The British and American Left own the copyright for Empathy.

Please, tell us more. We're all interested 🤔:|

I'm sure this discussion thread will be rewarding and insightful
And they punch you in the face to a pulp, to show their empathy for the oppressed
on a different note:
I AM trolling you Brits and Americans, but out of boredom not hatred,
Laypeople everywhere reacted with the same humanity to the war

But your Elites on the other hand...
Throughout History they've been almost as genocidal as Russians were ( far less barbaric, of course)
yet for more duplicitous
on a different note:
I AM trolling you Brits and Americans, but out of boredom not hatred,
Laypeople everywhere reacted with the same humanity to the war

But your Elites on the other hand...
Throughout History they've been almost as genocidal as Russians were ( far less barbaric, of course)
yet for more duplicitous
Our elites are probably the highest on the list. I mean how many native Americans got killed? And that was just the intention direct kills. Then we don't talk about the Trail of Tears for some reason.

If we are including the Brits it wasn't THAT long ago that the Brits could truthfully say the sun never sets on the Empire.
The British and American Left own the copyright to empathy.
If that were true, why is so much of our charity coming from the American* Right?

Is it because with the Left empathy begins with government
and with the right empathy begins with the individual?

;) ;)

Virtue-signaling V. virtus

* Don't know about Britain
All the main parties in the UK's House of commons detest the PRC for its treatment of the Uighurs, Myanmar for the Rohingya; and Putin for the war on Ukraine.

Only some of the very few UK Communists (a tiny number of an insignificant party) support Putin.

The Twitterati campaign for LGBT+ rights but so do all three parties, but not at the reduction in women's rights.
That's the most rational thing I've heard in months. Kudos.

We've let the confused confound and confuse us.

In our hierarchy of empathy we are told that
gender identity prevails over gender.
That's the most rational thing I've heard in months. Kudos.

We've let the confused confound and confuse us.

In our hierarchy of empathy we are told that
gender identity prevails over gender.
Boris Johnson has said that trans men should NOT compete as women, and that also that biology cannot be changed.

Sir Keith Starmer (Labour Party Leader) has refused to state that women are women because some of his party are convinced that trans men are women too. That has annoyed ALL his women MPs and disappointed women in his party.
I think that this is one of a myriad of issues that will usher our Democrats out of power this fall.
The serious charge is that Republicans are bad because they are beholden to their (Christian/gun) Right,
but the same serious charge can be leveled in the converse at the Democrats for pandering to the radical Left.
Boris Johnson has said that trans men should NOT compete as women, and that also that biology cannot be changed.

Sir Keith Starmer (Labour Party Leader) has refused to state that women are women because some of his party are convinced that trans men are women too. That has annoyed ALL his women MPs and disappointed women in his party.
you probably know this, ogg, but putting it here for anyone who may not be aware:

a 'trans man' is a man who was born as a female and has (or is in the process of) transgendered to what he identifies with, aka 'male'

a trans woman is, obviously, the reverse.

for a trans woman to be eligible to compete: "total testosterone level in serum has been less than 5 nmol/L continuously for a period of at least 12 months." This was the ruling, i think, with the swimmer... but then the athletic body decided to change that ruling to 3 years, disqualifying her from competing in vital competitions.

there will be legal wranglings, no doubt, as the different associations come to terms with the gender changes of various athletes in attempts to preserve fairness for all, and it's going to involve people not being able to compete which is an awful shame for athletes with such a narrow window of viability who have to compete at various levels to move on up to their goal.

A lot of the problem may revolve around muscle-mass: how long a course of hormonal treatments does it take for the trained 'male' body's muscles to react the same as a trained female's? Was the former male's training an unfair advantage over the kind of training female athletes receive? What about the trans males' original testosterone count? (for many trans people, their testosterone levels prior treatment didn't match the expected levels for their gender anyway). And what of the cis-gendered female athletes who have naturally raised testosterone levels? What advantage does that give them in sports that call for more aggressive functioning of both mind and body, such as kickboxing, or wrestling, weight-lifting, shot-putting, yada yada yada. Damn, even tennis might be seen to have its share of aggressively muscled women! What of pre-trans males (or women whose chemical makeup more closely resembles that of a man but have no plans to undergo gender assignment) who have naturally occurring higher t-levels but all their physical and documented evidence attests they were born female so may compete? There's the testosterone testing which is supposed to help sort this shit out. I don't know, but are all women athletes tested for t-levels prior to being allowed to play? I'd assume it to be the case along with all the other substance testing they submit to.
It will take time to sort things out, but science needs to be listened to and lead the way in this, not ignorance from the sidelines such as boris' stance.
People who were born male, whatever their testosterone level, are being banned from women's sports in the UK.
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