The Bitch-Fest Thread

Feb 6, 2002
Thought there was probably a need for a thread like this...The idea is, post whatever is bugging you...let it out! From bad drivers to spam! Lets bitch folks!!;)
My bitch list:

my ex husband

certain members of the male population

emotionally needy people




For each of those people all I have to say is "get the fuck out of my face, go away, leave me alone, your problems are not mine and I will NOT allow you to make them so"

Thank you HHG, I feel better now.
Georgia Girl said:
My bitch list:

my ex husband

certain members of the male population

emotionally needy people



abusers bitch list includes the whiners, users, abusers, liars, and two-faced backstabbing patronizing hypocrites who disguise themselves as people who wanna be my friends....

How's that? :)
my bitch list
hmm, people that don't signal when they are changing lanes.
Other assorted assholes.
( thinking. surely there must be more)
my bitch list includes :

peoplle who pass judgement on me without really knowing me

aka TROLLS ,, also ppl who think their shit dont stink , I have news for them . everyone's does!!

i have a MAJOR complaint about living so damn far away from the man i love but wtf ..

also would like to say the President is an ASS !! whoo hoo that felt good thanks!!
oh man how much time you got..lmao..

let me see......

1. people who play mind games

2. phonies

3. judgemental people

4. people who upset the ones i like and love.

5. and damn it.. not being able to get in His arms as often as i want to be.

6. peole who ignore me for reasons that are LAME.

7. on tv.. when they show all of a woman front and back.. but only the back of the men.. and that is if we are lucky... ;)

8. my damn hot water heater trying to go out on me..

9. anyone who hurts a child or woman out of what they call there own pleasure.. well hell just hurting them is wrong....:mad:

10. hurting animals!! :mad:

11. not having a dishwasher....

12. people not even trying to understand me or even give me a chance.

well I gues i better stop at this one..lmao....

thaks all!!!

thanks dream for telling me about thread.. realy good idea here HHG!!
~Dream~ said:
my bitch list includes :

peoplle who pass judgement on me without really knowing me

aka TROLLS ,, also ppl who think their shit dont stink , I have news for them . everyone's does!!

i have a MAJOR complaint about living so damn far away from the man i love but wtf ..

also would like to say the President is an ASS !! whoo hoo that felt good thanks!!

Well, I love you, ~Dream~...If somebody else doesn't, I say FUCK 'EM!!!!
...and hey, my shit doesn't stink!;) My farts smell like roses too...:D
I would have to agree with you about Dubya!!! In the words of Bugs Bunny...What a Maroon!!!!
ohhhh.. a bitching thread lol.

1. Being alone

2. Anyone cruel to animals ( I would love to chop their balls or tits off)

3. Car drivers that don't think "bike" (I was Hit and Run Christmas Eve)

I could go on...but that's my three
Where to start....

1. People who disrespect me

2. Getting blown off...damn that pisses me off!!

3. School districts that care more about the bottom line that the education of special needs children...a.k.a. my son's school district

4. Women who are with great men and treat them badly not appreciating what they have

I am sure I will think of more later....

Thanks Horny Hippie Girl for this opportunity to bitch :)
Horny Hippie Girl said:
Well, I love you, ~Dream~...If somebody else doesn't, I say FUCK 'EM!!!!
...and hey, my shit doesn't stink!;) My farts smell like roses too...:D
I would have to agree with you about Dubya!!! In the words of Bugs Bunny...What a Maroon!!!!
ty HHg sweety and I have another thing to bitch about , i wanna see MORE pics up at YOUR pic thread , yours are beautiful :rose: :heart:
~Dream~ said:
ty HHg sweety and I have another thing to bitch about , i wanna see MORE pics up at YOUR pic thread , yours are beautiful :rose: :heart:

Well, then it is time for me to bitch alittle...

I didn't get enough sleep this weekend and I have felt crappy all day!!! Then I had to take care of my sick husband AND throw him a birthday party on Sunday...No time of picture taking and if there had been no one would have wanted to see them...I have been run ragged this weekend!!

But, thank you, honey!! I will post new ones as soon as I can...:kiss: :kiss: ;)