The Bounty Hunter (Closed for Virgininneed)


Honorable Scoundrel
May 29, 2012
Alexander "Alex" Slemmet hid in the shadows trying to catch his breath. His dark blackish green hair had been cut short, almost less then half and inch and his amber eyes searched out. He wasn't scared, well he wasn't just scared. He was was confused, angry, frustrated and scared all at once. The fugitive from law had hoped across Earth, Mars and even a station off Saturn to wind up on Melios II one of the planets outside of Earth's solar system.

Alex thought for sure if he just hung low on the industrial planet at it's capitol city Metos he'd be find but then he'd seen them come in. He knew they were a hunter before he needed any more confirmation. He could just tell by the movements and then he had upended a table in the cantina and taken off running. He was an innocent man who had been framed for the planetary governor of Mercury and they would not bring him in. Not when soldiers had found him crouching near the governor's corpse not now.

An ex Space Ranger Alex had used every trick he knew to keep himself hidden and elude capture but he had not seemed to do good enough in trusting the people he needed to lie low. Now he clung to the shadows of a run down hotel in Metos waiting and hoping that the chase was at an end and he'd gotten his pursuer off his tale.

He had to sell his blaster to pay for his transit here and he had nothing left save for his military training against a possibly well armed extraction team. Not odds even he'd take. So he waited and tried to calm his breathing.

Alexander "Alex" Slemmet
27 years old. Born on Earth, in the South Western Region, California.
6'1 200 pounds.
Black green hair cut in a buzzcut.
A scar across his left cheek, recently formed.
Lean and muscular, he used to be a soldier and his year on the run have kept him from to much cushy living.
Anna sighed as she entered the hotel, keeping a stun gun hidden in her coat pocket. She was wearing a very short dress with knee-high boots, what most prostitutes wore on Metos these days. But she was no prostitute; not even close. She was dangerous and smart, a lethal combination.

She sauntered up to the room where she knew her target was. She had the picture and had the equipment to trace him here. She was the best of the best, but she knew getting Alex wouldn't be easy. She knocked on the door to his room before opening it.

"Hi. I saw you coming in here and I thought you looked kind of lonely," she said, speaking softly as she sat next to him, running her hand up his arm. "You seem worried about something. I can help you get your mind off of it if you want. It won't cost you much." She rubbed his thigh, watching him, smiling.

Mina Carboch
21 years old; born on the planet Cyprus
5'0 110 pounds.
Waist length black hair, blue eyes
Pure muscle from chasing criminals all day; lean body; looks weak but really isn't
Alex looked up at the girl who came into the hotel room. His eyes looked over her quickly for a moment as he relaxed seeing she wasn't the armored figure who had crashed the party at the cantina. Still he wasn't that at ease by her sudden appearance. After finding out that someone had ratted him out no doubt for a share at the bounty no one was above reproach.

He gave her a small smile as she moved her hand over his arm and thigh and he tried to play the role of a man scared and frightened. "I uh, I mean not sure I'm that lonely miss. Plus I don't have any credits right now so I'm afraid I'll have to say no to your services."

"And no offense but no lay in the world is going to get me to stop worrying about whats on plate." He said having to laugh but still keeping a sharp watch on her before he stood up.

"Did you see a guy out there decked in black and red armor? 8 feet tall with a mean looking rifle by chance?" He said as he turned back to her as she sat on the bed.
"I uh, I mean not sure I'm that lonely miss. Plus I don't have any credits right now so I'm afraid I'll have to say no to your services." Damn. That was a problem.

"And no offense but no lay in the world is going to get me to stop worrying about whats on plate." This would be difficult to get him to lower his guard. He definitely didn't trust her yet.

"Did you see a guy out there decked in black and red armor? 8 feet tall with a mean looking rifle by chance?"

"Yeah. He wouldn't even listen to me," she said rolling her eyes. "Said he was too busy looking for some guy. Then someone called him and he left. He went north I think. Why? Is he a friend of yours?"

Of course that story was a complete lie. She didn't like competition, and she had, well, detained him for a while. She also needed Alex to think he had gotten the wrong information and headed off in another direction. Get him to relax a little.

"Look, I think we might be able to work out a little deal," she said, moving towards him, sticking her hand down his pants, gently caressing him. "We can work out payment later; but to be honest, I really just want to have some fun right now. I'm all yours for at least an hour, if you want."
Alex grinned and laughed a bit when she asked if he was friends with the hulking behemoth. But it was good that he was going north if the information was true. "Hah I don't have any friends." Alex said with a grunt. Friends just turned into enemies in his book. They all said one thing and plotted another.

Still so far he hadn't crashed through the door so it seemed he might be in the clear for a while. Then he felt the girl move up behind him and she boldly stuck her hand inside his pants and grabbed hold of him. Alex grabbed her hand and turned to her even thoguh his cock stirred from her touch. He had been running for so long he hadn't had sex or even really had time to release himself in a long time.

His hand held hers firmly but not painfully and he turned around looking at her for a moment. A hooker looking to have a fun time wasn't exactly what you ran into on Melios II. But as he felt her fingers move more his body wanted nothing more than to believe it.

Moving his body to face her while her hand still explored he looked her over and found he liked her look. Pressing her back a little towards the bed he held her hand still. "And you're just a kindly good hearted lady to help me forget about my troubles?" He said with a weak smile as his eyes looked at her.

"What do I call you anyhow?" He asked and his left hand moved forward rubbing the side of her hip as he stood close before her near the food of the bed.
"Hah I don't have any friends."

Mina smiled warmly. "Well, I could be your friend."

Mina smiled as he was lured into her trap, grabbing her hand as she rubbed him, smiling. She knew how to stun him before this went further than she wanted. But he was kind of hot.

Mina didn't fight him as he began to edge her towards the bed, not letting her move her hand. She rarely had any target fight her when she seduced them. Too easy. "And you're just a kindly good hearted lady to help me forget about my troubles?"

"I'm anything you want me to be."

"What do I call you anyhow?"

Never one to give her real name, she answered "Anna," and pulled him closer, onto the bed, kissing him passionately.
Alex smiled as she kissed him and pulled him onto the bed. Her lips did taste very sweet and he enjoyed how they felt while she kept a hold of him. He bed around them shifted under there wait as she held him there and he felt her rub harder making his cock harden more against her body.

Being up against a woman's body especially one as hot as Anna didn't help things. Slowly he let his hand fall from hers and he unbuttoned his pants quickly and pulled down his pants letting them fall below his knees. His head pulled back in a small moan as he breathed in her scent.

His hands moved to her breasts playing with them in her dress before he tugged down the material covering them up. His hands returned and his fingers danced over her nipples as he kissed her again full of lust, anxiety and frustration. He did not know the last time he had relaxed and he couldn't stop himself.
Mina, or Anna, as she had told him, gasped as he began to play with her breasts. It felt so good, she was reluctant to stop him. But she knew she had to finish her job, and she wasn't going to sleep with someone she didn't know. She slowly slipped the stun gun from her coat pocket as she distracted him with her kisses. Quickly, she knocked him out and pushed him off of her. "Too easy," she said smiling.

She stroked his cheek, thinking about what she would do if they had met differently. "It's too bad. You're my kind of guy." She grunted as she pulled him up, dragging him along to her ship behind the hotel. It didn't take too long for her to put him into the padded room, chained up, with water and food nearby.

Within a few hours, she was out of the planet's orbit and flying away, getting ready to take him in for the bounty. She kept her eye on the surveillance video of his room, waiting for him to wake up. When he did, she put the ship on auto-pilot and went into the room.

"Sorry, nothing personal. Just gotta make a living, you know? What would you like to eat? Anything in particular?" She was now dressed in dark jeans and a white turtleneck, her hair in a ponytail. "Sorry about lying to you. Just part of my job. In case you haven't figured it out, I'm not a prostitute. Coffee?" She held up a mug, sipping it. "I can get you some if you want."
Alex woke chained up and inside the padded room. Instantly it felt uncomfortable and foreign as he took in his new surroundings and looked for something immediately to smack himself on the head with. He had thought if there was something off with the girl that he'd be able to move quicker than she had, he was wrong.

Then after seeing the food and water nearby he saw her come in. She was dressed differently and her hair was not the wild long piece it had been as she played the whore with the golden heart.

"Course of course. Nothing personal you're going to be trading me in for credits and then I'll be killed. No harm from you, cept the whole taking me in part." He said and gave a sigh. Surprising though was the offer for coffee.

"No thanks, something stronger would be good. At this point I'm sick of it all. They won and I'm just the poor sap they need to make sure of it." He said and gave her a sad slightly bitter smile as he sat there chained up.
"Course of course. Nothing personal you're going to be trading me in for credits and then I'll be killed. No harm from you, cept the whole taking me in part."

"Look, we've all got to make a living one way or another. And don't try to make me sympathetic. I've had plenty of guys beg for me to let them go. Saying they're innocent and all of that. Think about it this way. I'm just the messenger." She sighed, leaning back against the wall. "And it's better that you ended up in this ship than another one. The other guys wouldn't be so nice."

"No thanks, something stronger would be good. At this point I'm sick of it all. They won and I'm just the poor sap they need to make sure of it."

"One second," she said, leaving the room for a few minutes. She returned with a beer, walking towards him, and handing it to him. She motioned to the bed, and handed him a remote control. "You've got enough chain so you can sleep there, and if you want to watch tv, use this remote. This red button you can use to call me if you need anything. I'll bring you more food later." She turned to leave.
Alex was actually surprised when the bounty hunter returned with beer for him. He stared at her oddly for a moment as he just held the beer while she turned. Part of him wanted to test the extension of the chains and wrap them over her head and make her unlock him but he didn't. She had offered far better amenities than most of the people who claimed to be professionals in this line of work.

"I didn't kill the governor of Mercury." He said simply and twisted off the cap before taking a swig of the beer. For all the good it would do him to tell her he didn't care he just felt like at least telling one of the few people he'd talk to before being dragged before a judge.

"Someone needed him out of the way and I was just the lucky s.o.b to get in the way." Alex said and he slumped back down to rest on the bed and took another drink of the beer looking at the bounty hunter.

"I gotta admit I liked you better in the dress." He said giving her a quirky smile.
"I didn't kill the governor of Mercury." He said simply and twisted off the cap before taking a swig of the beer. Mina sighed. She had hoped Alex wouldn't be one of the guys who would try to convince her he was innocent.

"Someone needed him out of the way and I was just the lucky s.o.b to get in the way."

"You realize I hear stuff like that from ninety percent of the people I bring in. I'm sorry, but telling me that's not going to help you out much."

"I gotta admit I liked you better in the dress." He said giving her a quirky smile.

She had to laugh at that. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Suddenly, there was a loud bang and the ship lurched. "What the hell was that. Asteroid?" Then it happened again. And again. "God damn it. Someone's shooting at us."

She ran out, locking the door and heading to the controls. Probably some rival bounty hunter. "I hate competition," she said before clicking on the intercom. "Hold onto something. This is going to be rough." She maneuvered the ship quickly, dodging and darting, trying to get away. She fired off some shots at the other ship, never missing. She finally managed to damage the ship enough that it would have to land to repair. Then she went to check the damage. She was going to have to land too. This wasn't good. She landed on a nearby inhabited planet, in one of the cities. Then she used the intercom again. "I gotta fix something on the ship, so if you need anything, I won't be able to answer for at least a couple of hours." Then she went to get parts to repair the ship
Alex smiled enjoying her laugh for what it was worth. Then suddenly he felt himself shift with the ship. He hoped for their sake it wasn't an asteroid and he figured the odds of survival with this girl got extremely low if she had let them waltz into an asteroid field.

He watched her ass in her jeans as she moved away from the cell. A small smile appeared on his lips despite himself. In his cell he felt the ship weave and felt the reverberation of cannons firing. Uttering a silent prayer he hoped she knew what she was doing. Soon enough he figured there was some readjustment and he moved slightly in the chairs.

"I gotta fix something on the ship, so if you need anything, I won't be able to answer for at least a couple of hours." He heard her voice once more through the intercom. Moving his arms he reached for the remote.

"Let me help out." He said trying not to put any urgency into his voice. "If someone else is already hunting then it's a fair bet they won't be the only one. We should make it fast." He told her though he bet even money it wasn't likely to do any good.
"Let me help out. If someone else is already hunting then it's a fair bet they won't be the only one. We should make it fast.

Mina rubbed her forehead, thinking. He was probably planning an escape, but he could be right. He could help fix the ship, or he might sabotage it. She opened a drawer and pulled out a set of cuffs. She clapped one on her wrist before returning to his room.

She knelt by his side, putting the other cuff on him before pressing several buttons on her own. "Here's the deal. You can come out and help me, but if you move more than fifteen feet away, this shocks you and you get knocked out. You try and remove it you get knocked out."

She quickly unchained him and walked outside carrying a box of tools. She checked out her ship assessing the damage and groaned. This would take some time, at least a day or two. "How good are you with mechanics?" She said looking at her engine.

As she worked, a group of reptilian-like bounty hunters approached from behind, holding guns, ready to shoot. She didn't notice, focused on her ship, until she was grabbed from behind and spun around, and knocked out with a stun gun, while the others attacked Alex.
"I know how to work a wrench." He replied to her when he was asked. The cuffs were an irritation to be sure but at least he was up and moving around. And he was helping her and thus getting them off the ground sooner.

'And the sooner the better' He thought as he settled in to help her. At the last moment before the quiet around them was shattered he heard the shuffling and turned to see the reptilian aliens blasting Mina with a stun gun. The bounty hunter dropped like a rock as two more rushed in towards Alex.

"Dammit!" He shouted and then lifted up his foot to kick out at the first one. His boot connected with the alien's long snout sending the creature down to the ground with a hiss while he evaded the spear thrust of the next one.

'Why didn't she just uncuff me.' He thought as his eyes widened when the spear came again. This time it was angled for his head and he just managed to pump up his arms catching the spear with the links of the cuffs to deflect the blow. The action however caused the cuffs to malfunction giving him a mild warning shock. His vision swam and he fell to the ground fighting through the pain before being kicked in the stomach and sent tumbling across the ground.

Looking up he saw the two aliens approaching him while the third moved over to check Mina. It's long tail flicked out over it's snout as it looked over the unconscious bounty hunter as Alex moved to get up.
Mina lay on the ground unconscious as the reptile looked over her. Yes, this one would sell well on the market. Have to be broken first, but she would sell well. He put chains around her wrists and ankles, very tight and close together. Then he turned to where the male had fallen.

He was starting to get up, but the reptile's companions were ready. They had been able to get Mina by surprise, but they did not have that advantage over Alex, their main target. Mina was just a commodity that they could sell on some planet where slavery was legal, but Alex was worth triple to those who wanted his head.

They ruthlessly attacked Alex, not using the guns yet, not wanting to accidentally hit each other. But they did attack with spears, and their upper bodies were very strong. Meanwhile, the reptile that had grabbed Mina began to drag her back to the ship. He doubted Alex would follow even if he won, and if he killed the other two, Mina would still earn a pretty penny, and she would be fun to break
When the next kick came Alex was ready. But his hands moved awkwardly with the cuffs and he missed the foot as it drove into his chest knocking the wind out of him. He tried to breath in a fast breath as he moved again. This time he caught the three toed foot and then yanked it with him as he rolled taking the attacker with him.

Continuing his roll he took the foot along for the ride and wrenched it hard breaking it or at least causing the alien a lot of pain judging by it's hissing scream. As it fell Alex rose but another spear whizzed forward cutting him across the cheek.

"Mrawwr!" He hissed and dodged the other attack as he closed with the attacker. Moving forward in past the weapon's reach he elbowed the alien hard against the chest. The reptillian's scale's and body armor made it resilient but it gave him a small opening all the same. Stepping on it's foot to force it's focus down Alex crouched and then brought both of his hands up in a smashing strike that sent the alien crashing off it's feet.

Blood trickled down his cheek as he examined his down foe seeing the reptillian already moving to rise. Alex fell forward planting his knees on the alien's chest and smashing his hands down against it's snout. Alex felt bones breaking under his strike as he fought to keep the hunter down for good. It was a tense struggle for survival where every moment counted. The former space ranger brought his hands down again hard feeling something pull in his own hand forcing a howl from him.

Feeling no more immediate movement he stood up slowly focusing on the alien hauling Mina away. "Hey you ugly bastard..." He shouted at him as he limped away with blood coming from the claw marks the last alien had given him in the deadly struggle.

"Drop the girl and I'll let you walk away." He snarled at him as he took a step closer.
Hey you ugly bastard..." He shouted at him as he limped away with blood coming from the claw marks the last alien had given him in the deadly struggle.

The reptile turned hissing as it faced Alex. He had actually managed to kill or at least defeat the others.

"Drop the girl and I'll let you walk away." He snarled at him as he took a step closer.

The reptile looked him over closely, assessing him. He had just won a fight with two of the most skilled bounty hunters the galaxy, without any weapons. He nodded and slowly lowers Mina to the ground. Then he saw the matching cuffs. He stepped back making hissing noises.

"Take the cuff and I keep the secubenon," he said, using his native tongue for the word new slave girl. "You go free, I make some money. It's a win-win situation. We both get what we want. What do you say? All I'm asking for is the money I was going to get off of you."
Alex looked at the creature as it hauled the bounty hunter who'd captured him. He paused for a moment making no more movement. He didn't owe Mina anything and she had been trying to collect the money save as these scaly hunters. Yet he had stuck his neck out for her.

His eyes steadily looked at the alien weighing his options. The ship beside him would serve but it would take more time fixing it alone. With Mina he could have help, in more than just getting it repaired. She would owe him and he would see to it that she repaired the favor.

"I don't think so. How bout you leave the girl and pick up your bodies. I think I left one of them breathing." Alex declared calmly as he pushed through the pain of the talon scratches on his arms.
"I don't think so. How bout you leave the girl and pick up your bodies. I think I left one of them breathing."*

The reptile glared at Alex for a minute, looking him over again. Was it worth a fight? Growling, he tossed her to the ground at Alex's feet.

As the hunter turned and walked away, Mina began to stir. First a hand twitched and a soft moan left her mouth. She slowly opened her eyes, struggling to stand up, falling against Alex's chest.

"What happened?" She said, groaning. She hadn't even seen the reptiles. When they stunned her she was out in a second.*
Alex was surprised when the alien decided not to put up a fight. He barely had time to catch Mina as she fell into his arms while he watched the reptilian bounty hunter scramble off no doubt back to it's ship.

He held her and looked back at her with a calm neutral look. "Just a minor scuff up with the competition. They hit you out cold with a stun rod and were looking to make you the newest addition of the sex slave population." Alex said as he gently dragged her over to her ship and let her rest back down. He wanted to be ready in case the bounty hunter came back.

"I took out a couple of the bastards and the leader decided it was best to cut and run when I decided I needed and extra pair of hands to fix this ship of yours." He said as he gave her a small grin as his hands rested on his sides free of her cuffs.
"Just a minor scuff up with the competition. They hit you out cold with a stun rod and were looking to make you the newest addition of the sex slave population." Mina checked to make sure her tattoo was covered, left on her wrist before she escaped the slave trade years ago. They were probably looking for Alex, not her, but she wanted to leave the planet as soon as they could.

"I took out a couple of the bastards and the leader decided it was best to cut and run when I decided I needed and extra pair of hands to fix this ship of yours."

"Thanks," she said, sitting up, looking at his wrists. She probably owed him for this. Could she take him in? Conflicted, she changed the subject. "We're probably going to be stuck here a few days, but we should hurry. Don't want any more attacking us."

She quickly got back to work, not speaking much, working fast but concentrating on the work
"Thanks," When he heard that his brows raised slightly given he had figured she would be too proud or stuck up to not blame the whole thing on him and forget the whole part where he saved her ass.

"We're probably going to be stuck here a few days, but we should hurry. Don't want any more attacking us." She continued and he nodded as he watched her get back to work. The bounty hunter seemed pretty spry for an seductress who knew how to work a concealed blaster.

Free of his cuffs he just gave her a smile and then settled into work helping her with the ship. While he was in no rush to have her take him in he needed the ship to work since the reptilians had decided not to die that day. They worked and he found it strange when she didn't talk much. He recalled her quickly checking the cloth around her wrist and he almost went to ask her about it but decided against it.

When the day of repairs were done he had taken off his shirt to help fight back the sweat and when he went back inside the ship with her he looked at Mina.

"There a shower somewhere I can clean off?" He asked her as he stood inside of the hatchway.
Mina glanced over at Alex as he removed his shirt, blushing a little. Damn it, why did he have to be so attractive? She kept working, trying not to think abot him, but it was difficult not to. She glanced ar him occasionally, seeing he knew what he was doing and was working hard. As the sun began to set, they went inside, and she locked the door behind them.

"There a shower somewhere I can clean off?"

She nodded pointing down the hallway. "Third door on your right. There's a bedroom and bathroom. You can stay there for now if you want to."

Then she turned, going through one of the doors on the left to the kitchen. She cooked some chicken, green beans, and pulled some chocolate pudding she had made from the fridge before putting food onto two plates. She went into his room and placed it on a table before leaving.

Once she had eaten, she went to bed, but her dreams were not pleasant. She twisted her body, crying out and screaming during the nightmare. It was an old memory from her past, one that had haunted her for years.