The Dark Land's Light OOC [Created by Blackpenman]


RP Enjoyment
Oct 23, 2006
Here is the premis of the story.

will one of my ideas is that it takes in place in a school that trains people to fight against those who have fallen into darkness ( Usually by a person giving them a certain object or a power they didn't have once used the darkness takes over them and transforms them into a darker being/if they resurrects a person that person to will be tainted by the darkness).

the first part of the story (introduction) will take place on earth on a earth like world, A person in a black robe gives a person who is distraught with the world he opens hellgates with the intent of bringer the world into ruin and make the people suffer the loses he had to live through. He is defeated but the dark demons (yomi) are still living with in this plane. Thus certain schools are formed all over the world to train people to fight the yomi. After an attack on the schools and the deaths of many teachers, students along with most of the hunters. A new school is formed ( the one we will be attending) will be made they will send out the advance students to fight and investigate the yomi attacks.

the school will have a ranking system to show what class they are, (ages will vary)

1. Page- when they first attempt to get in they will learn about the rules and train themselves to pass the entrance exam. it is up to the person taking the test to see what exam they want. From written test to having a duel with another student ( which if both are skilled both may pass) show off there abilities ( which is the hardest to do as the test will be choose at the time they take it.

2. Prior ( first)- Usually the first rank that they get once they pass the entrance exam. they are the ones that barely able to pass, few of them can make the advance class. ages vary to become next rank they have to do another test.

3. Chevalier ( Knight) - This is a low rank is for those who are able to pass the test. there skills are recognized as being formidable. Most are of this rank once they enter. again ages will vary many are in the advance class

4. Paladin( Knight) - the highest rank of knight, many Vicars ( hunters/exorcists) are of this rank. they also are the ones who lead the team on missions. They also can recommend a Chevalier or Prior to become this rank usually it has to be on the request of three of more, which the dean/headmaster will consider it with the other three headmasters of the school. Many are teachers and students

5. Meister ( Master)- the elite of the exorcists they usually do jobs by themselves or with two others of there choosing. they are both hunters and teachers. There are only a handful of them, a few teachers, most of the headmasters are Meister's who's skills are legendary. to become one a Chervil and paladin most pass a meister's test that he assigns them.
The higher the rank of Yomi, the more powerful etc, etc. for instance, a high rank Yomi can stay longer, and can change appearances and so on. Also, I think that the physical laws for a Yomi should be as follows: Yomi can not pass through physical objects in the human world, unless the object was made for that purpose (which can be discussed later), the true form of a Yomi is a mixture between a dog, a foat, bear, and human, but th emore powerful the Yomi, the more they can change into. The rank system is as such

Devil: the most powerful type of Yomi, they can change into any existing shape and size, and can stay on Earth for as long as they wish. Their only limitations is that they are usually dead afraid of ice, but there are some exceptions. They rare to meet. Only this type of Yomi can become gaseous

Demon: a powerful Yomi, they can grow as tall as a Redwood tree and as small as an insect. They can stay on Earth for years, decades even, but they must return to where they came from after their second century on Earth. They are uncommon to see

Hunter: these Yomi are powerful, but are considered by the higher ranks as the underdogs. They can grow as tall as 50ft, and as small as a mouse. They can stay on Earth for the longest a century. They are fairly common

Underdog: the average Yomi, they can grow as tall as 25ft, but not many choose to, and as small as a rat. They can only stay on Earth for as long as half a century. They are very common

Expendable: these Yomi are the ones that do all the dirty work. Usually, they fight by sheer numbers, not power. They can only grow as tall as 7ft and as small as a cat. They can stay on Earth for only a decade at most. They are the most common Yomi to see

ME and Blackpenman Are looking for Male and Female To play Students of all sizes and ranks. and Yomi [the dark spirits] It is a SRP but We Want to try and stick with the routes of this story.

I am going to have Blackpenman create the character sheet.
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Well, here goes.

Name: Daniel Xavi
Height: 6ft 3"
Weight: 237lbs.
Age: 22
Rank: Chevalier
Powers: The ability to mimic
Breif Bio: Orphaned as a chid, his parents were killed in front of him by yomi. He narrowly escaped with his life when some Paladin's along with some Chevalier's came and rescued him. He was upset that they couldnt save his family, and has sworn not to let any one to go through what he did. He soon learned how to fight, and discovered his ability to mimic skills. It is unstable, and he has trouble not mimicing sometimes. When he absorbs too much abilities, he can become sick, or can even die. All he needs to have to mimic is a clear veiw of a things abilities, and than he can do it.
Description: He acts cold, sometimes meanly, to others, but that is only because he doesnt want any friends so he cant be hurt again. He doesnt like working with others, since he considers them slowing him down, but in reality he doesnt want to get to know them and to like them. He has very few, but extremely good, friends who he has tried to shake off, but they wont be shaken. He tries hard to contol his abilites, so is constantly practicing and studying. He truly is a nice guy, but he doesnt show it. Short dark brown hair, and green/brown eyes. Doesnt use weapons much, but can use shortswords.
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Name: Leon Pyrex
Height: 6ft 0"
Weight: 230lbs.
Age: 20
Rank: Chevalier
Powers: Fire Creation and Manipulation
Breif Bio: Having almost bruned in a fire at a young age his survival was astounding, gaining the powers of fire. Leon is a orphan not knowing his parents and loved getting in to trouble with the orphanage. He got him self dragged in to the fire when a few Yomi were tryign to harm a small girl at the Orphanage. Dragging her to the burning shack he helped he rge tou but was stuck under some buning wreck. After they helped him he healed leaving no burn marks. Leon foudn out later he can contorl fire and explained why it id not hurt him as much as it did.
Description: Loves friends and is very loyal to people. Enjoys a good fight and loved to keep his friends close when he has them around. Blue eyes,brown hair and a nice trusty longsword.-
Name: Amber Dennison
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Age: 19
Rank: Chevalier
Powers: Water and Ice Creation and Manipulation
Brief Bio: Amber knows of her parents, but never knew her parents. She was found when she was six months old by a traveling Paladin in a snow bank. Her parents were huddling around her, frozen to death, their dying moments spent trying to protect their child from the cold. As she got older she was subject to the cruelty of children in part to her white hair, ice blue eyes and pale skin. When she was 12 she found she could move water and freeze it as well, which brought her to the attention of the local schools. Training she learned to hone her skills. She also found that the kids her age were taking less to picking on her and taking more notice of the skills she had and the body she had grown into. She became disgusted knowing these people who wanted her for their own purposes now had not long ago ridiculed her for being her. She shunned them and became withdrawn from people as a whole, never letting anyone get close to her. Now she goes through her classes at the local school, interacting with people as little as she has to.
Description: Withdrawn. Does not interact with others unless she has to, and usually says as little as she needs to. Sometimes this results in brash or biting statements because she does not mince words, and says exactly what she means. She has a nuanced control of her powers, but should her emotions flare she loses control. White hair, Ice blue eyes, and pale skin. The most she uses for makeup tends to be lipstick and eyeliner. She does not carry a weapon, often creating any weapon she may need from ice using manipulated water molecules from the air around her.
So i will post the characters here and edit them as they go

Good side
Chevalier - Amber Dennison - Lillypen
Chevalier - Leon Pyrex - Nickissora
Chevalier - Daniel Xavi - Blackpenman
Chevalier - Caldon - Leonidas1
Chevalier - Kris - Knight719

Bad Side
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Spread the word on the Seeking players Blackpen I will try and grab more.
When it comes to Yomi and the like, are they summoned by people? I have no issue with playing a baddie, just want to know how that goes since more description is given to the 'heroes' of this world than to the 'villains'.
The Yomi are more Demons of there own Race kind of like a whole nother race on th eother side of the world type thing. They have there own powers. its human vs Demon's and They are on seperate sides.
So essentially playing a baddie involves playing a demon... anything against me playing a demon of an upper rank, controlling lesser demons to cause some mischief and mayhem? I can play the lesser demons when my big bad is being more hands off.
Hell Yeah we also need ranks in the Yomi. after all they must have a rank system.
Okay then, I can work with that. A little more info tho. Since the Yomi crossover would it be possible they are able to stay until they are defeated, or do they have to return after a short period of time? Also, are there any physical laws to the Yomi? Must they be humanoid, gaseous etc.? Would it be theoretically possible for one to blend into society in order to invade from within, sort of like a secret agent of some sort?
I honestly do not know that i imagine they come in different forms but somethign tells me they can no blend in to well. That is somethign blackpenman will be able to answer this is his story.
Well Webbed, to make it a bit more fair, how about this. The higher the rank of Yomi, the more powerful etc, etc. for instance, a high rank Yomi can stay longer, and can change appearances and so on. Also, I think that the physical laws for a Yomi should be as follows: Yomi can not pass through physical objects in the human world, unless the object was made for that purpose (which can be discussed later), the true form of a Yomi is a mixture between a dog, a foat, bear, and human, but th emore powerful the Yomi, the more they can change into. The rank system is as such

Devil: the most powerful type of Yomi, they can change into any existing shape and size, and can stay on Earth for as long as they wish. Their only limitations is that they are usually dead afraid of ice, but there are some exceptions. They rare to meet. Only this type of Yomi can become gaseous
Demon: a powerful Yomi, they can grow as tall as a Redwood tree and as small as an insect. They can stay on Earth for years, decades even, but they must return to where they came from after their second century on Earth. They are uncommon to see
Hunter: these Yomi are powerful, but are considered by the higher ranks as the underdogs. They can grow as tall as 50ft, and as small as a mouse. They can stay on Earth for the longest a century. They are fairly common
Underdog: the average Yomi, they can grow as tall as 25ft, but not many choose to, and as small as a rat. They can only stay on Earth for as long as half a century. They are very common
Expendable: these Yomi are the ones that do all the dirty work. Usually, they fight by sheer numbers, not power. They can only grow as tall as 7ft and as small as a cat. They can stay on Earth for only a decade at most. They are the most common Yomi to see

And, of course, different Yomi have different abilities, but the lower the rank, the less destructive the abilities. This is, of course, not entirely complete. There is still some things to decide, but this is the basics.
Ill be a hunter
HEIGHT:6' 7"
WEIGHT:200 lbs
description: Drinker, humorous, joyful, stealth, fearless, a good eater and very friendly very crafty with the bow he can hit a target 1000ft away dead center when he shoots he can hit the same spot he shot the last time. He is extermly stealth and he can fight with his sword very well. He is a very good potion brewer and crafter. He is good with enchantments. He tall, long hair black hair, large muscle, a little beard, blue eyes andvery slim.
BIO: Caldon was beat up as a child by his parents. His parents always wanted him to be a strong warrior. To make him a warrior they thought they would show him no mercy and let him suffer. They thought that would make him stronger. Then his parents were killed by his brother when he saw that they were whipping Caldon's face with a spiked mace. So after his parents were killed his brother realized what he did was horrible and had Caldon kill him with torture. After that Caldon ran from home never to come back. Then he met some native hunters that raised him and he learned to hunt with a bow and make remedies and enchant stuff. Then he went to the school and when he left the school he saw the yomi burned down his tribe he
swore that he would kill the yomi every single one.
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So any way yeah if you like I can draw out a rough map of the world it will be in ms paint so lol yeah I could hough if you have names for places and where and such let me know I will slowly work on the map piece by piece what is your envisionment
That would be nice. I think that it should be small communities, spread out around the area, surronded by wasteland, and the occasional training school. As for names, it can be something as simple as 'Land of Mountains' to describe one area, or something much more complex. Cause honestly, if I were in hat situation,I wouldn't travel much, so very few people would see other places.