The Emmys

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
I'm sure I missed an Emmy thread or two last night. Did you all make fun of how pretty Brad Pitt looked?

Well, it was an exciting night for moi. I had one friend lose (a writer in a category where he was lumped in with about 15 other writers, for a TV special they wrote, no big whoop), and I had one friend who won Big Time. My wife and I jumped out of our seats. We didn't expect him to win, and he did, and it was amazing. And, as amazing as it was, my wife was thrilled only because the camera finally caught the dress his wife was wearing, which was all she really cared about anyway.

Ray Romano is a friend from way back, so I guess that counts as a win in our household.

And I had a shock. I had never actually seen a photo of Michael Patrick King, who won for his show "Sex in the City". When he came up for his award I recognized him as a stand-up comic I worked with every night for a couple of years when I was just starting out. Back then he was just "Michael King", so I never made the connection. I had no idea he was behind that show. Weird. He was good comic.

I thought Conan did a good job, except for when he forgot he was on television and thought he was in a comedy club standing in front of 20 drunks and got all hacky. Ellen DeGeneres had the funniest bit (good timing). And no one really seemed to embarrass themselves too much.

Did it seem to you that everyone made the same speech, though? I thank my cast, my writers, my studio, my family, my laywer, my manager -- it's like an obligation now to thank everyone who ever negotiated a contract for you. They're not speeches anymore, they're personnel productivity reports.
I had to study so I didn't get to see it. I have faith that CoB will rerun his best bits on Tuesday's show (cos he always reruns his show on Mon so that he can film bits).

Other than that, I'm glad that the West Wing won, I saw his press briefing reran where he found that Stockard had won. I think he has a lazy eye. Now that's reallllllly going to bother me.
"24" got screwed.

Kiefer Sutherland won a lot of Best Dramatic Actor awards this past year, but I'm not too upset that he didn't get the Emmy, because Michael Chiklis did.

Enjoy the competition, because next year "The Sopranos" will likely clean house.

Aha, I've finally figured it out!

Dixon is that big Dufus named Robert on Raymond .

i wanted the six feet under people to win some stuff, so i was a little disappointed. i didn't watch very much of the show because the sopranos were on, but i liked that chick from the west wing's speech (not stockard)...she seemed so excited to win.
Purple Haze said:
Aha, I've finally figured it out!

Dixon is that big Dufus named Robert on Raymond .


I'm the short dufus who watched the thing at home in a pair of shorts drinking beer and eating white cake with Pillsbury frosting. Ain't Hollywood glamorous?

(That dude is pretty goofy, isn't he?)
My wife Jennifer won the best actress award.

You should have said hi to me Dixson. I didn't notice you were there.
I think Brad Pitt looked absolutely yummy! I'm glad Jennifer won but I'm disappointed Matt LaBlanc lost. He did a great job this past season.

I wish "Six Feet Under" would have won more awards also. That show was a great stand-in for my Sopranos fix.
You mean there are actually people who still pay attention to stuff like the Emmys?

How pathetic!
This is a fun, entertainment thread MAXIPAD. Go peddle your inane schlock elsewhere.
I still think Law & Order should have gotten best drama.. West Wing wasn't a bad choice, but L&O is a little more compelling to me.

Conan was great as a host..

Gosh, and I wasn't even making any political statements. I'm just saying anyone who thinks phony Hollywood glitz & BS is "fun and entertainment" seriously needs to get a life.

Or something.
Geesh, and I would think anyone that peeks in on a thread about "phony Hollywood glitz & BS" and feels compelled to post their disapproval seriously needs to get a life.

How utterly sad.
No royalty?

Are you kidding? We've got our current King, George III, and a former one, George II. And (to throw you a bone), on the liberal side we've got the Kennedys.

Besides, the real royalty is Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.
Re: No royalty?

Actually, I'm not really into executing anybody -conservative, liberal, or crackpot. It can get really, REALLY messy. Have you ever tried getting the bloodstains out of a Revolutionary Guard's Uniform? Not to mention picking up all the damn shell casings. Then you have to clean the machine gun, etc.

I find it much neater just to think really bad thoughts about them when I am stuck in traffic.
You mean there are actually people who still pay attention to stuff like the Emmys?

How pathetic!
At least we're not taking it too seriously.

And I'm surprised; a lot of Hollywood-types think like you do, RED. I figured you'd have more sympathy for them.
