The Drug Problem

I heard this a while ago....
'The only people who have a drug problem are those that don't do drugs.'
I can always score excellent pot whenever I want, no "Drug Problem".
It is more of a police problem

I can always score excellent pot whenever I want, no "Drug Problem".

On any given day I can do alright with the drug thing but sometimes the cops get a little problematic.
Or we could treat addiction like a health concern rather then a crime. Like civilized people. We could legalize all drugs making them available in stores, crippling the economy of the black market and therefore the economy of gangs. We could reduce violent crime because so much of it revolves around that black market. Regulate it like alcohol and make people understand that addictive personality disorder is a problem regardless of whether you're a drunk or a pill head and get those people treatment instead of masking them in fear so that they're afraid to seek treatment because if they do they may get arrested. There are a lot of ways to solve this problem, that I honestly have no idea why (any of them) aren't being implemented. As a former addict who was born and bred in one of the largest drug communities in the United States I could tell you first hand what these people need- and it's not jail time and methodone. We are doing everything ass-backwards.
There are a lot of ways to solve this problem, that I honestly have no idea why (any of them) aren't being implemented.
It seems that the "War on Drugs" has become an industry in its own right. When you consider police enforcement, court process and prisons there are a considerable number of people living off the system as it stands. As a result of this nonsense approach there are more drugs available than ever with no end in sight.

There has to be a certain amount of "destruction of evil" involved here though vested intrests (alcohol) seem to have the legal and social inside track against everything else. The will of authority to cleanse society of the scourge of drugs has the support of a great deal of the public by the look of it.

I do not do illegal stuff myself but I can see the delimma here. Drugs made by God knows who are sold to people who have no information on what they are taking which causwes problems which then have to be eradicated.

:D This is good.
It seems that the "War on Drugs" has become an industry in its own right. When you consider police enforcement, court process and prisons there are a considerable number of people living off the system as it stands. As a result of this nonsense approach there are more drugs available than ever with no end in sight.

There has to be a certain amount of "destruction of evil" involved here though vested intrests (alcohol) seem to have the legal and social inside track against everything else. The will of authority to cleanse society of the scourge of drugs has the support of a great deal of the public by the look of it.

I do not do illegal stuff myself but I can see the delimma here. Drugs made by God knows who are sold to people who have no information on what they are taking which causwes problems which then have to be eradicated.

:D This is good.

See, that's one of the things I never understood, that alcohol and cigarettes vs 'real' drugs- especially alcohol. Because the high you get off cigs is so short-lived that it's no gonna impair your driving or child-rearing or anything like that. I can smoke a cigarette and cook a kid dinner. It's gross and I won't but I could. I can smoke a joint and cook for a kid. Hell, my tolerance is high enough that I can probably do a couple perks and still get that kid fed, though at that point I may fall into the trap of, "Hey, uncle V, can you make us cookies for dinner?"

"Oh god yes."

But if I am shitfaced drunk, I cannot make that meal. I will set the house on fire. I will fall down in the floor. These hypothetical children will starve. And that is why drunks are not allowed to keep their children. I also would not be able to drive a car. I would hit someone or more likely, some thing- I have been drunk and I have driven a car, and I have no idea why a drunk person would attempt to drive a car. It would never occur to me to attempt to drive a car. Hell, it never really occurs to me to do anything except try and fuck... indiscriminately.

Anyway, my point is, if we can control alcohol, which is a hardcore fucking drug- and I think people forget that; then we can control anything. I am way worse on vodka or rum then I am on weed or even pills. On Perks I itch to death, on booze I fall down holding my stomach and make myself sick to my stomach and wake up the next day thinking I'm literally dying laying in the kitchen floor screaming at my boyfriend to come and help me make funeral arrangements.

So... I suppose my point is, drunks should not be allowed to parent children. And they aren't. So that same logic can be applied to methheads, whathave you. It's not like we don't already have laws in place that would work in the EXACT situations that people are afraid of. We could legalize the vast majority of drugs and then apply alcohol laws to them. It's not like you can't test for them. You take drug tests for jobs and shit all the time. It's super easy to tell who's drug use has crossed the line into abuse.

And, we need to understand that addicts are people with addictive personality disorder- and treat them. The reason that our current drug treatment plans don't work- well, there's a fuckton, but a major component is motivation. People are not motivated to come forward to seek help because they have to conceil their problem. If they come forward with it, they could go to jail. They could lose their children. There are no good effects from seeking treatment, only negative outcomes. Therefore, most people won't get treatment, and those that do are usually court-ordered into it. And as we all know, Vygotski and other psychologists have taught us time and time again that court ordered treatments never work because the individual is the one who has to overcome their own demons, and they simply won't. You cannot be forced into personal growth.

I'm sorry that this is kinda ranty. I could rant for days on this subject, it's kind of close to me.