The Caverns


Really Experienced
Feb 7, 2011
Nestled below the Mansion are a vast array of tunnels,deep solitary chasms of endless quiet. No sunlight can filter in,the darkness an inviting place to those who wish. The night never ends deep below the earth, all things nocturnal seek out its beauty.

A beauty that has to be seen to realise.A beauty that can happen within the darkness. I have found my Haven,a place to call my own. A place where I can retreat without fear,without predjudices. All are welcome to visit,to experience this other world. My home.

The entrance is but an opening amidst the brushes,a simple hole that leads into a whole other world. My world. Come inside,find a rock,a spot near the underground lake. Sit and relax. I come and go so do not be alarmed if I appear from out of nowhere. Here the shadows are my sanctuary,my essence.

Feel free to explore but my sleeping abode is off limits,protected by a simple spell. It is my one true sanctuary where I can rest and allow myself time to myself. The creatures here will not harm,do not be alarmed if you encounter others of my kind. This is my abode and they will abide by my rules. Safety is guarranteed here. So please sit,swim,enjoy the offerings of my home.
Lightning flashes,the rain falls in a torrent. I sit at the mouth of my cavern eyes closed as the rain mist and air wash over me. No sunlight to chase me deep into the shadows today I relish sitting here.

My body reclined against the stone wall,my legs stretched out before me. I can see the rain even with my eyes shut. My hands folded lightly upon my lap as I sit. A noise startles me and I open my eyes to spy a lone doe scampering for cover from the storm,her eyes wide with fright. She stops suddenly as if she has heard me,yet I have not moved or made a sound. Her head slowly pans around until her eyes meet with mine.

"It is fine my forest friend. The storm or I will not harm you." I say in a soft whisper. She cocks her head as if listening before snorting once and leaping away. I smile softly before leaning my head back and closing my my eyes once more.
I appear back inside my dark home,tonight it doesnt ease my troubled mind. I stand at the opening of the cave looking out into the darkness. My ears hear a fleeting sound as a small doe roams close to the opening. I feel my incisors drop and I leap. My fangs sink deeply yet painlessly into her neck as I feed.

I take just what I need before clsing up the marks and sending her on her way. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand I walk slowly into my cavern. The glowing lake does nothing for my mood tonight as I walk right by to my hidden room. I push back the boulder obscuring it and enter a small chamber.

The chamber has just a simple bed in the center of it and I lie down upon it. My eyes closing tightly trying to fall into an early slumber that I know will not happen soon enough.