The British Amateurs


Interesting how Hanns has shifted his focus away from attacking Paly's and Muslims, and is now on a full scale assault towards Britian.

Kuntmode - Location: UK

First off he seemed to be on an English mission. But once he got wind of me being born in Glasgow, his focused shifted to the Scots.

Why buy whiskey? I prefer to make my own :p

The only chain being pulled around here is the one I have wrapped around your neck. Each time I jerk it, you waffle on. :)

You seem to have a keen interest in British things. I wonder why :eek:
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Something about the weather and some of the Brits.

The Celts: I don't get them.

First, they were in Caucasus. They moved to northern Italy, then to Brittany. Lovely places with nice weather.

One day, they decide to pay a visit to Ireland. The weather, not so good. But, they stay on anyway.

Years pass and a Celtic Genius comes up to with an idea that it is really, really cool if some of them moved to the north, to Scotland. It was cool. Well, cold, really. Rains like shit. Still, They loved it up there.

And they wonder why their hair is orange...
Hanns_Schmidt said:
This is the best the British defenders can do?

Probably not,but who gives a fuck for anything you have to spew.
Hanns slagging off the UK makes me feel good.

I know we must be doing it right.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
For as long as history goes back, Britain has always been an amateur country with an amateur attitude.
The British society is in a dangerous spiral downwards.

Folks, you should take anything this man says with a grain of salt. I have on good advice that a British professional flagellatrix once laughed at the size of his wonka (he really isn't as 'thick' as you might think from his posts). His wounded psyche just hasn't been the same since. Treat him with compassion, not hatred! Pity, not scorn!
The only people who bemoan our drinking habits are those who can't keep up.

And what are you blathering about? Your comments are out of date. Britain came out of the Empire business because its to expensive for all the crap you get, and because it is hard to allow people freedom without allowing them self governance. Since then this happy nation has reinvented itself.

We are professional alright. Try looking at banking and investing. A lot of foreign companies are paying money into British coffers. Which is all that matters these days.

And our prestige overseas is still very high. We command respect in other countries, quite a lot of it for being fair. The world watches, and it judges too, so an even hand is more important than ever.

Our military is brilliant, that's why you hear about faulty equipment instead of fatal accidents and friendly fire. You are right about the helicopters, I don't personally know why we bought Apaches. They are only supposed to be an interim measure and the Westland Lynxes they are meant to replace outperform Apaches when it comes to speed, adaptability, safety record and low maintainance costs. OK, not firepower or international sales. Personally I'm of the opinion that the Government bought them to keep the US sweet, since we don't buy their tanks, guns, military jets (we do use the Hercules) and so on that nearly every little pisspot state seems to buy- if we don't sell them our merchandise first of course.
Hanns, fuck off.

It it wasn't for us you'd be really European and speak Spanish or French.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Truth hurts?

I'm sure it does hurt you, after all, living in a country founded largely by people who left Britain must be a real bitch for you