The Democrats Won In Louisiana


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
A small little victory - but a victory nonetheless. Bush did some hard campaigning for her. Didn't seem to work.
Fuck XMAS, it made my month. Landrieu isn't as anti-GWB as I'd like, but she's kinda smirky hot.
Small victories

Yeah, congrats. I guess you Democrats have to be grateful for small victories these days-- you've been losing all the big battles. But Landrieu is a very right-wing Democrat. She might as well be a Republican.

But the big story here is the rumor that a couple of Senate Republicans-- the names I've heard mentioned are John McCain and Chafee of RI-- might switch parties now that Landrieu has won, depriving the GOP of control of the Senate. Any thoughts on that?
Won't happen. Actually I'd almost rather it not happen, Orrin Hatch would cry too loud. Hopefully now the judicial nominations will be contested enough. If they overturn McCain-Feingold, expect some retribution just not that much.
From across the seas...


Any more like this result due in the (very near) future?

It's not a real surprise.

Louisiana politics is almost entirely personality-driven. Landrieu is a well-entrenched personality in the state. It should not have been nearly as close as it was.

Oh, and she's hardly right-wing anything. Her voting record says exactly the opposite. ;)

I'd like to know what you consider right-wing. Attila the Hun? Genghis Khan?
It's over, however Alaska has an open seat. REPUB senator Frank Murkowski got elected governor, so he gets to pick his replacement for the next two years. It's most likely gonna stand at 51-48-1 until 2004.
Bush, like his GODFATHER Ronnie, has his own damn wing. She doesn't oppose Bush enough.

I'd like to know what you consider right-wing. Attila the Hun? Genghis Khan?

Well, someone who votes above the 90% range with Tom Daschle, Ted Kennedy, and Robert Byrd isn't what a normal person would call right-wing.

You didn't answer my question, JMJ. Name one politician you would call right-wing. Adolf Hitler?
Re: Evasive

You didn't answer my question, JMJ. Name one politician you would call right-wing. Adolf Hitler?

By my estimation of the term, I'd consider Trent Lott, John Ashcroft, and Tom DeLay right wing, right off the top of my head.

I find it psychologically curious that you equate right wing, by your examples, with totalitarian dictators, though.
Re: Evasive

You didn't answer my question, JMJ. Name one politician you would call right-wing. Adolf Hitler?
He should be evasive. You're being a dick.


Thanks for answering. Yeah, I'd say those three are pretty right-wing, all right.

Why would I think of dictators when I think of right-wingers? Oh, gosh golly, I don't know, just funny that way, I guess . . .
Tom DeLay is a freak

"Don't send your kids to Baylor. And don't send your kids to A&M. There are still some Christian schools out there--good, solid schools. Now, they may be little. They may not be as prestigious as Stanford. But your kids will get a good, solid, godly education. Texas A&M used to be a conservative university. It's lost a lot of its conservatism, and it's renounced its traditions. It's really sad. My daughter ... had horrible experiences with coed dorms and guys who spent the weekends in the rooms with the girls, and all this kind of stuff went on there. It's just unbelievable."

This is by the fucking House Majority leader...Falwell, Robertson...Freak
I have two personal reasons not to hate A&M but I still do-always have. A certain white hat wearing individual even approves of A&M. DeLay is Bob Jones material. Maybe he doesn't think dancing is a mortal sin, maybe he does. At least Ashcroft has heard of the law and disregards it. DeLay majored in Biology solely to find ways to claim evolution doesn't occur.