The Canned Film Festival

Stout chap

Literotica Guru
Nov 1, 2002
Take a film title; change one letter; and describe the new plot.

The Thong
Scientists in the Antartic are killed off by shape-shifting underwear that assumes the appearance of the arse of its victim.

Eyes Wide Shit
Cruise and Kidman act out their Brown Shower fantasies.
Kubrick serves up a real stinker - New York Times
Pulp Diction

Violent elocution thriller.
Travolta's "a"s work a treat - The Guardian
Oh,come on, some one reply

Reservoir Bogs
Let's get to work - up to our knees in shit!
Full Metal Packet

Sci-fi, cyborg porno.

"You'll need balls of steel to sit through this one" - Daily Telegraph
Dr Strangeglove (Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Dong)

Mad German professor attempts to reduce the world to giant willies.

They should ban it! - The Daily Mail.
All you wanted to know about kecks (but were afraid to ask)

Docu-film where trouser enthusiasts are quizzed about their preferences and inside leg measurements.

"Frankly, its PANTS!" - The Sun
The Sperminator

Slogan : Cumming to get ya!

"A spunky first effort for this newcomer." - Variety