The Castle of Kink (OOC; PM to join)


Literotica Guru
Jun 16, 2011
Not being fortunate enough to have inherited a castle (not even a tiny one), let alone one with a halfway-decent dungeon, let me present here a virtual version of the same, open to anyone who wants to have some fun:

The Castle:
Hexenfels is a smallish castle on a rocky outcropping, overlooking a lush and fertile valley. It is roughly rectangular, but with the gate side noticeably shorter than the opposite side, which looks out over a cliff. There are small, round towers at each corner of the rectangle, topped with conical tile roofs. Beyond the gate is a small outer courtyard, with some buildings lining the inside of the wall. Then comes another gate, and the larger inner courtyard, with more buildings along the walls, and the main residential building in the middle. Guests are accomodated in the fairly comfortable rooms in the buildings along the wall. Many rooms have medieval objects in them. The lord of the castle lives in the large house in the middle; the more luxurious guest rooms are here, too.

The dungeon:
Next to the well, in the large courtyard, is a small, grey stone building with a grated door. Behind this door is the entrance to the heart of the castle: The infamous dungeon. Guests can use it at any time, but are asked to keep it in good condition. It is not known what happens to those who do not, but given that the lord of the castle collects torture instruments for fun, no one has been brave enough yet to find out.

The Lord of the Castle:
A mysterious masked man who appears to be in his mid-thirties. His voice sounds vaguely Eastern European, and he is in fairly good shape. Although he is generally an affable, cheerful man with a pitch black sense of humour, he hides his face under a black executioner's hood, which he never removes in public. No one knows what happens if you remove it, but - see above. He is far from reluctant to participate in some play, and will happily demonstrate the use of some of his more complicated items.

Some of the Toys:
(Please note that the lord of the castle is always happy for suggestions, and even happier about people who bring him interesting objects for his collection as a gift. The older, the better (a preference which apparently does not extend to women, though.). More equipment will be added if there is interest).

A hanging cage, round and large enough for a human to stand, although sitting is probably going to be hard.
Assorted ropes and shackles, including two sets of balls and chains.
Two drunkards' barrels. These instruments were used to punish drunks in the middle ages: Barrels big enough to fit over someone's body, with just their heads sticking out. Of course, someone creative and kinky can easily find other uses for these things...
A pillory.
Stocks for up to four people.
A dunking stool. This one is not kept in the dungeon, but outside, next to the well: After someone has been tied to this chair mounted to a sort of crane, they can be repeatedly dropped into the water and pulled up again by pulling on the rope or letting it go. Do not worry: The drinking water is not taken from the well.
Several fiddles. These should be well-known: Roughly fiddle-shaped boards with one hole for the neck and two for the hands.
A Scavenger's Daughter. An A-shaped metal frame with hoops at the tip (for the neck), at the cross-bar (for the hands) and at the ends (for the feet). Wearing this can get quite uncomfortable over time.
Several masks of shame. Metal masks or helmets with all kinds of "funny" exaggerations (the one with the gigantic tongue seems to be a favourite to use on mouthy people).
Assorted whips and floggers.

Anyone who desires to be invited by the lord of the castle should just drop me a PM. If needed, I can create further NPCs.
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