The Case files of Massacre Asylum OOC


Miss Behave
Jun 22, 2012
Welcome to the OOC for The Case files of Massacre Asylum.

If you're looking for Massacre Asylum.. Please read it!

If you're looking to join this thread please PM me, Vivi! This thread is for female and female identified folks only.

If you're wondering what is going on here, allow me to explain. Three years ago, Massacre Asylum was started with an all female cast in order to highlight the amazing skills of some of the women writers on lit and to have ourselves an insanely fun time together.

What happened was pure magic. The thread lasted for three years and became a favorite for all involved. But we noticed that it came with a price. If someone left Massacre, they'd end up leaving lit.

The story itself devolved into single posts and stories from individual writers. Which in and of itself wasn't a problem, but some of us felt the format could work better in a new thread.

So Massacre Asylum has burned to the ground.
But her case files remain.
These are those stories.

What if I want to write in this thread or have been invited to write here?

Congratulations! If you were in the previous Massacre, you're already invited. If you've been invited here by one of the old authors, go you! It means that you're kick ass enough to be invited here. We are pretty picky about which writers we ask to join us.

That and the thread will be intense. And themes and ideas discussed that may be hard to deal with.

Now! You have some options. You can collaborate with another writer to create a short scene or you can post an individual post/story about your chosen character, in the IC.

Choosing a character

It's up to you! Just make sure we have some idea of who you might be posting!

For staff and inmates-People need to say whether their character has paranoid schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, bipolar, borderline personality disorder and so forth.

And also what they did to end up in the Asylum.

Here is a useful link to multiple mental disorders to assist you!

You do NOT have to post the same character more than once, and I'll be doing my best to keep up with who is posting what.

Is there an order? Do I have to post?

No. This is all on you to tell the stories you feel would do Massacre justice. And as such, I expect to see some great storytelling, you are all amazing writers. That's why you're here. If the feeling strikes and you need to pour crazy somewhere, this is the place.

Any other questions? Feel free to post them here or PM me. Your thread leaders for this adventure will myself, Britwitch and Thestruggle. Feel free to reach out to any of us if you have any questions!

The IC

The IC thread will go up in the next few weeks, once we've fleshed out interest and how to post! So take your time creating your characters and your first posts (if you want to).

Also, fans may also leave loves in the OOC! We love groupies!
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Table of Contents

Miss Vivi- Dr. Trista MacNair

Britwitch- Marisa Stone and Teddy

Nina327- Nurse Shannon Stewart

Vail_Indigo- Dr. Tessa Massacre

IvoryTigress- Jessie Anderson

Seven_of_Nine- Caitlyn McNally

Drunken Angel- Alicia

Luna- Celeste (maybe)


Says Alice-

(This post will link to each author's posts within the IC)
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bounces through

giggling and laughing

deposits a small, teddy bear shaped, suitcase in the corner

bounces out
Thanks for the invitation. :rose:

Someday, I do intend to have my shit together, and would like to play a character in this thread. She will look like this:


That's all I know, right now. Will add a bio here when I have the time.

Thanks again. This will be fun - can't wait to play with you all! :heart:
Shannons dead... but her case notes live.

I can be more than happy with this.
The best thing about being the only really sane one???

Celestine is alive and cunty, somewhere...

*waves hello to the ladies*

I may not play often, especially since real life and other sites are taking up the majority of my time BUT...I will save my special brand of massacre crazy, just for y'all.
In the corner squats a young woman with stringy blond hair hiding her features. She appears to be poking at the salt.

Her lips move with numbers, bare whispers from disassociated lips, 'one thousand one hundred and twenty one, one thousand one hundred and twenty two'.
Thanks so much for the invite, I can't quite believe it. The other Massacre thread is nothing short of epic.

Brain hamsters are on the case :eek: I'll probably see what characters pop up here before I dream up something for myself.

So excited.
Introducing Marisa...


Name : Marisa Stone
Age : 19​
Biography :

Marisa had always been a little different.
In her youth she’d had a far more involved imaginary friend than her playmates but at that age such things were indulged, even encouraged. She’d had good days and bad days just like any other child. But when this invisible companion and the mood swings lingered into her teens her parents believed something more serious might be involved. A visit to a psychiatrist confirmed that Marisa’s view on the world was somewhat skewed and influenced by this voice, this friend. However, as it hadn’t seemed to impact on her life, she hadn’t had any episodes that her parents were aware of, there was a chance it was restricted to mild delusions and they would monitor her to see if anything developed, if she had an episode.

Soon after, Marisa had her first episode and tragically the outcome was the murder.

She heard a whisper, that’s all it took. A whispered rumour that her high school boyfriend had been in a fight, that apparently he had something of a temper. That snippet of gossip was all that her friend needed to kick start her paranoia.

That night when he’d come round to see her, she panicked.
Her friend telling her that he was going to hurt her, going to do awful things to her.
Her friend was trying to protect her, keep her safe. No one else did that, no one else protected her like her friend. Her friend had always been there, would always be there.
Her boyfriend had to be stopped, he had to be stopped by her.
And so, genuinely believing her life to be in danger, she attacked him and beat him to death.

Her parents returned from their evening out to find her soaked in his blood, sat on her bed in deep conversation with someone who wasn’t there.

After the murder trial that followed she was diagnosed has having schizoaffective disorder, as posing a serious risk to herself and others, and admitted to Massacre where she had been a patient for the last two years as a ward of the state due to her age prior to the fire.

It was thought to be more than likely that she would spend the rest of her life behind the walls of Massacre.
Also, fans may also leave loves in the OOC! We love groupies!

Groupie love coming your way. :D I was a huge fan of the original Massacre and look forward to reading this new thread. Good luck all you lovely ladies, your writing is truly amazing.

Dr. Trista MacNair, or Dr. T as the girls affectionately call her. Psychiatrist by day, sex addict by night. It's true what they say, sometimes you take your work home with you, and Tris does. Often. She's a hard worker.

In her late twenties, and the daughter of two shrinks themselves, Tris had many deep seated issues or so her folks thought. She was on every pill they could prescribe to her, till she turned eighteen and got out of their house. College was a breeze. She knew most of the texts, after not being allowed out of her parents sight all those years, so it was a no-brainer for her to major in psych and excel at becoming a psychiatrist herself. Then suddenly school, and fucking her professors was over. She had a degree, and no real intention of using it.

She found herself with a job offer from Massacre State Asylum, one of Daddy's golf buddies of course, though she fucked him in the interviewing home, it was obvious she'd be hired on the spot. She was pissed about the stain he left on her Manolo's.

Tris is expensive or so say all her ex's and there are a fair few of them, all of them in therapy themselves now. Swinging both ways, she really doesn't care who she fucks, as long as they are good, hot and worth the effort. Long black hair, sharp hazel eyes, and curves she has worked hard to make perfect means she gets turned down rarely. Which is good, cause otherwise she gets bored.

Tris works with each of the girls, and the staff, basically anyone who walks through the office. Sometimes she even makes progress, breaking through the individual pathologies to hit some key issues. But that work is intense, and more often than not, she leaves that for the boss. She has a love/hate thing with Dr. Massacre, finding the woman insufferable most of the time, which she takes to mean that the sex will be incredible. Through all of this, Tris prefers to make her own impression on her girls.

It's probable that Dr. T has a few problems of her own, a diagnosis waiting to claim her. For now, it's a fine line between psychiatric genius and potential patient she walks, the likelihood for her to teeter that edge is high. Will she jump over, be pushed over, or will mommy and daddy discover the games their sweet dear daughter plays and end them the only way they know how and have her committed?
A few housekeeping things...

Nina, Vail, Luna and Angel- I assume you're keeping your old characters, yes? If you are then either post their Char Profiles here or I will. So that I can link them to yours.

New folks! Start thinking up and working on your characters! I won't launch the IC until I know everyone has at least 1 character to play!

Thanks all!

Pic Two

Name: Shannon Stewart
Age: 28
Height: 5”6’
Eye color: green

Bio: Shannon is the picture of middle class perfection. She grew up quite perfectly with all the expectations to act normal, fit in, be a sheep like every other manicured, garden-gnomed, middle-class static daughter of the mildly privileged.

At 6 she was placed in dance classes and excelled. Her only bother was when she would trip and the other girls laughed, as little girls often do. She knew to laugh it off and smile. She did that well knowing that the next time she was in class she would have her own laugh at their expense. Whether because of the jar of fire ants poured around carpeted rehearsal room or the glass vase of flowers for her teacher that she would drop in the tiled hall outside the changing room.

At 9 she accidentally spilled nail polish remover on a tiny corner of her princess blanket and it melted, smoking. Absolutely delighted she snipped off that corner and used her mandatory perfect sewing skills she covered up the imperfection. Three days later she was bored at her friends house and noticed the girl had the same blanket. They played beauty shop at her request. That night, for many nights actually, she replayed the girls screams in her mind. That look of fright, her shocked sobbing shrieks as the blanket melted on to her legs, burning her horribly. All the while Shannon was standing there, silent, in absolute awe until she was ushered away and coddled for having seen such a frightening sight.

From 12 to 15 she was a candy stripper at her local hospital. Perfectly cute in her pink and whit stripes, her pony tail and matching ribbon, sweet smile and giggling politeness. Through and through just the way she ‘should’ be but under it all she was fascinated with the place. She loved watching the tension and emotion on peoples faces, how they ticked at these extreme times. More than once she had been shooed away from open doorways while families watched loved ones pricked and poked or violently brought back to life. When this would bore her she would visit the patients with no families offering kind support. She would chat sweetly and fluff pillows, help clean up bedside tables, spilling juice accidentally on laps or over reading materials and family photos, sometimes standing on oxygen lines just to watch their numbers fall. Her favorite was bumping the IV machines, turning off the flow of pain medications in her apologetic haste to right the toppling machine and watching their slow transformation from small moans to often times screaming agony. She couldn't do that often because it was difficult to mask her smile when the nurses come in to find her perfectly pitifully poking the machine, cursing it and yelling softly for someone to help her help this poor person. Never once getting caught she stayed for three years as the seemingly bouncy, happy girl that always had a lollipop, cookie or hug for everyone she met.

Her life went on perfectly perfect in all ways. She married her high school sweetheart, the star quarterback turned car-salesman. She has the mandatory two children, one boy, one girl as well as the white picket fence, the golden retriever, the cat you put out of doors at night. You know, all the trappings of a perfectly boring life as a sheep. Which is why she chose to work at the asylum. She needed something to break up the monotony and abnormal people would, could hopefully do just that. So many helpless people to help. So many opportunities to keep from getting to awfully bored.
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For my character!a biography, would it be okay of I set it up to read like a medical chart?