The Classic History Lesson: Drop this on Iraq for the Allies to read!


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002
Maybe if Americans and supporters of this war knew enough about Iraq's extensive history, then they may understand how these people think and act. Much like the rest of the middle east, these people are in a region where war has been an everyday part of their lives for centuries. What lies beneath that sand creates a thirst in the mouths of people from the West and sadly, people have had to tolerate the excuses and reasons to justify this invasion, much like those that happened before.

The comparison's to past events do seem to make some of us see an all to familiar pattern developing. I am sure the Iraqi people can see this, for it is them who once again have to pick up the pieces and go forth into another era of uncertainty. All they will be thinking is when the next grab for power begins, and who will bring more death and suffering to their existence.


In this summary, 'Mesopotamia' is used for the region, while 'Iraq' is used from the time of the Arab conquest.
3100 BCE: The civilization of Sumer, with city states, which develops systems of irrigation, trade and writing.
Around 2600: Akkadians moves into Mesopotamia.
Around 2350: Akkadian kingdom established by Sargon.
Around 1950: Invasion of Sumer by Elamites and Amoritts.
1728- 1686: Hammurabi, the most famous Amotittian ruler of Babylonia.
Around 1590: The Kassites take power.
Around 1370: Assyria starts to become a regional power.
1168: Kassites are driven out of power by the Elamites.
Around 1120: Babylonia becomes a strong power.
Around 1000:Arameans move into the Mesopotamian region.
669: Babylon destroyed by the Assyrians.
629- 539: New Babylonian kingdom under the Chaldeans.
614: Fall of Assyria.
539: Mesopotamian region is conquered by Persians, under the control of Cyrus the Great.
331: Conquest by Alexander the Great.
312: Greek Seleucid dynasty reigns in Mesopotamia, with Seleucia as capital, infusing Hellenistic culture.
192-188: War between the Seleucids and the Romans.
64: The Seleucid dynasty falls apart, and Mesopotamia is conquered by the Persian dynasty Arsacids. Mesopotamia becomes one of the richest provinces here, called Khvarvaran. Persians were the elite, while the Semits represented a clear majority of the population. The Semits spoke Aramaic, but there were several other peoples in the region.
226 CE: The Sassanids take power in Iran. They had their capital in Ctesiphon in Iraq. Many people of this time belonged to Chrisitan Nestorianism, but the religion of the elite was Zoroastrianism.
627: Byzantine invasion, and the region was weakened politically and economically.
637: Muslim Arabs defeat the Sassanids, and Mesopotamia was overtaken after only one year.
680: Battle at Karbala, where the Shi'i- leader Husayn was killed when claiming the leading position in the Caliphate. The battle was not military important, but had decisive political and religious importance, as this became the final schism between Sunnis and Shi'is. ? The Shi'is seem to be smiling these days. But will they benefit from Operation Iraqi Freedom? Are the Sunni's going to welcome with open arms the Shi'is leader in exile over Iran? Ayatollah Hakim?
683: Unrest in the region. 2003 - Same deal. Different era
701: Control regained by the Caliphate.
747: Revolt by the Iraqi family Abbasi starts.
750: Abbasids overthrow the ruling Caliphate family, the Ummawiys. Just the usual 50 year cycle. Kind of like mafia infighting
762: A new capital for the Caliphate is founded, placed on the river Tigris, about 15 km north of Ctesiphon. The new city is called Baghdad, and grows quickly into a beautiful city. 2003 - Turns into a flattened dusty hole on earth
809: Civil war, Baghdad loses its position for some time, as there are several usurps for the position as Caliph. They got bored of every 50 years. Decided it was too long to wait and made it every 40
819: Stability returns, and the Caliph al-Mamun returns to Baghdad. 50 year cycle. Did a comet pass or was their a lunar eclipse?
836: Samarra becomes the new capital of the Caliphate, because of the threat from self-willed Turkic mercenaries. Why are they on the borders again wanting to go into Iraq?
865: Civil war between Baghdad and Samarra. 2004 - Civil war between Baghdad and the Iranian backed Shi' leader that didn't get any Iraqi Freedom birthday cake?
870: Stability restored, with the Abbasids as victors, but they are strongly weakened politically and economically. UN sanctions back in 870?
892: Baghdad is returned to the position as capital of the Abbasids and the Caliphate. The control is now restricted to Iraq alone. Relatives of Saddam?
935: The Nahrawan canal, the source of the irrigation system is destroyed by the Iraqis themselves, in order to prevent invasion. But it is never repaired. Lucky they didn't. Otherwise they would have ended up fucked over years ago as in the Suez crisis and Panama
945: Baghdad is taken over by the Caspian people Buyids, who were Shi'is who had earlier taken control over much of Iran. The Abbasids stayed in power, but only as puppets under the Buyids. Iraq was divided into small independent regions, and even Baghdad was split, and fights destroyed the economy of the region for decades up to the change of the millennium. Hence why the Shi' leader in exile has cleary stated he would fight any new government with the backing of Iran, if he wasn't allow to rule what he sees as his land. They are the majority of people in Iraq.
1055: Togrul Bey, of the Turkic Sunni tribe Seljuks, drives the Buyids out of Baghdad, and the period of the Seljuk kingdom starts with the blessing of the Abbasid Caliph. From 1060 the Seljuks form a sultanate. Notice the 50 year cycle seemed to go further into the 80's and even 100 year rule? Must have made Saddam look like a pussy this Togrul cunt.
1135: The Abbasids get back at the Seljuks, and retakes direct control over politics. Maybe not. But they controlled the politics that may suggest a coup?
1245: Mongol attack on Baghdad, without success. If the Mongols couldn't take Baghdad, then I can't see America doing it
1258: A weakened Baghdad, after disastrous floods, falls to the Mongols. The city is destroyed, citizens are massacred, and the Caliph executed: The Caliphate is over, and the economy of Iraq is destroyed for centuries. 13 years after they failed, they returned and conquered. 1991 Gulf War. Look who's back? The economy of Iraq will be ruined for ? ? ? 1258 is present day 2003.
1405: Iraq falls under control of Turkish tribes from Anatolia. Turkey
1508: Iraq is put under Iranian Safavid control. Iran
1533-34: Iraq is conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The peace this brought, represented a clear improvement to Iraqi economy, primarily the in the agricultural sector. Turkey but it was a great period around this time until?
17th century: Increase of local power. British, Dutch and Portuguese interests get a foothold in trade in the region. Hello everyone! The real cunts are here
1623: Baghdad is back under Safavid control. Iran
1638: The Ottoman control over Baghdad is restored. Turkey
18th century: Mamlukes are used to suppress tribal risings and Iranian infiltration, and they stayed to become a local ruling dynasty. I get the feeling someone kept coming back for more.
1831: Iraq is back under direct Ottoman rule, as the last Mamluke ruler is deposed. Turkey
Around 1870: Modernizing activities in Baghdad, tramways are introduced, as well as regular steamship services. There's oil in them fields goddamit
1914: As a part of World War 1, British forces invade southern Iraq. As a part of World War 3, British forces invade southern Iraq. The turks kept coming back. So did the Iranian's and so does the British. Oil? or they like to get a suntan?
1***: British occupation of Baghdad begins. Islamic jihad begins
1920: Arabs of southern Iraq starts military actions towards the British, who did not fulfill their promises to leave the area to the locals after the Turks were defeated. The British responded military in the beginning, but soon realized that it would be impossible to control the area. Didn't fulfill their promises. Hence why the people of Iraq are against this liberation. Soon realized impossible to control the area, but they have been silent in telling America that. They think they can.
1921: Prince Faisal of Hijaz (now: southwestern Saudi Arabia) wins a popular election, with 96% of the ballots, and is declared king of Iraq August 23. The new state did not get an easy birth, as the Shi'is in the south and the Kurds in the north fought for their independence. And outer forces, like Arabia in the south and Turkey in the north, tried to destabilize Iraq, and the cooperated with the Kurds to take control over the Mawsil area in the north. British forces stayed in the country, much because of a request from king Faisal. If you look at those who it seems are always invading this country to take it over, maybe think about who has invaded it first, and those they are dealing with in forming a new government. The main concern is how Iran and Turkey more than likely will not have much influence in the new government. Yet the bulk of history stems around them. They have troops at the ready, and if their interests are ignored, it would appear the likelyhood of a bigger war is going to erupt. king Faisal was more a Saudi based on where he came from. US won't stay? Who will request their presence to stay? 82 years later and another puppet is about to take his seat.
1922 October 10: Alliance with Britain is signed. Why?
1925: Elections for a parliament is held. Concessions to search for oil are given to international companies. Oh deary deary me! Look what we have here then? Contracts this time are signed before occupation. That way there is no arguments between other factions and the US can dictate terms
1930: A treaty declares that Iraq shall become independent from the year 1932. A piece of paper that most Arabs couldn't read the fine print
1931: Concessions in the north for oil winning is given to an international company. The Iraqi government is to receive fixed yearly royalties. Is this Halliburton's grandfather? Or anyone in the Bush administration's relatives by any chance? At least Iraq got someething out of it. They won't get fuck all if the US controls it. Or will the Kurds in the north? Turkey perhaps?
1932 October 3: Iraq is declared independent kingdom with king Faisal in power. Iraq is admitted to the League of Nations. Not knowing their independance would be taken away in violation of the same institution they joined back here
1933: Faisal dies. His son, Ghazi, succeeds him.
1936: Pan-Arab attempts from Iraq, involving suggestions to merge Arab states. A treaty of nonaggression is signed with Saudi Arabia. Relatives?
1939: King Ghazi dies.
1941: A war of 4 weeks is fought against Britain, where after British control is regained. The British sees to that a pro-British government is formed. So much for independance. Once you don't seem to keep within the interests of those in the West, they turn around and slap you in the face.
1943: Iraq declares war on the Axis (headed by the Germans). 2003 - Iraq becomes part of the Axis(headed by North Korea - more danger than Iraq)
1945- 46: Unrest among the Kurds, believed to be supported by the Soviet Union. Will the new Iraqi government be like the state of Israel, and in the future, the Kurds will be like the Palestinian's?
1947: Treaty with Transjordan on mutual military and diplomatic aid. Well the British influence seemed to take precedence here. Much like the whole area.
1948: After Israel declares independence joins the Arab states in their attacks on the new country. Declares independence? Or was it a case of they had to have a place to live because Britian, the US and Europe didn't want them so they helped them settle there. Iraq joined the attacks on the 'new' country. Remember that? The 'new' country.
Around 1950: Strong increase in oil revenues. Strong increase in outside interests of Iraq.
1953: Direct parliamentary elections. King Faisal 2 assumes throne, as he was only 3 when his father died.
1954: Political instability, as USA tries to enhance its influence in Iraq. And never stopped in the region. They got the oil bug like Britian did [/b[
1955: The Baghdad Pact, a military-security agreement, comprise in the beginning Iraq and Turkey, later Britain, Pakistan and Iran. Moreso each country lining each others pockets in trade agreements and arms deals.
1958 February 12: Federation between Jordan and Iraq, called Arab Union of Jordan and Iraq, with a common premier minister. Guess who didn't like the idea of this?
July 14: Military coup, led by the general Karim Kassem, where the king, the crown prince and the prime minister were killed.
July 15: A new government is proclaimed, and the Arab Union with Jordan is declared dissolved, and Iraq is to work for close relations with the United Arab Republic, which was established by Egypt and Syria earlier this year. Kassem acts to keep up Western confidence by not interfering with the oil production. Now isn't that interesting? Anyone would think Kassem was on the CIA payroll back in those days? Maybe they sent his some special silver spoons from 10 Downing Street?
1959: Iraq withdraws from the Baghdad Pact. Why? Those in Kassem's party saw the writing on the wall.
1960: Iraq makes claims on Kuwait, which receives its independence this year. What background are the Kuwaiti's? Were they a minority opposed to Kassem's government? Offspring of the Shi'is? Turks? Kurds? Sunni? They were a part of Iraq. Just wanted their own soil to piss on and butcher people.
1963 February 8: Kassem is overthrown by a group of officers, mainly from the Ba'th Party. Abdul Salam Arif becomes the new president. The West sees their oil being tapped
1966 April 13: President Arif dies, and is followed by his brother Abdul Rahman Arif.
1967: Iraq acts to make relations with the Western powers worse, following the Six-Day War. How is it their relations seem to go from good to bad? It is good when they are handing out oil, but bad when the West supported the Israeil's yet wanted to still get Iraqi oil.
1968 July 17: Arif is overthrown, and Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr becomes the new president. Iraq follows a politics of orientation away from the West, with improved relations with the Soviet Union. The Soviet's enjoyed a few vodka's, a few laughs and didn't piss in the Iraqi's pool everytime they were invited over to strike up deals and do trade.
1970: After years of unrest, the Iraqi government agrees to form an autonomous Kurdish region, and Kurds are let into the cabinet. The Kurds were murdering people in that region. Let us in or we will ambush you.
1971: Borders to Jordan are closed, as a protest to Jordan's attemt to curb PLO. Iraq had better relations with the Soviets. jordan still had a good relationship with Britian. Arafat was seen as a terrorist worldwide.
1972: Nationalization of the oil industry starts. West likes it's lips
1974 March: Fights between government forces and Kurdish groups. The Kurds received aid from Iran. Kurdish cities like Zakho and Qalaat Diza are razed to the ground, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds flee the cities. Lucky they didn't use gas huh?
1975: Settlement of border disputes with Iran, makes Iran stop aid to the Kurds, and the revolt is crushed. Same shit. Different day.
1979 June: President Bakr is stripped of all positions and put in house arrest. Saddam Hussayn becomes new president.
— August: About 400 members of the ruling Ba'th Party are said to have been executed, by the command of the new president.
— Unrest among Kurds, inspired by unrest in Iran, after the Islamic revolution there. Religious animosities in Iraq are linked to what is happening in Iran. Relations between the two countries are worsened. And a child is born that likes to thumb his nose
1980 September 17: The agreement on Iraqi/Iranian borders from 1975 is declared null and void by Saddam, who claims the whole Shatt el-Arab, a small, but important and rich landscape. Iran is the baddie remember, but who threw this first punches?
September 22: Iraq invades Iran, and gets quickly control over Iranian land. When Saddam was vice-president, he dealt with Jacques Chirac and drummed up many deals in buying arms and nuclear technology. He even stated to French diplomats he felt the Arab world deserved the bomb based on them having the oil and the need to protect it, to stop all the problems in the region.
1981: Israelis bombs a nuclear reactor outside Baghdad. An act of terrorism and war against Iraq. The Osirak reactor replaced an ageing Russian one. France stipulated that Iraq was about 10 years away from developing a weapon.
1982: Counter offensive from Iran, reclaiming much of the land occupied by Iraq. They could have used it against Iran. Would the world have cried foul?
1988 August 20: Cease fire with Iran. Iraq rebuilds its military power, much with bank credits and technology from Western Europe and USA. Donald Rumsfeld is a prat. Do da! Do da! Lying little four eyed mongrel.
— Brutal actions against Kurds inside Iraq, where poisonous gas
is used to kill thousands of civilians. They were testing it out to see if it worked. Got it from Germany and Rumsfeld was well aware of them having it. He also knew the US was sending virus' to Iraq. Kurds have been wanting their state for how fucking long? Saddam's ancestory was brutalised way back in 385 by the same Kurds. Those poor people. Let's help out another bunch of savages huh?
1990 August 2: Invasion and occupation of Kuwait. UN demands a withdrawal by January 15, 1991.
— August 6: UN imposes heavy sanctions on Iraq, involving no trade regulations.
— September 25: UN imposes interdiction on air traffic to and from Iraq.
1991 January 16: International invasion from bases in Saudi Arabia, of occupied Kuwait and Iraq. Bombings were followed by movements of land troops. Tens of thousands of Iraqis killed, and most of the military infrastructure destroyed together with much of the civilian infrastructure.
— March 3: A cease-fire is agreed between the allied international forces and Iraq.
— April: Iraq suppresses rebellions in the south by Shi'is, and in the north by Kurds. Millions of Kurds flee to Turkey and Iran. US, British and French troops are eventually moved into northern Iraq, to set up refugee camps, and protect the Kurds from the Iraqi government.
— May: Iraq is presented with an international claim for compensation of between US$50 billion and 100 billion.
1992: As Iraq is believed not to comply to UN demands to eliminate the remaining weapons of mass destruction, international sanctions are not lifted. Living conditions are worsening, food supplies are limited, prices rise, inflation strikes hard, infrastructure is only partly rebuilt and health system remains highly defective. The result is has been the death of now as many as 800,00 Iraqi children, and high numbers of adults.
1993: New US military actions in Iraq, as Iraq did not remove police posts near the Kuwaiti border.
1994: New government military actions against Kurds and the marsh Arabs (mainly Shi'is).
— November 10: Iraq recognizes formally the sovereignty of Kuwait.
1999 February: Russia signs a deal with Iraq on upgrading the country's MiG jet fighters. Where are those planes again?
2002 November: United Nations resume inspections following the unanimous resolution in the Security Council (no. 1441) and the threat from USA of an attack if Iraq does not comply. The aim of the insepctions is to check if Iraq still has weaponry of mass destruction (bacteriological and chemical with long distance rockets to carry the material) and if the country has resumed its programme of creating nuclear weaponry.
2003 February 5: Colin Powell presents proofs to the United Nations Security Council that Iraq still produces and holds weapons for mass destructions. Powell also presents proofs that there is a link between Iraq and Al-Qa'ida by the Kurdish group Ansar al-Islam. Western non-US affiliated inspectors to Iraq later declared Powell's proofs on mass destruction to be a "lie", and US has never issued any arrest order on the leader of Ansar al-Islam living in full freedom in Oslo, the capital of Norway. Why do you think they allowed him to enter Iraq, set up camp, then the US flatlined the whole area with napalm, clusters, daisy cutters and whatever else they could muster up.
March 20: USA and Britain starts the war against Iraq (see article on US/British-Iraq War), following a final demand from US president George W. Bush on March 18 (Iraqi time) that Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq no later than March 20, 4 o'clock. Attacks are first performed by bombing of southern Iraq and Baghdad.

60 km from Baghdad, the world is laying witness to what? Maybe it is time to drop leaflets to all those Coalition forces and make them read this thread. They are about to get rid of a regime and replace it with what? Groups of people that have been in and out of the capital for centuries. Toppling each other. Killing and murdering each others families and friends. Oil is not what this war is about. It is freeing the Iraqi people from their past. No more wars. No more hatred. Freedom and prosperity under the flag of the United States of America.

I'd give the new government in power about 6 months at that before civil war sweeps the whole country and a huge land grab begins.

The question for the allies will be simple.

Should I stay or should I go? :)

End of history lesson kids

I take it people don't like a dose of Lost Cause and Busybody fever?