The Choosing of a Mate (Closed to Amon and Vbabe2001)


Say Goodnighttothe Badguy
Apr 21, 2002
This thread is closed to myself and Vbabe2001, so read and enjoy

Leillornial Obringer

He was the most powerful Dark Knight in his kingdom. He led an army of thousands other dark knights, and he enjoyed killing. But now he felt as if he should have a lover by his side. He has been with many women, but this time he wanted a relation ship with a woman. So he thought of throwing a grand ball and than choosing a woman there. He would invite the entire kingdom to go and many from the towns, which he protected. It was a grand plan indeed. He sent out the invitations immediately. Tonight would be a night to remember, he would see all the beautiful women in the region and he would have to pick which would be his. He couldn’t wait. He was a little taller than most men, about 5’9” and he weighed about 165 lbs of muscle and he was great with a sword, his crimson eyes were of the night. He had long black hair and pale white skin. He paced about his room thinking of the qualities of the woman that would be with him today, he would sit and talk with all of them if that is what it took. He was willing to go the distance tonight.
- She stepped out of her small house, a rush of warm air fell upon her pale and fine features, blowing her ash blond hair in whisps around her face. Her tiny feet were clad in leather flat bottom shoes, and as they walked to the mailbox they made tiny tapping sounds. She stood at about 5'6, a petite woman with a small frame but moderately sized breasts. Her emerald green eyes followed the distance of the mail box and she half expected bills and maybe a letter from her friend down east. Instead she found, laced in a gold trimmed enevolpe, some kind of invitation.

Invitation? Why would she get one?

She walked back into the house, taking a seat on her favorite black chair, and opened the invitation deligently. Her eyes widened as her eyes glanced to the fine silk white dress which waited in her closet for such an occasion. Perhaps now was the chance she could make a difference for herself, and fulfill her promise to her mother...

- - - Later - - -

She pulled the soft white fur coat close to her shoulders, keeping her head down as she entered the steps of the castle. The guards took her invitation and she gave her jacket to one of the coat checkers.

There were so many women, beautiful and sexy women that talked amongsts themselves and only caught quick glances at her. She didn't blend in, she wasn't really one of them and her dress looked like something from medivel times..

But it was her mothers and it fit her well, gliding along the floor as she explored the ballroom of the castle... -
Leillornial Obringer

The ball started and he heard the music and he saw all the women start to walk in. He paced around and looked at all of them at a distance. He saw big ones; small ones, odd ones and just some that didn’t belong there. But he was not a man to tell them that. Even if he didn’t pick them, they would still have a good time. He saw a woman dressed in a white fur coat. No one could see Leilornial, but he could see her. She was beautiful, but there could be more like her and maybe even better. He just watched her as she was talking to people here and there and sipping wine. He ran to the outside and came through the doors as he was announced and he walked pass the entire crowd and he sat in his throne and looked over some women.

“Welcome ladies, I hope you are all having a good time. But you know what tonight is going to consist of. You were all brought here so I could choose a love for tonight. So you will perform for me, to make me consider you to make me choose you. So good luck ladies, and if I choose you, than you will live a life of freedom and no work”

He looked at the crowd and sat down again. He chuckled to himself, as he was going to find someone to be with in a relationship. The women started to dance for him and show some of there talents, but he was not satisfied.
- Silence. It filled the room, and the crowd of women parted a path infront of her, leading directly to him... to Leillornial. They all looked like they were in a trance, a soft soothing sound filled the room and it appeared as if the woman was glowing a soft white aura...

She held her head up high but yet she radiated an aura of innocence, of untouchable beauty, and she parted her lips to sing... -

All alone
In this heat my thoughts
Start to wander

On my lonesome in this world
My hands start to long for
Your skin
My mouth starts to long for
Your kiss
Your kiss

And the sun burns my skin
But it's outside and in, it's burning
Only you can soothe me
Come cool me down
I want you in my reach
Oh, the things I'd doooooooo to you
I touch you when I close my eyes..

- As she sang the haunting melody her emerald green eyes locked onto his, and her body began to move...

And oh how she moved, her hips swayed and her hands reached for the sky, a beautiful deliguent dance as if she had been dancing all of her life...

.. And she danced to him, and once she reached him she drew her slender digits down his cheeks to his jawline, her soft touch smoothed over his plump lips as she lost herself in his crimson eyes... -

"I am magick.... "

- The three words echoed in his mind as the trance suddenly stopped, and the women went back to their dancing.....

She however, had somehow vanished into the crowd and slid against the back of the wall, breathing heavily as she held her hand to her breast... -

He watched the mystic event happen, the room going silent, the women seeing to make a path for the woman in white, she made her way up to Leillornial and stopped and began to sing. In his training he knew how to sense magic in the air about him. And he saw her stand there with a bright aura of white. He opened his eyes wider as he saw that. Could this be the one, could she be the woman for him. As she sang her beautiful song he listened and the song lifted his soul, made him feel so peaceful. After she stopped singing, Leillornial was left speechless with a look of astonishment on his face. She than began dancing and memorizing the Dark Knight. She got right up to him as she touched his face and as soon as she did that Leillornial let out a soft moan as her fingers felt like heaven. So soft and smooth, her emerald green eyes were so enchanting to him. She cast a spell on him and he was falling right into her plans. He felt the shivers go up and down his spine. When her mystic dance was over she vanished and Leillornial blinked and saw she was gone. He stood up and looked about the room, he set his long black cape and it seemed to flow behind him as he walked thought the crowd looking for that woman in white. He used his training to feel out the magic in the air. He remembered her name, Magick, she was so mystic, he had to find her and be with her. Leillonial felt he found the one, many women still lined up, waiting there turn.

“I must find that woman that calls herself Magick, where is she?”

He was starting to get nervous and angry, as he could not find her. Leilornial was a Dark Knight, or some saw him as a Death Knight. He did not have a calm temper. He searched all about for her, but he saw her not.
"You need not get angry sir"

- She appeared behind him, her hand reaching for his shoulder as she smiled warmly and bowed to him -

"What I meant was that I am magick, I have powers and abilities that would scare most. My name is Pesha sir, German for Sin"

- She was very calm as she spoke to him, looking around at the woman which had gathered around still -

"You have alot of women who wish to be with you Sir, but I wonder how sincere their intentions are. I see much when I look into your eyes, tales of death and battle. I only wish to give you what you have been missing... I wish to be with you, if only for a short while. ... to bring some happiness.. true happiness into your life... "

He stopped suddenly as he felt the presence of magic behind him and felt a hand turn him around. He stopped suddenly and had a shocked look on his face.

“A…A Sorceress!!!!”

Leillornial didn’t fear anything, except Sorceresses, he has heard them crueler than wizards. They showed no mercy. But here was one at his gathering. He needed to show no fear. A Sorceress killed his brother and she took his kids and tried to kill Leillornial with them. But this one, he felt peace from. Like she spoke the truth. He looked up at the roof watchers and nodded and they opened the doors and his armies walked through to have a good time with the ladies. He than looked to the Angel and muttered a spell word and you guys appears in a beach scene with a waterfall.

“Welcome to my resort. I have chosen you, but you have to still convince me that you are the right one. You are a magic user, I to know the mystic arts of black magic. I am not afraid of anything. I have died and seen the depths of hell many times. I do hope you can bring to me what I have not experienced yet. Love. You are very beautiful, you look elfish, but I don’t see the ears. You must be an Angel. I don’t fear your magic. My body is so tuned to magic, people has said my body absorbs it. But that is what people say. So how do you like the place, of do you wish to go somewhere else? You have magic. You can take us anywhere. I think you are so beautiful, I have seen nothing like you in all my lives.”

He just gazes deep into your mystic emerald green eyes and just stares.

“Are you hungry or anything?”
(-ooc- i lost what i was going to post - )

"Don't be scared of me, I surely mean you no harm... "

- Her eyes were soft as she reached for him and pulled him down onto the soft white sand -

"I am not hungry, but why don't you tell me what you want in a woman?"

He looked her over again and he gazed into her mystic emerald eyes.

“I told you, I am not afraid of you, nor am I afraid of anything. I am more entranced about your beauty. What do I want in a woman, I only wish for love and companionship, a beautiful angel like you can give that to me? You do now know me and you willingly offer love. I don’t buy it. But you accepted the invitation and you showed up, so there must be a reason you came. That is what I want in a woman; no I want an Angel to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t want sex, I don’t want lust, and I mean sex is good, but I want to talk and to show you the stars. What makes you good enough for me to choose you? Can you show me?”

You looked at you with his lonely eyes and he gave you a lonely smile. You could tell he needed what he told you. He longed for companionship. He even longed for sex, no not just sex, but also love. He has never been with a woman that wanted to give him that. No they just wanted sex, and Leilornial was fine with that up until now.

“Maybe this was a mistake, I’m sorry for wasting your time. I don’t think that love exists for a man like me. Unless you can change that with your magic? Which I don’t think you can.”

He stood there and uttered a magical chant and a table and two chairs appeared and food was sitting on the table with a bottle of elfish wine. He pulled your chair for you and waited for you to sit.
"Love magick is surely forbidden, I don't want to influence you into making a decision you might regret in the future "

- She rested her hands in her lap and she looked the other way, taking a deep breath -

"Why do I want to be with you? I only wish to be a companion, a friend.. should something else happen between us then that would be your decision, I don't want to push you. And I really don't feel it is fair for you to ask me to prove myself to you"

- She sighed softly, twirling her thumbs nervously as she looked at him with a soft smile -

"I understand that your a powerful man and that you haven't felt love in a long long time, but please.. just at least give me a chance... and yourself a chance.. to be happy..."

He heard her soft words and smiled at her.

“Yes that would be very inappropriate if I made you prove yourself to me. I’m sorry, but I would like to see some of your talents. You see I want a companion, but with love in the eyes of my companion. I think I am falling for you just sitting here. You are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I am glad that you wont use Love Magic; I don’t think that is fair and I have already fallen under your spell anyways.”

He looked at you with love in his eyes, like you did cast a spell on him. He gazed into your eyes and than looked your body over and than reverted his eyes to your sparkling emerald eyes. He stood and poured you a goblet of Elfish wine, and he poured himself some and sipped it.

“Yes we will see how this turns out. I am glad you want to be with me as a companion and a friend. I can already tell that I want you as more than that though. More as a love companion..”

He just gazed into your eyes again as he sipped his wine. And he smiled at you.
- Pesha rimmed the wine in her glass, swirling the desolute liquid as she gazed into the semi transulent liquid.. -

"What kind of talents do you want to see?"

“What do you have to show me, well? Maybe how you dance. I saw a taste, but I wanted to see much more. How you look with out your garments and how you kiss and feel. That is what I want to see. You have great personality, and I think you are very enchanting and beautiful. But I want to see how far that beauty goes, if it goes to under the covers to the bed.”

He smiles and grins at you, you can tell he has accepted you and you are the chosen for him. He sits there in his chair after he moved it back and against a tree so you could give him a sexual show of strip tease and lap dancing. He still kept that sly grin in his face. His crimson eyes showed you he thought you were the one for him and he was glad to have you with him here instead of all those fake girls. That they would only want his money and his protection, not his heart like you wanted.

“Do you want to share my love with me and share my dreams and fantasies?”
"As long as you wish to share them with me... "

- Pesha looked at him as she watched rock by the tree, but she did not understand what he wanted, instead however, she crawled onto his lap and placed his own hands on her lap.. -

As she sat in his lap and put his hands in her lap he smiled at her warmly. So many thoughts of her flooded his thoughts, some nice and some naughty, well mostly naughty. He undressed her with his eyes and looked her over with much thought. His eyes filled with lust as he stared into her eyes and she knew what he wanted.

“I wish to kiss you and than we will see where that leads. I know not if you will know what I want, but I am going to see if you want it. I only wish to please you and I do not want to do anything you don’t want to do, so stop me if you wish. There is always room for No.”

As he spoke, he leaned in close to you. Inches away from her face, before she had time to respond, he kissed her with much passion. His hands caressing her back and his tongue entering her mouth searching for hers. He felt she was getting warm, so he kept up his kissing. His hands move to the side of her face as he kissed her deeper and with much more passion, she could feel that he was growing hard in his pants as he moved his other hand and spread your legs apart so you sat with your legs to the side and he pulled you closer and over his crotch, you could feel how turned on he was by you. He wondered if he turned you on. He kissed now away from your mouth and down to your neck as he gently kissed and sucked there. He was so very turned on by you it was amazing.
- It did indeed to turn her on, as she stifled out a soft moan, rubbing her firm ass cheeks against his erection. Her fingerips drew down his leg and gripped his knee as he suckled her sensitive neck..

Inside her body her blood began to boil, she felt the string of her dress fall past her shoulders, revieling the soft pale skin... -

"I don't want to say no... "

- She turned around so she was straddling him and she placed the palms of her hands on his face -

".. I want you to touch me... "

- Her lips tilted forward and nuzzled between his neck and his shoulders, her fingertips drew down his chest and began to knead his growing manhood, her breathing grew more rash and raggerd and she could feel her desire for him grow.. -

She kissed over his neck and that drove Leilornial crazy, which was his tender spot. He let out a moan and you could tell that was the money spot. She grinded her ass down upon his hardening manhood, oh she felt so good. She stopped what she was doing and gazed into his crimson red eyes and smiled as she spoke.

“I don’t want to say no”

He smiled at her saying that. He kissed her lips softly.

“I am glad you don’t want to say no. That would have broken my heart. I want to share everything with you my Angel. I am falling for you as we speak. But I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do. So stop me when you want.”

By her movements he could tell she was not going to tell him to stop or she was not going to stop. He felt her hands caressing his cock through his pants and he moaned again. When he kissed and sucked on her neck he heard her let out a soft moan and he loved hearing that. He went back to her sensitive neck and tortured her there. His hand went in between her legs and rubbed her wetting mound.

“Pesha dear, can you show me your body, especially your wet spot on your panties? Put a strip tease on for me. Please. I’m sorry I have a thing for panties. Sorry I am a sicko I know.”

He waited for her to give him her response; he hoped it wasn’t with her hand against his face. Maybe he should not have said that.
- Pesha's ash blond hair fell into her emerald green eyes as she slid away from him and began to move her hips...

Her fingertips slowly eased away the straps of her dress, and then moved to ease the restricting top down to her waist...

Her hands, almost modestly, cupped her breasts, letting her hard nipples peek through the fingers of her petite hands...

As her body silhoutted against the tree she turned her back to him and let her dress fall gracefully to the ground, one foot stepped out and the other, and she bent over...

Her ass cheeks and her womanhood were only thinly covered by her panties and she waited there, letting him take in her lower body before she raised to stand and turned to look at him, her hands still covering her firm white orbs.. -

She backed away from him and slipped her dress from her shoulders and let it fall to her waist. You could tell his cock grew at the sight of your beautiful firm breasts. They had to be at least a C cup. The way she covered her breasts with her hands leaving her hardening nipples exposed through her fingers was so sexy. His mind filled with so many thoughts of how she was going to feel, when they made love to each other. Oh she was so beautiful, a Goddess, she had to be a Goddess. What had he done to make a Goddess happy and give him the pleasure of viewing her heavenly body? He watched as she than turned her back to him and dropped the rest of her dress, letting him view her nice firm ass cheeks and than she bent over and let him see her shaved pussy. He grinned and looked to her.

“My, my, you are quite the sight. You are very beautiful; I am not worthy of looking upon your heavenly body. But still you let me. Why? But the real reason I speak, I told you Goddess, that I wanted to see a wet pussy, so I can see a wet spot getting bigger as the seconds pass. I don’t see that, now do I? How are you going to change that for me?”

He waited as he watched you, and gazed upon your lovely body. He smelled your sweet juices building up, god they smelled like heaven. It was making Leilornial light headed. He sat there and waited for you to show him what he wanted.
- She climbed ontop of him, straddling him as she faced him.. her velvet tongue flicked teasingly across his lips. She smirked softly, rubbing her womanhood over his cock, mostly disappointed that it was still restrained..

.. But that was part of the seduction, and the passion... her wet spot growing as she rubbed against the very tip of his cock.. enjoying the simple sensations.. -

As he sat there with you mounted on top him. He could feel you increased heartbeat and the heat that was coming from your womanhood. You felt so good on top him. Defiantly you were the one meant for this Dark Knight. As you grinded on the tip of his hard cock he moaned at the feeling of your wet mound. He thrusted it up into you hard, dry fucking you. The feeling of your womanhood sent good vibrations up his spine.

“Oh Pesha, you are so sexy and enchanting. I want you to be my lover, my companion, my wife, and mine. I want to give you my heart and soul. I want you.”

The look in his eyes told you he was speaking from his heart as he drew her into him and kissed her with much passion and love. His tongue danced an elegant erotic dance with her tongue. Your very essence drove him wild and turned him on to the fullest. He teased your nipples, as he felt the hardness of them. He rolled them through his fingers and than stopped as he kissed you again. He never stopped his teasing of your womanhood, and you could tell he was laughing to himself as he did so. This was all about the foreplay right now. And did he love it.