence. "Oh, shoot!" The answer became obvious. "I suppose I'm allowed panties?" she asked sarcastically, and Kiana handed her a black lace thong from somewhere. She wriggled out of the sleeping panties and slid into the tiny scrap of black. And the nylons. And the shoes. The ladies finished their ministrations and stood back to let her see the results.

"But that's not me!" she cried, hardly recognising the sophisticated young woman looking back at her from the mirror where normally she'd see a slightly tomboyish teenager.

"It's what the Studio publicity department figured was the right look to set you up for the next film in the series. Diamond is supposed to be growing up, and with the romantic element of the new film you have to look more like an adult and less like a teenager."

Ruby stared at her Assistant. Was Kiana making it up, or listening to gossip, or did she really know more than Ruby had been told? Not wanting to look like she was the last to find out anything, Ruby let the comment go despite the mild panic fluttering her tummy. Romantic element? She'd never had a real boyfriend, for goodness sake. She knew nothing, was out of her depth, entering some strange new world she wasn't ready for. Where was Axel when she needed him?

Obviously, he couldn't be there while she was dressing, being got ready. Except he'd seen her naked once, so did it really matter? She was very confused. But she was dressed now. Looking in the mirror she noted how her braless breasts swayed as she moved, her nipples making little points sticking out against the thin black silk. She might not be naked but she almost felt like she was.

She glanced at the clock. They were supposed to leave at 8. They still had a few minutes. Ruby whispered to Kiana to ask Axel's opinion. Especially ask if he thought she ought to wear a bra.

Ruby waited nervously for his verdict, desperate for some reassurance.
"Mr. Cadell." A man's voice said from the entrance of the security room on the ground floor of the condo complex. Alex, who had been watching the crew surrounding Ruby and making her strip again to bare nakedness. Before she got to that point though, he killed the camera into her bedroom. He knew it would record to his private tablet regardless.

Turning, he looked to the kid coming in and said, "You are Jensen right?"

"Jensen Marshall. Yes sir." He said as he set his pack down and headed over to him. They shook hands as Axel got up and said, "Okay. She is in the process of getting ready for the trip. We are leaving here by limo at the front in about 45 minutes. i will be riding with her in the limo. Rebecca and Joel will be following along behind in the SUV. Your job... keep an eye on the cameras. Let this camera, " he pointed to the one in her bedroom, "time out naturally. Understood?"

"Yes sir." He said as he sat down to start his shift. He would be here till 0700 in the morning.

Axel smiled and said, "Good lad. I got to go change real quick." He slipped away and went to change into his fresh suit before heading up to the top floor. Making his way into her apartment, he found the crew seemed to be looking at her while Ruby herself seemed to look at him. He let his eyes slowly move down her body in that little dress of hers and then slowly back up.

Kiana turned and saw Axel and said, "Well bodyguard, what do you think? Is she not the most stunning woman in the world?"

His eyes remained locked on Ruby though and realized she seemed to want his input. Why would she care what he thought at all?

"Well?" Kiana said snapping her fingers in front of him then a smile grew on her face and she turned to Ruby and said, "He is speechless. That is how beautiful it is on you darling!" This caused an small uproar from the crew cleaning her up.

Axel just smiled and said, "The limo is here." Let the crowd believe what they want. He was nothing but a bodyguard to any of them.

~~~ 30 minutes later ~~~

Axel stood quietly about 10 feet away from Ruby as she wandered about the room meeting and greeting people. He gave no reaction as she occasionally glanced back at him.

There was a time in which she made it to a large balcony which overlooked Hollywood itself. He stayed 10 feet from her but allowed her the freedom to be alone if she wished. As she stood near one of the railings, he ended up doing something that he had not intended to do. He glanced about to make sure no one was close enough to listen and when he was satisfied, he leaned in and said, "It's not you."

He watched her turn to look at him and he said, "The dress. It is beautiful, but it is not you. I think you know it too."
Her shoulders slumped. She felt like a balloon with a pinhole leak, all the spirit sighing out of her. He didn't like her.

Ruby looked up into his eyes, fully conscious of the power of his presence, her insides trembling, her nipples itching and swelling for some unaccountable reason. She recalled his scrutiny when Kiana had asked his opinion of this very dress back in her apartment. The way his x-ray vision had almost stripped her naked, remembering the feeling of being frightened out of her towel that first time, the way her nipples and tummy had reacted then, just like now. And with no bra, those nipples must be practically punching holes in the thin black silk.

It's not you, he said, it's beautiful, it's not you, you know it, he said.

Her eyes searched his face for the meaning as various possibilities flashed through her mind, as her breathing quickened, as the knots in her tummy squirmed. He hated the dress, he hated her, she wasn't beautiful. It was the last of those that hurt the most. Of all the possible interpretations, those were the most likely. And they hurt.

He hated her.

But you don't get to be a starlet by crumbling at every negative comment.

Ruby drew in a breath, pulled back her shoulders, stood tall, chin up, defiant. She hated him. Why couldn't he just tell her she was beautiful and grownup, put a strong arm around her shoulders, kiss the top of her head, maybe lift her chin with that lovely masculine hand, kiss her lips softly, gaze lovingly into her eyes, lift her effortlessly off her feet and carry her away into the sunset ...

But no. He hated her. She wouldn't break, though, wouldn't let her bottom lip tremble, wouldn't let the tears of rejection sting her eyes. Instead, she gathered her courage and looked him in the eye.

"What do you mean?"
Axel glanced over as a waitress in a maroon vest, light blue shirt, slacks and shoes walked onto balcony, offering a tray of champagne to a number of the other guests who stood several yards away. No one could hear them. He said, "The dress and get up... feels more like what Diamond would wear to an event, not Miss Ruby Sommers."

For some reason, he had this feeling she was hanging onto his every word. She hated him though so it made little sense to him. Any moment he expected in one of her little tantrums, that she would fire him and his crew. He saw her staring up at him and said, "You strike me more as a Avril Lavigne or perhaps a woman like Pink. Hollywood is trying to make you Diamond, but I think you are Ruby, just Ruby, beautiful, defiant, and strong in her own right."

"Axel. It's Joel. We got a problem here." The comm chirped into his ear.

Axel looked at Ruby and said, "Stand by Miss." He touched his comm saying, "Go ahead."

Joel said, "We found a young woman named Lydia in the alley down here on the ground floor. She was knocked out, her uniform taken. She said she was supposed to serve at the event tonight. You have an unauthorized woman up there."

His eyes began scanning the balcony once more. There was dozens of guests having their own quiet conversations and minding their own, mingling with servers weaving through the groups passing drinks and snacks. There were dozens of men and women servers inside the main area as well as mingling around. He looked down at Ruby saying, "Ma'am, we may have a situation. It might be time for you to considering leaving."

Just then the woman who had walked onto the balcony with the tray of drinks walked towards Ruby with a warm smile on her face. Her forehead was sweating. She said, "Ma'am, would you like a..."

The next few seconds went in a blur!!! The woman threw the tray of drinks at Axel, revealing under the tray gripped tightly in her hand was a large filet knife! She raised her hand and lunged towards Ruby!!!

Axel knocked the tray away and reached back grabbing Ruby and shoving her behind him! The first slash of the knife went through thin air, but then she back swung towards Axel and caught his arm, slicing through his sleeves of his shirt and jacket as well as his arm! He let out a yell of pain, then grabbed the knife wielding wrist of the waitress, lifted her effortlessly into the air! The waitress looked shocked as she found herself about 6 feet off the ground! Axel flung the woman hard into the empty corner of the balcony! She hit her head hard on the wall, losing her grip on the knife and falling unconscious to the floor!

Axel raced over and kicked the knife away and growled, "CALL 911 now!" The crowd who had been standing there in utter shock at the brazen attempt to Miss Sommers' life leapt to action!

The big man spun around to see the stunned Ruby saying, "Are you okay?"

She didn't seem to respond. He glanced up and down her worried that he was seeing a trail of blood near her. He didn't realize it was his own! He grabbed her up saying, "I have got to get you to the hospital!" He held her in his arms as he pushed through the crowd that was looking down at the attacker. Any attempt for her to break out of his grip was not going to happen. He got to the elevator and had it moving down quickly. He tapped on his comm, "Joel, Ruby was attacked. She seems okay though I think she is cut. She is in shock it seems. He looked down her and saw blood oozing down her side and he was scared. It never occurred to him that it was his own blood from the 8 inch long deep cut in his right arm.

Once the elevator opened, he raced out the front with her where Joel and Rebecca stood, weapons drawn. His first job was to get Ruby to safety. Joel's eyes widened saying, "Boss?! Are you okay?!"

Rebecca spun and looked at Axel and gasped saying, "Your hurt!"

"Not me... her." Axel said pointing towards Ruby who seemed shell shocked.

"Boss... you are hurt! Look!" Joel said pointing to his arm.

Axel glanced down and saw it was cut and the blood was coming from him and not her! He felt a wave of relief though he found himself growing slightly disoriented. He heard the sirens of police and ambulance quickly approaching as he fell to one knee feeling drained. The rest was a bit blurry to him as he had lost at least a couple of pints of blood from the cut already. He felt Joel tying something around his arm... a tourniquet. He must have been hurt worse than he felt. His eyes lifted up and saw Ruby standing near him, his hand in hers. She was safe. That was what mattered. He had done his job.
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Ruby gripped Axel's hand tightly as if she could mend him simply by holding on to him. As she watched the other members of his team give first aid that seemed so inadequate, tears formed in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.

"You have to stop the bleeding! It's too much, he's lost too much blood; we have to do more!" Ruby ignored the blood stains and smears on her arms and dress, ignored the photographers capturing everything they could, and crouched down to cup Axel's cheek in her bloody palm, careful to stay out of the way of the big guy tying knots around Axel's arm.

"Come on, Axel the Awesome, stay with us. Help us out here. We need you. I need you. Just Ruby needs you. You can't just leave now, your job isn't done. Wake up, soldier." She glanced up at the other guy who seemed to have the bleeding under control and asked, "Is the ambulance coming? How soon? I need to go with him, in the ambulance, make sure he's okay, give him blood, whatever, look after him, check he's okay. He's gonna be okay, right? I mean, you know battle medicine, right? It's not as bad as it looks, right? Tell me he'll be okay?"

Ruby stroked Axel's cheek spreading a streak of his own blood. "Hey look, Awesome, you got war paint on you. Doesn't quite go with the ventilated suit. Maybe we'll get you a new one when you wake up. Hey, if you wake up before the ambulance gets here I'll come visit you in hospital in just a damp towel, nothing else!" Ruby hoped the feeble humour might get through the unconsciousness and help bring Axel around.

Beginning to despair she looked at the other team members gathered around, protecting and screening them. Feeling distraught, she asked them collectively, "He'll be okay, won't he? I mean really? He's had worse, right? He can't, you know, not because of me. Not for me. I'm not worth it. You won't let him, you know?"

Ruby knew this wasn't about her, that Axel was the focus, but she couldn't help the tears and gentle sobs. She still held tight to his hand and had no intention of letting go.

Once the paramedics had taken Axel away everything became a bit of a blur. It seemed that she had no freedom to choose her own actions, but was subject to the decisions of others, most of which revolved around getting her away as fast as they could and away from any danger. Ruby wanted to go home, shower off the blood and fright, and visit Axel in hospital. As soon as possible. It all seemed to take too long.

But that gave her plenty of time to think on what Axel had told her, there on the balcony, before the attack. "You are Ruby, Just Ruby, beautiful, defiant, and strong." And after the attack, he had swept her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing at all. If she'd been confused before, well.

Eventually, she was where she wanted to be, at Axel's bedside, dressed casually in black leggings and thin pink knitted cotton sweater, holding his hand again and chattering about black dresses, towels, and casual clothes. And hoping he didn't remember any of what she'd said to him as he lost consciousness.
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Axel's eyes shot open suddenly, his eyes darting about, in a fight or flight mode ready to fight! Where was he? How did he get here? The first thing he recalled was he was in the hospital in a hospital bed somewhere? How deep had that cut been in his arm? He turned his head for the first real surprise of the afterparty and saw Ruby sitting there next to him staring at him!

The events of the night replayed in fast forward in his mind and he sat up saying, "Miss Sommers? Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?"

Before she could react though, Jeanette and Joel walked into the room and down at him a moment, assessing the situation. Then they all smiled at him realizing he was going to be okay. His eyes moved to what Jeanette held in her hands and he said, "What ... is that?"

Her face flushed crimson as she shoved the overstuffed pink teddy bear with big pink congratulations Baby Girl balloon on it attached to it, into Joel's hands saying, "It's his idea."

"Traitor," Joel said with a side long glance to Jeanette as he handed the bear and balloon to Axel.

Axel's eyes shifted over to Ruby and felt his own face flush in embarrassment. He looked back to Joel and said, "Really? I mean... just... really?"

"Ahh, 3 more and you will have the whole set. He snatched the bear and balloon and set them strategically on the table next to Miss Sommers before saying, "How you doing champ?"

Axel reached to his bandaged arm and said, "I feel fine. Arm is sore, but otherwise. How bad was it?"

"4 pints this time. It was pretty bad. But you are stitched up and stable." Jeanette said glancing to Ruby a bit nervously. It was not very often a client of her stature would ever show up and sit with a guard. It seemed, unusual to her.

"I checked with the doc too and have some bad news. There ain't a cosmetic surgeon on the planet that can fix your ugly mug though." Joel said with a chuckle, causing everyone to chuckle with him.

Jeanette said, "Obviously our client is here so you have guards outside for her, not you." She smirked as she explained it.

"What is the story on the attacker?" Axel asked feeling mild surprise as he felt a small hand reach into his. He gave Ruby a sidelong glance that was quite curious, but didn't remove the hand.

Jeanette glanced over at Ruby and then back to him saying, "Sir, you want to talk about that here?"

Axel glanced back over to Ruby and then to Jeanette saying, "She was the target, not me. She needs to know too."

"Her name is Amanda Smith." Joel said with a shrug as he pulled out his notepad and began to read off it. "Age 22, lives alone in downtown LA. Works with Graphic effects company which is tied to the production company who is shooting Miss. Sommer's new picture. She is in holding at the moment being processed for attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. They police have already been to her little apartment. It seems she has an alter in her bedroom for Miss Sommer's co-star, Julian Farris. Apparently, she has posters covering every inch of her wall."

"So Celebrity Worship Syndrome." Axel said, causing the others to nod.

Jeanette added, "Apparently, Miss Smith, didn't like how Diamond hurt Carter at the end of their movie and decided to remove her from the equation for the next one."

Axel rolled his eyes and looked to Ruby saying, "You are okay right? You are not hurt?" He watched her shake her head and he smiled, "Good. I am going to be okay."

Joel said, "Doc said he wants to keep you overnight and then you can leave in the morning. We have double posted for a few days for Miss. Sommers."

"Miss Sommers!" A shrill voice screamed out from outside the door to the hospital room! Axel tensed up, holding Ruby's hand tighter as Jeanette and Joel spun around to see if this was another attacker!

Kiana burst into the hospital room carrying a large vase of flowers. She shoved the flowers into Joel's hands saying, "These are for your boss when he wakes! Miss Sommers, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Brotherton are crawling up the walls in worry trying to find you! Where have you been?!?! Your story has broken that you were attacked and you are on every news outlet in the country! That is all that the press can talk about right now was your attack! You can't buy publicity this good! Anyways, you have a million reporters down in the waiting area waiting on you to give a statement! We got to go child! Why are you holding his hand?!?" Kiana seemed shocked at the idea of a starlet holding her security guards hand! She looked at Axel as if this was his fault.

Joel looked to Jeanette and then back to Ruby saying, "I thought you said they knew where you were?"

Axel slowly turned his head to her and arched his eye. How long had she been here with him? Axel said, "Ruby?" This was the first time he had called her by her true name, rather than Miss Sommers.
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"I, um, didn't want reporters to know I was here. And anyway, you guys knew what I was doing and I thought that was enough?"

Ruby squeezed Axel's hand as if for support. She wasn't yet used to being a media personality, was still holding on to being the girl she always had been, unfamiliar with this apparent need to let her agent know what she was up to every minute of the day. It was bad enough having a constant escort, though they were all very nice to her and tried not to get in her way.

The problem was that the attack, and specifically the injury to Axel, had changed everything. It had all started as a kind of fairy tale lark, a bit of fun. A successful movie followed by a bit of interest and glamour and parties. But now, someone she cared about had been hurt. Badly. And she felt responsible. Guilty.

She looked at each of them in the room, Axel and his team, Kiana.

"I'm giving it up. Acting. I won't do the next film. Won't talk to the reporters. Axel nearly died and it's all my fault. I can't do that to good people. They deserve better. They should be guarding someone who matters. I was thinking maybe Axel and I could visit Amanda Smith, show her it was just a film, not real, that I'm no threat to her. She needs help, not prison. I don't know. It's all too much. It's not fun anymore. I just want Axel to be ok and to go home. I can't do this. I'm not a star, just Ruby. It's too much."

Ruby lowered her face and slumped her shoulders as her exhaustion took over for the first time since the incident on the balcony. She hadn't slept, had been torn with worry about Axel, confused even more than before if such a thing were possible, wanting only for Axel to be mended and at her side looking after her. Except he wouldn't. He'd leave her for an important client. She'd never see him again. She started to cry.

It was all too much.
If there was every a bomb that could be thrown into a room to cause mass destruction, her proclamation to quit would have been it. Kiana's reaction was predictable and annoying. She basically ignored Ruby steam rolling right over her saying, "Don't be ridiculous Miss Sommers. You have already signed for the next picture and you have contracts in the work for 2 more movies, not to mention the half dozens recommendations for other movies, including 'Fast and Ferocious 4'! No, you can't quit now it's just your nerves talkingnothingthatafewnightsrestcoul...."

Joel and Jeanette glanced back to each other and then looked to Axel saying, "Well, now what do we do? I mean, does that mean we are out of a job?"

Kiana's assistant, Mary walked in saying, "Miss Scott, the reporters are starting to make up stories now we really needto..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Axel yelled out in anger! He felt Ruby's tiny hand try and pull away and he clamped down tight on it, preventing that from happening.

Every eye slowly turned towards Axel as he slid his feet off the side of his bed and began to stand up. He looked down at Ruby as she stared up at him and said, "You... stay here." He watched her till she nodded nervously.

He turned away from her letting her hand go and said, "The rest of you, get out!" He was completely unaware at the moment that he was only in his hospital gown with nothing on underneath it, giving Ruby a perfect shot of his ass and back. There was a long faint scar that ran across the small of his back and a much fresher scar though not new on his shoulder blade that could be seen on the exposed back.

Kiana looked up at Axel and growled, "Excuse me?!? Do you know who I am and who i represent?!?!"

"Do you want to keep your fucking job?" Axel growled as he stepped towards her, "then i suggest you let me talk to her now!"

She backed up from his rather intimidating presence. Jeanette looked to Kiana and said, "Come on. Let's give them a minute. Please."

She and Joel guided Kiana, Mary, and now two nurses and an orderly out of the over crowded room. He still kept his back to Ruby oblivious to her money shot of his backside. He waited for everyone to leave and then he closed the door. For good measure, he wedged a visitor chair into the handle of the hospital door preventing anyone from getting in too easy.

He turned to face her and felt a wave of vertigo hit and he staggered slightly, grabbing the hospital bed to regain his balance. He didn't realize it till he felt her at his side as she guided him back to the bed and he sat down on it. He said, "Thank you. Sit down please."

He waited for her to do as he commanded and then he reached to the handles of the chair and pivoted it so she faced him directly. He looked her in the eyes and said, "What happened to you was real. It was dangerous. It could have ended very badly for you. You have ever right to be scared. I was. If you weren't scared, I would think something is wrong with you. But let me make two points to you and then you can do as you please."

Axel said, "First, it is not a good idea to visit the attacker. Regardless of her motivation, she felt the only option remaining to her was to kill you. She is delusional and will most likely find herself in a psych ward getting mental help, rather than prison. You are going to have people like that who you will occasionally cross in life. However, if you quit, she wins. In her confused mind if you quit, her actions saved her 'idol'. You would feed into her ego. You are stronger than that. I can see it in you. Don't let her win."

He studied her eyes and it felt as if she was clinging to every word. This was something that he was a little familiar with due to what he does outside work. He rubbed his bandage around his bicep and said, "And for my second point, you wouldn't want a chef fired because he cooked you an amazing meal OR a gardener fired because they grew the best rose bushes you have ever seen would you? If you choose to release us from service, you are doing so because we did our job exceptionally. You are safe, uninjured, and unharmed. I have been cut and injured before in the past so this is nothing new to me. So don't use the excuse of trying to protect my team and me from harm by giving up your career. My team would move on to another celebrity and someone else would put us in danger instead if you quit." Axel was careful NOT to say he would specifically, just his team.

He watched her bring her knees up to her chin, tucking her feet to her bottom as she looked up at him. He said, "If you want to quit because you realize this isn't the dream you thought it was and you would prefer to work as a cashier as a Save'N'Go, then so be it. No one is going to stop you. But don't quit because you are afraid for my well being or because others may get hurt doing what they are paid to do. We know what comes with the territory. I will keep you safe at all times while you and the rest do your jobs. If you quit for that reason, Amanda wins, you lose and we all lose."

He leaned down and took both of her hands into his and said, "Ruby. Forgive me but I prefer to call you Ruby, not Miss Sommers if it pleases you. Clear your mind and calm your heart down. Relax. Think about what you want to do with your life now. There is no one in this room but you and me. You don't even need to answer to me but I will protect you while you decide. So what is it you wish to do?"
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"Call me Just Ruby? Like you did before?"

It felt incredibly brave to ask, braver than she usually was, but something had changed. Whether she continued her acting or not, she was now a different person. She was still very confused, and tried to process some of it by talking. Big papa bear Axel was there for her and would listen. She might never get this chance again. Ever.

Sniffing, and wiping her eyes as best she could on her shoulder, Ruby kept her hands in Axel's giant paws, looking down at them as she began to unburden.

"The thing is, I'm just kind of coming to terms with being scared out of my wits that you might have been killed because of me, that it's my fault, that I caused you to get hurt. I feel so guilty, even if it's just a day at the office for you. It's not for me. I'm not used to violence. The stuff in the movies is all make-believe and without danger. people don't get hurt unless someone messes up. Which basically they don't.

"But you made me realise that I might have been hurt too, that someone wants me dead, hates me that much. It hurts. I want to be liked. I want you to like me though I know you don't. I know you're professional and will do a perfect job, exceptional, I think you said, and that I can trust you. But you don't like me, and I get it. You saw me naked and didn't think much of what you saw. I've seen your butt so we're almost equal, and it's a nice butt, by the way. But I'm just a snotty no-talent unsexy kid without your skills and experience and useless to everybody except for a bit of entertainment. I'm not fishing for compliments. I've not been in movies long enough to have that kind of ego. I'm Ruby, Just Ruby, your Ruby. Except I'm not cos I haven't earned it.

"I don't know what I'm trying to say except that I'm not worth dying for. I understand all that you said. I know I'm not that clever but I get it. All of it. But I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt, or your team. I also don't want to lose you. Don't want you to abandon me. I need papa bear. I've got no one else I can talk to. No one listens to me. I think I'm just here to make everybody money. I don't know. I'm very tired, exhausted, scared, worried, guilty. And I need you. Please don't throw me away? And no, I don't understand what I'm asking. There are so many things I could tell you but you'd laugh at me or be disgusted, or both, and I shouldn't even have said that. Oh, I don't know, don't know anything, and I'm rambling now and need to shut up and please tell me what to do, I'm so tired I can't think or decide anything and I'm so tired and confused and I want everything to go away and can I just stay here in your room or you take me home and stay with me?

"I'm sorry, I'm just being silly and emotional and of course you don't want to be bothered with all this. Please don't tell anyone? I'm just so tired."

Keeping her hands safely in papa bear's paws, Ruby let her chin fall further and allowed the tears of exhaustion and emotional release trickle down her cheeks.
With everything you tell me, something tells me you just let your dam burst. The thing about letting it all out, it will make you feel much MUCH better, but then it is also out there for whomever had heard it. Axel suspected she really needed a professional therapist on her payroll that she could reach out too about issues. There were so many things she unloaded and he was struggling a little to determine if it was a security officer she needed, a daddy, a lover, a friend, or a confidant? How many friends, real friends did she really have? What kind of outside contact was there for you?

The longer I sat there listening, the more alone I realized you were. How can someone who has all the money she can possibly use, all the powerful that her status in this city carries, and all fame that publicity could possibly give her, still be so alone? Axel muttered, "Oh dear... I didn't have a clue."

Axel said in a soft but firm voice, "Look at me please."

He takes one hand and gently lifts her chin up. Seeing the tears, he pulls out a tissue from the box the hospital provided and dry them. He said, "I had no idea you were so alone. You really are in a gilded cage aren't you?"

Seeing a bit of confusion, he said, "You have everything you could possibly want but you are trapped in this world you created."

He studied her a bit longer and said, "First of all, at first I didn't like you. I thought you were a snot nosed brat bossing everyone around and trying to show everyone you are the one in charge. It never occurred to me that you are only doing that because you want to put on a show to hide how little control you do have in your life. But, you are growing on me. I do like you and I don't plan on leaving your side as your bodyguard unless you fire me of course."

Axel flushed saying, "Did you say you saw me ass? Fucking hospital robes..." He muttered and then added, "If you will keep this secret, I will confess something to you? Will you?"

Seeing her nod, he said, "I did like seeing you naked. I very much liked it. However, you are my boss technically and I shouldn't have seen your body. Regardless, you do have a very beautiful young body."

Seeing her face turning red, he opted to shift to another topic, "I think you should continue acting though if this is something you want to do. My gut tells me I think it is. I also think that you need to cultivate a group of friends that you can hang out with? Perhaps that co-star Julian could be one? I don't know how that all works though. Thing is there is no need for you to be alone. As long as you will let me, you can confide in me. It might ruffle some feathers of the others in your circle, but you control your circle, not them."

With a smirk, he added, "You really do need some sleep, but my gut tells me you won't get it till I am out of here. So.. perhaps you can stay here tonight till they release me... You can sleep here on the bed and I can sleep on the couch or something. We can figure it out. I won't let anyone hurt you I promise. I got your back darlin."

We heard the sound of the hospital door rattle and try to open. I say, "One second. I will be right there."

"It's Doctor Evans. I need to check on you. Why is there a door blocking the entrance?" A tall blonde woman said in a doctor's robe with her name on it peeking in the window.

"To allow Miss Sommers a moment. All is well. I promise. I will pull the door away in a moment." He said a little louder.

He looked back to Just Ruby and pushed the chair she sat in back a bit, then pulled her to her feet in front of him. He said, "If you are okay with it, I am going to give you a big hug now. I think you need it." Without waiting for her answer, he pulled her into his arms, wincing only slightly as it moved his stitches. While he hugged her, rubbing her shoulders with his paw like hand, he said, "I got your back little babygirl. I promise you, your Daddy will take care of you."

A second later, his mind caught up with his thoughts as he realized what he said to her! Had he just called her by a slave handle and refer to himself as her Daddy? No way that was appropriate at all!?!?! His eyes widened as she looked up to him. He said, "I mean.. I got you... umm... you are safe with me. I got... got to get the door."

He got up and walked to the door, yet again forgetting his ass hung out the back of the robe, slid the door away and stepped back as she Doctor Evans walked in and eyed him and Just Ruby. She looked back to him and said, "You need to get back to bed. Now. You aren't discharged yet."

I glance over to Ruby saying, "You aren't the only one that gets told what to do all the time?" He winked at her playfully as he walked back to the bed and crawled in, obliviously that Ruby and the Doctor eyed his naked ass once more as he did.
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