The BITCH Thread <S>


NoN Returnable
Apr 21, 2002
I am sure many of you like me have witnessed some of the unpleasantness that creeps onto the threads on occasion and if you are like me you really wish those that had a gripe with each other would carry it elsewhere rather than subject those of us that come here to LiT to post and have fun to their tirades or what they may feel is humor. So, I thought I'd make a thread that was for all the gripes and bitches any of you may have. Post them here and keep it out of the threads that were meant for fun.
Looking around and jumping into my barkalounger! the bitch thread! at last my home away from home!

oh you meant bitch as in "fighting" not bitch as in "skye da bitch"


Can this thread be big enough for THREE bitches? hmmmm shall we have a bitch off?

skye in silk said:
Can this thread be big enough for THREE bitches? hmmmm shall we have a bitch off?<weg>

Now wait a cotton-pickin' minute!
I want to get to bitch too! LOL!!!
LOL...actually I think once athread is started they take on a life of their own to a degree so if you ladies want to make this thread all about you...have at it...and let me be the first to say.."Welcome to the lady bithces of LiT!":D I know my ex will think I should be perfectly comfortable in here...
trixiefirecracker said: I qulify as a bitch yet???? :D

*snickerz* I think there are some men that may say you are female and that's qualification enough....So, let me be the first to welcome you TrixieBitch..;)
prettygrneyes said:
move over..."QUEEN BYTCH " has arrived...*giggles*..I love this thread!!!!!!ROFLMBAO

Welcome to you too you BITCH you!!! Not the actual intention of the thread but, lol...I think I like the way it's going....
FinestSilk said:
*snickerz* I think there are some men that may say you are female and that's qualification enough....So, let me be the first to welcome you TrixieBitch..;)

Wooohooooo!! LOL
Why thank you FS!!
*scratches head* (and no I don't have dandruff!!) Who woulda thunk there were so many bitches around these parts.....
Mountain Man said:
Wow....5 of the best looking bitches on Lit......:D

Maybe I'll stay and watch:p

HiYa MountainMan....I think you should have put that "5" in a revolving looks like the number of bitches is grwoing steadily over here....
FinestSilk said:
HiYa MountainMan....I think you should have put that "5" in a revolving looks like the number of bitches is grwoing steadily over here....

I figured there would be more. Just wanted to make my presence known....:D
prettygrneyes said:
well,can I be the queen bytch of the thread???huh???lol

Maybe I should make a poll and let our fellow LiTsters decide who the queen bitch is.....although I am sure that right about now my dear PGE there is at least one LiTster that would vote for you hands down....<S>
Mountain Man said:
I figured there would be more. Just wanted to make my presence known....:D

Now now, give it time Mountain Man. I am sure there are other bitches lurking in the forums around here...we just have to wait for them to make an appearance.
FinestSilk said:
Maybe I should make a poll and let our fellow LiTsters decide who the queen bitch is.....although I am sure that right about now my dear PGE there is at least one LiTster that would vote for you hands down....<S>
choose me!!!!!me!!!me!!!!lol
yeah theres a big bytch lurking in the shadows,waiting to see if she comes into
prettygrneyes said:
yeah theres a big bytch lurking in the shadows,waiting to see if she comes into

LOL..if your thinking the same person i'm thinking then i'd say she'd win the Biggest Bitch award hands down...however I can't see here frequenting this thread...probably a good thing...LOL
Okay just for shits and giggles ladies...and men if you want to as I'm sure some men can be bitches too...I found alink for a bitch test('s seems to be down at the moment) The link is Ladies, if you want to know how much of a bitch you really are....take the test.
My Results:

70.206 %

FS your score of 70.206% bitch is actually higher than the average bitch test score of 20.000 %

Top Three Men women would like to sleep with
1. Brad Pitt - 23.43%
2. Mel Gibson - 10.54%
3. Tom Hanks - 6.54%

The average women visiting the Bitch Test has had 4.65 sexual partners


99.99 %

In your life your likely to have 24 Partners

You'll sleep with 35 men, most of whom will be crap in bed.

You'll most likely dump 24 of them before they dump you.

But more importantly you'll be a complete BITCH to 100% of the men who mess you around.

LOL, some of these can be fun!
Wow....I'm only 43% bitchy....but I'm 75% sexy, does that count???? LOL

But trust me when I say, I can be a bitch when the need arises!