The Coast Guard is being deployed to the Gulf...


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 — In its first mobilization of forces to a potential combat zone since the Vietnam war, the Coast Guard is sending roughly 600 personnel and eight cutters to the Persian Gulf.
A SPOKESMAN, Cmdr. Jim McPherson, said Wednesday the aim of the deployment is to “deter the suicide bomb threat.”
McPherson said the cutters — 110-foot high-speed patrol boats — will be departing within the next few days and said their role will be to protect “high value targets” such as Navy ships, oil tankers and military command vessels.

We can scare Saddam and terrorists with white and orange cutters.
With more than a quarter million troops already on their way to the Gulf and reserve units being called to active duty and now the deployment of the Coast Guard, who's going to be left here to guard the homeland?
Agent99 said:
With more than a quarter million troops already on their way to the Gulf and reserve units being called to active duty and now the deployment of the Coast Guard, who's going to be left here to guard the homeland?

LA Street gangs.
crappie master said:
Won't this hurt the war on drugs? Smugglers might see this as a golden opportunity.

Dont worry, the Bagdhad drug dealers have been stocking up for months in anticipation. They love yankee dollars too. Its part of Saddams defensive plan to make Iraq a really good "Trip".
Problem Child said:
Isn't this a job better suited for the Navy itself? Why do we need to send the CG?

The navy doesn't have any ships as fast as the Coast Guard cutters.

A while back a french oil tanker was rammed by a boat carrying explosives off of the coast of Yemen.

That could be one way to take out an aircraft carrier.
Re: Re: The Coast Guard is being deployed to the Gulf...

The Heretic said:
Actually, I believe the CG went to the gulf during Desert Storm.

I just C&P'ed and provided a link.
HeavyStick said:
The navy doesn't have any ships as fast as the Coast Guard cutters.

A while back a french oil tanker was rammed by a boat carrying explosives off of the coast of Yemen.

That could be one way to take out an aircraft carrier.

I thought the SEALS had some pretty damn fast little boats. Probably gonna be using them for shore insertions though...

Thanks HS.
Problem Child said:
I thought the SEALS had some pretty damn fast little boats. Probably gonna be using them for shore insertions though...

Thanks HS.

Yeah the SEALS have River craft and zodiacs. The River craft aren't suited for the Gulf, the zodiacs are used for insertion only.

No Problem PC
Considering the terror threat will not be goign away anytime soon; the Navy would be wise yo acquire the boats the CG has and train crews for such patrols.

It would streamline operations and not move CG men away from regular duties.
Problem Child said:
Isn't this a job better suited for the Navy itself? Why do we need to send the CG?

The Navy ditched their inventory of P.T. boats after WWII, stupidity on their part. Some were used in Nam!
modest mouse said:
Considering the terror threat will not be goign away anytime soon; the Navy would be wise yo acquire the boats the CG has and train crews for such patrols.

It would streamline operations and not move CG men away from regular duties.

The CG here patrols routienly on the area lakes! Your statement is illogical!
Problem Child said:
I was thinking of a Navy Mark V attack boat

This site says it can do over 50 knots.

Maybe if they keep the boats in place, they maintain some OPSEC.

I forgot about the MARK V's.
#1tankcomander said:
The CG here patrols routienly on the area lakes! Your statement is illogical!

Its illogical for the Navy to buy their own boats so that the CG can continue doing their job?

Then why do we have the CG in the first place?
modest mouse said:
Its illogical for the Navy to buy their own boats so that the CG can continue doing their job?

Then why do we have the CG in the first place?

Why then the National Guard, the Reserves too? All three have fought in wars since their foundation! Why indeed! Why the dissolving of several job skills in all the Armed Forces, to combigne them in a single job skill? Promotions are harder, moving up in the ranks is harder....shit just staying in for a career term is fucking difficult! Getting retirement for being shot, shot at, beaten, almost nonexistant. And don't even talk to me about medical treatment.

Go to a VA hospital sometime and see your tax dollars at work.
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a Vet! I've told my wife to never leave me at a VA hospital, I'd rather go to a county hospital, hell a veterinarian would be better!

To answer the question....yes it's illogical for the Navy to buy those boats and train the personnel whe the U.S. Coast Guard is available and trained! Besides the USCG is a branch of the USN....but then you'd know that if you ever served.
#1tankcomander said:

To answer the question....yes it's illogical for the Navy to buy those boats and train the personnel whe the U.S. Coast Guard is available and trained! Besides the USCG is a branch of the USN....but then you'd know that if you ever served.

The USCG falls under the Dept. of Transportation, when mobilization occurs they can fall into USN Structure.
#1tankcomander said:
To answer the question....yes it's illogical for the Navy to buy those boats and train the personnel whe the U.S. Coast Guard is available and trained! Besides the USCG is a branch of the USN....but then you'd know that if you ever served.

Ignoring the freaky-ass rant you posted.

I understand the CG is part of the Navy.

My point, which is valid, is that by taking away CG crews you potentially hinder homeland security protection.

It would seem logical to me for the Navy to have their own crews like this that could be stationed internationally where needed.

But I'm sure the VA hospitals would frown on that.
HeavyStick said:
The USCG falls under the Dept. of Transportation, when mobilization occurs they can fall into USN Structure.
Smartass! You did you're homework! Quto's for you, but MM get a grip and do research then come and talk to me.