The Coming of the Legions


Aug 8, 2012
Sorcery: the power of primal energies, the will and testament of fallen gods, their last great gift to mankind. Abused by the masses sorcery was deemed too dangerous to be wielded by the unworthy, and so the Priests of Magnus were born. Dedicated, powerful and shrouded in secrecy the priests took all boys and girls with the gift of magicka into their monolithic temples. From whence they would emerge years later, masters of sorcery and sworn to the cause of the Priesthood or not at all. None escaped the temples without first becoming a priest or priestess themselves and over the centuries the Priesthood became nearly omnipotent in their monopoly over magicka.

They created the Paladins, warrior-priests who became the sworn protectors of the Republic, confident that sorcery was the foremost power in the world. The traditional military of the Republic merged with the city guards and became a remnant of a bygone era. Now the Priesthood rules with an iron first, but for the first time they face a challenge that their sorcery is powerless to combat.

The coming of the White Legions, dedicated to the Mandate of Heaven the legions claim to have been summoned to eradicate the corrupt priesthood that no longer serves the people. Equipped with powerful machines they rain from the skies, sweep across the earth and fight from inside mechanical armor that makes them stronger than giants.

The Paladin’s have managed to slow the assault upon the Capital of the Republic and the City Guard have been mobilized as infantry but the Priesthood is running out of time. Magicka is not enough, nor are the once powerful mystical allies that answer the calls of sorcerers. Worse some of the people have welcomed the coming of the legions and been accepted into its ranks with open arms. There are whispers that the legions are commanded by one of the New Gods, a dragon in mortal form and as the Legions march ever closer to the republic the Priesthood has become desperate. They have decided to unleash the Valkyrie’s an elite team of Female Paladin’s led by a sorceress of outstanding power. Not to join in battle against the Legions but to venture deep into the mountains of Raa, to seek the tombs of the Fallen Gods and awaken them to defend their chosen.

To stop them the White Legions commander turns to his youngest son, Damian Snow and the special-forces unit he commands known only as the ‘Wolf Pack’.
I am looking for a commander for the Valkyries to play the role of lead female across from Damian! Please PM with interest.