the Authors’ Hangout LITEROTICA/A.I.R. 2012-2015 Themed Contests Support Thread…

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A.I.R. Summer Lovin Contest...

cummiing soon ... very, very soon...

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Dear Artfan2,

As admin I have the ability to see IPs, though it's not really a special power. Most webmasters of sites running most software can see IPs. IPs are not fingerprints. They do not show a person's identity or even pinpoint their location. If two people use the same IP, all it may mean is they may use the same Internet service provider, or that they both use the same proxy service, or they're married, or they're the same person, or their dog logs on when they're not around, or any number of things.

I don't care who is who on the Internet in general and on Lit specifically. So long as a user doesn't violate our Form Guidelines or ToS, they're fine with me. I think some of the dramas are funny, but I also think people get way to wrapped in the "real"ness of words on the Internet.

Long ago I met this guy, a Thai ex-Buddhist monk who now trained people on how to be more effective and happy. He told me that the mind "needs a home" - that it must be kept busy at all times. If you don't keep your mind busy with positive things like hobbies and relationships and work, your mind will find something to busy it - and it will usually be whatever's easiest at hand, usually office gossip and negativity.

I remember his words whenever I find myself caring about stupid stuff like gossipy rumors, or getting angry over petty things. If - whenever we found ourselves aggressively and seriously worry about whether Bigcock89 is the same person as HotYoung18 - we turned off our monitors and took a walk, or read a book, or watched a movie or TV, or made a gift for a friend, or went outside and made new friends, or went bowling, or did anything but sit online and fretting about what other people may or may not be doing on the Internet or next door or at our office, our happiness would increase 1500%.

And that's my Ann Landers impression for today.



We at ScouriesWorld have been delighted to see how the QQUEEN has been coming out of her shell lately by posting more info on how the site is run. The above post caught our attention yesterday while raising interesting questions.

At the end of each THEMED CONTEST the QUEEN (without any explanation) removes 1000's of votes from contest stories, a removal that invariably changes the results (usually in favor of one of her pets :rolleyes:). Most of us innocently assumed that most of these votes that were swept away were duplicate votes and grudgingly conceded that it was necessary even if the process wasn't transparent.

But now we find out that this isn't the case. Her own words above confirm it. Maybe it's time for her to come clean and explain exactly why and how she's removing legitimate readers votes.

Do you think it could be her "Thai ex-Buddist Monk" (how 1960 ish is that?) who helps her pick the votes to be swept away...
Your reading comprehensions sucks as always. It is always clouded by what you want to read instead of what is exactly there.

Her references to ISP's was in a completely different context than that of the sweeps but you read it to mean that ISP's mean nothing. Wrong as usual.

And no, she is not going to tell you any more about the sweeps. You've been foiled time and again by them and used them to make others look bad but you can't beat them, so give it up.

Instead you should be using your time to improve your writing instead of wasting it here with this crap and your fake bullshit. But no, you're not even good enough to improve yourself instead of trying to pull others down to your level.

As for "Pets" have you noticed where she spends most of her free time? On the GB and not in the AH. Shouldn't her "pets" come from there ad not here? Your logic is faulty as usual and ends up biting you in the butt. :rolleyes:
This is what happens when a person loses touch with reality and lives in a fantasy world of their own making. JimJim is a lost cause to accept his faults and believes he is a supreme intellectual, one who is above all others. One look at this thread and anyone can see more neurosis at work in his posts, than any psychiatrist's office with patients.
And been doing it for years

Its an interesting game

He takes a valid point and blows it so out of whack it becomes invald.

But thats his job as site fallguy

Is he the site fall guy? I don't think there is such a thing. I think he's just a nut with an ego problem that hates too much. Everything is everybody's fault but his own.

Now it's just a game to him.

In some ways I pity the poor guy.
. . . and because it pisses off all the right people for me to point his out: I still find him freakin' hilarious!


"Be careful of those who bow down before you, they might be reaching for the corner of the rug."
. . . and because it pisses off all the right people for me to point his out: I still find him freakin' hilarious!


"Be careful of those who bow down before you, they might be reaching for the corner of the rug."

Hilarious that he has lied to newbies who didn't enter a contest because of him. Some were never heard from again. Hilarious for the long list of authors he has harassed into either not posting anymore or taking down stories they did have up. Hilarious for the lies he tells and the bullshit he starts?

Which of those is it?
Well, it is good to post assurances that Scouries is a fraud, but at some point posters need to take care of themselves and learn not to be so gullible.
How much do you think she pays her "Thai ex-Buddhist Monk"? Does she pay him in bats or whatever they're calling their money these days? By the vote swept or the contest?

And is this another case of some rich American shipping what should be well paying jobs overseas just so she can eke out a little more profit for herself while American families go hungry?


QUEEN'S Thai ex-Buddhist Monk" practicing for the upcoming summer lovin contest...​
Hilarious that he has lied to newbies who didn't enter a contest because of him. Some were never heard from again. Hilarious for the long list of authors he has harassed into either not posting anymore or taking down stories they did have up. Hilarious for the lies he tells and the bullshit he starts?

Which of those is it?

I think Bucky missed a lot of the early drama, when Jimbo was an actual pain. Now he's sort of like the idiot cousin who comes in to mop the floors once a week. All Bucky sees is the sideshow scouries puts on which, I have to admit, is occasionally funny.

In a poor, pathetic, egocentric way . . . .
With our old pal ace it always seems to come back to the ROYALTY issue and the arrangement the boss has with the ROYAL FAMILY.

He just is never able to get over the fact that his thousands of stories on the site earn nothing for him while certain others are amply rewarded.

At ScouriesWorld we call it performance pay. Justly earned and freely spent on the things all good Americans yearn for...


let the good times roll...​
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Is he the site fall guy? I don't think there is such a thing. I think he's just a nut with an ego problem that hates too much. Everything is everybody's fault but his own.

Now it's just a game to him.

In some ways I pity the poor guy.

I think there is room for us both to be right on this.

It is his own lunacy and self bloating of his numbers and fake contests that has gotten him to the point he gets blamed for a lot of things that at the end may not have anything to do with him.

I don't feel bad for him though because I believe its a contrived lunacy and he's the one laughing. Sort of like JBJ
As to Laurel's post pretty sure when she says multiple users under the same IP does not mean anything she si talking about Alts.

But it does mean something for sweeps I would think.
I agree that Scouries gets fingered for a lot of things that I don't think he has the smarts or the energy to have done. Like inflating someone's scores in a contest so that the sweeps would knock them down again. That's something I don't think he's either clever enough or interested enough to do (or that would particularly get the desired negative result, anyway). And I can't see him making the effort to go around and down voting others. I think he concentrates on puffing himself up.
I agree that Scouries gets fingered for a lot of things that I don't think he has the smarts or the energy to have done. Like inflating someone's scores in a contest so that the sweeps would knock them down again. That's something I don't think he's either clever enough or interested enough to do (or that would particularly get the desired negative result, anyway). And I can't see him making the effort to go around and down voting others. I think he concentrates on puffing himself up.

In my time here, yes.

I missed the "good times" of him mocking dead babies and proclaiming he met and had sex with an author here.

I think its sort of funny that you do not subscribe to the theory he "up-votes" contest entries or trolls them. Only because it was one of your "friends" that initially put that thought in my head to explain a contest screwing.

I believed it until I ran into someone who has a good understanding of how sites like this run and 'monitored' a contest last year. All I'll say is I learned differently which is why I gave up on my "anti scouries: thread.
I don't think he did that for simple common sense reasons. I think it far more likely, watching your behavior here, that you did it yourself. I don't think he puts that sort of energy in these things. I think you do. He's all bluff and mouth. You're a crazy asshole with a huge inferiority complex and a truly fucked up past (and present), which you love to tell us about. That's what I think. Yeah, I'll go with common sense. ;)
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