The Biden Impeachment Is Coming?

Deplorables, 'Trump is only being indicted out of a vindictive political witch-hunt, and in return we're going to indict Biden'.
Not to mention even before being elected, Trump had a decades-long track record of flouting laws he didn't like. No one had any business being surprised that behavior continued once he was in the White House.
Deplorables, 'Trump is only being indicted out of a vindictive political witch-hunt, and in return we're going to indict Biden'.

No one is going to stop you from believing in a fantasy.

Just like no one stopped you from believing in the fantasy that Disney was going to prevail over DeSantis.

Of course your record for your fantasies coming true stands at zero, which ought to tell you something about your mental health and outlook toward reality. But again, no one is going to stop you from believing in them.

Meanwhile, I firmly believe Biden will resign before the primaries citing his health or other reasons but the truth will be that if he doesn't resign he will get 25th'd. Otherwise the House will impeach and the Senate will remove him because of the overwhelming evidence of his corruption. We're not at that point yet, but we will get there sometime by the end of next spring.
No one is going to stop you from believing in a fantasy.

Just like no one stopped you from believing in the fantasy that Disney was going to prevail over DeSantis.

Of course your record for your fantasies coming true stands at zero, which ought to tell you something about your mental health and outlook toward reality. But again, no one is going to stop you from believing in them.

Meanwhile, I firmly believe Biden will resign before the primaries citing his health or other reasons but the truth will be that if he doesn't resign he will get 25th'd. Otherwise the House will impeach and the Senate will remove him because of the overwhelming evidence of his corruption. We're not at that point yet, but we will get there sometime by the end of next spring.
Deluded again.

I've said endlessly that DeSantis is a moron for trying to shut down the major private employer in Florida, whether Disney actually closes before DeSantis is seen for who he is, is a matter of conjecture. I don't think it will happen as tourists will still visit the place despite DeSantis. Disney has too much money invested to close it out of spite.
Deluded again.

I've said endlessly that DeSantis is a moron for trying to shut down the major private employer in Florida, whether Disney actually closes before DeSantis is seen for who he is, is a matter of conjecture. I don't think it will happen as tourists will still visit the place despite DeSantis. Disney has too much money invested to close it out of spite.

You can believe whatever fantasy you choose.

However, at this point your fantasies are batting ZERO against the pitches reality is throwing.
No one is going to stop you from believing in a fantasy.

Just like no one stopped you from believing in the fantasy that Disney was going to prevail over DeSantis.

Of course your record for your fantasies coming true stands at zero, which ought to tell you something about your mental health and outlook toward reality. But again, no one is going to stop you from believing in them.

Meanwhile, I firmly believe Biden will resign before the primaries citing his health or other reasons but the truth will be that if he doesn't resign he will get 25th'd. Otherwise the House will impeach and the Senate will remove him because of the overwhelming evidence of his corruption. We're not at that point yet, but we will get there sometime by the end of next spring.

You start this post crying about the delusion of others and end it with you claiming that YOU believe Biden will resign.
That the 25th will be invoked. That a razor thin republican majority in the House will impeach and then a Democratic Senate will affirm.
Do you even know what delusional means?
You start this post crying about the delusion of others and end it with you claiming that YOU believe Biden will resign.
That the 25th will be invoked. That a razor thin republican majority in the House will impeach and then a Democratic Senate will affirm.
Do you even know what delusional means?

At this very moment, Harpy is smelling burnt toast while sipping on some carbon based water.

Thing is Trump did the things he was accused of and I suspect in the coming months and years we're gonna find out it was much worse than we know.
Except you have no proof except the lies and biased opinions of his lynch mob.
Except you have no proof except the lies and biased opinions of his lynch mob.
I'm sure that the evidence that has so far failed to appear in court in multiple hearings to prove that the Insurrectionist won the election, will turn up on Hunter Biden's laptop due to it being downloaded by the FSB.
Except you have no proof except the lies and biased opinions of his lynch mob.
We literally have the recordings of him saying the election was stolen. That is not a lie or biased opinion of a mob. We know he called the Georgia govenor and asked him to find more votes. If I honestly believed an election was stolen. Not that our stupid EC system is stupid, which it is but actively stolen. And have other elected and at least in theory trust worthy sources of information, naive I know, you best believe I'd take to the streets. One of the most important parts of our country is being able to trust election results. If we lose that we lose everything.

If you don't think telling people to be at the capitol on the verification of the vote and telling them to fight like hell was dangerous you're a moron. Most years J6 comes and goes and nobody in the media or public gives a shit. Its a formality. ITs like your friends and family attend your wedding. They don't normally go with you to City Hall to watch you sign the paperwork cus who cares.
I agree to all that you just said.
I only ask that next time you start with “you’re a moron” instead of placing that in the middle.
No one is going to stop you from believing in a fantasy.

Just like no one stopped you from believing in the fantasy that Disney was going to prevail over DeSantis.
You're an election denier, Derpy. Hush your ignorant face.
Inciting a mob is and that's what was happening there.
He didn't incite a mob. If he believed the election was stolen and said so, he didn't break the law. He told his supporters on Jan.6 to protest "peacefully." what he may have said at any other time about the election being stolen did not break the law. Here's something else for you, even if what he said was illegal, and it wasn't, but even if it was he's protected by Presidential immunity if he said it while he was in office. The Supremacy Clause also prevents him from being tried in a state court as well. That issue will be raised by his defense team in the coming days if not already.
Look at what you're dealing with. Most of these assholes would rip up the Constitution given half a chance.
It was Trump who said we should terminate “all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution” to overturn the 2020 election."

And yet, you right wing idiots still support him.

So shut the fuck about the constitution, you dumbass.
He didn't incite a mob. If he believed the election was stolen and said so, he didn't break the law. He told his supporters on Jan.6 to protest "peacefully." what he may have said at any other time about the election being stolen did not break the law. Here's something else for you, even if what he said was illegal, and it wasn't, but even if it was he's protected by Presidential immunity if he said it while he was in office. The Supremacy Clause also prevents him from being tried in a state court as well. That issue will be raised by his defense team in the coming days if not already.

He did that after months and months of fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore. That was cover your ass moment. The Supremacy Clause doesn't give you carte blanche to break the law and again, inciting a mob which had been doing since November IS illegal. Jesus Christ you guys were up in arms about Hillary not accepting defeat until the next day.

Europeans latest to provide evidence undercutting Joe Biden story about firing Ukrainian prosecutor

Biden's story has been that he threatened to withhold loan to Ukraine only because prosecutor Shokin was not meeting anti-corruption standards. His own State Dep't said otherwise, now evidence shows that the EU concluded Shokin had met ‘benchmarks’ on anti-corruption reforms.

John Solomon
Updated: September 8, 2023

A week after then-Vice President Joe Biden began pressuring Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor in late 2015 by withholding U.S. loan guarantees, the European Union reached internal consensus in a memo saying that Prosecutor Viktor Shokin’s office and the country at large had met its goals for fighting corruption, organized crime and human trafficking.

The newly revealed memo directly undercuts the narrative crafted by Democrats during Donald Trump’s first impeachment and sustained during the 2020 presidential election, namely, that Biden fired Shokin over U.S. and European concerns that he wasn’t fighting corruption aggressively enough.

At the time, Shokin was investigating the activities of energy company Burisma Holdings. And Hunter Biden -- who had no experience in the energy industry -- was being paid at least $83,333 a month by Burisma.

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission, a key governing body of the EU Parliament, declared in a December 18, 2015 report that gave a generally rosy assessment of Ukraine’s pace of reforms and specifically the efforts of Shokin’s Prosecutor General Office.

More on correcting Democrat lies here:

Everything Trump was impeached for Joe has done, and more.
He did that after months and months of fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore. That was cover your ass moment. The Supremacy Clause doesn't give you carte blanche to break the law and again, inciting a mob which had been doing since November IS illegal. Jesus Christ you guys were up in arms about Hillary not accepting defeat until the next day.
No mobs have rioted since J6. So no mobs to incite but what he said is protected by the First Amendment. I didn't say the Supremacy Clause gave him carte blanche did I? I said it prevents him from being tried in state courts for actions he took as President. This phony case by Big Fani will not survive the appellate process.
No mobs have rioted since J6. So no mobs to incite but what he said is protected by the First Amendment. I didn't say the Supremacy Clause gave him carte blanche did I? I said it prevents him from being tried in state courts for actions he took as President. This phony case by Big Fani will not survive the appellate process.
He probably won't be found guilty but that shit isn't gonna fly. No mobs have rioted since J6, what does that matter? What he said and what he did are different. Fighting words are not protected.