The Fae Stones: Prelude, John Ross


Really Experienced
Aug 15, 2020
The Fae Stones: Prelude, John Ross (ENDED)

He woke at his usual time, about 5am, his room was dark, with no hint of sunlight peeking in around drapes or curtains. He stretched, muscles sore for unknown reasons, and felt around his neck. Startled that his neck was bare of jewelry, he looked about, finding his medallion on the bedside table.
“Did you get out last night?” he said to nobody in particular, for the room was empty of life save his.
I did, you removed the medallion, and I needed to feed. The unearthly voice echoed in his head. He was quite used to his visitor. He barely struggled as he placed the medallion back around his neck and sighed.
“Did you at least go elsewhere in the city, or did you stay in the same area?”
I moved to a new area, and found a most satisfying morsel. You should be awake when I take us out next time, you might enjoy yourself.
“That is not part of our accord at present. Go and hide yourself, I have quite a bit to do today”. He heard his visitor chuckle as the otherworldly consciousness withdrew itself to dark recesses of his soul.
John Ross, former Major in Her Majesty’s Green Rifle Brigade, pulled himself out of bed, and inspected his body. There were fresh cuts on his arms, legs and over his abdomen, all showing the pink of scar tissue, healing quickly. He shook his head at his visitor again, dressed, and made his way downstairs to breakfast.
“Good morning Major Ross”, his housekeeper greeted him with her usual cheer.
“Good morning Ms. Devonshire, please, can we drop the rank from the titles and honours?”. Ms. Devonshire and her family had worked for the Ross family for a number of generations. It would, in fact, be easier to get the sun to change direction than try and change Ms. Devonshire’s habits. With a smile, he took his meal quickly.
“There’s a message that came for you early this morning Sir”, Ms. Devonshire held out a small envelope, adorned with the royal seal in gold leaf.
His curiosity piqued, John accepted the envelope, opened it and read the note quickly.
“Seems someone is making an attempt to summon me back to duty. I’ve a date with the Foreign Office this morning.” John tucked the note back into its envelope, and secured the message in an inner cat pocket.
“Yes Sir. I’ll have your uniform cleaned today and have the boys clean up your kit”. Replied Ms. Devonshire with her usual business tone.
John held up his hand in an attempt to forestall her. “Let’s not get hasty, I have not accepted any commission. Can you at least let me attend this meeting before we assume I’ve returned to commissioned service?”
Ms. Devonshire huffed. “Of course Sir. Shall I call a cab for you?” she inquired.
“No need. The subway is now running, I’ll take that into the City and make my way as usual.”
“Very well Sir”, she departed the kitchen in a huff, her bum wagging just a bit too much, as she muttered something about subways being not good enough for the Ross men.
John arrived at the required office with the Foreign Ministry a good 10 minutes prior to the appointed time. He introduced himself to the secretary of the office, who escorted him through an unmarked office door, offering him a seat.
“The Under Secretary will be with you momentarily Sir.”, she stated and promptly departed.
A moment passed and Bernard Stinston, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, formerly Major Stinston, entered the office extending his hand to John. “John, how are you man? It’s been too long.”
John smiled, shaking his old friend’s hand with a shared warmth. “Yes”, he replied, “it’s been too long. How are Missy and the little ones?”
“Quite well, you should come by soon for a visit”. John exchanged pleasantries with his old colleague, and then decided to get down to brass tacks.
“Bernie, what’s going on? Why the official request and such for a meeting?”
Bernard, cleared his throat, putting on his official persona, “It’s a bit complicated Johnny. There’s a rather small but vexing issue that’s come to the attention of the Crown. The issue requires a flexible mind, and I thought you might be the chap for the job.” Stinston waited patiently. John knew he expected him to jump for joy at the unnamed opportunity.
“What’s the rest of the story Bernie? What aren’t you telling me?”
“The rest of the story, yes, well, here it is. As you know, there are still magic clans and kingdoms sharing this country with the Crown, and exist in a symbiotic relationship with the Crown?”, Bernard looked to John for understanding. John nodded. “Good. Well, it seems that one of these kingdoms is having an issue that requires a strong hand to resolve.” He held up his hand forestalling the question from John, “a strong and professionally discrete person who isn’t afraid to use, shall we say, any means needed to resolve the problem.”
“Like we did in Cathay?”, John’s reply came out before he considered the implications of his statement.
“Well, somewhat. Do try and not kill citizens in open markets this time hm?”
“What is my benefit if I take care of this issue for the Crown?” John inquired.
“Full reinstatement, new commission to the rank of Colonel. If you take the assignment, we provide you a commission to Lieutenant Colonel. Granted, that’s not something you will be allowed to use in any way.” Bernard though he has Ross on the hook.
“That’s it? Expunge my record of the Cathay Expedition and you have your man.” John knew he was taking the job, might as well get as much as he could from the offer.
“Who am I working for; what is this kingdom?” John’s curiosity was piqued. He had heard of some of the fabled magical folks, and had even seen one or two when he was younger.
“It’s the Fae Kingdom. A number of their people, some of them their version of royalty, have gone missing. You are taking Tea with their Ambassador this afternoon.”
John hailed a handsome after his tea with the Fae Ambassador. It has been an eye opening experience. Apparently not all faeries had wings. Who knew? And 50 pound sterling as reward for each soul returned to their, what is it, their territory, their forest?
Fae are delicious morsels; they have tender souls. His visitor had woken.
“No eating them; I am bound to return them to their People.” John replied to him.
I have not taken such an oath.
“No. Eating. Fae. My soul, my rules.” And with that again the cruel chuckle as his visitor withdrew.

The next morning John boarded a train for Cheshire.
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John Ross,

Please present this letter to Sidhe House in Cheshire to meet your contact for your missions.

Sorcha is an expert in identifying and finding Fae entities, and will be indispensable for your mission. Her ability lies in harnessing energy to scry for people's locations, based on an anchor. Fae are especially susceptible to her, as long as she has their stones. An additional amount shall be added to your retainer for her upkeep. She will tell you her requirements for working with you in this endeavor.

As such, you must see to her living conditions and safety. We leave her in your most capable hands.

The letter from the Fae Ambassador was in John Ross' pocket, and no further information was given about his mission partner, but Sorcha already knew all there was about him--except for that voice in his head.

Sorcha knew it would still be a day before Mr. John Ross would reach the estate, so she made the most of her time in the woods. The steward and the housekeeper had long known not to worry about her if she was still out after dark. She climbed up the window to her room anyway, so they could lock the doors and the gate and she'd be snug in her bedchamber by morning.

But they still hated it when she tracked mud inside the house.

Sorcha had lived on the estate all her life, and had never seen London or anything beyond the woods--that was in the human realm, at least. The Fae Court saw her regularly, but time felt different there, and she wasn't supposed to talk about the things that went on there at all.

He would arrive at 10:15 in the morning if his carriage managed to avoid the ditch down the road, but if not, he would get here on foot after luncheon. Mother used to say that she should always dress and be polite to visitors--so she would do just that.

But when she was to go with him to find her brother Cathal, and all the other children abducted from the Court, how would she dress? It was easy enough to do so in the Realm, but she had never been around humans. Maybe she'd ask Cook about it later.

Still, John Uskglass had told her not to worry and all she needed to think about were the Fae Stones. All she needed to do was find them and bring them home.

Her hair was matted again and she'd lost her shoe back when she waded in the stream. She refrained from stepping into the Realm for a few days since she never knew when she would come back and she might miss Mr. Ross. Perhaps a bath would fix the tangles.

The slight, pale girl with matted red hair made her way back towards Sidhe House, a pair of stones thrumming softly in her hand, tugging her navel to the East. She would find them soon.


What she didn't expect was Mr. John Ross would arrive at lunch with the carriage even when he was not able to avoid the ditch. She did not know what to make of his appearance because she hadn't seen him yet, but she knew he was inside the vehicle, and that he managed to lift the thing up when it had fallen in the ditch. He must be very strong.

She hummed to herself, her red hair now cut short, since they weren't able to get the smell or the tangles out, and at least she had both shoes on under her dress. She wasn't sure if they were leaving today, she hadn't seen that far--but it was good to be ready. She'd already said goodbye to Papa and Maman at their graves this morning and she hummed to herself, her chin on her hands as she spied his approach from her window.
Arriving at Sidhe House

The train was delayed, a bit unusual for the British railway system. John didn’t show an outward sign of concern, but dwelled on the rather terse letter he had been instructed to open while en route. Find Sidhe House...

It may not exist at all in this realm his visitor stated.

“Are you trying to be helpful? This seems out of character for you.”

The fae cross between realms, with most of their lives in a realm that is not this one you inhabit. I have a vested interest in their realm. John’s visitor was one of few words unless it was a benefit to the demon. He mulled over the information provided, trying to find the angle to protect himself and this Sorcha, whoever he was.

You are predictable, believing you will be dealing with something you understand. Fae are not like humans. So much more enjoyable to consume. Try one, you may actually enjoy the taste. His visitor, always seeking that gratification.

“Go away, I’m trying to get us to Cheshire to have a reasonable amount of time to find this Sidhe House.”, his visitor withdrew, chuckling as always.

John had figured he would arrive in the mid morning of the second day or travel, given the schedules, and accounting for any delays. He had secured a sleeper cabin, and woke, shaved, dressed and disembarked when the train arrived at Cheshire Station an hour late. After some discrete inquiry, he had found that the station did not have a dedicated cab stand, and that the livery stables were a short walk from the station. There he could secure a carriage, and a guide to Sidhe House. What he also discovered was that the short walk to the locals was roughly a league [author note, ~3 miles] from the train station. Finding no other option, he set out by foot to the livery.

His walk was quiet, almost peaceful. The quiet sounds of town life punctuating the mid morning as he rounded a bend in the road, spying the livery stable. As he was making his way around the bend, he heard a carriage approach from behind him. John turned in time to see the carriage, sans coachman or driver, careen around the same curve on the outer two wheels and tip toward where he stood.

Time slowed for John, the coach falling slower and slower. He braced himself, his arms moving without his consent, catching the coach and pushing it back on its wheels as it continued around the bend, slowing and finally stopping at the livery.

John watched the coach, as surprised with his actions as he was with the recent experience with the vehicle.

I grow weary of keeping us alive. Of course, every time that bloody visitor saved him in some manner, he has to be reminded about the action.

“Yes, well, the timing was you.” John was quick to attempt to keep the credit sheet balanced on the saving front.

What strength you have started from me providing it to you.

“Historic details, nothing more.” He continued toward the stable, unruffled at the near death experience. Upon his arrival, he found himself in the same coach now with a driver, making its way to Sidhe House, a very real location in the area.
Cook told her to wait in her room, and to not get her dress dirty. There was a disapproving look on her face, but it wasn't for her. So it was probably about her visitor.

The moment he stepped into the house, she knew his name. He was the only new person, so it was easy to hear. John Ross John Ross John Ross John Ross and--

She sat up, and cocked her head to the side. Somebody else was here. But who? Only one person came through the door.

He can fly? Who is he? Where is he? It was so hard to sit still. She had to know. Someone else was here, but he didn't step through the front door. What a mystery!

"Major John Ross here to see you, Miss." Cook wasn't even finished talking when she ran out the door, skirt flying, to the parlor.

She ran past the staircase and into the drawing room, where she could begin to solve the mystery of the two souls who arrived, but there was only one body.

Sorcha burst through the door, not even bothering to fix her dress or her short, red hair, which frizzed up in her excitement at the man who was sitting in her drawing room, and her brown eyes saw who was sitting in the most uncomfortable chair.
John sat, patiently and uncomfortably in the front drawing room. The Sidhe had given him the run of the House to become acquainted with Sorcha, and work out the relationship before they set off. He sat, back straight, waiting as the woman (mayhap the cook he thought, and young, old, he couldn’t tell), had gone to fetch his companion.

John studied the Drawing Room taking in his surroundings while he waited. It was really a room for drawing and artwork creation, not just another quaint room, over decorated for a couple to sit and be spied upon by the other family members of the household. Two corners of the room held painting easels, rather large. One holding a half-finished painting of, something dark it seemed, and the other a pencil drawing of a room that looked strikingly like his quarters from Cathay. Odd indeed. The floor was covered in paint splotches of a rainbow of hues and colors, and there was a pile of rolled-up parchments of some kind under the front window, it’s curtains drawn to allow in half-light into the room.

As his eyes wandered over the room, a young woman, barely into her womanhood, burst into the room. She was short of stature, he suspected the daughter of Sorcha, vibrant red hair drifting about her head, her dress askew, displaying quite a bit of her rather womanly form.

“You, you, you are John Ross, John Ross, John Ross”, her words tumbled out of her in a waterfall of excitement and, certainly not English.

She’s speaking in the fae tongue, brat hasn't learned to control herself. Must fix that, his visitor noted.

She stopped suddenly, cocked her head as if trying to hear something. “Did ye hear tha?” she asked John. “Did you hear that John Ross John Ross?”

The Cook woman came up behind the young waif, clearly exasperated.

“Major Ross-” she began

“It’s Mr. Ross, madam, not Major. I am not actively in service to Her Majesty in that capacity.” John corrected, gently yet sternly, his tone giving no quarter.

The young woman stepped back, “Powerful one he is, powerful voice as well.” She stood statue-still now, as if under military review.

“Mr. Ross”, Cook began again, “this mostly out of control lady before you is Miss Sorcha, your companion per the directions of the Sidhe Council.” Cook turned to Sorcha, “Miss Sorcha, can you please act human enough to greet your companion correctly?”
As if a veil was suddenly pulled down on her, Sorcha assumed the practiced facade of a human girl--albeit a boring one. She dimmed the sparkle in her eyes, controlled the manic energy of her body, the curiosity and restlessness, and became still. She let out a breath and looked straight, just like she was taught when her parents still lived.

"Mr. John Ross, I am Sorcha. Pleased to meet you." she curtsied, perfectly. Then she walked around the room and chose a chair across from him, sitting herself down and staring at him without blinking.

Cook gave out a sigh, knowing this state of Miss Sorcha was only slightly better than the other, but there was nothing for it. The girl had never been that agitated with a visitor before, knowing that she had to act human for anyone who came unless they were specifically of the Folk. Mr. John Ross looked completely normal, too normal in fact.

"I'll be back with the tea tray soon." Cook announced and left, and Sorcha was left with Mr. Ross and whoever else he brought along.

"Where is your companion?" Sorcha suddenly asked, when Cook left. It seemed the facade could not keep her curiosity away.

She tilted her head slowly, as if straining to hear something, her whole body angled at him, waiting for a response. It was certainly not something a normal girl would do.

"I can hear something. It is quite far away. But I know it is also here." her eyes became slightly lazy and her fingers tapped her lap one after another. "You are my companion, yes, John Ross? Can I be Sorcha Ross? It is easier that way, they said."
John felt his visitor rise from the depths of his tainted soul, and he pushed it down hard. Visitor didn’t like that, and gave him the impression of a caged lion, stalking and waiting, eyeing some hapless victim.

He walked back to the doorway of the Drawing Room, closed and locked the door behind Cook. This will go much better without anyone else putting their influence into the situation. He felt his visitor’s pleasure with that decision as well.

He had not worked with fae specifically in his past, but he had a flexibility of mind, and wondered how much she knew of him and his visitor.

She senses me within you, nothing more. I no longer have the power to communicate outside of this meat bag.

He crossed the room, drew the shades closed. The room dimmed, with only dusky afternoon haze leaking around and through the diaphanous curtains. He returned to stand before her, and bent, placing his hands over her wrists, holding her to the arms of her chair. She started wiggling, unused to the lack of freedom.

“Stop”, his single word, edged with a sense of command was sufficient to stop her wiggling. For now, he thought. “There are conditions and requirements that must be clear in order for this to work. If you absent my conditions, I will take matters between us into my hands alone. Do you understand?” He gazed directly into her eyes, brown, like the earth, connecting with his emerald green.

She nodded slowly, her self control struggling within her; curiosity, human propriety, desire to learn and know about the world outside of the House all trying to get out from under his word and hands.

“There will be no discussion of any companion of mine unless I deem it necessary. Do you understand?”
“He is a lion stalking the cage of meat bag.” She blinked and hung her head, her shortened red hair falling about her elfin face. She blushed. “I apologize. Sometimes I cannot control it.”

Then she looked up to him, and he could see the freckles on her nose and how her eyes were brown—which was an incredibly rare combination. It would mean her parents should have both carried the gene for the combination.

“But I will try.” She smiled beatifically up at him, then took his face in her hands and pressed her forehead to his, whispering something in her language.

John Ross is mine. John Ross is not yours. John Ross belongs to Sorcha.

Satisfied that the spell would hold for now (more contact was needed), the half-girl, half woman took two glowing stones from her pocket, and showed them to him. One of them was white and had a pearlescent sheen. It looked like a chunk hewn out of a large pearl. The other was black crusted with tiny jewels.

“I have the stones. We can find them, see?” She smiled up to him again and showed him the stones. She felt them tug at her navel to the East but couldn’t say where they were exactly. She needed help with the exact location. She didn’t have enough magic for that. Was this why he was chosen to help her?

He seemed strong and handsome. Not as young as she expected, but he looked like he could provide the needed assistance for her to find the Fae. If John Uskglass said he was perfect for the job then she just have to believe him.

“John Ross, can you help me find them?” She said sweetly, taking his hands in hers and pressing it to her heart, between her surprisingly ample bosom.
She had placed his hand over her heart, well the middle part of his hand. Given her size, he was surprised that he also felt one of her nipples through the thin fabric of her dress. Without thinking he rubbed the hard nub absently,

“We will find them. One step at a time. What is this about you becoming Ms. Ross? Do you understand what that entails and that commitment?”

He searched her eyes for understanding, almost losing himself to her soul. This one is older than I thought.
“I do not have a surname. They said I need one to be outside. Maybe you could lend me yours. That’s not allowed?” She tilted her head, already feeling him rub her nipple gently. So he knew what she needed to find the Fae! He was looking like someone who could help her find Cathal.

She raised his hand and placed it on her cheek, where she rubbed against it like a sweet pet. She hugged his whole arm to her now, his skin a contrast to her pale, delicate complexion.

“Also, we must do it now so we can find them before they move further away.” She told him, pressing more into his arm.
Damn this girl, woman, she was certainly determined. Despite the thickening of his desire, he forced himself to focus on the larger issue. She had captured his arm, nuzzling it to her chest, her motions moving her dress off her shoulders. Focus her, he thought, his hand wrapping up past her ear to pet the back of her head gently as they spoke.

“Sorcha, a surname is not lent, like a cloak or a dress. It is given as part of a marriage. That’s like a contract, a binding agreement between two people, who are deeply attracted to each other.” His hand gently stroked the nape of her neck, his fingers covered in red hair.
She pouted at that. It’s not like she was taking his true name. Humans and their proprieties were so peculiar. She moved his hand to her neck, then her collarbones.

“If you won’t give me your name, then can we track the Fae child now?” She moved suddenly, trying to get into his lap and removing the buttons of his jacket, her slight form not quite enough to overpower him, but she did have the element of surprise.

“Quick, let me see...” she giggled, enjoying that she gets to play with someone new now, and her first human to boot!

To John’s eye, she didn’t seem to mind that her dress was falling to one side. Or that she wasn’t wearing any stays!
Let her what? His gazed a bit confused as she slipped around and onto his lap, his hardness quite evident and growing. She had begun to giggle and unbutton his shirt. She worked quickly and had finished unbuttoning his shirt before he took her wrists firmly.

“Young lady, perhaps in your wild, far off world of the Sidhe, one can dress or undress anyone they please at any time. Here, you will learn your place.” He took a breath, his composure far gone. He flipped her over, one hand holding her firmly on his lap firmly against his hardness. He upended her skirt to expose her bare bottom. Unflapped, he continued. “Undressing me without permission is bad, and bad girls must be punished.”

With his proclamation, his open hand slapped her bare bottom hard, the sharp thwack cutting through the afternoon haze. After his first strike, he paused briefly to inspect her rather shapely bottom.
Sorcha was taken completely by surprise when John Ross upended her as she was on his lap, and she was face down, and her bottom was exposed to the air of the room. She felt the crack of his hand against her bottom.


“John Ross, we need to find the Fae. Do you wish to do this with our clothes?” She asked, looking back at him.

Her skin was supple and pale under her skirt, and it reddened immediately under his spank. Still, she seemed unfazed to him, and they did not seem to understand each other.
His hand slowly dropped to her round, reddened bottom. His breathing slowed, his control returning. She’s not a human, you need to account for that, small steps. He patted her bottom gently, then helped her turn over to sit in his lap. Her dress had fallen further, exposing a breast. What a beautiful creature, he thought.

“It is apparent to me that we are a bit at odds.” He waited a few seconds for a response from her. Hearing none, he continued. “We both desire the same thing. What is it that you believe we need to do, unclothed?”
Eh? He didn't know?

Her face darkened a bit, since roping a human into their little games was bad if they didn't at least tell him the rules, especially this important one. Whoever sent him to her may have been having a laugh. So she had to speak as plainly as possible.

"You need to put your cock inside my pussy and make me cum. Then I'll know where they are. We can do it clothed and unclothed, but it's best to do it now, while I can still sense their direction." She said, not bothered by her exposed breast, the pale pink nipple peaking in the air of the drawing room.

"Didn't they tell you?" her eyes went to the space between his legs, where he hardened. "Is that not why you're here?"
This young thing wanted to fuck! And it was required to help her locate the missing fae? This was turning into quite an adventure. Embarrassed, surprise, and realization came to him and he gave her a broad smile.

“Sorcha, I was told you could find your people with those stones of yours, and that you would tell me your requirements. Also, that you are entirely in my hands. So, if its a fucking you need, then its a fucking you will get”. He gently kissed her forehead. “Are you experienced in this sort of activity girl?”
"Yes,but I have never done it with John Ross or a full human male." she admitted, but without any shame or expression. Just a statement of fact.

She laid the stones on the side table, and moved to sit on the floor in front of him, already removing her dress to reveal her breasts, which sat high and full on her chest, like two dollops of cream with pink tips.

She stared hungrily at his clothed erection, biting her lip, then she looked up at him. "Are you experienced?"
John watched her kneel in front of him, admiring the shape of her body, the way she moved with liquid ease.

"Are you experienced?"

She had asked. “Yes, quite. How does a lady ask for a fuck dear?”
"I didn't ask for it properly?" she tilted her head, then smiled. "Then that's good! This can be over quickly."

Her hand dove to his trousers, and she began undoing the garment, her small hands working, already feeling him hard beneath the cloth. If he looked down, he would see the dip of her breasts and how they moved.
John took her hand in his removing them from their work, which had almost freed his cock. This one is going to be a handful.

"Sorcha, pay attention girl. You have to ask correctly in order to get something you want and desire. You cannot simply take what you want, when you want. Be a good girl, and ask correctly."

John barely maintained eye contact with her through this process. Her breasts, full and wonderfully formed being just below his lap continued to entice him to admire.
"But the stones...we have to find them now..." she pointed to the softly-glowing rocks on the table, standing up. Her dress fell off completely, and she was naked before his eyes, the skin of her midsection even creamier than her chest and the rest of her body, a soft, downy patch of hair adorning her mons.

"How should I ask, then, John Ross?"
He took her hands, one of her in one of his, and held them gently. Given her height, and him being seated, he had to work hard to not stare into her wonderful breasts. He managed to make eye contact wit hher and hold her attention, bare-ly.

"Sorcha, one of the main tasks I've been given is to protect and care for you. That means that I have to teach you how to act human, without loosing your fae. You must be more cautious in dealing with humans. Many humans, like some fae, will not control themselves, and will hurt, or take you for themselves. You must learn a little control. In this case for example, while I am more than willing to have sex with you, you cannot just jump into disrobing me, or yourself, before you ask. You ask in this way." He cleared his throat, and winked at her, and trying to imitate her feminine voice (and failing), said, "Please Sir, will you fuck me?"

"Now, you try it."
So he was very fit for the job! She would have to thank the others for sending him to her--he seemed quite capable of taking care of her if he knew how to explain things to her. She listened carefully, her sweet breasts moving the same time as she nodded, her pale pink nipples looking like they begged for his touch.

She took a deep breath, and said as solemnly as possible. "Please, Sir, will you fuck Sorcha as hard as you can?" she asked, knowing that something intense that could send her into a hard orgasm would be more accurate.
He smiled as she complied, so she can be taught. He pulled her close and kissed her lips gently.

"Yes, Sorcha dear. Since you asked nicely, I will indeed fuck you hard now, and I will fuck you hard later as well."

The words had just left his mouth...