The deal is struck, it's official. The Copenhagen Conference has...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
agreed to expand the EU to 25 countries...

From today's Guardian:

In a series of interlocking negotiations, ranging from the division of Cyprus to the financial plight of Polish peasants, leaders of the EU's 15 member states embraced 10 new countries in the biggest enlargement the union has ever seen.

And in a move set to transform the club beyond recognition, leaders accepted that they must finally take Turkey's claims to membership seriously.

Tony Blair convinced less enthusiastic colleagues that the Muslim country's negotiations must begin "without delay" once it has passed a progress review in December 2004.

The scene is now set for an almighty confrontation between Europe and the US in years to come...

Start looking over your shoulder America...

p_p_man said:

The scene is now set for an almighty confrontation between Europe and the US in years to come...

Start looking over your shoulder America...


The last line should be edited to read "Start looking under your boot America...."
Re: Re: The deal is struck, it's official. The Copenhagen Conference has...

Weevil said:
The last line should be edited to read "Start looking under your boot America...."

Spoken like a true ostrich...

Freya2 said:
p_p_man - I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here, pining away over you. Some day my dream will come true and we can start that online romance you promised me. Until then, I'll just wait....patiently.

Actually I believe we'll b looking out for the European-Americas Free Trade Agreement. Maybe not realistic, but nicer.
Interimperialist rivalries

The EU is just another imperialist power like the US. You should put your trust in the international working class, peep, not the EU.
Re: Re: Re: The deal is struck, it's official. The Copenhagen Conference has...

p_p_man said:
Spoken like a true ostrich...


Coming soon, to a theatre near you, the combined Military Might of Hungary, Belgium and Finland!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: The deal is struck, it's official. The Copenhagen Conference has...

Weevil said:
Coming soon, to a theatre near you, the combined Military Might of Hungary, Belgium and Finland!!!!!!!

and Denmark....
15 member states embraced 10 new countries in the biggest enlargement the union has ever seen.
I can't see the word "enlargement" and not whack off.

Alcohol is The Way.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The deal is struck, it's official. The Copenhagen Conference has...

Weevil said:
Coming soon, to a theatre near you, the combined Military Might of Hungary, Belgium and Finland!!!!!!!

The US clearly is fuck'd.

They should roll up the carpet.

Perhaps they could give Hawaii to Japan, and stave off the inevitable?
p_p_man said:
agreed to expand the EU to 25 countries...

From today's Guardian:

In a series of interlocking negotiations, ranging from the division of Cyprus to the financial plight of Polish peasants, leaders of the EU's 15 member states embraced 10 new countries in the biggest enlargement the union has ever seen.

And in a move set to transform the club beyond recognition, leaders accepted that they must finally take Turkey's claims to membership seriously.

Tony Blair convinced less enthusiastic colleagues that the Muslim country's negotiations must begin "without delay" once it has passed a progress review in December 2004.

The scene is now set for an almighty confrontation between Europe and the US in years to come...

Start looking over your shoulder America...

Ooops, was there a topic to this thread? Sorry, I must've missed it.
Re: Re: The deal is struck, it's official. The Copenhagen Conference has...

Byron In Exile said:
Ooops, was there a topic to this thread? Sorry, I must've missed it.
There was some stuff and writings and things. Something tells me I shoudl have read it but postidbg is more fun.
When Turkey, with it's eighty million population, eventually joins the EU. This Moslem country will become the the Unions largest member.
It will also mean a further shift in EU backed spending away from the deprived parts of Western Europe, to these new members and free immigration for their citizens into the more prosperous parts of the Union
p_p_man said:
agreed to expand the EU to 25 countries...

From today's Guardian:

In a series of interlocking negotiations, ranging from the division of Cyprus to the financial plight of Polish peasants, leaders of the EU's 15 member states embraced 10 new countries in the biggest enlargement the union has ever seen.

And in a move set to transform the club beyond recognition, leaders accepted that they must finally take Turkey's claims to membership seriously.

Tony Blair convinced less enthusiastic colleagues that the Muslim country's negotiations must begin "without delay" once it has passed a progress review in December 2004.

The scene is now set for an almighty confrontation between Europe and the US in years to come...

Start looking over your shoulder America..
Fuck, alcohol so rocks.

So Britiain if what?

Interlocking locations with muslims?

Good luck, dude@!

Myrrdin said:
When Turkey, with it's eighty million population, eventually joins the EU. This Moslem country will become the the Unions largest member.
It will also mean a further shift in EU backed spending away from the deprived parts of Western Europe, to these new members and free immigration for their citizens into the more prosperous parts of the Union

At last, another sceptic!
Myrrdin said:
When Turkey, with it's eighty million population, eventually joins the EU. This Moslem country will become the the Unions largest member.
It will also mean a further shift in EU backed spending away from the deprived parts of Western Europe, to these new members and free immigration for their citizens into the more prosperous parts of the Union
Seriously, you need to not tell them this stuff. There's nothing they can do about it.
Myrrdin said:
When Turkey, with it's eighty million population, eventually joins the EU. This Moslem country will become the the Unions largest member.
It will also mean a further shift in EU backed spending away from the deprived parts of Western Europe, to these new members and free immigration for their citizens into the more prosperous parts of the Union

Possibly but I'd like to see the whole Agreement before saying anything but as I can't keep quiet at the best of times...

If Turkey joins she will be the gateway we all need to enter the Islamic world. Think of all that oil the EU could get its hands on with deals involving Turkey, a full member of the European Union.

Western Europe is desparately short of manpower. We need all the help we can get. And I read somewhere yesterday that immigration is not on the agenda but short term (2-3 years attachments) are. This is to bring the East European countries up to speed with the work practices of the West. The same article mentioned that as the UK is too far away from most of the new members they would rather choose to take their attachments in countries much closer to their own.

There will be one problem though and that is if workers on attachment choose to take them in countries where they can commute on a daily basis then the present member states may have trouble with their infrastructure.

But at least the problem is recognised. It's now up to the fine tuning of the Copenhagen Agreement to make sure the transition is as painless as possible...

p_p_man said:
Possibly but I'd like to see the whole Agreement before saying anything but as I can't keep quiet at the best of times...

If Turkey joins she will be the gateway we all need to enter the Islamic world. Think of all that oil the EU could get its hands on with deals involving Turkey, a full member of the European Union.

Western Europe is desparately short of manpower. We need all the help we can get. And I read somewhere yesterday that immigration is not on the agenda but short term (2-3 years attachments) are. This is to bring the East European countries up to speed with the work practices of the West. The same article mentioned that as the UK is too far away from most of the new members they would rather choose to take their attachments in countries much closer to their own.

There will be one problem though and that is if workers on attachment choose to take them in countries where they can commute on a daily basis then the present member states may have trouble with their infrastructure.

But at least the problem is recognised. It's now up to the fine tuning of the Copenhagen Agreement to make sure the transition is as painless as possible..
Damn! If it hadn't taken up valuable posting time I would have read that!

Skimming it, I got the impression that it might have been interesting!

At least I re-quoted it for you.

Someone might read it.

Morning for you, right? BAC kinda low right now?

Rockin times here in PST!

Wish you were here...
Re: Interimperialist rivalries

The EU is just another imperialist power like the US. You should put your trust in the international working class, peep, not the EU.
Shit, a wrench in the works! Hey, redwave, do you think if the U.S. gobbled up 10 nations it would be Imperialistic?

Or not?

Europe hangs in the balance...
I've stayed pretty far from the EU issue since I do not know squat about it.

I do know this. When you get a bunch of socialist countries banding together in malaise, you are not going to get Hegel's synthesist but a REALLY big socialist country dominated by malaise. I think EBW was right on with the boot comment.