The Anti-Thread Version 2.0

I like spicy hot sunflower seeds. But they make to much noise when I eat them. *sigh*
Saint Valentine said:
I'm hoping things get better for you.


Thanks. But I'm getting used to it. Don't think I'd know what to do if it was any different. *shrugs*
BlueDaisy said:
Thanks. But I'm getting used to it. Don't think I'd know what to do if it was any different. *shrugs*

I've been there many times and I know how you feel, but the one thing nobody can take from you is hope.

Saint Valentine said:
I've been there many times and I know how you feel, but the one thing nobody can take from you is hope.


lol. yep. thanks for the reminder
Re: Snow...

Saint Valentine said:
...Bleh. 4 to 8 inches tonight. I want to move south. I'm sick of this shit.


Well, come to south Texas....we never get snow. Well, hardly ever. Very rarely.
Re: Re: Snow...

BlueDaisy said:
Well, come to south Texas....we never get snow. Well, hardly ever. Very rarely.

I just moved to Colorado from South Texas. 1st time I've seen snow since 1972 and it wasn't much then. But I'm lovin' it, for now.
Re: Re: Re: Snow...

mettalrokker said:
I just moved to Colorado from South Texas. 1st time I've seen snow since 1972 and it wasn't much then. But I'm lovin' it, for now.

Wherebouts in south Texas do you hail, if you don't mind my asking?
Oooh.. The Robins Eggs are out in the Easter Candy aisle.. wooo hooo!

Hi ya Blue. How are ya?
Neftoon_Zamora said:
Oooh.. The Robins Eggs are out in the Easter Candy aisle.. wooo hooo!

Hi ya Blue. How are ya?

Hey Neffie. Ok, I suppose. Sleepy as heck. Spent the evening from around 7 until midnight with our son in the ER. He was having bleeding and pain with urination. Since he has chronic renal insufficiency and only one kidney, we didn't wait until today to take him to be seen. Top that off with one of the girls being at a sleep lab being tested for apnea last night and I had to be up at 4 to go pick her up this morning.....I'm tired. lol Soon as I get the kids off to school, I'm headed back to bed.
Sounds like a loooooong night for you. I'll sing you a lullaby. No, that wouldn't work. My singing is worse than no-doze...
Neftoon_Zamora said:
Sounds like a loooooong night for you. I'll sing you a lullaby. No, that wouldn't work. My singing is worse than no-doze...

Well, in the words of my mother's cousin (said to her mother): "just rock mommy, don't sing". lol

Actually, I need no-doze instead of a lullaby. Or an IV coffee drip.

Sitting here trying to decide whether or not to let my son sleep in onger or get him up for school now so he won't be very late. And my brain is too tired to be making decisions.
Its gonna be 81 today WTF it was 56 and raining yesterday *sigh* welcome to Fl don't like the weather it will change pretty quick stick around,you could always move here SV seems all the other snowbirds do ;) Fl is the only state I know further south you go more northern it becomes minus the snow of course :nana:
Tranquility said:
Its gonna be 81 today WTF it was 56 and raining yesterday *sigh* welcome to Fl don't like the weather it will change pretty quick stick around,you could always move here SV seems all the other snowbirds do ;) Fl is the only state I know further south you go more northern it becomes minus the snow of course :nana:

If I do move South I don't think I'll get past Nawlins.

Saint Valentine said:
If I do move South I don't think I'll get past Nawlins.

Don't blame ya there that is one cool place and lots of things to explore. Even though I'm sure thats not why you won't make it past there :D
Saint Valentine said:
If I do move South I don't think I'll get past Nawlins.


I know it isn't in "Nawlins", but a move to Louisiana may be in our future. The base is in Bosier City, I think. We are not thrilled with the prospect of going somewhere where the mosquitos and humidity rival those of, or are worse than, what we have here in south central Texas.

Other than New Orleans and Mardi Gras (which I have no interest in), can anyone give me any good reasons why I shouldn't dread this possibility?
