The Black Sheep (closed to momoftwins13)


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2013
Jeff coughed as the taxi sped away in a cloud of dirt. Wiping the sweat and grime out of his eyes with a heavily tattooed hand he gazed at the ranch home that had been in the family for four generations. It was the home he had grown up in, the home he had ran away from and the home he had sworn never to return to. But here he was.

Not much had changed, other than a new coat of paint and some flowers along the sidewalk. But then again not much ever changed around here. That's what he hated so much about it all. The same town, the same house, the same family ... or close enough.

His dad had died years ago leaving the house to his brother. His attorney had told him he had a right to some of the property, but at the time he had been in prison and really hadn't cared. Yet here he was, released from prison not because of good behavior so much as an overly bloated state budget pushing long timers like him out of the system. He hadn't wanted to come back here but what other choice did he have?

I doubt Jake would even let me stay here unless he had no other choice. Jeff thought as he strolled up the walk. They had never gotten along in youth. Jake was too much like their dad. But with the economy the way it was Jake had been forced to take any job he could find, even if that meant traveling most of the time and leaving his only daughter home alone. So he had agreed to let Jeff stay in the house until he got his feet back on the ground so long as he looked after McKayla.

All I really need to do is wet nurse the little brat from when she gets home from school at night until she leaves in the morning and I can have all day to myself. He considered what he wanted to do first with his freedom. A list of ideas flowed through his mind, from the greasy old strip club on the other side of town to finding out if Farmer Bob still ran a veritable pharmacy out of his barn. But on the top of the list was a hot shower without 50 other inmates watching.

He checked under the rock where the spare key had always been hidden and sure enough it was still there. Nothing ever changes. Letting himself inside he found a note from his brother. "Sorry I had to leave earlier than expected. I will be back hopefully by Sunday. Stay out of trouble!!!" Jeff chuckled at the last part, wondering if that last part had been for him or his niece. God I hope she isn't too much like her dad he thought as he climbed the stairs toward the bathroom.

Ten minutes later her emerged from the steamy bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist feeling very refreshed. But he still had one more itch to scratch that was going to be so much better without a bunch of guys around, and the bulge beneath his towel gave away the only thing on his mind as he walked down the hall. Out of instinct he walked into his old bedroom, but it wasn't until he closed the door behind himself that he realized something had changed. The smells, the colors, even the feeling of the room was alien to him. I can't believe my room has been taken over by a girl! He almost walked back out but then thought I could go for a bit of a change. Besides, what McKayla doesn't know won't kill her, and it was my room first.

Throwing his towel into a corner, he dropped onto the bed and allowed his hands to roam down his body. He went slowly, savoring the sensation, reveling in the pleasure as his muscles quivered, causing his tattoos to dance across his skin.
Mack closed the door to her Jeep and sighed as she walked up the sidewalk. Her dads car was gone so he must have already left on his business trip. Figured. He always had to leave early, or come home late. She practically lived alone for all intents and purposes. Except now her uncle Jeff was coming to live with them.

Jeff who had been in prison for years. He had gone in when she was around 8, 10 years ago. She never knew why. Her dad wouldn't tell her. So she would be living with a convict, an ex felon. Fun.

She hiked her equipment bag up on her shoulder, the softball gear heavy combined with her book bag stuffed with books. She loved softball as her dad required her to take AP classes and get A's or she couldn't play. So that meant tons of studying and homework. No normal teenagers like dates and parties. She was too busy for all of that.

Sometimes she liked it all. Sometimes it seemed boring and a horrible way to live out her senior year.

Opening the door she walked in and headed towards her bedroom seeing no sign of Jeff so figuring he wasn't there yet. She opened her bedroom and stopped dead in her tracks.

Jeff was spread out on her bed, his heavily tattooed and muscular body flexing as he eagerly jerked off his cock. Mack's mouth hung open and she gasped.

"Oh my god!" She said before quickly spinning and slamming the door shut.

Holy shit.

Her naked uncle was jerking off on her bed. Completely naked. Quickly she walked to the kitchen to start fixing dinner. Anything to make herself busy.

She pulled her long auburn hair back out of her face and secured it with an elastic band. Her short athletic shorts and clingy tank top were a bit dusty and she needed a shower but that would have to wait because she needed clean clothes as thu were in her room.

What would she say to him now?? How awkward...
His legs quivered as he stroked up and down the length of his shaft. He knew he was close, so close that there was no turning back, but he wanted to savor the ecstasy of a private self pleasure session. His free hand tickled his balls with an idle abandon as his moans filled the room. Arching his back, he pressed his shoulder blades into the soft bed and lifted his hips into the air. It was so close. That rush, that elation, that eruption that was building inside him, edging persistently toward the brink. Just a minute longer , he thought as he resisted the urge to give in to his release. I can hold out another 15 seconds, as he felt his shaft swell and pulse, his tube filling with cum almost ready to blow out of his ...

What the hell was that? A movement caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head just in time he saw, not the bratty little girl he had expected to be baby sitting, but a full grown young lady as she spun away and slammed the door shut.

And then it erupted. Strings of sticky white splayed across his stomach, some reaching as high as his chest. He had to bite his lip to stifle the noises he so badly wanted to release, but other than that his orgasm came in full bore there on her bed. Fortunately he managed to keep it all on himself so once he had recovered he wiped off with his towel and went back to the bathroom to fish out some clean clothes from his duffle bag.

Jake must have gotten a sitter he thought as he dressed. The fucker probably doesn't even trust me alone with his daughter.

Whoever she was must still be around somewhere. He hadn't heard the front door close so he set out to find her. It didn't take long considering the noises coming from the kitchen.

"Well hello, what have we here?" He asked as he walked in wearing blue jeans and a tightly fitting white shirt, through which all of his tattoos were still visible. "My name is Jeff. And you must be some sort of sitter my brother ordered to help with his daughter."

Standing next to her, he reached out and touched her shoulder, letting his fingers trace down the silky soft skin of her arm. He was surprised to find himself getting hard again so quickly simply from touching a woman. But then again it had been years ...

He allowed his eyes to roam freely over her body. His eyes drank in the curves, sights that seemed so foreign and yet oh so familiar.

"Well I have to say now that I'm here those services will no longer be needed. But I guess if he's already paid you we can find some reason to keep you around." He said it teasingly, and chuckled afterward. But the more he looked at her the more he noticed little things like the familiar color of her eyes. Was it really ... ? Could it be ... ?
McKayla stood stock still when Jeff walked in the kitchen. She had no idea what to do or say to him. But then he walked up and began to speak smoothly into her ear, apparently thinking she was some kind of babysitter. It had been that long since he had seen her.

She turned her back to him and sat a pot down on the stove with a thunk before turning to face him.

"It's me, Uncle Jeff. Mack. You know. The girl whose bed you were just... Having your little fun in?"

Her eyes were narrow slits as she studied him. He had changed also. Gotten leaner but bulked up with some muscle as well. He was pretty hot she thought idly, if you liked the criminal type.

"If you're done I'd like to get some clean clothes and get a shower now. I'm still dirty from practice".

With the she turned and stalked to her bedroom, slamming the door. She eyed the bed where he had been sprawled, and remembered what she had seen briefly. His muscled body flexing as he had jerked himself, his cock long and hard, straining upward...

Jesus. He was her uncle. What the fuck was he doing? And why was she thinking about it still?

Grabbing a clean pair of shorts and a clean sports bra, her normal attire around the house, she went into the bathroom, stripped and stepped into a hot shower. She scrubbed herself clean and then dried and got dressed, leaving her long hair damp around her shoulders and headed back to the kitchen.

"We are having spaghetti for dinner" she said quietly to Jeff when she saw him. "Hope that's ok."
Jeff stood in stunned silence as she stalked out of the kitchen.

"No fucking way." He muttered under hear breath. But there was no denying it. His niece had grown up a lot more than he had realized while he had been away. And then he realized he was staring at her ass as she left the room.

Damn it, what's wrong with me? He thought as he tried to reorganize his thoughts. How do you make that mistake? But even as he thought it he found his mind returning to the image of his niece's petite frame, the long slender legs, and the feminine curve of her ass.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge he settled onto the couch and surfed through channels trying to derail his train of thought. But nothing interesting was on and all he could think about was a steamy bathroom and soapy water running down Mack's small but enticingly perky breasts. It took all of his will power to not get up and check to see if the bathroom door was locked.

When she finally returned to the kitchen he glanced up and his jaw dropped. She had been attractive in a cute and innocent way before, but now he was sure she was taunting him. The flatness of her stomach teased him, drawing his eyes lower to where her smooth navel disappeared beneath the shorts. But even those did little to hide her legs, toned in long smooth lines of muscle. Any thoughts about apologizing for what had happened earlier were swept away, but he had never been much of one for regrets or apologies any way.

"That looks, um ... I mean that sounds delicious" he stammered, his eyes resting on the thin fabric of her sports bra and the girlish curves beneath it. "Do you need my help with anything?"
Mack glanced at Jeff as he asked if she needed help. She decided maybe she should cut him some slack. He was fresh out of prison. And he apparently felt bad about what had happened between them as he offered to help.

"I'm ok" she responded. "I cook alone every night. Dad isn't ever home. I know he asked you here for you to babysit me. But really I don't need it so if you've got things you wanna do, go ahead. I'm a big girl."

She began boiling noodles and cooking the sauce, while putting together a salad and putting some garlic bread in.

She thought idly to herself that if she had seen Jeff randomly on a street ... He was pretty hot. Her father had never told her why Jeff had gone to prison and she found herself suddenly curious.

She glanced up and caught him staring. It occurred to her then that maybe the outfit wasn't appropriate. She was used to wearinnit around her dad but Jeff was a different story.

Soon dinner was ready. She called Jeff over and got herself a plate before going and flopping in front of the tv. Jeff soon joined her. They ate quietly fr a bit and then she bit the bullet.

"Why'd you get locked up?"
He finished the beer before returning to the kitchen to grab a plate. He also found a bottle of wine that he thought might go well with the spaghetti, and brought to glasses out to the living room. Sitting on the couch next to McKayla he put one of the glasses in front of her, the other in front of him and poured into both glasses before beginning to eat.

She must have been used to eating by herself because she offered no conversation starters, and he was so happy to have some real food for once that his mouth stayed well occupied until his plate was clean. His eyes however seemed unable to find any other entertainment than her and he had a hard time keeping them off her.

He was nearly done with his food when she suddenly broke the silence. He chuckled softly at her question before answering.

"Well to be honest I didn't do anything illegal." He started slowly. Then looking at her with a smirk he added with a wink, "at least I was never caught doing anything illegal." Tilting his glass up he drained it then refilled, the whole time looking at her thoughtfully.

"Well I guess if we are going to be living together you might as well get to know me. It's not like I'm ashamed of anything I've done," he said finally. "The charge against me was triple homicide. In reality I was acting in self defense, but good luck trying to convincing a jury of snobby rich people that their streets aren't as safe as they think they are."

He finished the last couple of bites before standing up to return to the kitchen. But his legs were suddenly wobbly and the room began to spin. Reaching out a hand towards the back of the couch to steady himself, it instead came to rest firmly on the perky bump of McKayla's chest. He quickly pulled away and mumbled something like "Sorry."

Stumbling into the kitchen he wondered if he could really already be drunk. Dropping his dishes in the sink he splashed some cold water on his face before returning to the couch.
Mack's eyes widened at his words. She wasn't sure if she should ask anymore or not and decided to give it some time. But she was dying to know. She eyed the glass of wine Jeff had poured and decided to drink it even though she wasn't of age yet.

She sipped a few sips and then watched as he stood up and seemingly lost his balance. His hand landed squarely on her chest and she gasped. Not only because the touch was intimate, but because pleasure shot through her body upon the touch. He apologized and quickly left the room.

She stood then took and took her plate to the kitchen to clean up.

"Did you find the spare bedroom?"'she asked softly. She knew he had found her room. The image popped back into her mind again... She quickly shook it away and faced him, leaning back against the counter.

She saw his eyes on her body again.

"Does my wearing this bother you? This is what I usually wear, but I didn't think about it today I can change if you want me to".
He allowed his eyes to move up and down her body again before answering. "It doesn't bother me one bit." He tried to sound uninterested but wondered if he had managed to hide the hunger that was trying to creep into his voice.

Clearing his throat he tried again. "Look, you can wear whatever you want. I'm not your dad. I'm not going to tell you when to be home and all that crap because honestly, I hate rules at least as much as you do. And probably a whole lot more." Then he continued with a smirk. "And I get the impression that you aren't to fond of rules." Reaching out he took her wine glass and asked, "would you like some more?" as he refilled it with the last of the bottle and handed it back to her.

"And no, I haven't found the spare bedroom. Yes, I realize I am buzzed, but I am not going to go to bed just yet. It is my first night of freedom and you better believe I'm not going to sleep it away."
McKayla couldn't help but smile as he said he was buzzed.

"You're right I hate rules. But I generally follow them. Dad is a Nazi. I take all advanced placement classes plus have softball four days a week. I have to keep A's in my classes or dad won't let me play softball. I don't ever go out with friends or guys because I have to be studying".

She frowned slightly. "It gets to be really boring".

But maybe Jeff living there would change that... she thought.

"I know you aren't going to bed yet but do you want me to show you where you will sleep?" She asked softly.

Together they walked down the hall to the room her dad had said he should use. She walked in and sat cross legged upon his bed. "Dad said this one" she said with a shrug. She looked sweet and innocent sitting there upon his bed but in her mind the thoughts were hardly innocent.

She wondered if he would be jerking off more. A small wet spot came to her panties at the thought. The picture was burned in her mind and as wrong as it was, she liked it there.
He stood in the doorway and watched her as she sat down. He had all but given up on caring about the fact that she was his niece. He just couldn't keep his eyes away from her sexy body and the more he looked, the more it made him want to do more than just look.

Sitting next to her, he allowed his hand to brush her arm. "Well, I was thinking about going to a strip club tonight to celebrate my freedom. But it seems to me that it is your first night of freedom too. So I suggest you choose the evening's entertainment."

His had had slid up the length of her arm and was now crossing her shoulder. "I'm sure there must be something you've been dying to try out the minute you got a moment of freedom ... lets hear about it."
Jeff must have been a very touchy feely kind of guy. His hand traveled up her arm softly, giving her goosebumps. It then draped across her shoulders and for some reason she found herself leaning into him slightly.

"A strip club?" She questioned.

"Are girls allowed to go to them?" She was curious. She heard all about them but had never seen a strip club and wanted to know what was in one.

"Can we go?"

Her pretty glittered with excitement as she gazed up at him. "Please? I won't get in your way. You can ... Um ... Well whatever you wanna do. Please Uncle Jeff?"

It was the first time she had said his name yet and it rolled off her tongue well. She wondered what he thought about her calling him that like old times.
Jeff turned sideways and looked at Mack in surprise. He had expected her to shy away from adventure like everyone else in their family always did. In fact he wasn't even sure why he had invited her in the first place. His original idea had been to get away from her for a few hours. Not that he didn't enjoy her company, it was just that he was having a hard time telling what he really wanted from his relationship with his niece. A large, throbbing part of him wanted her to be just some girl he met, but deep in his heart she would always be that little girl he had know so long ago. Where did one reality end and another begin?

It didn't help that he had a light buzz, or that she was wearing such skimpy clothes. Much less the cute way she practically begged to come along. But that was why he was thinking of the club in the first place. He had figured that it would relieve some of his tension, at least to the point that he could figure things out with his niece. But she actually wants to go!

Her 'please' teased him to no end. He couldn't help but imagine her begging for more, but then she said his name just like she always had and *snap* she was his niece again. It is all so confusing!

Finally he stood up and forced himself to look away from her, and began digging through his duffle. "Yeah, sure we can go," he said as he pulled out a black button up shirt with pinstripes. "But you're going to have to drive, and I'm going to have to change real quick," as he pulled his undershirt off and tossed it into the corner.
Mack beamed when Jeff said that yes, she could in fact go. She couldn't believe he was letting her. Maybe him living there wouldn't be so bad after all! He stripped off his shirt and she was faced with seeing him shirtless for the second time that night. He was pretty hot for a little bit older of a guy.

Mack turned and dashed to her room to change her clothes. She chose an extremely short denim skirt that her dad hated, and a clingy silk tank top that showed off her beautiful curves. She paired then with some heels and put some makeup on. She then dashed back downstairs.

"How's this look?" She asked as she entered the room with him. He looked pretty dashing in his button down shirt, she couldn't help but notice.

"I'm ready whenever you are".

She led the way to her car and then climbed in the drivers seat.

"So... Where is this place we are going?"
"That looks incredible." Was all Jeff could manage. Climbing into the passenger side of the car he gave her directions to the club then tried to keep his eyes off her.

"It used to be owned by a friend of mine," he explained as they drove through town. Once they arrived at the club he spoke to the proprietor who didn't recognize him at first, but after a quick hello embraced him as old an old friend. Jeff introduced Mack to him, saying his name was Kyle then started joking about how sleazy the club still was.

Kyle laughed but as he guided them back to a secluded booth it was clear that the entire establishment had been recently renovated and was kept immaculately clean. Tables with poles that rose up into the ceiling were scattered around a catwalk that spanned the middle of the room while private booths like the one they were sitting at lined the walls. A girl not much older than McKayla was twirling around the pole at the far end of the catwalk wearing only a lacy G-string. A crowd of men had gathered around that end of the room, while a few others were scattered amongst the booths and were receiving more personal services.

"Drinks are on the house tonight," Kyle said as they sat, his voice barely audible above the rhythmical music. "I would get one of my girls to give you a free lap dance but since its Friday they all get off in about 15 minutes and we have amateur night." Kyle winked at McKayla and inclined his head toward the cat walk.

Jeff laughed, thanked Kyle, then settled back to watch the girl in the center of the room. She was slender like Mack, but her boobs were obviously fake. When the music ended she strolled off stage and was immediately replaced by another girl, this one a bit older and wearing a nurse outfit which seemed to melt off her body as the music picked up.

Jeff was all smiles as the waitress arrived and took their orders. Once she disappeared he turned to Mack and asked "Well, what do you think?"
Mack's eyes were wide as they entered the establishment. She watched the girl onstage working it and smiled. She was pretty but had fake boobs. Not that the men seemed to care. She briefly wondered if the girls enjoyed their job or just did it as a means to the end...

Jeff seemed to be enjoying himself which made mcKayla smile as well.

"This place is nuts" she said in answer to his question. "What is an amateur night?" She wondered. Surely he didn't mean that regular audience girls could go up. What kind of girl would do that? And yet the thought intrigued her immensely... The thought of all of those eyes on her as she showed off her body.

It sounded kind of sexy.
"Amateur night is a chance for the girls to get a night off." Jeff explained as he sipped a White Russian. "They open the stage for anyone who wants to get up and strut their stuff. It can be a lot of fun, but you never know what to expect."

Setting his drink down, Jeff didn't even try to hid the fact that he had to adjust the bulge in his pants as he glanced back up at the stage. But as pretty as the nurse/pole dancer was he found his eyes drawn back to McKayla.

As the song ended, the music died down and Kyle's voice replaced it saying that had been the last professional dance of the night and that although the bar was still open the waitresses were officially off duty so drinks would have to be picked up in person. He then informed everyone that amateur night had begun, which drew a chorus of cheers and then the music started back up.

Almost immediately a middle aged woman climbed up onto the catwalk and began shaking her hips. She was a lot less graceful than the previous girls, and as she shed her clothes she revealed a much thicker body, but she was still getting a lot of cat calls.

Jeff just laughed as he turned back to McKayla. "You should give it a shot."
Mack glanced out of the corner of her eye towards Jeff as he watched the show. He had a hard-on. She could see it below the table. Shenglanced around and watched to see if other men had them too and from what she could see, they did.

She watched in amazement as the older lady climbed up on stage and stripped. She didn't have the greatest body but the men around ate it to. Jeff suggested she should get up there.

McKayla laughed. "I like to dance but I dunno about that...."

But she was curious. Jeff walked up then to check on them.

"You guys doing ok?" He asked then glanced at Mack. "Jeff, your girlfriend gonna get up there and shake it? She would drive them men wild!"

Mack blushed and glanced at Jeff. In a way she wanted to but in others she wasnt so sure....
Somehow hearing Kyle call McKayla his girlfriend validated all the emotions he had been experiencing through the evening. He was still conflicted about how far he wanted to go with those emotions, but at least he knew he wasn't crazy if even Kyle, who spent his entire life surrounded by beautiful women, found her attractive. Jeff saw Mack blush, but he also saw the nervous excitement in her eyes as well.

"We were just discussing that," he replied to Kyle, "but she's never done it before so she's a little nervous. Maybe she would be more comfortable with a private performance." Jeff winked teasingly at McKayla as he spoke.

"Ok man, whatever you guys are more comfortable with." Kyle responded cheerfully. "I'm just glad to see you're finally out." He dropped off another round of drinks then went to check with the other customers.

Jeff turned back to McKayla, uninterested in the woman on stage when a much younger, much more attractive woman was in front of him. "So are you going to show us what you got?"
"A private performance?" Mack asked. "Here?? But no one is here but you."

Mack was mildly confuse. The point was to show off in front of a lot men. She got that. Some women got off on that sort of thing. She wasn't so sure. She was a little too reserved for THAT. Yet she liked the idea of one or two men admiring her body. The would be a turn-on. Her mind flashed to Jeff.

She had seen him stark naked and hard as a rock, jerking himself off. So what if he saw her naked? It was only fair. And she knew she was a tiny bit wet just from the sexual charge in the atmosphere. Her heart began to pound.

What to do?
Jeff watched Mack contemplate the proposal. He could tell she was at least mildly interested in the idea but he could also see how timid she was. It was cute to see a girl as attractive as her still shy about things like this. And then it hit him. She's still a virgin.

It was hard to believe that a girl as pretty as her could go nearly all the way through high school without loosing her v-card, but then she did live under her father's roof. The poor thing doesn't even know what she's missing.

Suddenly he reached out, took her by the hand, and guided her out onto the dance floor. Once they were half way between their table and the catwalk he twirled her, bringing her suddenly into his arms, and began to dance with her.

"It's easy." His voice was barely a whisper, but his lips brushed her ear as he spoke and his hand cupped the other side of her head, covering her ear and blocking out much of the music. "Just let your body flow with the rhythm."

The music was face paced, and their movements matched that rhythm. As they danced he drew her closer and closer to him until their two bodies blended into one. He felt her skin moving against his, smelled her sweet perfume, and tasted the slight glistening of sweat on her neck as he nuzzled into her and said, "see you're a pro."

One by one people began to turn their attention away from the lady on the catwalk and gave it to the couple dancing. The lady was obviously drunk because she hardly seemed to notice even when half the room had formed a ring around Jeff and McKayla. She just kept doing her thing until she was exhausted, then slouched down into a chair at the bar and began accepting drinks.

Jeff noticed the ring of people and began to guide them slowly toward the stage. Some people were dancing in the ring too, but they all moved out of the way. At the bottom of the stairs Jeff quickly cupped his nieces ass, pushing her gently but firmly onto the catwalk, and said, "now show us what you've got!"
Mckayla squeaked when suddenly Jeff reached out and grabbed her hand. He pulled her up and began to spun her around the dance floor to the beat of the music. Mack loved to dance and laughed as they both moved their bodies to.

She began to blush as she noticed a crowd forming around them, some cheering, some cat calling, a few even grabbed her ass as she spun by. And then, Jeff pushes her towards the cat walk, and told her to work it.

Mack's first instinct was to freeze but he forced herself to move towards the runway. She kept dancing, shaking her hips and ass for the crowd who grew louder. He face heated up pink and she glanced at Jeff. Was she supposed to strip? She truly didn't know.
Jeff found a spot at the end of the catwalk and began clapping and cheering with everyone else. As his niece danced he let his eyes roam over her body again. Her breasts hadn't fully developed yet, but at least he knew they were real and he liked that. But her slender torso, long legs and perfectly round ass more than made up for anything she might have lacked on top.

He knew he should feel bad for looking at his brother's daughter like this, but instead of guilt he only felt excitement at the prospect of finally being able to do something bad. And what could be worse than corrupting your teenage niece?

Considering it was her first time in a strip club she had already shown an impressive rebellious streak that would put her father to shame if he knew. And the way her body moved, even with clothes on, was much more provocative than many of the women who had already left the stage with much less on. But Jeff wanted more from her. So he whistled and cat called like all the other men. "Take it off!" he shouted above the crowd, making no attempt to hide the fact that he was also rubbing the bulge in his pants.
McKayla's heart began to beat harder in her chest and she felt the strangest kind of high off of all of the people around her, cheering her on, watching her as she dance and moved around on the stage.

She grabbed the stripper pole and twirled around on it, smiling as she did so. And then she focused on Jeff. She saw him watching her and felt her panties grow damp. He yelled for her to take it off. She felt the need to please him.

Then she saw what he was doing. Stroking himself. Fast and hard. She pulled her shirt off followed by her bottoms. She was growing out it race for a few months.

"I love our house" she said as she approached with a sly smile on her face.
As his niece began to dance, Jeff pulled out his cell phone and started snapping photos. Then he switched over to the video recorder and filmed her as her clothes began to disappear. As she approached him, he pulled out a $20 bill and tucked it into her panties, letting his fingers linger on her soft smooth skin.