The China Pearl Inn part 7

Ooooo a Pacific cruse such a lucky young ladies G G you HSG, Rose, Robyn and the rest of the lioness’s are. So will you be sunbathing and sipping tropical drinks?

I tease the calmly young beauty, glad that she and the rest are beginning to move out of Harms Way.
I quite agree F D. I always find my self at odds ends when waiting for the next sensually seductive post to a story. Sometimes it is hard for me to remember that we do not live by writing alone.;)
All ready to relax when the ship's engines develop a major fault. So ... on with overalls, collect tools and work alongside RTY to get it fixed. Well we have to show the men how to do it. Right girls?
So HSG it is a Busman's Holiday for you on your curse back to the States or were you just eager to get your hands on the ships engines young lady?;)
So HSG it is a Busman's Holiday for you on your curse back to the States or were you just eager to get your hands on the ships engines young lady?;)

O CG we heard a loud bang and immediately went to battle stations thinking we were under attack! Then we realised it was a fault in the engine room and we nurses rushed to see if everyone was ok.

No injuries but a blow back on the dynamo exhaust rupturing the exhaust channel (whatever that means). You should have seen HSG & RTY! Their little eyes lit up in orgasmic desire as they rushed to 'assist', but you could see how excited they are about getting their hands on that engine (the Tigers are helping too).

The engine is turning again so I'm sure they are having the time of their lives.
O CG we heard a loud bang and immediately went to battle stations thinking we were under attack! Then we realised it was a fault in the engine room and we nurses rushed to see if everyone was ok.

No injuries but a blow back on the dynamo exhaust rupturing the exhaust channel (whatever that means). You should have seen HSG & RTY! Their little eyes lit up in orgasmic desire as they rushed to 'assist', but you could see how excited they are about getting their hands on that engine (the Tigers are helping too).

The engine is turning again so I'm sure they are having the time of their lives.

laughs softly

From red alert to orgasmic bliss. Sounds like a hell of a boat ride.
O CG we heard a loud bang and immediately went to battle stations thinking we were under attack! Then we realised it was a fault in the engine room and we nurses rushed to see if everyone was ok.

No injuries but a blow back on the dynamo exhaust rupturing the exhaust channel (whatever that means). You should have seen HSG & RTY! Their little eyes lit up in orgasmic desire as they rushed to 'assist', but you could see how excited they are about getting their hands on that engine (the Tigers are helping too).

The engine is turning again so I'm sure they are having the time of their lives.

Oh I bet they are Rose.:devil:ish :D.

So it was to battle stations then straight into damage control. I am glad to see ship's company is keeping things exciting for you on your curse.;)

Just so doesn't it F D.;) In all my years at sea and I can't remember when damage control or rescue and assistance at sea was orgasmic. But then again I did not have G G , HSG and company aboard either.:nana:
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Where do I begin asnswering everyone? You're all marvellous in so many ways.

LS I must say there are several girls on my team who'd take you up on your offer. But some would want to get in YOUR pants!

FHD, will reply in full to your PM, just been very tight for time.

SF, that bloody Lizard has probably left by now. They are resourceful.

Glad, you are the best. Thank you.

Now the news is we are returning to the States for now. Maybe a little RnR before we get reassigned.

Tell them I am game! Ready, willing and able to serve, however the ladies need.
*blows a kiss at CG* Hope you're having a nice day.

I'm long for the day and my bed is calling my name. Hopefully I'll have more time for catching up tomorrow.
Shiva I would be more than glad to tuck you in and keep you warm and aroused in your bed Miss. :D
We managed to get the engine repaired and running. Saying nothing about what caused the problem because it was human error and I refuse to attribute blame.

Just remember girls that bloody men can be ham fisted - look how they struggle to do simple things like unfastening our bras!
We managed to get the engine repaired and running. Saying nothing about what caused the problem because it was human error and I refuse to attribute blame.

Just remember girls that bloody men can be ham fisted - look how they struggle to do simple things like unfastening our bras!

Never had a problem in that area HSG, normally a snap of the fingers did the trick with those pesky hooks and eyes.;)

As far as your ship board engineering problems goes sounds like and over pressure in the manifold and a build up of carbon in the exhaust tubs. Just a guess mind you HSG. :rolleyes:
We managed to get the engine repaired and running. Saying nothing about what caused the problem because it was human error and I refuse to attribute blame.

Just remember girls that bloody men can be ham fisted - look how they struggle to do simple things like unfastening our bras!
You apparently are dating the wrong men, then? I can unhook a bra one handed, even with multiple hooks.
I yawn and stretch as I make my way down from my loft. The morning is cool, and the sky is a pale gray as if deciding whether to rain or not.
The stillness of the morning greets me

The aroma of fresh brewed coffee calls to me. With pen and paper in hand and a mug of coffee I make my way to my old leather chair by the hearth to answer a sensual post or two be fore the day calls me away.

Morning to any who may be about and to those that hide in the shadows good day;)
We managed to get the engine repaired and running. Saying nothing about what caused the problem because it was human error and I refuse to attribute blame.

Just remember girls that bloody men can be ham fisted - look how they struggle to do simple things like unfastening our bras!

HSG, I just saw a picture of your tits and it doesn't look like they can wear a bra!


Besides, the quickest way to deal with pesky clothing is to cut it off. Common practice in the medical field. :D
Well we've got a week of intense training scheduled in California before moving across to the East Coast for 'war games'. Then we got a 3 wks leave before going into 'Stand By Mode'.

Got some new 'would be cubs' or 'virgins' as we call them joining us in CA. They have all passed their theory now we need to knock them into shape for their badges.

SF, want any help with the Lizard? I could send a tarantula if you want one. One of the French girls has 2 she keeps as pets.

CG, hope the tour is going well.
We are going to settle down to episodes 4,5,& 6 of Season 7 GAME OF THRONES!

Thanks for not leaking any story lines.
Well we've got a week of intense training scheduled in California before moving across to the East Coast for 'war games'. Then we got a 3 wks leave before going into 'Stand By Mode'.

Got some new 'would be cubs' or 'virgins' as we call them joining us in CA. They have all passed their theory now we need to knock them into shape for their badges.

SF, want any help with the Lizard? I could send a tarantula if you want one. One of the French girls has 2 she keeps as pets.

CG, hope the tour is going well.

Rose for some silly reason I do believe that SF would rather have her lizard than a tarantula roaming about her house.

MY, my breaking in Virgins Rose!

Yes the tour is going well as I told G G the other day I was pouching on your turf. She has all the details. Well it sounds that we will be on the same coast for a bit, you in California while I am up in Washington.

So Robyn you’re a wee bit addicted to GAME OF THRONES Miss?
So I shouldn't tell you that he.... or that she.... or that.... you know in game of thrones? Lol

Nope shiva no one is ever home around here, but when we're here, we are family ;)
I have still never seen a single episode of GoT. I hear it's a pretty decent show, though.

Nothing like cumming home to family, eh Glad? ;)