The Church that Gave up "Whiteness" for Lent


Literotica Guru
Nov 3, 2020
"In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people," the website for the First United Church of Oak Park reads. "Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more."



Classic white European architecture...

Why aren't they holding services in a mud hut?

[Thus is my busybody lampoon of the month ended.]
God is a super-fan of inclusion and diversity.

He is not a fan of white privilege which is why
he hates Cracker Barrel™, Cracker Jack™ and
the new (misogynist & racist) Cracker Jill™...

Racist usually don't understand actions like this Church is taking ....God does though.
My Bible-toting Native American Grandfather with
the Ubiquitous Eyes picture of Jesus over his bed
(and man, did that thing ever freak me out! :eek:)
taught me that God did not know color, you know,
that old "white" spiritual, Jesus loves the little children
all the children of the world, red and yellow black and white
they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world!

The pastor of my grandmother's church (different tribe) told me the same thing...

~~~ SO ~~~

Do you think God/Jesus condones Racism/Racialism when it comes from a black church?
What are they teaching the children that attend the Lent services? Continue the cycle of hate?
Sounds more like Satan at work to me...

;) ;)
Are Native Americans "Racists" Will?
You are...
You're a native American, that is racist.(based on your though process)
And making a statement that native Americans are or are not....a generalization...anyone with a decently working mind would know not to ascribe anything to a group of people.... because that could very well be racism or many other things.
....and you fail to see that is not what this church is doing.
You are...
You're a native American, that is racist.(based on your though process)
And making a statement that native Americans are or are not....a generalization...anyone with a decently working mind would know not to ascribe anything to a group of people.... because that could very well be racism or many other things.
....and you fail to see that is not what this church is doing.
Quoted for postieriority as yet another Lit closet bigot shows his true colors.
Quoted for postieriority as yet another Lit closet bigot shows his true colors.
Yes, my true colors are opposed to racists like you and like Champnotkian(formerly Spearechucker).

And as we all have read from you Dickharpy(just an old Boboalt) you spew racism and hate for others not like you(what ever you are).

I stand by my colors.
God is a super-fan of inclusion and diversity.

He is not a fan of white privilege which is why
he hates Cracker Barrel™, Cracker Jack™ and
the new (misogynist & racist) Cracker Jill™...

It's not much of a stretch to believe God hates Cracker Barrel.
"In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people," the website for the First United Church of Oak Park reads. "Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more."



Classic white European architecture...

Why aren't they holding services in a mud hut?

[Thus is my busybody lampoon of the month ended.]
excellent example of modern day so called Christians completely missing the point of everything to do with God
excellent example of modern day so called Christians completely missing the point of everything to do with God
Inculcated Christians in the wake of Rev-Rund Wright...

America's Chickens

are coming home


Yes, my true colors are opposed to racists like you and like Champnotkian(formerly Spearechucker).

And as we all have read from you Dickharpy(just an old Boboalt) you spew racism and hate for others not like you(what ever you are).

I stand by my colors.
Minorities cannot be racists...

You gotta keep up with your teams disinformation. It makes you look, ummm..., kinda slow (special).
Quoted for postieriority as yet another Lit closet bigot shows his true colors.
The Left keeps conflicting concepts comfortably compartmentalized.

They don't even realize when they contradict themselves,

but at least Will confirms that his definition of Racist
is simply someone he doesn't agree with.

Racist is the new Nazi...
"In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people," the website for the First United Church of Oak Park reads. "Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more."



Classic white European architecture...

Why aren't they holding services in a mud hut?

[Thus is my busybody lampoon of the month ended.]
I thought your whole schtick was a Busybody lampoon. Y'know, the whole break the forum guidelines, get kicked off the board, create an alt to circumvent your ban, repeat....
Spidey, you are SOooo special.

I almost want to give you a hug, a pat on the head and a participation award.
Prayers shed off my back like raindrops on a duck.

I'm an Atheist.

Not the militant kind that is always offended and gives Atheism a bad name.
We have our Leftards too...

Even the Libertarians are saddled with Libtards.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
At least we (L)s don't have it as bad as the (D)s who are saddled with the likes of Spidey...

A "special" kind of stupid.