the dreamers - eva green


Literotica Guru
Aug 6, 2010
I know I am immature - but watched this film last night (it was also on a few nights ago too)
and Eva Green has the most amazing set of tits I have seen in a while.

Enjoyable mesmorised I have been today - cant get the image out of my mind and walking round semi aroused.

Fantastic - otherwise the film was a bag of shyte! (only joking)

(just wanted to share the moment!)
i saw that a few years ago and pretty much just hit fast forward for the naked parts. watching her run nude around the house was fairly enjoyable. the rest of the movie bored me to tears. is a bit of an 'art' movie - but the sexuality came thru quite well (certainly worked for me!!)

I am not one to rave on about movies but - on this occasion it shows the power of the screen - if not conveying the power of the female form over the male mind! (does this make me shallow - of course - but enjoyably so!)
i saw that a few years ago and pretty much just hit fast forward for the naked parts. watching her run nude around the house was fairly enjoyable. the rest of the movie bored me to tears.

^^^ this
This is no good without a picture. So here.

