The Cure for the world (Closed to sugarcookies)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Specialist Adam Corse
Age 22
Height 5'10
Weight 155lbs
Hair: buzzed dark brown hair
Eyes: dark brown
Physically fit, flat stomach and nice biceps with no tattoos or piercings. Smooth face, rounded chin.

I woke up by the sounds of our sergeant. We were being called to the motorpool where we checked our weapons and did a headcount. We were in the garage of what was a civilian hospital, but had been converted to a military one. Outside was the undead. We have been here since the start, our task for our unit was to safe guard the people here, most are doctrs and scientists. Some say they were working on experiments like Doctor Frankenstien, but most say they are working on a cure what is affecting those people out there. I could hear them, called the 'choir of the undead' it goes day and night unabated. They could not get through the five foot thick concrete walls that surrounded the place and studded with watch towers.

I had lost track how long we've been here personally. All I do is work, sleep, and eat, not much personal time. We had women here, plenty of women, but our missions kept us so busy we had barely seen any personal action, with none for me. I didn't mind, I just wanted to kill zombies for a long time as the dream and preperation finally came real. We were forced out of New York, as was to be expected, but many cities were still holding out. It was not entirely hopeless. We were not starving and we had plenty of everything, except zombies.

They were appearing every now and then gnawing at the walls and groaning only to be shot. Then later a burial detail would come and finish them off and throw them into a mass grave. Many could not be identified. I had no family thus all I had was my unit, twelve men that I had fought wth for two years in Iraq and now we were on home soil.

When we took over this place we also took in many civilians that proved useful, police, firefighters, construction, etc, and we put them to use. Everyone here had to pull their weight to keep it moving. We had to be self sufficient, with some goats, pigs, and cattle also in to provide milk and meat and a large garden, it was enough to keep us full, but there were times we had to go out and raid nearby communities that had been abandoned for supplies. That is how we picked up so many civilians. They were grateful for the rescue and to have so much security now and they could sleep.

Since we have arrived there were doctor and scientists always working on those upper floors. It was something that has drawn a great deal of of speculationand rumor as to what. We see them come and go, but never been been formally introduced and we, us soldiers that lived on the lower floors, were not allowed to go up onto the higher levels. Several of us had tried, but were caught by MPs, and tht only heightened our curiosity as to what was really happening. Had to be something important to warrant that much secrecy and isolation.

As we conducted our check I looked back at the towering building behind me and saw all of th lights on and wondered what was going on up there. We didn't know much, except how to survive. Our sergeant, a short, thin man but very tough, Connelly, said that we were going to escort a convoy that was going to one of the underground bunkers outside Washington D.C. like everyone else I enquired what we were transporting, but the sergeat did not know as behind us several, what looked like bank armored cars, rolled out and parked behind our lead Humvee. This is what we were escorting.
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Officer Skylar Tiller
Age: 21
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 112lbs
Hair: Long, wavy red
Eyes: Dark green
Fit, curvy body from working as a officer, large 36D breasts and a hot bubble butt

Skylar had only been working as a cop for two and a half years when the invection hit. lt was actually good timing, it would have been better if it never happened, but at least it hit after she perfected her shooting. She was sure she would have died if she didn't know how to use on, oh and if she wasn't taken in by some military men who took her and a few more of her team to a hospital they had turned into a military base.

The first few weeks was pretty tough. Not so much the zombies, they were pretty easy to get rid of. Especially when they started sworming around the concrete wall that surrounded the place. Most of the guys in the tower got rid of them with a simple shot to the head. The tough part was knowing all the people you loved, were probably gone. Sky had a big family that lived in New York, but... the invection there was pretty bad. She was sure they didn't make it out alive. Honestly, she hoped they dead. That had to better then walking around as one of those zombies. At least at first she thought that.

Then the rumor of a cure started to fill the hospital, or at least the floor she was on. The idea of being able to stop the invection was a relief! Maybe one day they would be able to go back to there regular lives and try to forget this whole mess. In the mean time, it was her job to make sure things didn't go to hell inside the hospital.

Some of the other civilians they brought here weren't... friendly. They didn't like having to stay in a place with a ton of other people crowding around them. On more then one occasion, Skylar was forced to use a few of the rooms as a sort of jail cell to keep them from acting out and causing harm to the other people. Unlike the rest of her team, she didn't really look at people in a sexual way, even if she got quite a few offers. So she was kind of the best officer here... if you didn't count the people in the military. They were pretty damn good.

Still, it surprised her when Sergeant Connelly had come up to her and asked her to help out a few of his men deliver something outside of Washington. Of course, she agreed to help them out. Skylar was reloading her guns when the armored cars pulled up. Curiously, she raised a brow wondering what exactly we were escorting that would require armored trucks!
After doing a head count some of us went up to the armored trucks to get a peek of what was inside, but the doors were locked and no one would talk other than the escort detail. That was when Sergeant Connelly introduced me to Officer Skylar Tiller, very pretty looking redhead. "Tiller," Connelly said, "You'll be riding with Corse in the point vehicle." After his introduction Tiller and I shook hands. She was very pretty with red hair and nice frame, something that alot of guys would drool over. She looked capable and going over to our Humvee Connelly had laid out our map showing where we would be going including secondary routes if the main route was blocked.

There was a problem of rebels creating carricades or bridges collasping from ill care so we had to have back up plans and there were the undead. The Humvees would keep us safe so long as we kept control of ourselves. As we were doing the last preparations Tiller and I climbed into hte backseat o fthe Humvees and checked our weapons, "Hey," I said to her, "Do you know what we're transporting?" Hoping that she would have some answers.
Skylar crossed her arms over her chest and looked at men as some of them walked over to the truck, pulling on the doors, trying to open it up. It's armored truck, of course it would be locked and if they wanted anyone to know what it was, they would have already told the five other guys that asked. Still, there was a small part of her that really hoped the doors would open. Her head turned to as Sergeant Connelly said her name, making her put on a smile that usually make mens legs go weak. "Yes sir," she said to him when he told her who she would be riding with. Corse!

As they shook hands, she couldn't help but let his eyes roam over his body. He was... impressive! lt was pretty obvious he was in the military. That, or he really knew how totake care of himself. If the world wasn't turning to hell... she would seriously think about fucking him. She let him go after a moment and went over to look at the route they would be taking. It was a simple thing to remember. She wasn't to worried about the zombies either. If you knew how to shoot... and you didn't run out of aimo, you could keep them pretty far away. And of course, they had the Humvees protecting them.

Sky climbed into the carnand moved over to the other side of the car so Corse could climb in beside her. "Sorry," She looked her gun over, checking it out. "I don't know anything. I thought you would have known actually. You being in the military and all. I'm just a cop." She put her gun away, putting it in the holster she kept around her right thigh. "So, Corse," she checked her left boot, making sure her knife was still there, just in case a zombie got to close for comfort. "How long have you been here? l don't remember your face and l'm sure l would have." She asked him as she turnes her gaze up to him. "Also, can l count on you to help me out if l need it. Just if something were to go wrong."
"I've been here since the beginning. My squad and I are the ones that took this place over. By that time it had been abandoned and yes, you can count on me when it comes to that." As soon as I said that the driver, Specialist Vicent, turned around and smiled, "And you can count on me to." and laughed. Only a blind man could not see whom Tiller was, a pretty redhead and though some of the men did not like have civvies, or civilians, riding along with them,, they made exceptions to pretty women like Tiller, though we knew that we had to keep a straight face to keep us mission oriented. A mission ushc as this, going through the zombie infested land and getting to the bunker it seemed odd that we would be going out there.

As the garage door rolled open the engines turned over. A final radio check and we moved forward. It was out the garage and towards the main entrance. The guards gave a final look to ensure that there were no zombies with their bright search lights scanning over the landscape and we went outside. It's been awhile since I've been out here and taking aleft turn on the road we were going at a brisk forty miles and hour as the entire convoy came out.

No sign of zombies and no sign of threats. Looking quickly back at Tiller to get a look at her, she almost didn't seem like a police officer, with a figure like that, more of a model, but I went with it and kept looking for the undead.
She smiled a bit. "Thank you. Both of you." She told him, but she didn't think she would need any help. She was just asking just incase, especially since she wasn't really in the army. She was surprised how the two acted... so openly to her. The monthes she's been here, the military hasn't been very open to the outsiders like her. They seemed ro think they were better, just because they were in a war. Sure, so they went off somewhere else to fight, she stayed here and fought with the idiots that ran around causing mayhem. There not any better!

In fact, she kind of thought they felt they thought the same about her on the inside. They just noticed she was pretty and thought maybe they could get in her pants. Ha, they would really have to try. She wasn't easy like all the others seemed to be, wanting to bend over for them in a heart beat.

When they moved out of the garage, she looked out her window, searching for any sign of movement. Most would probably look for just zombies, but Sky was searching for civilians that were yet to be harmed. No one wanted to be alone in this hell hole. It looked, worse then it did when she first came to the hospital. Sure it was pretty bad before, but now... Uhh!

"So, do either of you have even the slightest hint of what we're doing out here? I mean it must be pretty damn important if their actually reaching out for a police officer." She said, turning to look at Corse. "I mean, is it a cure?" Quickly she added. "l mean, l've heard rumors floating around. l was just curious to know if it was true."
"I have no idea," I said, "We've heard rumors ever since we got here. It's a cure. It's a mutation, it's a experiment...." trailing off for a moment Vincent shouted above the low drone of the engine, "I heard that they're doing Doctor Frankstien stuff, you know, putting parts together and making a monster." It was silly, but then again we had no concrete evidence of anything just speculation and the more we seemed to pass to one another the more we seemed to enjoy it as it was something to do in this monotony of driving through the countryside. The sun was up but it was over cast. It was foolish to drive around in the night time as then the zombies had a better chance of getting to you.

"All I know if that we have to get whatever is inside those trucks to Washington. Maybe, when we get there, and they unload, we can figure it out." That would be hours, but the banter we were exchanging was pleasant as having a fresh face in the vehicle with us, especially a woman, was a different set of pace for us as we were surrounded by women all the time and I just know that some men just wanted anything with a hole to squeeze into.
"l heard that too! The whole Frankinstien thing!" Sge agreed with him, sitting up a bit more. "I mean, though it cannot be true, l mean why would someone make a monster with these zombies already running around and eating other people. l mean, l think we have enough things to be afraid of already." She said to them, but withna smile on her face. Their opinions on this was actually pretty clever. Out of all the military men that flirted with her, this two were her favorite. Not that they seemed to be flirting. Just having a nice conversation with her. The nicest one she's had in a while, even if it is about what's in the trunks.

"I guess your right, but... if we needed armored trucks to hold it. l'm not sure l want to be around to see it." She told them honestly. Her head turned to the window after a bit, looking out and at the horror covered streets. "How do you think Washington looks? I mean, l haven't seen or heard anything about it. Is it like it is here?"

Skylar put her legs up on the seat with her, trying to keep herself comfortable. "So, how long are we going to be in this truck? I mean, l can't say l don't like it. It's better them being around everyone in that hospital. Do we plan on making any stops along the way or just heading straight there, trying to go for stop free?"

She didn't want the talking to stop, so she asked another question. "How long have you two been in the military?"
She asked many questions and we answered them all tas best as we could, "Maybe the army is making a monster to combat the monsters" Vincent replied with a laugh. It =seemed somewhat possible though no one knows how the zombies appeared to begin with. "Like the T-virus and the C and Z Virus and all that shit," he laughed.

"I don't know how Washington looks. Can't be better than our place," I replied looking out the window. There were no lights from the city the only p[lace that had power in the area seemed to be the hospital. "I mean, why else would they be in bunkers?"

Her final question was answered by both of us by myself, "I've been in for five years and Vincent here had been in for four." We were both seasoned veterans but had no outside families other than what we have in the service, which is why the military seemed to love us so much for there was no one to notify if we ever died. Vincent was checking her out by looks over his shoulder but kept most of his focus on the rod as there was disabled vehicles that he had to carefully weave through.

"What about you, Tiller?" I asked, "How long have you been a cop?"
She looked between the two of them as they answered her numerous questions. "That... nice." She didn't want to say anything else. She could imagine being in a war would be fun, but at least they seemed to get a long with one another. She tried to lighten the mood a bit and gave them both one of her charming smiles. "Still... it must be nice when you came home, all those women willing to get into bed with two handsome, strong men. I know a lot of women that would have done anything to get in either one of your pants."

She looked at Corse. "Three years! Well, wait... No l'd say closer to two. I wouldn't really say l've been doing much police work since this whole thing started. My father use to be a police officer and since he never got that bouncing baby boy he wanted to follow in his foot steps, l thought l would." She shrugged. "I glad l did it though. l enjoy my job." She laughed. "Especially when l get those guys that think l can't hurt them because of how l look. Truth is, l can get pretty wild when l need to be."

"Now," Sky looked between the two. "Do you guys have anyone important in your lives? I mean, a girl back in the hospital maybe? You two can't say your not seeing someone, even if this world is screwed up. lt counts if it's a one night stand with a different girl every night."
We laughed, "We didn't have anyone at home for us," we both confessed with a great deal of laughter, though when it happened it really angered us. We didn't have peope with signs oand well wishes when we came back, though others in our unit did and after forty-eight hours of leave they came back completely shit faced and smelling of sex, stuff that had been denied to us for over a year. The way she said having women waiting to get into our pants also made us laugh again. That made Vincent look back at her with a raised eyebrow before jerking back over at the road.

I had beeen denied action for a long time, far too long to remember. Tiller was pretty and appealing but now was not the best time to go down on each other, but the banter between us kept us awake and coherent.

"You seem like someone that can take care of herself," I said over to Tiller fully meaning what I said, "One thing I know about the service is to never underestimate your adversary. i'll regardless of age, sex, or anything else. If you do that, then you're royally fucked."

It was true. There were petite women that can take down six foot tall men, i've seen it. Looking out the window and seeing the rolling, dark contryside and not seeing any threats i turned back to the interior and heard chatter from the radio seated in the front-right of Vincent that was Connelly asking if everyone was doing alright.
She really seemed to like their laughes. It was a lot better then the horrible smokers cough some other men had after smoking for years and years. When Vincent looked at her about one of her comments, she gave him a wink. She might not have fucked a man in a while, but that didn't mean she didn't flirt with them and wish they were going to her place for the night.

"Why thank you!" She said to Corse as he told her she looked tough enough to take care of herself. "That actually means a lot to me. Most of the guys at the hospital are waiting for me to break down."

When the radio went off, she sat up and moved between the seats, grabbing the handset before Vincent had a chance too. She put her hand on the dash board, keeping herself balanced. Her hair fell down over her right shoulder gracefully. "Yeah, we're perfectly fine." she whispered. "Besides the fact l think your men deserved to get laid and soon." She spoke up. "Don't worry, if anything goes wrong, we'll call you right away, sir." She told him before sitting back down in her seat and looking out the window, checking everything out. "I don't like it out here. Way to open." She mumbled.
Vincent and I were rolling with laughter. Connelly must be coming unglued with what she said. But he wold not stop here and address the situation, we would be sitting ducks out here. Perhaps it would be when they reach Washington, either way it was hilarious at Tiller thinks we needed to get laid. I thought so as well, but right now was not the time. Perhaps later if Tiller offered herself to me then I would jump at the chance, a pretty, buxom redhead like this was a rare find, but I had to take care of the situation at hand as out there were the undead that would rip us apart in seconds.

We rolled to the outskirts of D.C there were plenty of buildings that were still upright, but there were no lights or anything in the streets but many abandoned vehicles and occassionally a body or two, as most of the dead were picked cleaned by animals or by the undead themsleves that would gnaw everything down to the bone.

Since Tiller was being so open about things I asked, "Hey, Tiller, what was the freakiest sex you've ever had in your life?" Perhaps it would be something that owuld be so outragious we would ask her to explain it in detail. It would keep us for for another half hour or so until we reached the bunker. Even though Connelly was talked to he did not make an episode of it, not yet.
She looked between the two of them as they laughed. "I'm only being honest here, stop laughing." She said, but with a smile. "You two should be backing me up so you can tap something. Hopefully someone hot and is able to make you guys explode!" Sky didn't mind talking about sex, even with strangers. In facted, she loved taking about sex. It always got her hot... Actually, maybe that's not such a good thing to talk about right now.

As she sat back down she looked out the window, only peeking out at the bodies to make sure they weren't moving at all. D.C. looked like hell too! Not something anyone would really think would happen, not a beautiful place like this.

"What?" She looked at him, a brow raised. "Really, you want to know about my sex life." She looked between them, judging what she say. Best to keeo the craziest a secret for now. Just until they got to know each other more. "The freakiest thing l've ever done... would have to be the foursome l had about a year ago." She paused a moment. "Damn, forget about the two of you, l need to get laid." Remembering that was the last time she actually had sex with anyone. "Anyway, and that's just what happened when l was 20. I'm sure l can get so much freakier if given the chance."
We were laughing up a storm and when she said foursome i just looked at her with a slightly wild face and asked her, "Please, do go on." Vincent wanted to listen but he had to keep driving. I kept looking out the window myself and looking at the streets. Still nothing. For a city with a population of over a million people they didn't stick around long. When the panic began to set in most of the major cities were evacuated but that still did not prevent some form of looting and what not that the military and police could not stop. Everyone was trying to cover their own asses at that point.

It was another twenty minutes before we reached the bunker and Connelly was on the radio, we could har him giving us instructions. It was the same thing we've been through so many times on patrol that we had committed to memeory thus we did'nt need to hear it. The bunker was expecting us, it was near the White House, we would leave the main road and go down Pennsylvania Avenue and go behind the residence of the president and there would be the concealed bunker that would open up to us. That is what we were told. But all of that kept being pushed ou tof our minds as we wanted to hear more of Tiller and her experience. It was more fascinating and fresh.
"Umm, okay if you two really want to hear it." She said, making a mental note that as soon as she got some alobe time, she needed to get off. "Well, it was me, two friends, one a girl and another a guy, and one of my commanding officers, also a guy. We actually did it in the police station to be honest." She ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to remember anything before this happened. "We were all hanging out at my place for the night and... and l don't really remember how we started it. A bet maybe."

"Anyway it started with me kissing and her kissing first. Which got the guys going pretty fast." She pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she tried to get her body off of sex. Already she could feel her nipples hardening from behind her white top. "Umm, the two of us kissing, turned into, three, then four. Me and Ali took turns with the guys, making sure the both got the same amount of time with us. At least until they started to pull our clothes off and then we kind of just paid more attention to whoever was touching the... right spot."

"The touching soon turned into sucking. Especially for us." She smiled a bit, remembing how she use to love sucking men off. It was one of her favorite things about sex. Well.... after getting fucked so hard that she screams. "After to long, l think they were getting close, they picked us up and took us to my bedroom and spent the next hour and a half fucking us silly."

She laughed. "Oh my god! I came so many times that damn night. It. Was. Incredible!" She looked at the two. "How much longer until we get back there, Vincent?"
"Ten minutes" Vincent replied and then asked, "Ali didn't come with you did she? To the hospital?" In a way I ws hoping she was, and as pretty as Tiller was, a fine redhead. Vincent was a great man, we trusted each other. There was no rivalry between us, but hearing what Tiller was saying and looking at her was turning both of us on and though we were in a area infested with the undead and now fighting urge not to explode at that very moment we were focused when Connelly came on the radio telling us to turn off the main road.

Off to the left was the White House. Not long enough to take a picture. Nothing to see much anyway. it was still standing, fully intact, just in darknesss. there was no power anywhere in this city.

The minutes were slowly winding down as we were nearing the bunker as I kept my rifle close. We would only engage zombies if we were ever stuck and had to fight our way out otherwise just keep driving and plow through them.

I was hard listening to Tiller and some waht jealous as nothing like that had ever happened to us, least not to my knowledge and it was a good thing that Connelly nor any one else on the net heard us otherwise we would have to make a stop and allow people to remedy this.
She thought for a moment before shaking her head a bit. "No, she's not at the hospital." She told them. "Last time l saw her, she was on her way to Seattle, that was about a monthes before this mess happened." She smiled. "l know she's safe though. She's as tough as l am, that's why she's my friends." A grin crossed her face. "Vincent, Corse have either of you two ever been in a foursome... or a thing some. Have you ever had two girls fight over your dicks?" Okay, now she just wanted to screw with these two. It was fun to see the way they acted.

When the white house came into view, she moved her feet down on the floor and moved closer to Corse, trying to see it better. "Not as pretty as l thought it would have been." She told him as she looked it over, "Must be the lack of lights because in all the pictures l've seen, it always looked incredible!"

After a moment, she sat back and pulled her gun out, just in case she needed to use it. You never know what could happen. "I really hope this'll be easy, but..." She shook her head, knowing her luck. "If we get attack, and l get bitten, l'll warn you two now, l'm going to kill you two first, okay?" She asked them.
We laughed again. "No, we haven't been in a foursome..." and when we went past the White House and she said about being bitten, "Ditty" I replied. None of us have even seen anyone in our unit being bitten but plenty of others being bitten during the intial outbreak, people that we could not have saved, but I didnt want to dabble in the past, too many bad memories. We were approaching the bunker doors now. The road curved off to the right into a massive bay doors that were shut.

Vincent coached the Humvee to a stop and looked around and after a moment the doors slowly opened and two soldiers came out and apprached with their weapons up and alert. They came to vincet and demanded to see ID and the password. We were at the right bunker and after a quick check of everything we went inside.

Through the door there was a second door about forty feet deeper inside. The space was alrge enough to accomedate all of the vehicles and the first door was shut and we were instructed to turn off the engines andevery one to hop out and be inspected and Connelly was somewhat livid about Tiller's words on the net, but before he could really do anything the soldiers of the bunker ordered us to come with them as the doors to the armored cars were finally opened and several people, clad entirely in black wearing pro-masks came out. There was not enought time to see them, but I knew what I saw, but several more came out of the back. There had to be something dangerous for them to be wearing that sort of protection.
"Then l guess it's to bad Ali not here. l'm sure we could have had fun with the two of you. We'll more you too, l'd be to busy trying to get you both all to myself. That's the one bad thing about a foursome. I don't like sharing." As they reached the bunker, Sky bit her lip, stopping her flirting. Time to go all business. As the drove into the inside, she looked around curiously and a bit nervously. She didn't like how far they were going. Sure, this thing seemed important, but exactly how important was it?!

When the truck stopped, she opened her door as instructed and got out, slamming the door shut behind her. Then she had to get a very uncomfortable search. Sesrches were so much easier when you hadn't just been going on about sex. Once the search was done, she moved her hands into her pants pocket and followed the men and peeking at Connelly. "I eonder if l upset him?" She thought, smiling at him. She only told the truth, besides, he wasn't her commanding officer. Just someone that asked for her help.

Her head turned from him as the armored doors opened, and people come pouring out dressed in black. "l feel... under dressed." She whispered as she looked at all there protecting. What were they carrying. Sky moved over to Corse and Vincent. "Can you see what it is?" She asked either of them softly, trying to look inside the truck.
Three sets of eyes were looking then we were pushed by one of the bunker soldiers. The men in black were taking out large metal cases with one other scanning them what I could only guess was a radaiation detector. we did not carry MOPP gear for protection against nuclear, biological, or chemcial attack as the virus was not airborne but transfered by fluid. That we knew already, but seeing the cases and being ushered inside it only piqued our curiosity as we moved through the second set off sliding doors into the large bunker complex.

There seemed to be a second city underneth here with soldiers and civilians, perhaps government workers all going about doing their thing. Connelly ordered us to follow him as we were led deeper into the bunker. We turned right after going through the doors and into a wide cooridor. "Where are we going, sergeant?" iasked. Connelly did not know. We were over an hour from the hospital and plenty of time left to get back before it was too dark to drive, but after going past offices and tons of doorways Connelly stopped and turned to the three of us and said, "You guys find a spot and get comfortable, we may be here for awhile. Be some place where I can find you." I went to the first door, off to my right and opened and looked inside. To my luck it was an empty room with only a few boxes, perhaps a storage area. This looked like a place to just chill. "We'll be in here," i said. In his mind I bet Connelly knew what the three of us were thinking off with a buxom redhead and two men, but he said nothing of it and continued on his way.
A thousands thoughts were running through out her mind as they were taken out of the room, lead down into different halls. Why weren't they just heading back? What were in those boxes? Why the fuck couldn't thet know!?

Skylar crossed her arms as the Sergeant left them. When he was out of hearing rang, she turned and walked into the storage room. "I need to know what's in those boxes." She mumbled as she leaned against the far wall before bending over and pulling her boots off and placing them in a corner. She placed her knife next to them before she took her holster off and laid it down to. "So, any ideas as to why we're still here, boys? l mean, you know Sergeant Connelly. Does he look like he knows anything?" She asked the two of them as she looked between them.

It was pretty hard to push away all the other , more sexual thought away at the moment. Not after their talks, or the way they seemed to look at her. Still, they didn't want to mess around. They probably just wanted to get the job done and head back to the hospital.
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Looking at one of the boxes and finding that it would not hold up to my weight I looked and found an MRE box that would and sat down with my back against the wall and stretched my legs. God it felt great to be able to stretch and rest putting my rifle to my side after taking out the magainze and the round in teh chamber. Vincent did the same sitting the corner to my right and removing our kevlars. "Sergant Connelly is smart," I said, "My guess is he's going to be taking something back, otherwise we would be on the move already. That's my guess. There has to be a special reason for those men in MOPP gear and teh those metal cases and my guess is they're some kind of weapon, but that's just a rumor. The only way to find out is to either start asking or go start looking." I was adament about that because I loved to go snooping around. You never know in a new place, epsecially on as elaborate as this bunker complex was, what could turn up, perhaps there was some food we could sneak out or grab some new DVDs from someone's collection, though looking at Tiller though there were other things I wanted to ask first.

"Tell us more about that four some" I laughed.
She looked at him with a smile on her face as he asked for more information about the foursome she had. "You know what, l would love to tell you more," standing up, she walked over to him. Skylar put her hands on his chest and leaned down so her face was near his. "but l like your idea so much better!" Quickly she stood up straight and went to slid her boots back on. "You two can come with me if you want too or you can stay here, but l'm not telling you if l find anything."

She walked out of the room, not waiting for there answer before she walked back the way they came. She had snuck a lot when she was at stake outs during her job, so she was pretty good at being as quiet as possible! After she walked through the double doors, and made sure no one was around, she took a left, going down the hallway the pasted. This place was pretty damn big, who knew what they hid around here. After a bit, she stopped and looked behind her, seeing if they had decided to stay or follow her.
I followed her, but Vincent said he would stay put. If Connelly came back to look for them he would come for us as he knew where we were heading, somewhat. I caught up to Tiller pretty quickly and we treaded carefully. The place was lively with activity but we blended in rather easy. Other people were busy with their tasks and were more concerned about the zombie threat outside than about two alive people inside. Taking my rifle with me and my gear just in case I kept abreast of her as we went back to where we came in and saw the armored vehicles stll there and a couple of guards, but none we wearing the protective gear, thus those cases must be somewhere else.

It was very interesting. We had to find those cases.