The Betrayal of Paradise (closed)


Really Experienced
Nov 29, 2002
The resort sits like a pale mosaic in the sparkling waters of the Caribbean. The white of the hotel, the blue of the two swimming pools, the greens and browns of palms and gardens, umber tiled roofs, golden sands, cream umbrellas dotted along the beach. From a distance it seems perfect.

Every two hours a motor launch lands at the pristine pier by the beach, bringing new arrivals in designer clothes and gold jewellery, a shoal of expensive fish, come to bask in the sun and in luxury.

More frequently, ugly boats pull up to the grubby dock behind the main hotel building, the service entrance where new supplies are unloaded. There is food and wine, linen and crockery, fireworks for the pageants and artsy collectables for the gift-shops, and, of course, there are the staff – the workers who support the luxuriant façade, too lowly to be seen arriving amongst their well-healed patrons.

It is an island of opportunities but, for the guests at least, not of coercion. The patrons may do nothing if they wish, or may pack their schedules with tennis, windsurfing, scuba diving, and more besides. Of course, there are murmurings of discontent occasionally – disgust that a bed has not been made up correctly, or distaste that a fine wine is not chilled (or is too chilled) by an inexperienced servant – but nothing more severe. There are rumours, of course, of sharks in the waters, but the managers reassure the guests that they are not at risk.
Name:Elisa Tarcon
Age:early 30s, something like 32-33
hazel(morely blue) eyes
shoulder-length blonde hair.

Elisa walked around somewhat aimlessly for a few minutes, and then zoned back into reality. She had to find this man she was supposed to be assigned with and she was running late. She took in the overwhelming site of the resort as quickly as she could--it never ceased to amaze her--and then stormed off towards the peer. She figured he might be there.
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Anton Moreau

Name: Anton Moreau
Age: 40

Mr Moreau looks like a successful businessman – once athletic, still in shape - who has come to this sun-drenched resort for a well-earned break. He stands just over six foot tall, well preserved at the age of 40, with a quiet tan and dark hair, and just a hint of an accent (perhaps French, or Spanish?) His clothes are muted and tasteful, his hair short and well groomed, his watch a Rolex.


Outwardly he seems relaxed. But inside he is troubled. Someone was meant to contact him, and she has not. Something is wrong, and when he finds himself wishing that he had a gun he knows that he is starting to panic. He resolves to be calm. There is never anything to be gained by rash actions, and there is an island of luxury to explore….
Elisa wandered somewhat aimlessly for a few minutes, taking in the sight, before zoning back into reality. She continued to walk, until she recognized the man she was looking for. He was over by the ship that she did 'undercover' work in...not so undercover.

It was pretty clear where the "public" parts of the resort ended and the service area began: wicker fences and gates with "private" signs divided pristine, whitewashed areas decked with potplants from a grotty set of alleys scattered with trash. But Anton managed to ignore the signs, and amble into the service zone regardless - expecting that if confronted he could concoct some excuse about looking for a shortcut.

But no-one confronted him, and he found himself suddenly face to face with his quarry - for as he reached the rear of the hotel and looked out at the long warf, there, at the end, loading cratesof wine, was boat, or rather a ship, somewhere between a large yaught and a small cruise ship.

He walked past the near end of the pier, glancing towards the boat and trying toget a measure of its layout without taking an obvious interest. Then he heard footsteps behind him, approaching - light but sharp, like a woman wearing low heals - and he expected a curt manageress to reprimand himand dispatch him back tomore suitable zones....
Elisa tapped the man on his shoulder, stabbing him somewhat with her rather long nails. He turned around, looking slightly surprised--perhaps he was expecting someone else--and she extended her hand. "Elisa Tarcon, are you Anton...?" She trailed off, surprised at his well-formed body. She wasn't expecting him to be in such great shape. She smiled and laughed nervously. What was happening? She never got weak like this around a man...

"Elisa Tarcon, are you Anton...?"

Just the person he had wanted to find before, and least exoected to see now! He'd not met her before, but had only seen the photo in her dossier, but there was no mistaking her, though the photo did her no justice.

"Elisa, I was starting to worry! Is this the boat we're interested in?"

She nodded curtly, and behind her he saw a broad shouldered man approach with a furrowed brow, and so he adopted an appologetic tone and said, loudly, so that he could hear "I'm sorry, Miss, I was looking for a short cut to the tennis courts, if you can direct me...?" The man checked his step and veered away, but keet an eye on them, so he whispered to her:"We need to talk. Where can we meet, privately?" As he finished the sentence his eyes involuntarily flicked down to her tight shirt and firm breasts: the movement irritated him, as that was not we he had meant to be thinking.
Elisa noticed that Anton had been lookingly over her shoulder with a somewhat nervous expression on her face. She was about to turn her head, but stopped. Perhaps it was someone that could be meaning them harm. "Perhaps my hotel room? I've got tight security on that place, hooked up some cameras and whatnot." She whispered. "So...what do you say you join me?
I-in a game of tennis, I mean." She had said the part about joining her a little too loud and she wasn't sure if there was still some danger.

"Thank you very much." Anton looked the picture of innocent civility, but inside he was impressed and eager. If she already had hidden cameras in place she was clearly as capable as her file had indicated, and he was keen to see what she might be able to show him. Then quietly he whispered: "What room?"

"Five-ten," she said quietly back, "in fifteen minutes".

Anton nodded, smiled, and ambled away unhurriedly towards the crowds by the swimming pool, and then took an indirect route back to his room. He ensured that everything was hidden away, at least well enough to avoid a casual search, then quickly changed his clothes - donning a neutral t-shirt and light jeans - before taking another indirect route to room 510.
Elisa had already made it up to the door of her room. She looked up to make sure the camera she had set up outside wasn't easy to spot, and then slid the key into the door. She opened it up, turned off the motion alarm she had set up and closed the door behind her. She changed into a tight bikini and put her shorts on over the bottoms. When she heard a knock on the door, she took her shall off the hanger and wrapped it around herself. She looked through the eye-hole and was satisifed to see Anton standing there. She opened the door. "Won't you come in?" She put out her hand to indicate the entire room.

Anton stepped into the room, and glanced quickly around. There was npsign of anything amiss, and no evidence that Elisa was anything but the simple staff member whom she posed as. She was very impressive.

He turned round to her as she closed the door, and his eyes flicked up and down her slender body, her wrap barely concealing the well-rounded breasts cupped in a tight bikini, as she stepped gracefully towards him. She was certainly very impressive.

"So, what's our status? What can you show me?"
"Well, there's been some unusual activity on the boat that I 'work' on. I've gotten some pictures here." She bent over to reach into the bottom drawer of her dresser. She shuffled through some clothing and took out a fairly-stuffed manilla envelope. She handed it to him. "Those are some pics of the 'spects, their handling something but I couldn't make out what it was." She half-smiled. "And the reason I'm in a bathing suit is that I'm planning on going for a dip before I have to get to the boat."

Anton looked through the photos briefly. "And the reason I'm in a bathing suit is that I'm planning on going for a dip before I have to get to the boat."

He glanced up at her and smiled, "Well, if you've no objection I may come with you. After all, if we're seen together I'm just an eager holiday-maker attracted by a pretty woman. You have time for me to change?"

He led her back to his room and left her in the bedroom while he ducked into the bathroom and, leaving the door slightly ajar, changed into his swimming shorts.

"So," he asked through the gap in the door, "your 'work' on the boat. What exactly do you do there? What goes on?"